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The italics are thoughts
Then , she ran.
Annabeth did the obvious thing , she ran and ran . She did what she knew most in the world .

The most surprising thing , she wasn't crying , she was hurt , extremely hurt  , she wanted the tears to come , but they didn't , all her emotions were just bottled up and it felt like they could explode any minute , like a ticking time bomb ..

Why did he do that was her main question and what she did that caused him to do that ? And the most horrible question was wondering around join her head .

Should we break up ??

She had many reasons for that .

Maybe he didn't love me anymore ?
Maybe Inez made him happier ?
Did I do something ?

She was going crazy and for the first time in her life , she wanted to die .

Percy , the person she loved most maybe didn't love her anymore ?

She wanted to rip her hair out

She finally stopped running and looked  around her .

This was the area behind  their apartment . Thinking about that place made her want to cry , but no tears came out . It was almost as if something inside her broke .

She sighed and sat down on the road , well aware of the fact she was still in a dress .
After a few minutes , she got up and went exploring , she really needed a peaceful pace where she could just sit think and sleep .

And yes , she was planning to sleep somewhere unknown , not caring about the fact that  monster could come and eat her .

After about an hour of searching and with the help of the light of her phone ,  she came across a pond  with a bench in front of it .
She texted the girls that she was okay and that they shouldn't worry or try to find her


Hey guys , I'm fine and okay and in one piece
Doing try to find or follow me please
I need time alone
I'm safe and I won't be coming home tonight
Love you 💗

Almost immediately cam pipers reply

Piper : oh , okay but please don't go run a way like that , we were worried sick !
Bye , love you too
Stay safe and come to me when you get up

Guess she was spending the night there !

Percy was going to run after Annabeth but a hand held him back . Inez

" let me go ! I need to find Annabeth "

" and the Valentine's day long and queen areeeeeeee : Percy Jackson and Inez gardener !"
The professor announced

Inez squealed

"  let's go ! "

And he was pulled onto  the stage and handed a crown to wear . He quickly wore it and turned to run when the professor held him back and said8

" pictures with your queen "

He tried to escape but the photographer held him back this time

He then went through 10 minutes of picture taking where times kissed his cheek , hugged him and they looked into each other's eyes . Then he was finally allowed to go .

He dashed out only to see no one .

my wise girl ran away because of me

He then left the party , got into his Lamborghini and went home . He only hoped he would meet Annabeth there but he knew he was going for too much
She wasn't there .

He looked at every spot he knew but no sign of Annabeth .
He got a text from piper

Annabeth is safe. She texted me
Says she wants to be alone
Wont be coming home today
Come back to the party

So he did what piper said and as soon as he reached there , he got a tight slap from piper

" what did she get do do deserve that ? "

" what did she ever say to you ? WHAT DID SHE DO TO DESERVE THE PAIN YOU CAUSED HER ?! ANSWER ME ! "

And then came another slap , this one was from Reyana

" you promised you would treat her like a queen . But you only gave her tears for the past week  "

He stayed quiet

" do you know what she was doing when I found her ?! "

He shook his head

" she cried herself to sleep on the beach ! Her eyes were bloodshot from crying and she hadn't eaten  anything since the night before ! Did you think of that when you went to that bitch's house " she slapped him again

He couldnt take it anymore

" INEZ IS NOT A BITCH ! Why does everyone think that ?! "

" still defends her " scoffed Thalia

Then she came and slapped him this time

" did you hear piper ? annabeth is a girl ! She was jealous for gods sake ! You were spending more time with Inez than Annabeth . You have nicknames for each other ! how would you feel if she had a nickname for Ben ?! , Annabeth was crying and you are the reason! "

That was when he fully registered everything that was happening . Annabeth had run away , because of him . she thought he didn't love her . Why was he being so insensitive ? What was he thinking ? Of course she was jealous , that explained everything . He was so into his own thing , he was so oblivious , he didn't even realize Annabeth was hurting .He was the worst best friend , much less a boyfriend

He wanted to kill himself .
Rip all his hair out but all he did was cry , cry like a baby .

" now he cries "

Thalia said and walked away .

All the girls followed suit , by they didn't do so before giving him a disapointing look .
The guys just stood there .

They didn't comfort him. Then Jason finally came to him , sat next to him and comforted him and took him home .. gods know how Percy slept that night .....

--------------------------------------------------------THE NEXT DAY -------------------------------------------------------------

Annabeth woke up in the morning with a frown on her face , but was quickly replaced by it a smile by  the beauty around her .

There were beautiful bird's chirping and the flowers were beautiful . Then she remembered the events of the night before and her mood soured
She stood up , stretched and headed to pipers house , there was no way in the world she was going back to Percy .

Speaking of Percy , she texted him

Seaweed brain 🍪🐟🌊
We need to talk .
Alone .
At your apartment after college .
Read :7:13

Then she rung the bell of pipers house .
Piper answered

" hey ! How are you , get in ! "

Annabeth got in and told her everything . Then showered and changed into A fresh pair of clothes .

She had breakfast and went to college like any other day. She tried to avoid the crowd but it was hard if you were the big talk of the college . Many students shot her disgusted looks , some sympathetic ones . She ignored them . her day was going well , till she met inez

" hello annabitch "


" oh hun don't ignore me . Just look up from that stupid big fat book of yours "

Annabeth still ignored her

Then Inez snatched the book away from her so she had no choice but to look at her . She was mad .

No one had ever had the guts to snatch a book from her . She looked at her , murder flashing though her eyes .

" what do you want ? "

" do you know Percy and I are the Valentine's day  and queen and king ? "

" I don't like gossiping much but yes I do know that . It just proves how much you would do to make yourself look better than me "

" oh please , why would I compare myself to a stupid blonde bimbo bitch like you ? I don't know why Percy chose you in the girls please anyway "

Annabeth couldn't take it anymore

" loook whose the one to talk . I'm surprised you actually managed to fit that piece of information in up your peanut sized brain . But I'm not surprised , considering you would do anything to make yourself as nice as me  , that's how sad your life is . But I don't care . I don't wanna spend my time on garbage like you anyways . And also , do you smell that disgusting smell ? Oh I'm sorry , you can't cause it's coming from you . "

Then she held up her middle finger .

Annabeth saw as Inez teared up . She was pretty sure it was fake and was just to attract attention . Little did he know , Inez saw Percy coming behind annabeth and started tearing up to make him think annabeth hurt her .
Then Inez whispered

" you really are a Γαμημένο σκύλα "

Then annabeth was about to slap her when Percy came and  held her hand hand back .
Her raised his eyebrow at Inez and frowned at annabeth .

Then he let Annabeth's hand go.

Annabeths ran away to class teary eyed . Just when she was about to turn around the corner , she looked back to see Percy apologising to Inez for her behaviour .
Little did she know piper was recording the whole thing and was also looking at Percy with shock........

Annabeth wanted to cry but refused to do so . So instead she went to the lastclass of the day shopping it would improve her mood .

-------------------------------------------------------------2 hours later ------------------------------------------------------------

Annabeth arrived at their apartment. She looked around ,nothing house changed much , she decided so change into a pair of her own clothes,  took out one of her books and started reading , waiting for Percy to arrive

After about 15 minutes later she opened to see Percy

"I'm sorry -"  then she spotted Inez with him
" - that you're a jerk "

She then went back to the study to read. As she inspected , Percy came and knocked
She opened it

" we need to talk "

" yes "

" why is she here ? I texted you alone ,which part of that word did you not understand? "

" she was crying and was really hurt about what you said to her so I invited her " he shrugged

" so you're not sorry about that day ? "

" why should I be ? "

" I was just dancing with her "

" on a romantic song , when you had a girlfriend who was also your date and you couldn't wait for her ? "

" but she was looking so sad sitting there looking at all the couples and I couldn't see her like that "

She scoffed

" so you can see your girlfriend who you know since you were 12 crying , but not  a friend that you met months ago sulking . Perce what happened to you , you were so caring and loving and sweet to me , to your wise girl , to everyone for that matter before you met her , please go back to being that Percy again , I loved and still do , love him .on the day you have me this , you promised you would never even dream of hurting me , but what happened to that promise ? Was all that just for show ? going through tartutus, kissing in the canoe lake ? I thought you really loved me " she whispered

"  annabeth can't you put your big fat ego aside for a second and see that you hurt her " he said , getting angry


" she didn't say anything to you !grow up !  And now you're gonna go out and go apologise to her "

" no ! "

" annabeth stop being so stubborn ! Now I see why Fredrick and Helen didnt want you " he said Then quickly realized what he just said

" what ?! " asked annabeth dumbfounded

" annabeth - I'm so so sorry I d-didn't mean that "

" what's done is done, and you wanted a  breakup ? You got one .  I'm sorry Percy , I thought you were better than that  " she said and with that , pushed him into the ground , showing something into his hand .

It was the promise ring he gave her .

Then he got up and saw annabeth  getting out of the house, but not before saying sorry to Inez

" I'm sorry I treated you like that . I'm sorry for all I said and did . You won , I lost . You can have him "
then she  looked at Percy . tears were now running down her cheeks , and her eyes were bloodshot  and had a broken look in them he'd never seen before .

He ran behind her , but she was already gone , he went to Piper's house but all he got from her was a " get the fuck out" He went back home where Inez was waiting 

 he asked her " what did you call Annabeth in the corridor today ? "

" oh I called her a stupid blonde bimbo bitch and a Γαμημένο σκύλα . I was right weren't I , you were to better off without her cause now no you have me ! " she then leaned forward to kiss Percy , she expected him to lean in too and kiss her back but  but he leaned away and pushed her back

" annabeth was right all along . You are a bitch . I made a stupid mistake , I'm crazy ! I made her cry ! She was crying and I -I believed you over her . I'm a horrible boyfriend . Shit"
while he was ranting , Inez took the ring and slided it down her finger

" wow  perce , this ring you got for me is beautiful ! Thank you ! "

He then became aware of the fact Inez was there  and growled at her


" Percy , calm down that isn't necessary! I'm doing you a favour "
she was about to touch his chest when Percy growled

" I said GET OUT ! "

Inez was terrified , she never saw this side of Percy . She started to protest , but when she looked at his eyes , which were unusually dark ,  something  told her not to , so she took of the ring and left without a word .

Once she got out , Percy sat down and processed everything .

I hurt her .
Made her cry .
She ran away the day before because of me.
I hurt her even though i'd promised her I would never even dream of doing that .
was the reason there were tears in those beautiful eyes
She'd never even done anything other than loved me, care for me and the best for me , yet i'd hurt her to such an impossible extent .
I'd taken advantage of the fact she didn't even have a nice loving father and step mother even though I knew he knew that was her weak point .
It was because of me that she hadn't slept in a comfortable bed the day before .
Even though she deserves the world , I gave her sadness and sorrow for the past few days .

And the worst part ?

I actually defended Inez when I should have been looking out for her .
We fought because of me  .
All because of me .
Why was I so blind ?
All along Inez treated annabeth like a worthless piece of shit , but She tolerated it because of me and that's how I repay her ?
All along She had me  fooled and I had stupidly thought She was some sort of mortal Angel from Elysium.
She probably doesn't want to talk to me ever again .
What's the point in living ?

Then he recalled their argument

" I'm sorry Percy , I thought you were better than that "
" you wanted a Breakup  , you got one "

she broke up with him

He started crying .
Then he remembered Thalia's words

" how would you feel if she had nicknames for Ben ? "

He would feel jealous , horrible , replaced . And then he got to know how annabeth , his wise girl felt whenever he talked about Inez

Then he thought of the day annabeth saw him dance with her . So he imagined Ben in his place , Annabeth in inez's place and himself in annabeths place , just thinking about it made him as mad as hell .

He was sorry , terribly sorry for that day then and yet again , realized how big of a mistake he'd done ....

He cried and cried and cried , because that's the only thing he could do .

As soon as annabeth was out of her former apartment and away from Inez and Percy , the dam broke , all her emotions that were  bottled up exploded , the bomb exploded .She

She thought of running , but didn't , she couldn't run forever , she had to learn how to tolerate the pain , the jealousy and the acid that was inside of her .

So she went to piper .

Piper called an emergency meeting with Thalia and Hazel . She didn't feel like talking to the other girls so it was just them 3  and annabeth told them everything .
They were very angry till the end and wanted to kill Inez , who broke their otp.

" so h-he s-s-said -t-that now I -un-undertand why H-helen and f- Fredrick d-didnt want me "

She started crying again .

" t-then I c-couldn't t-take it anymore and w-we broke up " then she bursted into tears for the 7th time

Thalia came and hugged her
" then what happened ? " she asked gently

" I r-removed my r-ring and ap-apologised to t-that bitch and c-came here  "

" oh annabeth , so sorry , about the Helen part , .maybe it just slipped out and he didn't mean it ? People tend to say things they don't mean when they're angry  " Hazel said

" Even though Percy is oblivious , he isn't that oblivious , I remember on my first quest , we had to give my Dad Circe's potion to relieve him of some trauma so maybe she gave him some potion ?" Piper said 

" maybe , it's a possibility , 'cause I've never seen Percy act this way, especially towards you  "
Thalia said gesturing towards annabeth.

" but would she even know how to make a potion considering how dumb she is , and don't you need to be a descendant of Hectate for that ? " Hazel inquired

" yes , maybe or , she could have easily bribed someone to do it " Thalia responded
" okay , now girls enough talk about that bitch , she isn't worth our time , so let's get cleaned up, order pizza , Ice cream  and have traditional post -break up romcom ! Oh and we can also have a sleepover  "

Thalia groaned but agreed

" okay , so I'm gonna text Jason to stay at -" she glanced at annabeth
"You know who 's house  and we can all have a girls night "

everyone nodded .

They all changed into pajamas , courtesy of piper . Then they spent the whole night having a  romcom and crying their eyes out , forgetting all their worries , fights and sorrows of life .... 


Hello ! No more updates today , I'm not in the zone or mood as I was yesterday . Sorry ! But to be fair you did get 3 chapters yesterday sooooo yeah !

And also please go visit the cappuccino awards , you can enter as a judge or a contestant . CafeCommunity

Please ?


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