Hey guys ! Thanks for the views and votes in the last chapter ,really means a lot ! ❤ 
I also wanna tell you that there will be only 10 , max 15 more chapters in this book. I have a huge surprise that I will tell you on January 15th so stay in tuned !!
{And no, Alpha_Snaps I am not gonna tell you , you're gonna have to wait :) } also I have holidays ! YAY!!! UPDATES EVERY OTHER DAY ! or everyday but I'm not gonna promise anything . And also there are traces of name calling here , soooo yeah !
Enjoy !

It was the next day and honestly, annabeth kept daydreaming about the day before. She  hadn't had as much fun in forever . She loved it , and the best part , Percy asked her to the dance ! It was absolute pure bliss.  She was in college ground  , thinking about her dress and discussing with piper , and yes , that wasn't anything like the annabeth we know but this was her girly side showing

" so I'm gonna come to your house at 3 :30  and we can go together to the mall ? "

" yep and the other girls are also gonna be there , excluding Inez " said piper

" okay great , anyways , what type of dress are you  are you thinking about ? "

" well obviously it has to be a pink , red , maroon kind of colour "

" Yeah , so ? "

------------------------------------------------------ a few hours earlier -----------------------------------------------------
P.A. system crackling

"Hello-hello testing one two three , can you hear me " a professor said

" yes , they can and it's live " hissed another voice

" okay , I'll start -" clears throat

" helllooo! Students of college of new Rome ( idk if that's a real thing )  ! Good morning , hope you are having a great day ! We have some announcements today -" clears throat

" so we have every activity after 2:30 pm canceled because the staff has a meeting at 2:45 , okay now that's done so students as you know we have a dance , that's officially the Valentine's day dance party , so the theme will be roses and love and all that ..
So the girls have to wear long proper gown type dresses of only the colours pink , maroon , purple , magenta , crimson etc , you get the idea . And you have to Attend , no exceptions "

By now half the class was groaning and half was squealing.

" and also the dance is at the campus  ground , starts at 7 and ends at whenever you want"

Now the whole class was cheering , annabeth was sure that someone would spike the punch .

" and that's it -I think anyways carry on with the classes "

----------------------------------------------------------- present time ---------------------------------------------------------

" I was thinking my dress be kind of maroonish with a bit of netting "

" Yeah , that colour would look good on you "

" what were you thinking "

" I was thinking ombre ? We'll see , but I know I want a 'v' neck , not a sweetheart neckline "

" okay  , that would look really  nice on you "

" mmmhm "

*Annabeth's phone tings *

Seaweed brain 🍪🐟🌊
Hey , where you at ?
I'm standing besides the car , wanna go home now ??

Yeah ,sure coming                                                                                                                                   Love you 💗💓

Seaweed brain 🍪🐟🌊
Love you too💓💕💛💚💙

Last read : 2:35

"Hey "

" hey " said Percy kissing annabeth

" gods I missed you " he said

" but I've only been gone like an hour "

" exactly , it's too long "

" now you can make up for it you know " said naughtily

" I don't know what you mean " said Percy innocently

" then I don't too "

" annnabeeeeth" Percy whined

" yes Percy " said annabeth innocently

She turned to look at him and was greeted by the feel of his lips

" mhmm, gods -I - love - you - so - damn - much " moaned annabeth between kisses

" I love you too " Percy said as he pulled away but her really didn't want to and neither did annabeth .

" so I have to go to pipers at half past 3 , and it's already 2:40 so we better hurry "

" your wish is my command "

Annabeth giggled

--------------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP --------------------------------------------------------------------


*knock knock*

Annabeth was at the door of jasper's house

She had showered and changed into a fresh pair of black skinny jeans . While getting ready , she thought of her dress and how she wanted it to be . She had decided one thing , it would not be a sweetheart neckline and was hoping for something with both light pink and darkish magenta . Strangely , this dance meant a lot to her . Maybe it was because of inez  and maybe just maybe , she was a tinsy tiny bit of her  felt proud and a little sense of victory when Percy asked her to the dance . She had never ever felt that way
before and wasn't sure she wanted to again . She felt happy but at the same time mean and not at all like herself , or maybe this was just normal she thought to herself .

Just then Jason came to answer the  door .

" hey Jason "

" hello , come in piper is inside in the bedroom "

" you're going to shop for a  tux ? "

" Yeah , Percy's coming too "

" he needed one "

Jason laughed

" I should get going now , bye annabeth , bye piper in gonna be home by 8 " time

" you have the spare key ? I'll probably be home later than you  " shouted piper from the bedroom

" Yeah , I'm gonna go now , and annabeths here "

" Oh okay bye , love you " she said getting out

" love you too "

Throughout it is while conversation, annabeth kept standing there awkwardly

Once they said their goodbyes , piper tackled annabeth into a hug

" hey " squealed annabeth

" can't -  breathe - " she added

" Oh yeah , sorry it's just that I'm so excited, eeeeek  so I've been thinking that we need such a dress for you that Percy will practically be drooling once he sees you cause I overheard Inez saying something about her dress being amazing and being shipped from Russia something , okay ? "

" well that'll be easy " annabeth said sarcastically

Piper laughed and they headed towards her car

" so I heard the boys are going tux shopping "

" yep, Percy reaaaaly needed one , the last on he had was probably from sally 's wedding"

" wow "

" Yeah , he was trying that on yesterday and he couldn't even get in , and I was like sitting on the side watching him struggle, laughing my ass off and he was just  staring at me like - this . Is. Not. Funny . Help. Me . which made me laugh even harder "

" tell me about  it , Jason did the same thing and it was hilarious "

" boys "

Piper  laughed

" so what were you thinking about the dresses ? "

" somebody's excited " piper teased

" yes , I am . I want it to be perfect . I was asking "

" Yeah , I was thinking- and I'm sure that most the girls will wear pink dresses ,so we get maroon,crimson and such colored dresses so we stand out -"

" but not too different so we stand out too much " annabeth added

" - Yeah and I was thinking we do little or no gems on the dress and minor makeup so it seems natural "

" seems you got it all sorted out , now look who's excited "

Piper shrugged

" as you said , we want it to be perfect

" but I hope they actually have something that suits out demands and that won't be easy"
Piper chuckled

" I know right ? We have our expectations too high "

" but if it so doesn't work , we can always ask your mom "

" no gods no , I hope it doesn't  at come to that "

Annabeth laughed

" we're here ! " piper announced

They got out of the car and into the mall

There they saw a group of girls waving to them and when they got near they saw it was Reyana , calypso , hazel , Thalia , roni and nessa .

" finally you guys came ! " Thalia exclaimed

" we've been waiting for ages " roni added

" we weren't late , you're early " annabeth stated

Thalia checked her watch

" no , you're late , by 46 seconds "

" whatever thals " said piper

" did you find something in the meantime ? "

" Yeah , we checked out that store and that store " Reyana pointed to 2 stores

" and there was nothing there , absolutely nothing ! Everything , every single dress was sold out "

" what ?! " annabeth exclaimed

" Yeah , the lady said that the girls had come and taken everything yesterday "

" Oh shit " piper said

" let's check some more , maybe in some other stores ? "Annabeth suggested

" We can check , but I don't think it's of any use "

Annabeth nodded

" let's check , what's the harm " piper said in an attempt not to upset annabeth

" okay "

----------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour later --------------------------------------------------------

" nothing ! Absolutely nothing " said piper

" what are we gonna do ? They're not gonna let us attend a-and Percy will go with Inez a-and she'll convince him to break up w-with me a-and - " annabeth started bawling

" wait holdup , what's this about Inez ?I thought she was a good guy now  " Reyana asked

Piper started explaining and by the end , every one was fuming

" annabeth why didn't you tell us before ? " asked nessa

" i-i thought y-you wouldn't b-believe me "

" why did you think that ? Of course we would believe you " said hazel

Meanwhile Reyana and Thalia were fuming

" I knew that bitch was trouble ! I'm gonna a kill her . She dares steal Percy from you ?! And Percy , oh I'm gonna beat the shit outta him . He did that to you ?! I made him promise he would treat you like a queen when he came to new Rome and he does all that shit ?! "

" calm down Reyana " said annabeth

" why should she  ? Oh that bitch ! Oh that Γαμημένο σκύλα! " said thalia ( fudging bitch )

" Reyana , Thalia  ! Stop " said annabeth , this time with some force

They  shut up

Then nessa started

" we're gonna go and we're gonna get you a dress that will make Inez look like garbage"

" exactly what I said " said piper

Annabeth cleaned herself up and they started searching , again

-------------------------------------------------------another 1 hour later ----------------------------------------------------

" it's no use " said annabeth

" no . Girls were gonna go my  house , get all the dresses we have and rendezvous at my house , we're gonna make something or have a try on party " said piper

" okay " said Reyana

" why ? Can't we am Aphrodite for dresses ? "

" no that's plan C "

-------------------------------- sorry guys another time skip to pipers house --------------------------------------

" okay so is everyone here ? "

" yep "

" we will now try on every single gown type of dress we have here and see the result I guess ? "

After she finished , a pink glittery type of light appeared in front of her closet . Everyone looked majorly confused . Except piper

" Oh , gods no ! " she said , one hand on her head and one hand on her hip .

Once the light faced ,piper proceeded to go and open her closet , revealing 8 beautiful dresses and a note .

" it seems like my mom  has taken special interest in our er-problems and left us the note" she then proceeded to read it

Hello . I got to know if your little  problem when you were in the mall .

So I have gotten you some dresses , I am in a good mood so I am giving you all the expect dress you imagined but if you take this dress , you will allow me to do your hair and makeup tomorrow .

And annabeth : go get Percy !

And  I know you will accept this because you have no other choice so I will be at pipers house at 6 . And you'll know which dress is yours .

Goddess of love

As piper finished reading . Everyone was grinning
" guess we have no choice ! Let's try em on ladies "

( ignore the extra ' I '  and yes I forgot that Thalia had choppy short black hair so it can be tied into a bun but just roll with it )

(The pink one is for nessa and the red one is for roni )
( The pink dress goes with the pink shoes and  red dress with the red shoes)

Annabeth was very excited . Her dress was perfect , just like she imagined . She reminded herself to thank Aphrodite during dinner

That night she slept with a smile one her face , dreaming about tomorrow .

Uuuuuuh, so I don't know what to say .so see ya soon? And someone guess what
Γαμημένο σκύλα means .

Also , which is worse perachel or lukabeth ??just wonderin

And sorry not sorry , this isn't edited so feel free to point out any mistakes

Please ?

Brooklyn ❤

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