Chapter Nine

It was the fifth night. Jinho still hadn't found anything. He was very tired, and I had asked Hui if he could have a break, but Hui said it was better if he powered through because the one night he didn't do it, they'd have another victim.

I was worried about Jinho becoming one, but I couldn't argue with Hui. Even Jinho was on Hui's side, so I stopped complaining.

Earlier that day, they had released Wooseok, because the DNA wasn't a match, and the gloves didn't fit him. It was a relief, but at the same time, the killer was still out there.

That night, things got scary.

Yuto and I were in the dorm with Kino, per usual. Yuto kept to himself. He was still irritated with us.

Hui called us at around 9.


"Hey," Hui says. "Um, Jinho said he's starting to fall asleep. I think we should call it off tonight. I mean I wanted him to stay, but we don't want him falling asleep and possibly get hurt."

Kino had tuned in. He nodded slowly. "Ok, get him out of there."

Yuto puts a flash card down and looks over at us. "Have him come here," Yuto said.

"Can you tell Jinho to come here?" I asked.

"Sure," Hui replied.

It was a moment later when things took a drastic turn.

"Oh, oh my God!" Hui exclaimed. The three of us perked up nervously. Jinho had been at the most recent site. "Guys, I'll be back! Jinho just got attacked!"

"WHAT?!" Kino and I shouted. But it was too late. Hui had left.

Yuto was already up and rushing toward the door. "Yuto, no!" I cried. I went to run after him, but Kino held me back. "Let go!" I said angrily.

"I'll be back, I promise!" Yuto said. With that he ran out the door and rushed to Jinho's aid.

Kino went into his trance almost immediately after Yuto left. I had freaked out. "KINO!" I screamed. I tried to shake him to get him to respond.

I don't think I have ever been more stressed in my life. Jinho and I had been slowly becoming good friends, and knowing I couldn't do anything as he was getting strangled made me feel like the worst person on Earth. Suddenly, Kino snapped out of it and I looked at him, fearful.

"Is he ok?!" I exclaimed.

Kino was breathing heavily. "Y-Yes, I think so!"

I cried out with relief. "Did you see Yuto or Hui?!"

"Not before I snapped out of it," Kino explained.

I got up and hurried out of the room, nervous, intent on finding them all.

I ran into Yuto first. He had been rushing toward the police station. "Yuto!" I cried. He turned to me, then we ran to each other and hugged tightly. Later on, when we were reflecting, he told me I hurt him when I hugged him then. I'd hugged him too tightly.

Yuto held my forearm and we started toward the police station.

"Wait!" I shouted. "What about Jinho?!"

"Hui is helping him! I'm getting someone!" Yuto responded. "Where's Kino?!"

"He's in the dorm," I said shakily.

Yuto and I were able to get a police officer. The three of us ran to get Jinho and Hui. Kino was nowhere to be seen.

Jinho had been crying. Hui looked terrified. I had never seen him look like that before. His eyes were wide, guilty. He had helped Jinho up.

"Ok, let's get you back to the station," the officer said to Jinho. "I'm so sorry sir. We have to ask you a few questions."

I hugged Jinho tightly. I remember being shaky. "Are you ok?" I asked him quietly.

He nodded. The officer looked at the three of us.

"We'd like to talk to you guys as well."

Yuto and I made eye contact, then agreed to going in.

The moment he went in a back room with Jinho, the three of us started coming up with a story.

"Either way, we're getting in trouble," I told them. "We were out past curfew, and if we tell the truth, then Hui is screwed. And Jinho might be too." Hui gulped.

"Well it really depends on what Jinho says," Yuto added. "If he tells the truth to why he was there, then we're gonna look like we're lying."

"Oh God!" Hui exclaimed. "I'm going to get arrested!"

Yuto told me later on he wanted to say I told you so, but he felt the timing would have been inappropriate.

"Well, how about this?" Hui started. "We should say we were all out for a walk, and we parted ways, but we heard him scream. Then we went to help him."

"That's fine. We were just out for a walk though?" I asked skeptically.

Hui thought about it. "I mean, we could say we went to go to the movies, but it was packed, so we went out to eat instead."

"No," I declined. "Then they'll ask where we went, and they'll ask the people there if they recognize us."

"She's right," Yuto agreed. "How about we just wanted to get away from campus, so we took a walk?"

"Ok!" Hui said with relief. "That's great! Perfect!"

I didn't have my phone with me at the time, so I couldn't text Kino to see where he was. I had been irritated at first, but then I realized him not coming to our aid was probably a good idea. It would have been so suspicious if he showed up randomly.

We also decided Hui would come back to my dorm to explain what happened, when... if we got out of there.

Jinho came back out looking a bit disheveled. I stood and immediately hugged him. "I'm so glad you're ok!"

"Thank you, Eden," he replied. "I'm going to get escorted to my dorm now."

"Ok," I said soothingly. "You should get some rest."

Jinho left after that.

The interrogation is blurry because it happened so long ago. I remember being asked what 'a young lady like myself was doing out that late at night', and I said I was out for a walk with my friends. They were growing more and more suspicious of us, especially Yuto. He had been interviewed twice now.

However, they let us go with just a warning to follow curfew. I was released first, but I waited for Yuto and Hui before heading back to the dorm. Hui was the last one to be released. I sat with Yuto and waited, and waited, and waited.

Finally, he was released.

Yuto and I both stood and looked at Hui with wide eyes. He nodded once. "Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow," Hui said.

"Ok," I said. "See you tomorrow."

He left first, but I knew he was heading back to my dorm.

Yuto and I both said thank you to the officers before leaving as well.

We head back to my dorm quickly.

"I'm so sorry," Kino exclaimed as we walked in. "Are you guys ok?!"

Hui had been sitting in Yuto's desk chair, head in his hands.

"We're fine," I replied. "Jinho went back to his dorm. He's really shaken up about the whole thing."

I looked over at Hui, then bent down and hugged him tightly. "Are you ok?"

He was crying pretty hard. "It's my fault," he said, leaning into me. I squeeze him once, sighing.

"It's not, Hui. You can't control what other people do. It wouldn't have happened if the killer wasn't there."

"It also wouldn't have happened if Jinho wasn't there."

I had nothing to say to that, but I held him tightly. Kino didn't seem to mind.

I felt bad because I wanted to help Jinho out, but he wanted to be alone. He was the type to keep to himself after something happened.

Kino began talking as I tried to soothe Hui.

"I wish I could have helped more." Kino was crying. "Watching that happen to Jinho... it was horrible! Is he ok?"

"He's not hurt," Yuto told him. "He just wants to be alone right now."

"I-I couldn't go down there," Kino said through tears. "They already suspect me, and if I went, then I'd be even more suspicious."

"We understand," I said. Hui sat up and wiped his eyes, so I let go of him. I rubbed his shoulder for a moment before going over to Kino and hugging him as well. "This isn't your fault. It's... it's honestly mine."

"How is it your fault?" Kino said a tad harshly.

"I agreed that we should have Jinho look for things."

"No, this isn't your fault," he said as he walks over to Yuto.

"It's not," Hui agreed.

It didn't matter that Kino and Hui felt that way. In my heart, I knew I had been part of the reason Jinho was attacked.

I realize now it's kind of hypocritical because Hui and I were both in on it, but I didn't blame him at all. I still don't.

"Yuto, you're... a good friend," Kino said hesitantly. He wasn't lying, just being careful with his words. "I'm sorry we've been going against you this whole time. You're probably the only reasonable one here."

Yuto shrugged. "I've been your friend for years. Just try to remember that. I'm not doing this to go against you or anything. I just think... well, getting in the middle of it was a bad idea, but it happened, and here we are. What now?"

I could tell Yuto wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't used to getting apologized to. Kino thought about his question.

"Well, I guess now we just wait. I think we should talk to the others, even though they don't trust us. We could see their reactions, try to come to some conclusions."

Yuto and I both agreed.

All three of the guys stayed in my dorm that night. 

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