Chapter Two

Whilst listening to the music I keep my eyes closed, trying to tune out the constant bickering and just focus on the music. I always like soundtrack music more than more 'traditional' songs so the majority of my music in my phone is that. A large dent of my favourites are done by Hans Zimmer, John Williams and John Powell. I may not even be a movie person really but a soundtrack can make it worth it. I rest my head on the cool glass, hoping we're there soon. I don't open my eyes to check though. The last thing I need is to get roped into this argument.

A while passes when someone gently pokes my arm making me jump slightly at the unexpected contact. I open my eyes and take off my headphones, looking at Skipper with a questioning look.
"We're here," he tells me. I glance forward and am surprised at how big it is and how nice it is. We didn't have to pay much given some of the organisations Skipper is in contact with given the enemies we have taken down – such as the CIA- footed most of the bill but I wasn't expecting something this excessive. It looks like there are three floors including the ground floor but I think the site mentioned there was also an attic and basement. From what I can see of the outside it is very modern and has an outdoor pool and a running track (yaaay). If there is that much already there is probably even more inside. Private and Rico get out, heading in to probably call dibs on the best room. Or second best as Skipper will probably end up with the biggest one. I decide to not rush as honestly I couldn't care less given I am getting a lab as well. A room is really only there for sleeping.

"Hey, Kowalski?" Skipper says, regaining my attention. "Sorry I snapped at you..."
"It's fine," I say with a small smile. "I get being pretty impatient with such a long journey. Why do you think I had my headphones in my satchel instead of a box?" He chuckles slightly.
"Fair enough," he says. "Shall we head in?"
"Mhm," I say and pick up the satchel, swinging it over my shoulder. In it is my tech stuff (except for my computer and one of my laptops). I have a computer and two laptops which I will admit is excessive but I do hacking and one of them is totally full of games. One was also a gift so it isn't too excessive.

Once in it is really big inside too and pretty fancy, even lacking the furniture. I have a look around and settle on the smallest room on the ground floor which is directly next to the lab.
"You know there's a bigger room, right?" Rico asks me from the doorway.
"True but this one is nice," I reply with a shrug. "We could keep the bigger one as a guest room or something. What would I need a big room for anyway? I only use it for sleeping and storing books."
"Yeah fair point. Is like all of your stuff books?" he asks.
"Pretty much," I say with a shrug, sitting cross-legged. It's lucky beds were already provided: one less thing to buy at the furniture store. Especially as Skipper probably wouldn't let me just get the cheapest one. Skipper appears in the doorframe.
"Any furniture shops still open, Kowalski?" he asks me. I scroll through my phone and nod, clicking on maps to see how far it is and make sure it actually has reasonable prices and quality.
"There's one about a ten minute drive away, maybe twenty?" I say. "And it's open for hours yet so we'll definitely have time."
"We'll head off now then given the van with most of our stuff isn't due to arrive for a few hours yet," Skipper says and we nod in agreement.
"Should we unload the car first in case we buy anything portable?" I ask.
"Good idea Kowalski," Skipper agrees, "We'll put it all in the living room and sort it later when other stuff arrives."


"So what do we need to get?" Private asks as we head into the furniture store.
"Everything for the living room, any furniture for the bedrooms you want or other rooms like the lab or kitchen," Skipper lists. "Cutlery and stuff...If we see it and want it is likely but we don't want too much mix of stuff. Kowalski, anything else?"
"Paint?" I suggest, fiddling with a loose thread on my jacket. I don't like being asked questions that aren't in my expertise. I don't like having to guess. "I mean we probably will end up getting a decorator but given it is a big place it is only fair we provide the paint ourselves?" Please don't be a stupid idea. Skipper nods in agreement.
"We better settle on colour schemes for the shared rooms," he says. "The training gym area doesn't need decorating...The bathrooms?"
"Blue?" Rico suggests. "Not the best colour but it works for a lot of bathrooms?"
"Blue it is," Skipper agrees. "I was thinking blue for the kitchen as well. What about the living room?"

"Pink!" Private exclaims, eagerly. Me and Skipper exchange a look. A look that doubtlessly agrees that it is a complete 'no'. Pink isn't great. It isn't even good. "No pink? How about rainbow!" That is even worse. Not that I would say that: that may offend him, then he could be offended which may upset him. If I upset him he may dislike me which may lead to everyone disliking me wh-
"Kowalski, what do you think of red?" Skipper's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I shrug. Indifference really. "Okay, do you dislike red?" I shake my head. "Red it is then. Not a bright one though." We add those to the trolley and keep shopping. It comes to the point we have several notes of furniture we are going to buy and three trolleys full of smaller things we can fit in the car.

"Kowalski, getting anything? We all got a desk chair and comfy one but you haven't got the latter," Skipper says.
"I'm good," I say. "I can just sit it on the normal chair. Or my bed. No need to be excessive." At this point we are going past the beanbags and from the corner of my eye I notice a space one. It is a deep blue, rich purple and black dotted with white specks representing stars. It is larger than most beanbags and I can imagine spending hours curled up on there reading a book or fiddling with spare parts. Not to mention it looks really comfy. I haven't had a beanbag in a while and had to get rid of one prior after...Well disaster does tend to follow me like electrons looking to be complete.

"Want it?" Skipper asks, no doubt noticing where my attention is now focused. I consider and head other, checking the price. I sigh and let the label fall but try to hide my disappointment as I turn back to Skipper.
"I am not spending that much on a beanbag," I say, shrugging slightly. It isn't an essential so it isn't something I would waste my money on. "Uh...Skipper?" He puts it in the trolley, looking slightly smug.
"You are having it," he states.
"But Skipper, it is too expensive," I protest. "It isn't w-"
"My treat," he interrupts. I open my mouth to protest. "No arguing, Kowalski." I sigh but smile slightly.
"Fine," I agree. "Thanks, Skipper."

We finally pay and leave, being told the van of our stuff from here will be shortly behind us. I check my phone and see the one with the majority of our stuff will be arriving at a similar time. Which is good, unpacking is something not exactly enjoyable but it does keep me busy.


I have got most of my boxes from both vans and the car to my room and lab. A loud crash gets my attention but I just roll my eyes. Private probably knocked something over. I am not dealing with this. Then I hear my name mentioned. Uh oh. I open my bedroom door. Private is there looking worried and Skipper looks irritated, arms crossed over his chest.
"What's going on?" I ask, worried when I realise that the broken box is one of mine. More specifically the one with my microscope in it.
"I didn't realise I was carrying this up because I didn't realise it was yours. It slipped out of my hands, fell down the stairs and broke," Skipper says with a guilty expression. "I am really sorry, Kowalski."
"It's fine," I say. It isn't but it is Skipper who is the last person I want to start petty arguments with. Private can be plenty annoying but Skipper is probably the person I am closest to.
"It isn't fine," Skipper says. "You don't seem happy and I don't blame you for it. I am getting you a new one tomorrow."
"But -"
"But nothing, Kowalski."

Knowing I can't win this argument I go back to my room to make a start on unpacking. It is going to take ages given how many books I have. Not to mention I have my stuff plus my scientific stuff and the books need ordering. I start with the back of the first shelf which is the physics books I rarely read which will have the ones I do in front. A good pattern which acts a semblance of much needed structure.
"Hey. How is it going?" The sudden voice makes me jump but I don't have to turn around to know who it is. A calming voice, despite how much time he spends snapping at people and giving orders.
"Pretty well," I reply.
"Need some help?" Skipper offers, sitting by me next to the shelf given I have finished the top ones.
"I should be fin-" I begin but he helps me regardless. "That was a rhetorical question, right?" He nods with a grin.

Well it is spending time with Skipper so I won't complain. 

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