Chapter Seventeen
When I wake up it is with a stabbing pain in my head, nausea and blurry vision. I sprint to the bathroom as fast as I can, despite my steps being slightly uneven, and get to the toilet just in time to be sick, coughing violently at the burning taste as the excessive alcohol makes a reappearance.
"Ugh..." I mutter, placing my head against the cool wall, trying to see if my stomach settles at all and my head throbs even more. There is a slight knock on the still open door: I look up, glaring at whoever is making the noise. I see Kowalski is there, holding a glass of water and some painkillers. Oh thank God for empathetic people...
"I left these on the coffee table but didn't take into account that you often get sick when you get yourself that drunk," he says, passing me the water and painkillers.
"How did you know I was up?" I ask, frowning. It is pretty early. "Oh. Right. You nearly never have a lie in."
"I did after being knocked out," he replies, voice slightly quieter than usual and I am assuming it is to help with how bad the headache is.
"Um...did I do anything stupid?" I ask him. He suddenly refuses to make eye contact with me and is slowly backing away. "Oh shit, I did. Kowalski, what did I do?"
"Nothing," he mumbles, still not making eye contact. Okay. Something bad.
"Was I jerk?" I ask, warily. He shakes his head. "Kowalski..."
"You really weren't a jerk," he says. "Just uh...tad clingy."
"Uh oh..." I say. "How clingy?"
"Just...clingy," he mumbles. I sigh. Why is it so hard getting a straight answer from Kowalski sometimes? I mean he is pretty shy and never seems too apt at understanding clinginess.
"Did I say anything stupid?" I ask.
"I wouldn't say stupid..." he murmurs, fiddling with his hair. That means yes. "Just...uh..." He doesn't finish what so I am sticking with stupid.
"How's your head?" he asks.
"Better now," I reply. "Still a little...ugh though."
"Rico and Private looked a bit like they drank too much as well," Kowalski says. "I did tell you to pace yourself."
"Yeah well, you are always right," I mutter. "No training today I think." I grin slightly as Kowalski noticeably perks up. "Figured you'd like that. Wanna just go nothing all day except watch films or read?"
"Sure," he agrees. "What do you eat to help with hangovers? Pizza?" I nod. "I'll make you pizza for breakfast then." I chuckle slightly but nod. Right now pizza does sound good.
As he rolls out the dough realisation settles in.
"Can't you just order a pizza?" I point out.
"This is lighter so I might actually like pizza for a change," he says with a lose shrug. "Also no pizza places will be open this early."
"Oh, good point," I admit. "What toppings am I having?"
"Get out whichever you want," he replies, getting the sauce he's been making off the hob. I don't think I have it in me to point out he could have just got some out of the cupboard. I get out the ham, pepperoni and mini meatballs. He puts them on mine, along with the cheese. He just puts some herbs and basil oil on his own. Well each to their own I guess.
Eventually it is served and we sit on the sofa, Kowalski actually making a dent in it for once. We find a movie with a mix of Sci-Fi and action so we both enjoy it. I notice him wince slightly as he leans back and frown slightly.
"You okay?" I ask. He nods. "You sure?"
"Mhm. Just few bruises from training yesterday," he replies.
"Are you sure that's it?" I ask, doubtfully. He leant back so it was the pressure on his back that was hurt and I can't remember him getting any hits there.
"Yeah, remember I collided with the wall?" I don't remember but he does look like he's telling the truth so I quickly drop it.
How have I come apt at lying about this to the point Skipper drops it? Skipper has always been pretty good at reading me plus I never collided with a wall. I'm glad he believed me though because if Skipper got hurt by Gale because of me then I would never forgive myself. Heck, if anyone I care about did then I wouldn't. The fact that he used a belt has been getting to me ever since. Even though it has been less than a day it feels like much longer given the mix of pain and trying to think of what he may do to me next.
"Did you manage to help Gale yesterday?" Skipper asks.
"Mhm," I confirm. I technically did when doing everything he told me to. It just wasn't the computer help he claimed. "Was quite a simple issue really." Plus things will be abundantly simpler now I have it through my thick head to not argue with Gale.
The door opens and I flinch slightly when I see Gale's eyes are locked on mine.
"You two are having pizza for breakfast?" he asks. Skipper nods.
"I set up some bases in the kitchen if you want any..." I add, quietly. I figured if I didn't then I would get into trouble which given the marks on my back aren't even close to healing yet I do not need any more bullshit.
"Any toppings?" he asks. I get the hint, despite how it is framed in a pretty innocent question.
"I'll go check," I say, getting up to move but Skipper's gentle hand on my wrist stops me.
"Check the fridge, Gale. There should be some stuff in there," Skipper replies. He then gives me a stern look. "We've been through this, Kowalski. You aren't everyone's personal chef. People can do things themselves." I mean yeah but I don't want Gale to be pissed at me. I risk looking Gale's way to make sure he won't be too angry. He mouths 'fine' to me so I stay seated as Skipper unpauses the movie.
"So, Kowalski, which one next?" he asks me as the film finishes.
"Choose any, I'm going to have a quick shower," I reply. It would probably be a good idea to check the marks and to change the bandages given quite a few were bleeding given half the time he hit me with the metal buckle rather than the leather.
"K, I'll also make you a pot of tea," he replies as I head to the bathroom.
In the corridor I manage to avoid the foot that is being stuck out by Gale to trip me. He kicks me hard in the shin for retaliation and I wince, being careful to not make any noise that could alert the others to what is going on.
"Snitched yet?" he whispers, hands tugging the ends of my hair again, yanking out several strands, making me wince. I shake my head, taking a breath of relief when he releases it. "Oh, good. You are finally getting it through your thick head that I'm in charge." He heads back into his room and I quickly lock the door, taking a deep relieving breath at the realisation that I am now safe behind a lock. If I could I would spend all day behind the lock but given I have plans no. Plus that would really give away something was wrong.
I take off my pyjama top and cringe when I see the marks in the window. They somehow look even worse than they did yesterday. I run a lukewarm shower to be as fast as I can in there. The water pressure hurts and despite being mostly healed a few of them for a short time gives the water going into the drain a slight red tinge. No wonder it hurts so fricking much. I finish as fast as I can, adding a fresh bandage and change into my clothes making sure the shirt is a loose one to minimise any pain that I can.
I head back into the living room; not bothering to dry my hair besides making sure it isn't dripping and sit cross-legged just as Skipper comes in with a pot of tea.
"I waited for the shower to stop before I made it so it wouldn't go cold," he says, putting it down and his coffee. "Oolong tea okay?"
"Oolong tea is great," I reply with a small smile. "Thanks Skipper."
"It's just tea, Kowalski. It's no big deal," he replies. I don't say anything but he isn't right. It isn't 'just tea'. It is something good when everything else is so soured these days. It is something comforting when I constantly need to be on edge or guarded to prevent myself getting as hurt. Skipper doing simple nice things for me reminds that not everything these days has to be bleak even though things keep getting worse.
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