Chapter Eight

There is a deep pain pulsing through me, a distinct sour taste in my mouth. My head feels like it has been twisted in a knot and it throbs even more so where his elbow connected with my skull. The ache is coursing through each of my limbs and there is the distinct feeling of cold metal bellow me but the comforting feeling of warm fingers running through my hair. I wince, opening my eyes, and then quickly closing them as the harsh light does nothing to help my pounding head.
"Kowalski, you awake?" Skipper's concerned voice asks. His voice sounds pretty near so I am assuming it is Skipper who was running their fingers through my hair bus has now stopped.
"Mhm," I murmur, forcing myself to open my eyes properly and look up at Skipper's concerned expression. I push myself up, sitting up and Skipper's jacket that is over me like a blanket falls loosely to the ground.
"You okay?" Rico asks me. I nod but instantly regret it as it only makes the aching worse.

Ugh. My vision still is blurry at the edges and my head burns. I hate being knocked out...
"The guy who knocked you out really seems to hold a grudge against you," Skipper says. "He knows you from somewhere. Where?"
"Not sure," I admit, glad the dizziness is slowly subsiding. "I know that I know him but not sure from where..."
"How could you forget a guy like that?" Skipper asks, doubtfully.
"It may have been a long time since I saw him so he looks different?" I guess. "I'll look into it once we've escaped." My gaze lands on Gale. "Have you explained what is going on to him?"
"Yep," Skipper confirms. "Took it well all things considered. Plus seems pretty calm about being kidnapped."
"No use panicking," Gale replies with a loose shrug. "The more you panic the more likely you are to the something stupid when trying to escape. I've seen enough horror movies to know that." Skipper chuckles slightly nodding in agreement. "The thing is now do we escape?"

"I could pick the lock," I say, examining the lock closely. "I was unconscious when we were dragged off so how far we are from the way we came in?"
"About a minute left from where we were ambushed," Private replies. Hmm. So we went down and left...then a minute left again. I consider, thinking about the layout of the building I examined on the way here. "We go down the stairs to the right, keep going down and head down a ladder we should eventually end up in abandoned tunnels. I think they used to be sewers..."
"Ew..." Private mutters.
"Abandoned," I reiterate. "They won't be filled with sewage."
"Well that's a relief," Skipper says. "Won't it be barred off?"
"Hopefully it'll have a lock and not just bars," I murmur, nibbling on my lip. If not we have to rego through the entire complex and the lost time will increase our odds of being caught. Especially given I am a pretty inept and a hindrance to the group.

We said this hushed enough that the henchman guarding us didn't hear us. As soon as he is close enough to the cell Skipper reaches through the bars and slams him against it then swings an elbow into his temple knocking him out.

I get one of the paperclips from my sleeve and twist it into the lock until the door swings open. Thankfully it is quiet or that would instantly draw attention to our escape.

We head through the building, eventually arriving at the bars. Something is off about it though. The door part with the lock is new compared to the rusting rest. I'm not saying anything though. The last thing we need now is worrying because that can very easily lead to making mistakes. I pick this lock and we enter the darkness.

It is nearly pitch black, the place looked like it is solidly ink and it is so hot with the little air filtering through. It doesn't help that I am still pretty dizzy and with each step I am fighting the urge to just collapse onto the concrete. Maybe that is why my eyes aren't adjusting to the darkness. I rub my head again, the sour taste not fading from my mouth and vision occasionally blurring. I need a long sleep, some painkillers and a soothing cup of tea. I stumble slightly and I feel a hand catch me by the shoulder, stopping me from falling.
"You okay?" Skipper's concerned voice asks. "And don't say yes, I can tell you aren't."
"I am though," I mumble, trying to ignore the throbbing in my head and the vision that blurs in and out. "We're only about five minutes left then a few minutes from the car..." My voice trails off and I cringe at how even my own voice is making the aching worse.

The end of the tunnel comes pretty fast but the harsh light burns into my retinas and makes me want to curl into a small ball with my hands over my eyes. We can see the car at least...
"Who is having the front?" Private asks.
"Kowalski," Skipper replies. "He needs sleep and there won't be room with three in the back." Normally I'd argue, they probably want it right now especially Gale. He did get kidnapped after all which can be traumatic. I'm too tired though and Skipper's right. I do need sleep. We get into the car and Skipper tosses me the box of painkillers from the medi kit. I take two of the pills, not bothering with water, and rest my head against the glass of the window. I am already drowsy from everything and painkillers always zap me out of emery into needing a long nap. Almost immediately my eyes drift closed and I yawn, feeling my head begin to nod.

Kowalski falls asleep almost immodestly and I smile slightly. He can be pretty adorable at ti- No brain, we have been through this!
"Gale, you should stay with us a while," I say quietly so I don't wake up Kowalski. "If you got kidnapped then they will go after you again." As we stop at a red light I reach over and brush Kowalski's hair from his eyes. He barely even murmurs so he is pretty deeply asleep. Fucking idiot who knocked him out...God it was tempting to stay until I inflicted worse damage but we needed to escape. If I was alone however...
"It wouldn't be a trouble?" Gale asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. Unlike me he didn't lower his voice and I give him a look. "Sorry." Good, that is quieter.
"Of course it isn't too much trouble," I reply with a small smile. "We got you into this mess so it is the least I can do." I glance through the mirror and see Private is about to put on music. "No, Private, Kowalski is asleep."

Private puts his phone away and I go back to focusing on the conversation with Gale.
"We have a spare room anyway," I say. "And it already has the necessary furniture anyway."
"If you're sure," he says with a smile. "I'll do all the decorating for free including what I've done to make up for it."
"You don't have to th-" I begin but he cuts me off.
"No, but I want to," he says cheerfully. "Is Kowalski okay?"
"He should be," I say. "He just needs a long sleep. Probably some tea as well." I know Kowalski well enough by now to have constant need for tea.

We pull into the driveway and I gently shake Kowalski's arm. He stirs slightly but doesn't wake up.
"Kowalski, we're home," I say, giving his arm a gentle shake. He opens his eyes for a second then reclosed them. "Hey, no, you can sleep once we're inside."
"Fine," he mumbles and opens them. He still looks dizzy and doesn't seem too steady on his feet.
"You don't have a concussion, do you?" I ask in worry, catching him by the arm again.
"No," he says. "Well. Not severely...Just need rest..."
"Want some tea?" I offer. "It may help clear your head."
"I would but I doubt I'd stay awake long enough to make it," he says, sheepishly, adjusting his glasses.
"You get ready for bed and pyjamas and all that. I'll make you some tea," I say. "And yes, I know I don't have to but I will."

I make lavender tea: I personally find it disgusting but Kowalski likes it and it is meant to be a calming tea. According to the tea lover anyway. I put it his colour changing periodic table mug and head to his room, knocking on the door.
"Come in," his drowsy voice calls. O head in. He is sat cross legged on his bed with the array of pillows, his Star Wars pyjamas hanging loosely off his slim form and a blanket around his shoulders. I place the tea on his bedside table and give him a small smile.
"Feeling better?" I ask.
"Not really," he says, taking the tea and having small sips. "Sleep should help though."
"You have a pass for training tomorrow," I say matter of factly. "You need the rest."
"Mmkay," he agrees tiredly. "Thanks for the tea Skipper..."
"You're welcome," I say with a smile. "Sleep well, Kowalski."

I head out, turning the main light off behind me given his lamp is already on and shut the door behind me. 

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