Chapter 18

Daniel's P.O.V.

     What the hell did I just get myself into?

    This question runs through my head as our guards walk up to our cell. I lift off the bed to help Joey, but of course, he denies it.
    "Can I come to listen? Just so that way Joey doesn't have to relive this over and over," I ask, wipping my palms on my pants to take away the sweat that is flooding them.
    "Of course. Come here, Daniel," my guard tells me as he places me in handcuffs. Joey is placed in handcuffs and his guard puts him in a wheel chair they must have brought for him. Oh how I wish I could just carry him and let him know everything is going to be okay. But no, I had to be an ass and then Joey had to overreact.

    "Alright, Joseph. Start from the beginning," my guard tells to Joey. They are sitting at and interrogation table. The two guards on one side, Joey on the other, and I am chained to the chair in the corner. I am facing Joey from the corner and also starting at the back of the guards heads.

    "I was sleeping. And then I woke up to a sharp pain around my neck. I opened my eyes and -" he stopped talking and looked over at me. A tear fell down his cheek as he bit his lip and looked straight down into his lap.
    "Joseph, what happened?" Joey's guard asked him. Joey look up to the ceiling and shook his head.
   "I had my hands around my neck. I was choking myself in my sleep. I freaked and screamed. Preston came over to me and tried to calm me down but I wouldn't listen. He put his hands on my to try and hold me down so I wouldn't ve so elevated. Well, I punched him. So he hit me back and then I started to beat myself up. I then took Preston's knife and I stabbed myself. After I stabbed myself, Preston came at me to try and help but I only fought back. And that is where you guys stepped in," Joey says as if he rehearsed this a hundred times. He looks back over to me, his eyes look dark and his under eyes appear even darker.
    "You want us to believe you did this to yourself?" My guard asks Joey as Joey bites down on his lip again.
    "I told you the truth and now it is up to you to believe me," Joey said gripping the chair tight with his cuffed hands.
    "Well maybe Daniel isn't safe in your cell maybe no one is safe in your cell Joseph. We will have another talk later about the outcome of this. But until then, you and Daniel have to stay where you are while us guards go talk this over," my guard says as they both stand up and exit the room.

     "That's bullshit," I tell him, looking straight at him. He keeps his gaze straight down at some blank paper on the desk.
    "Nothing is bullshit, Daniel. I told the truth. Your choice is to believe me or not," he tells me not looking me in the eyes. I start laughing, hard. Joey shakes his head as my laughter echos through his ears and he tries to shake off everything.
    "You can not honestly tell me that is the truth!" I tell him, and he starts to cry. The tears run down his face all down his beautiful neck and through his worse for wear clothing.
    "It is tragic that you don't believe me, Daniel," he says gritting his teeth trying to hold back his tears.
    "It's tragic that you're lying!" I tell Joey, slamming my loose feet on the ground causing him to jump.
    "We're over, Daniel," Joey whispers. And even though he whispered it, his voice carried as if 50 of him screamed those three, stupid words.
    "Are you kidding me right now?" I ask him as he looks up at me with all of his soul lifted out of his face.
    "Do I look like i'm fucking kidding, Daniel?" Joey asks me, violently throwing his head all around.
    "You only dated me for protection anyways," I tell him. I want to get to the bottom of this whole topic. Ryan told me it but I never had time to actually ask Joey. And I guess now is as good as ever.
   "You're full of jokes today, Preda. Who the hell told you that?" He yells. This time his voice is echoing.
    "Ryan told ne all about it. You know, you could've just saved me the trouble and not have gone out with me," I tell him rolling my eyes as his begin to soften just a bit.
    "And you believed him?" Joey asks me as he returns back to his whisper.
    "I can't even believe you right now, Joey. So don't be offended that I believed Ryan!" As soon as that sentence finishes, the guards bust through the door to tell Joey what the final verdict of what will happen is. And honestly, I still am terrified from losing my baby that I don't know what else could make this situation much worse.

Author's Note:
I'm a bit upset from the way people on here have been treating me. I'm a human being. I'm not a real author. I make mistakes. Surely you can tell that after one person has pointed out my mistakes you don't have to jump on the band wagon and bash me too. Also, I obviously don't update everyday. But I have a life just like you guys that I need to live. So I am sorry if that offends you that I don't update daily but I pour my heart and soul into everything I write. So please, stop telling me to update. No, it isn't everyone. And for those of you who are patient with me, thank you. I really appreciate it. I have been wanting to address this for a long time. Thank you for reading my stories. I love you all so much.

     Xoxo, Kaylin

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