Chapter 12

Daniel's P.O.V.

I didn't sleep. Well, it wasn't like I had much of an option. Being held in a room while you hug yourself all night really isn't the most warming place to dream.

"Wake the hell up," my guard said to me as soon as he opened the door. The light shining in burned my eyes, considering I had been in pitch black for a few hours.
"Oh but I was never asleep," I retorted back, instantly regretting it when I was rewarded a slap across my face.
"Don't get fucking smart with me, Preda. We already held you here through showers and breakfast. It is time for all the prisoners to go outside," he tells me, grabbing the straight jacket and undoing it. I can't say it was the most comfortable thing in the world.

As soon as it came off, my arms fell like jello. They were so sore from staying in one fixed position. But of course, the guard jerked me up and put my arms around my back, handcuffing me.
"Could you be a bit more gentle? I'm sore from hugging myself all night," I say blinking time after time to attempt to adjust to the new lighting.
"How about I do what I want and you shut up before you get a few more hours?" He spits in my ear. And with that, I went silent.

The area of the jail I was in was completly empty of prisoners, I assume because all of this area is already outside and I may be a bit fashionably late. We go through many twists and turns before we finally make it outside and I am freed, rubbing my wrists from how chapped they have become from the constant cuffing.

"Daniel!" I hear his beautiful voice yell. I would explain who is but i'm sure you can already guess.
"Hello there, sweetheart," I tell Joey capturing him in the biggest hug ever, smelling the soap fresh on his neck.

"Daniel, what happened to you last night?" Joey tells me in a very concerned tone.
"Well, I got into a fi-" I begin to say but am quickly cut off.
"He already knows, Preda. I'm his new roomate. You're with that twink Ryan," Preston says walking past me, smirking from ear to ear.
"What did he just fucking say?" I ask Joey as pure rage pumps through my veins.
"The guards switched Ryan and Preston so now i'm with Preston and you're with Ryan," Joey says almost cowering. He thinks i'm going to hurt him.
"Joseph," I tell him hugging him again, leaving a trail of kisses down his neck, "don't cower at me baby."
"Okay well I know about the fight. Good job kicking his ass by the way. But where did you go? Ryan said you weren't in the room all night and all this morning," Joey says running his hand down my arm, squeezing my bicept a bit and then shooting his attention back to my face.
"My guard made me wear a straight jacket and sleep in the padded room all night. It wasn't the best experience but I had to pay for beating his ass," I tell Joey as his facial expression begins to contort.
"Well you don't look like you slept at all, darling. In fact, your eyes look so heavy," Joey tells me running his hand under my eyes, the boy must be very eager for touch.
"I didn't sleep. It is a bit impossible when you factor in how uncomfortable hugging yourself in pitch black room that is completely padded is." I tell him leaving a quick kiss on his lips. However it is just long enough to leave him happy.
"That's true. I miss you sleeping with me, Daniel," Joey tells me, looking down at his feet when he realizes just how vulnerable he sounds.
"We'll find our way back into eachother's rooms. Don't worry, love," I tell him putting both hands around his waist and fitting them to his back while he wraps his arms around my neck.
"Don't mind my heavy breathing. I just get butterflies when you touch me," Joey whispers while blushing and trying to avert any eye contact with me. To make him feel less awkward, I connect our lips. He soon melts and kisses back. I feel Joey open his mouth a bit, showing me that he wants to take this kiss a bit further. And this would have been the perfect moment. But then I hear someone calling at me.

"Hey fags, go somewhere else to fuck," a man that I have seen around but unfortunatley never aquainted with yells at us. I unconnect our lips, give Joey a devilish grin, and then proceed to walk over to the fucker.
"Please, repeat what you said to me so it will be fresh on my mind when I beat your ass," I tell the mystery man who is actually about three inches shorter than me. I would say he is much more muscualr but there is nothing muscular about his body.
"I said, go fuck your boyfriend somewhere else," he tells me getting into my face. I can feel my body almost tighten in a defensive manner.
"I'm glad you think you're scaring me. If I want to kiss my boyfriend, I will. And I don't need your stupid ass opinion to interrupt it," I tell him inching just a bit further and further towards him just so he knows i'm not scared.
"You little," he tells me and then he lunges at me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath so I can prepare to wip his ass and let him take the first blow so he thinks i'm weak. But for some reason, he doesn't hit me. Actually, I didn't feel anything at all. I open my eyes to see a cute little boy on top of the bitch, beating his ass.

"Sir, please stop. You're making a scene," one guard tells Joey as Joey's actual guard yanks him off the guy. The guy's guard rushes over and drags him away. I didn't quite notice the little crowd that had formed around us, eager to watch the fight. Joey's guard takes him over to the side and I follow him.

"What the hell was that?" His guard yells at him while Joey just sits there with the most terrified look on his face.
"I'm not sure. I'll let you know when i'm not shaking," Joey tells his guard as he takes a few deep breaths.
"That was badass," I tell him, making him laugh but the guard flare at me.
"Nothing is badass about causing a scene out here, sir. So stop encouraging bad behavior," the guard tells me as he pulls Joey away, I assume to his cell.

All of the guards file their inmates back into their cells. I lay down on my bed and just stare up at the ceiling, wondering what my life has amounted to.

"What's wrong?" I hear Ryan say as he enters the cell and sits down on his bed.
"Joey has to sleep with bitch cakes in his room and i'm scared something bad is going to happen to him," I say continuing to stare at all the shapes that are formed onto the ceiling.
"I'm sure that Joey can handle himself. He doesn't need you to pretect him all the time," Ryan tells me. And honestly, he is one hundred percent correct. Joey can hold his own and I have no worries about Joey. I'm worried about Preston getting ahold of him when he is not expecting it.
"I guess. I just feel alot better when I can be there to hold him and make sure no one messes with him," I tell Ryan, turning over to face the wall.
"Remember, Joey is classified as a criminal, therefore the guards and everyone else doesn't give a damn about him. So in his mind he is constantly watching his back as well as looking forward. He isn't letting his guard down and you should trust that he knows what he is doing," Ryan tells me, walking around the room. Well, I can assume he is just walking around the room but I can't see him.
"I guess you're right," I tell him, turning over to find him right in my face.
"I always am," he tells me, causing me to jolt in my bed trying not to be that close to him.
"You can't be that close to me," I tell him standing up out of the bed.

I walk over to the sink and splash some water on my face. I dry it off and look in the mirror, horrified but what I see looking back at me. My eyes are puffy and purple, I have a few slap marks from where the guard put me back in check, and my hair looks absolutely horrible. I lay back down and close my eyes, feeing relief set over me as I finally fell tranquil.

My guard comes to take me to dinner but I convince him to take me to the showers. I need to wash off the terrible sleep look I have from being in the padded room all night. As soon as I run the water and step under it, I hear screaming outside the showers. I turn the water off and quickly grab a towel to wrap around my waste.

"What's going on?" I ask the guard as he looks out the window and his eyes grow wide.
"I don't know. Stay here, Daniel," my guard orders me and he walks out of the door and locks it. I walk over to the window and I am immediatley shocked at the horror that I am looking at. There are prisoners everyone fighting other prisoners and guards. People are screaming and banging and just all around making alot of noise. I'm not very worried until one thing catches my eye, Preston is beating Joey.

"Joey!" I scream at the top of my lungs and bang on the glass window. It is about a one foot by one foot window so it isn't very large, but i'm trying to get him to hear me.
"Joseph! Fuck, Joey!" I yell slamming my hands on the window, now trying my best to smash the window. Joey gazes my way and begins to sprint towards me. He makes it to me and puts his hands on the window, the look of pure fear written all over his face and spilling over with every tear that falls down his cheak.
"Help me, Daniel!" He screams. But I can't. I can't help him. I'm locked in and there is nothing I can do about it. And then, horror strikes. Preston comes over and smashes Joey's head into the glass. It all happens in slow motion. Time freezes and I see the glass stop mid air. I tap it and it all falls straight to the ground.
"Daniel. Wake up. Daniel"

"Nooooooo!" I scream, sitting up as fast as I can.
"Are you ready to go down to dinner? You fell asleep after our conversation and then you started screaming in your sleep. Our guards are coming in just a minute," Ryan tells me.

The showering. The fighting. It was all a dream. A wild, fucked up, dream.

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