Dear Evan,
I'm glad you apologized, it took me many years to learn that a good apology makes all the difference in the world. Even if they don't always accept it right away.
A new friend huh? What is he like?
I myself made a few new friends this year, things are much easier now that the war is over. I feel like that took up a lot of sanity the last few years.
Making friends seemed impossible for me, I never felt like I truly belonged anywhere or connected with anyone. I have come to terms with a lot about myself lately though, which makes it so much easier to make friends when you know who you are.
Three words to describe myself is a tricky one. I suppose intelligent, not in a cocky way but I absorb everything I read and learn and my intelligence is one of the few things I feel I've always been proud of.
Does prick count? I'm kind of a prick. Not always on purpose but I have my moments. I'm not proud of it either but I know it's the truth so I suppose I'll be super honest just for you.
Gay. Gay as hell. Which I've never told anyone but I suppose that it doesn't hurt to tell you. I'm going to tell my friends in real life too soon, when it is appropriate that is.
I suppose my question is the same if that's allowed, would be nice to hear three words you feel relate to you. Good question by the way.
Anyways I'm going to study now, write back when you can.
Harry smiled to himself as he thought out an appropriate answer. Him and Ron had hung out for a few hours, and he decided before bed he would respond to his pen pal.
Dear Luke,
Look at us making new friends. Also yes an apology does go a long way, I never like to upset my friends, but I'm still working through some trauma of my own.
I appreciate your honesty, and I do believe you can ask me the same question, since I didn't put any rules on it.
Three words to describe myself is hard, I'm not sure which ones to use.
I suppose I'm kind. I try to help anyone around me I can, and make sure that they're taken care of. I often make sure I take care of others before myself, which I have been told I need to stop doing.
Reckless. I run into situations before I fully understand them, I've been told often that makes me stupid. I don't see it that way though, I just do what I have to do to survive and keep those around me alive.
And gay. Gay works for me too, I'm very gay. Which people know I believe so it's not a secret I guess.
What career are you looking forward to pursuing in the future?
Draco was still awake when he'd received Harry's letter. Opening it up he read it slowly and smiled. Harry asked decent questions, but he always found away to tear himself down a little in all of his letters.
Draco figured Hermione was right, and that it was probably a good idea Draco continued to write him. He had felt guilty at first, but quickly changed his mind seeing how much Harry felt comfortable writing to him. If anyone deserved that type of outlet it was Harry.
Dear Evan,
Yes we are the kings of making new friends, hurrah. The gay kings? That would be a fun plot twist. Gay kings.
Also I genuinely want to know if you have a book of questions just ready to be asked, because you seem to have very good questions to get to know me.
You also seem to put yourself down a lot, and you seem to be a weird mixture of okay and traumatized. Is there anything you would like to talk about or vent to me about? I'm here to listen.
To answer your question I'm going to pursue healing, I'm quite good with potions, my Godfather had taught me a lot growing up. Now that he's passed I'd like to use some of what he taught me to put good into the world. He always said I could be better than my family.
What about you? What are your career goals.
Also that way I'm not just continuing to steal your questions each time, pt2 is what is your favorite colour? Get back to me when you can and I'll respond when I wake up.
When Harry first received and read the letter he didn't think much of it. As he reread it for the seventh time though, his eyes grew wide.
He ran down to the common room to see if Hermione was still studying, and marched over to her. "I know you're mad at me but I need you," he said in a panic.
Hermione looked up in confusion, tilting her head to the side, "I'm not mad anymore Harry, I just wanted you to learn your lesson, but I'm here what's wrong?"
Harry folded the letter in half, wanting to hide the part where they talk about gay kings. Seeing as his pen pal wasn't out yet.
"I think my pen pal is Draco," Harry said quietly, pointing to the paragraph about careers. Hermione looked up with a red face, and Harry glared, "you knew that already didn't you Hermione?"
Hermione opened her mouth to lie, but at the turn up of Harry's eyebrow she sighed, "yes, and he knows you're his," Hermione whispered defeatedly. Awaiting Harry's blow up.
Harry shook his head, snatching the paper back, "so I have been opening up to and pouring my heart out to this bloke, and it was Draco all along.. and you're telling me you both knew he was talking to me and never said anything? Unbelievable."
Harry stomped away, pissed at the world. He had opened up to his pen pal, and felt safe around him all to find out it was a lie. That not only did Draco know, but so did Hermione. His bestfriend.
Harry felt betrayed and downright disgusted honestly. He had such a hard time opening up as it was, and this was just heartbreaking to realize. He couldn't see himself talking to either one of them for a while, and first thing in the morning he was going to talk to McGonagall about it.
A/n whoop drama time lol. This one will be ending here shortly, I don't have much else left to give it. I am liking the direction it's going but I plan to make it a short story.
Thank you for your patience, appreciation, and acceptance. I can't thank you all enough for continuing to stick by me.
Hope you enjoyed loves.
Much love,
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