Dear Luke,
I finally apologized to my best-friend after a week. It went about as well as you'd expect. She is pretty mad still.
It doesn't really bother me so much, we've fought before. You spend so much time around someone and things happen you know?
I've made a new friend recently and he's pretty great. It's kind of refreshing to have so many people around me all of a sudden.
Three friends, McGonagall even tho she can get annoying she loves me to death, and you. Pretty cool. I went on through most of my childhood only having me. So that's a pretty big family.
Anyways I'm rambling, my question this time is.. in three words how would you describe yourself? I don't mean looks, I mean YOU. Positive or negative, I wanna hear.
Sincerely yours,
"Alright Granger, how long have you known cos I know that you know," Draco said as he plopped into the seat next to Hermione.
"I found out that day you ate breakfast with us. You had written your letter and then immediately after Harry recieved his. I'm a genius I know."
"Well you're a genius who needs to forgive Harry."
"I've already forgiven him Draco, I just know if I don't let him sit with it for a while he won't feel it. He needs to know he's not going to be able to run over us all the time."
"I suppose that makes sense in a way, maybe you are a genius," Draco said cheekily.
"Yes well it only took you half your life time to figure that one out. Congratulations you've truly set the record for being daft for the longest amount of time."
"He was describing apologizing to you and about who his friends are and how he had made a new friend. Which no one else in the world would've put together so quickly but as soon as I read the letter I thought well bloody hell, Harry is my pen pal."
"Are you gonna tell him?" Hermione asked, finally setting her book down to give the conversation full attention. "Do you think I should? Or maybe tell McGonagall?"
"I think that you're the first person he's opened up to in months. Even if he doesn't know it's you. I mean the penpal assignment is supposed to be anonymous, so maybe just don't tell him you knew," she answered back with a shrug.
"I don't really want to start our friendship off with a lie though," Draco answered honestly. He has been trying to become friends with Harry for years now. He wasn't too keen on the idea of screwing it up.
"So you don't let him find out, I'll have your back. He needs somewhere safe to vent.. think about it at least," Hermione said patting Draco's hand as she got up to leave the library.
Draco sighed to himself, it wouldn't be so bad for Harry to have a safe place. He obviously felt good enough with Luke to open up and talk to him even if it was a little bit.
Maybe he'd be doing the right thing by not telling him? Lying didn't always have to be a bad thing. So he got out his paper to write Evan a response letter.
Dear Evan,
I'm glad you apologized, it took me many years to learn that a good apology makes all the difference in the world. Even if they don't always accept it right away.
A new friend huh? What is he like?
I myself made a few new friends this year, things are much easier now that the war is over. I feel like that took up a lot of sanity the last few years.
Making friends seemed impossible for me, I never felt like I truly belonged anywhere or connected with anyone. I have come to terms with a lot about myself lately though, which makes it so much easier to make friends when you know who you are.
Three words to describe myself is a tricky one. I suppose intelligent, not in a cocky way but I absorb everything I read and learn and my intelligence is one of the few things I feel I've always been proud of.
Does prick count? I'm kind of a prick. Not always on purpose but I have my moments. I'm not proud of it either but I know it's the truth so I suppose I'll be super honest just for you.
Gay. Gay as hell. Which I've never told anyone but I suppose that it doesn't hurt to tell you. I'm going to tell my friends in real life too soon, when it is appropriate that is.
I suppose my question is the same if that's allowed, would be nice to hear three words you feel relate to you. Good question by the way.
Anyways I'm going to study now, write back when you can.
Harry was currently laying upside down waiting for Ron to come to his dorm. Thankfully Ron never got in the middle of him and Hermione's fights and vice versa. After the argument in fourth year they'd decided not to do that anymore.
When Ron came in, an owl followed. "Bloody hell Harry, these pen pal owls are a tad bit annoying," Harry laughed, nodding as he took his letter.
"I agree, this is the worst assignment that McGonagall has given us, but so far I think it's going alright. Mine seems to be an okay bloke."
"Yeah the person I got is alright too, we haven't told each other much yet but they really like talking about quidditch so," Ron said as he joined Harry in lying upside down.
"Yeah quidditch, that's what mine has been talking about as well," Harry responded shortly, he wasn't sure he was ready to tell Ron how much he'd been opening up to his pen pal.
"Do you need to write him back then?" Ron asked, using his wand to levitate Harry's things around the room. "No mate that's okay, I'll respond to him later."
Harry wouldn't admit it out loud, because it was a ridiculous thing to be upset about, but he wanted to keep his pen pal to himself. He felt safe with him, a weird sort of safeness he hasn't felt in a long while.
So Harry was going to keep his pen pal safe as long as he could.
A/N look at me updating and putting a oneshot out 🥳 I'm going to write as much as I can the next few weeks, because I am having my baby boy in TEN WEEKS!! I'm so excited to meet my baby but ik he's gonna cause a major slow down in writing time for a little bit.
I hope you enjoyed loves.
Much love,
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