•Ch. 8•

IT HAD BEEN 2 DAYS since the incident and Lillian's arm was still in its cast and was told by Madame Promfrey that it would heal in four days with the daily dose of potion brewed by professor Snape. It was early in the morning and Lillian was having an argument with Harry because he wouldn't eat his food.

"Come on Harry, at least have something to eat." Lillian urges as she hands him a piece of toast.

"Take a bit of toast Harry." Ron says, agreeing with Lillian.

"Ron and Lily are right Harry you'll need your strength." Hermione said to him, and nodding her head.

"I've told you guys I'm not hungry." Harry replied playing with his food again.

Lillian looked up and saw Professor Snape coming towards them and Lillian gave him a warm smile.

"Good luck today Potter, then again now that you've proven yourself against a troll a little game of quidditch should be easy work for you. Even if it is against Slytherin." Snape said and then looked at Lillian.  "Miss Potter I read your work on Potions, excellent job as always."

He then walked away from the four, Harry looked at Snape and saw that he was limping.

"That explains the blood." Harry said.

"Blood?" Lillian asked, confused.

Harry looked at Lillian and realized that she wasn't there when Hermione, Ron, and himself met the three headed dog. She was still in recovery from when she got hurt from the troll.

"Listen, 2 days ago I'm guessing Snape let the troll in last night. As a diversion so he could get past a three headed dog that we saw to get to the stone that Hagrid and I took front the vault. But he got himself bitten that's why he's limping." Harry explained.

"But why would anyone go near that dog?" Hermione asked.

"Well when Hagrid and I went to Gringotts, he got something there and said it was serious Hogwarts business." Harry told her and  The four thought about it until they were interrupted by screeches from the owls and indicating that the mail was here and one was coming from Harry's bird.

Both gifts were laid on a table, it was obvious that Harry got a broom.

"I never get mail." Harry said, looking confused at to why he had a package.

"Let's open it." Ron says and the four helped Harry open it and revealing a Nimbus 2000 one of the latest brooms to come out in the wizarding world.

"It's a broom." Lillian says amazed.

"It's not just a broom it's a Nimbus 2000." Ron said astonished.

"But who-" Harry stopped taking when he saw Professor McGonagall smiling and he knew she had given him the gift.


It was later in the afternoon and the moment Harry dreaded. It was finally time for the Quidditch match, Hermione, and Ron were all in the stands waiting for the match to start. While Lillian went to go see her brother before the match started.

"You'll do great out there." Lillian said to him.

"Thanks Lily." Harry pulled his sister into a tight hug and she pulls away.

"I'm your sister, so it's my job to encourage you." She told him and Harry grabbed his broom and waved to his sister as he walked toward his teammates.

Lillian began to walk away when a voice interrupted her.

"No good luck for me?" A voice said and Lillian turned around and laughed and saw Fred with a fake pouty face.

"Yeah I want you to fall off your broom." Lillian says jokingly.

"Jeez nice to know that you care." He said sarcastically and came over to her. Lillian hugged him and he hugged back holding her tight not wanting to let go.

"If you win maybe I'll give you a kiss on the cheek." She says jokingly and Fred's face lit up and grabbed his broom and began to walk toward the field.

"I'll be looking forward to it Miss Potter." He said and winked at her.

"Of course Mr.Weasley." Lillian said sarcastically and made her way to the bleachers. She went up to the steps of the bleachers and passed through many people until Lillian caught up with Ron and Hermione and began to cheer for Gryffindor.

As the Gryffindor team and Slytherin come together flying on their brooms, Madame Hooch arrives onto the field to release the snitch and ball.

"I want a nice clean game, from all of you." She said and she released the snitch and they all waited for the quaffle to be released once it did it had begun.

It had started and already one of the chasers was able to grab the quaffle and score letting Gryffindor score the first 10 points and then scoring once more and gaining to 20. But as the Gryffindor team started doing well  the Slytherins began to play dirty.

They knocked Oliver Woods off his broom and he fell to the ground, Lillian looked at him in worry but when she looked up at her brother she saw that something was happening with Harry's broom.

"What's goin on with Harry's broom?" Hagrid Asked point at him. Hermione looked through the binoculars and saw that Snape was looking at the broom and Hermione thought he was jinxing it. She could see his mouth moving and looked at Ron and Lillian.

"It's Snape he's jinxing the broom." Hermione said to them.

"Jinxing the broom?" Ron asked looking back at Harry.

Hermione gave the binoculars to Lillian and she wanted to look as well. When she looked she saw that Professor Quirrel was doing it.

"Something is going on with him." Lillian said and as Harry's broom kept thrashing about Lillian hoped that Snape was fixing it and wasn't the culprit.

"Come on Hermione hurry." Ron said looking up at Harry.

Soon it stopped and Lillian saw that Hermione started a tiny fire and Lillian saw that Professor Quirrel stopped speaking first and Harry could control himself again.

Lillian sighed and happy that he was alright and saw that he began to go after the snitch. The Slytherin seeker was near it and they began to shove each other until they both dove down to reach it. The Slytherin seeker pulled up because he was afraid of crashing but Harry kept his ground.

As Harry began to get closer and even standing up to reach it his foot went forward and he fell forward. Everyone winced and Harry looked like he was about to be sick holding his stomach and looked like he was about to hurl.

"It looks like harry is about to be sick." Hagrid says looking through the binoculars.

But instead Harry popped out the golden snitch earning 150 points for Gryffindor. Madame Hooch smiled and blew the whistle.

"Gryffindor wins!" She yelled.

Everyone shouted in glee except the Slytherins of course but everyone cheered for Harry and the team for winning. Everyone glad that the Slytherins were beat.


After the game the four of them began to walk with Hagrid. They told Hagrid the reason why Harry's broom went haywire and told him of their hunch but Hagrid shook his head.

"None sense, why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?" He asked.

"I thought we said that Quirrel was the culprit?" Lillian asked the three.

"Quirrel was probably trying to do counter curse it, I mean my brothers say Quirrel is one of the pushover teacher's. He doesn't have the ability to do something like that." Ron said to Lillian.

"Why is he trying to get past that three headed dog?" Harry retorts, ignoring Lillian and Ron's conversation.

"Who told you about fluffy?" He asked quickly.

"That thing has a name?" Hermione asked.

"It must be a big sweetheart plus animals aren't things they are beautiful creatures." Lillian responds making Hagrid laugh and smile down at Lillian.

"Of course he has a name, he's mine I got him from an Irish seller down at the pub last year so he could guard the- I shouldn't have said that." He said regretting it.

"Yes?" Harry inquired.

"Look no more questions it's top secret." He told them sternly but Harry still wouldn't let it go.

"But Hagrid whatever fluffy is guarding Snape wants to steal it." Harry told him once more.

"Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher-" Hagrid says but was cut off.

"Hogwarts teacher or not I know a spell when I see one, I read all about it. You have to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking." Hermione said.


"Now listen to me all four of you, you are meddling in things that aren't meant to be meddled in. It's dangerous, what that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." Hagrid said to them sternly.

"Nicholas Flamel?" Lillian asked and Hagrid saw his mistake.

"Shouldn't have said that." Hagrid says walking off and back to his home. Leaving the four children to themselves and still wanting questions.

"You go on I want to talk to Hagrid." She said to them and they nodded and went back to the dorms and Lillian ran over to Hagrid.

"Hagrid!" Lillian shouted to Hagrid.

"No no more questions I spilled to much information." Hagrid told her and kept waking but Lillian ran in front of him.

"No I wanted to see your animals." She said and Hagrid stopped and looked at her.

"You do?" He asked.

"Of course, I'm kind of jealous they got to meet fluffy." She said sheepishly. Hagrid smiled at the girl and took her hand, leading her to his hut.

"Well then let's go to my home I'll make some tea and I'll introduce you to me friends." He told her and went over to his kitchen and accidentally knocked a glass over.

"It happens more than you think." Hagrid said embarrassed and Lillian was going to help but Hagrid cleaned it up before she could. "It's alright, now would you like chamomile or matcha?"

"Chamomile please." Lillian said and sat on the couch and looked around Hagrid's home.

She could see many pictures of Hagrid's family and of his creatures. She could see he liked to have many memories around him and thanked him when he gave her a cup of tea. He went back into the kitchen and grabbed cream puffs.

"Let me know if the cream puffs are good, I tried a recipe my mother left me." He said and Lillian looked at the delightful treat.

Talking to Hagrid happily as they enjoyed tea time together.


After their tea time the two were standing in the forest near where Hagrid lived and saw one of the creatures he had that was stretching and enjoying the fresh air.

"Now this here is my good friend Buckbeak, he's a very nice creature." Hagrid told her. "He's a Hippogriff."

"I've read about Hippogriffs that they are very loyal creatures but fierce if trifled with." Lillian said, remembering the description.

"Indeed, now you bow and if he bows back then you can come closer." Hagrid told her. "If he gets a bit spooked step back."

Lillian listen to Hagrid's words and bowed to the hippogriff, she kept her head down and when Buckbeak looked at Lillian for a second and he soon bowed back to her.

"You can come closer then." He told her.

Lillian went over to Buckbeak and she put her hand out and he gladly put his head there. She smiled as Buckbeak made squawk as he felt her hand scratch his head.

"You are a natural he's never warmed up to someone this quickly." Hagrid said, looking at Lillian in delight.
Lillian kept petting Buckbeak and he was gladly enjoying it.

"At my home one of my sister's; Olive would call me Snow White because of how well I would be with animals." Lillian explained to him. "Every Animal is misunderstood all they need is some food and lots and lots of love."

Buckbeak laid his head on top of Lillian's and she laughed.

"Well Buckbeak you are the prettiest Hippogriff I've ever seen." Lillian complimented and Buckbeak screeched happily.

"Ah he really likes you, well I don't want to keep you out curfew so I'll take you back to the building alright." Hagrid told her and  Lillian nodded and kissed the top of Buckbeak's head and he laid down on the ground and began to sleep. She looked back at Buckbeak and went back to the castle with Hagrid.


It was after dinner time and Lillian was finished talking to Harry about going to Hagrid's hut and telling him to join her the next time.

She headed down the stairs, when she felt someone behind her and put his hand over her eyes.

"Guess who?" She heard and smiled when knew who it was.

"I think it's a boy that's quite charming and silly is it Oliver?" She asked sarcastically, her eye sight was back and Fred stood in front of her with a grin.

"Ha ha very funny Lily." He said and when Lillian looked up at him, Fred was looking at her and Lillian noticed that he was smiling almost smug.

"What?" She asked confused as to why he was smiling. "Oh god you did something to the Hufflepuff common room didn't you? Am I gonna have pink hair?"

"Great idea, but wrong. I think I recall something about someone giving me a kiss on the cheek if we won the match." Fred said and Lillian rolled her eyes.

Lillian blushed and looked at his smug look and thought of something. She smirked and went onto her tippy toes for the tall boy and barely reached his cheek.

"A kiss for Mr.Weasley." She as she was about to, she ran out of the common room and heard Fred yelling after her.

"Hey! That's no fair!" He yelled after her and a few people in hall watched as the girl ran toward the Hufflepuff corridor.

Lillian turned a corner and she looked around to make sure no one was in sight. She opened her arms and went into her bird form, she flew quickly back to the hall and hid as she watched Fred looked around for Lillian. She could see he had a little disappointment on his face but he smiled and shook his head and heading back to the Gryffindor room.

Lillian's heart was beating rapidly after the chase and she felt flustered. She never had felt this way and she shook her head and went out of her thoughts and decided to change back and head back to the Hufflepuff room, not knowing that she was having the same feeling as Fred.

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