Chapter 7

This chapter is dedicated to HazelJayant, she is such a sweet soul.

I was seated on a stool in the middle of the art room with a scowl on my face. I cursed the day I met Mrs. Uzo. Why would she suggest such an idea to a new student? What did she think I was, a mannequin that had no life except for it to be displayed to the curious eyes of the homo sapien species.

The cool room did nothing to calm my blazing nerves as I gripped the corners of the tall stool I was seated on feeling self-conscious. I had never felt so naked in my school uniform, my legs were crossed which caused my skirt to expose my knees and a bit of my thighs. I couldn't do anything about that because I didn't want to let go of the stool for fear that I could fall off due to my anxiety. I glanced at the boy seated in front of me gazing at every detail of my face and body. My tummy churned, I felt so nervous I started to feel light-headed.

"Hey, are you alright?" He stopped his drawing and focused his eyes on me, he look concerned. I looked at him my eyes focused on his. "Should we take a break?" he asked as he stood from the chair, he looked every bit of a model student in his school uniform.

Gah, he looked good, too good actually.

I thought you said he looked meh

I shook my head as he came to stand in front of me. I didn't want to look into his eyes for fear that I could do or say something stupid.

"Is something wrong, did I do anything wrong" he sounded so worried, I closed my eyes because I felt scared of the strange emotion I was feeling.

I felt his fingers on my chin. I opened my eyes and jolted back almost falling to my death. His hands held my waist as I grabbed onto his shoulder holding onto him with all my strength. His hands they felt warm. We stared at each other. My heart was beating rapidly as I held my breath. He looked at my lips and I raised both of my brows in shock.

I didn't like this position at all. It felt so good and bad at the same time. I sat up properly and dropped my hands from his shoulders. His hands were still on my waist.

" I think we need a break," I said in an unwavering voice, he nodded dropping his hands from my waist. I needed to get far away from this boy as soon as possible.

"You don't like me" he stated.

What the fudge was that supposed to mean? We barely knew each other. I looked at him surprised to see the sad look in his eyes.

"I...." I licked my lips as I tried to think of what to say. He stared at my lips, his Adam's apple bulging, the grey orbs of his eyes becoming prominent. He held my chin with his thumb and index finger his hands felt warm on my face my chin tingling from his touch. He searched my eyes as if trying to know what I wanted. I was breathing so fast bracing myself for what was coming. He leaned closer as he placed his other hand on my thigh. I gripped the stool tightly, my tummy tingling from the blissful feeling I was experiencing for the first time. His nose touched mine and I released my hand from the chair pulling his school vest. He smiled and brushed his lips on mine...

I felt a sharp pain on my thigh which caused me to jolt forward while I rubbed my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked up my eyes meeting my mom's.

So it was all a dream. I was dreaming about DAVYN!!

The world had definitely come to an end, there was no way I was dreaming about a boy I hardly knew.

" Maria, what were you dreaming of? You kept on licking your lips and you didn't even hear me when I called you repeatedly" My mom stood above me with her hands placed on her hips " I hope you weren't eating in your dreams."

If I told my mom I wasn't eating in my dreams she would pester me about what I had dreamt about that could make me lick my lips and I was sure she didn't want to know.

This is all Davyn's fault. How could he invade my personal life like that?

Go on blame it all on him

But the only problem was telling my African mom I was eating in my dreams was not something to be taken lightly.

"Are you even listening to me?" she said with a frown.

I immediately stood bowing my head to greet her she responded with a nod and gestured for me to talk by snapping her fingers.


"My dear beautiful mother, there's no need for you to worry about what your charming daughter was doing in her sleep, it's not a big deal," I said sweetly bringing her hands from her waist and holding her fingers with mine.

She squinted her eyes at me " I'm not falling for your tricks, now answer me." I sighed, I would have to lie.

"Yes mom, I was eating in my dream."

I'm sorry God.

"Jesus, they want to kill my daughter for me" my mom shouted putting her hands on her head.

She was so dramatic. I thought as I rolled my eyes

"...... But my God will not allow them, he will never, it's been just the two of us, now they want to take you away from me as they did with your father. My God will never allow it. Maria, we need to pray and fast. We will start 7 days fasting and praying" she grabbed my hands staring into my eyes.

I nodded knowing that I had brought this upon myself.

"I'm heading to work now but we are going to pray before I go," She said as she dragged me out of my room to our sitting room.

"Mum but I haven't even brushed my teeth" I whined as I sat on the sofa.

"It doesn't matter, God doesn't care about such things. Now take this and cover your head" she said handing over her handkerchief to me.

I sighed again.

Then she grabbed my head and started shaking it vigorously as she  prayed with all her might. Her head was bobbing as she held me. All I could do was say Amen despite the dizziness I was beginning to feel.

"In Jesus name, we have prayed. Amen. Now praise the Lord seven times" she announced raising her arms I mirrored her movements both of us waving our hands in synchronization.

"Nothing will happen to you, God has answered our prayers," she said rubbing my cheeks with her palm. I folded my hands and pouted with a frown.

I hated it when my mom went to work on Saturdays, I loved spending time with her. We usually talked about everything from politics, fashion, celebrities *cough the Kardashians cough*, and biblical stories. She would throw her head back, her shoulders vibrating from laughter whenever I made a hilarious remark. The sound of her laugh touched my heart and made me feel on top of the world.

"Mom, can I head over to Cynthia's house today?" I asked clapping my hands together in a stance of plea.

"I would have to call her to ask if her parents would allow their driver to come to pick you up. I can't let you go there alone" She said bringing her phone out from her black tote bag.

"Does that mean I can go?" I squealed with delight rushing to hug my mom. Her strawberry scented perfume hit my nostrils as I rested my head on her shoulders

" Maria, don't fall me down," she said patting my back whilst laughing.

" Thank you Mum" I looked at her beautiful face smiling.

"You are welcome, now allow me to call Cynthia," she said as she pulled from the hug.

I watched as she dialed Cynthia's number placing the phone to her ear.

"Hello, my dear, "

"Good afternoon"

"How are your parents doing?"

"That's good, extend my greetings to them"

"Your friend wants to visit you today and I......"

" Really! Thank you, my dear. I will tell her to do so. Bye," my mom said smiling at me.

Cynthia probably told her that I should call her when I'm ready so she could come to pick me up. Which was a normal routine for us but my mom always wanted to follow protocol.

"Maria, make sure to call Cynthia whenever you're ready. I will come pick you up on my way back from work. "

" Behave yourself and act responsibly, don't speak unless you're spoken to. Don't go blabbing about your dad or anything that concerns us to her parents or anyone for that matter and eat with moderation. Since you are going out today, I won't allow you too fast you can start tomorrow. Are you listening to all that I'm telling you? " she inquired pulling her right ear with her right hand.

Even though I heard all this whenever I went out to my friend's house it still annoyed me greatly.

I bowed my head " Yes ma, I've heard all that you said"

"Okay bye, Dear. Be a good girl." She said grabbing the doorknob. The door made a creaky noise as she pulled it open.

" Bye mum, I love you" I let out waving my hand above my head.

" Love you too," she said shutting the door behind her. Her voice echoed in the lobby and I heard her footsteps as she made her way down the stairs.

I looked around and sighed.


I needed to brush my teeth right this second.


I ain't worried 'bout nothin'
I ain't wearin' na-nada
I'm sittin' pretty, impatient
But I know you gotta

Put in them hours
I'ma make it harder
I'm sendin' pic' after picture
I'ma get you fired.......

Work from home by Fifth Harmony was currently playing on the radio. Cynthia and I were singing along snapping our fingers and bobbing our heads.

"Hold on Cynthia," I said covering her mouth with my hands as I stretched my other hand to increase the volume of the song, the driver didn't even spare us a glance. She licked my hands and I recoiled my hand and looked at her with disgust "Eww, You're such a pig. You know I love the rap part of this song and you always end up spouting rubbish whenever we sing it together."

"Ohhh, here it comes" I shrieked

........Oh, yeah, girl go to work for me (work for me)
Can you make it clap, no hands for me? (ooh, yeah)
Take it to the ground, pick it up for me (uh, ayy)
Look back at it all over me (oh, yeah)
Put in work like my timesheet (oh)
She ride it like a '63 (oh-whoa)............

We both rapped but Cynthia ended up coming up with lyrics that had nothing to do with the song. I rolled my eyes and pushed her arm playfully. She pushed mine back and we ended up having a playful fistfight which ended with me mistakenly hitting Cynthia on her boobs.

"My boobs" she yelled. My eyes widened as she grabbed hold of them. I knew she was only doing this to get her driver's attention. He only glanced at us through the rearview mirror and looked away.

"Sorry," I said cheekily as she glared at me.

She adjusted her tee as she sat straight and laid her head on the back seat of the car. She held my hands and I rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry I acted bitchy yesterday in the cafeteria. I haven't been myself ever since Stephen came back" I opened my eyes and raised my head. I looked at her as she stared straight ahead a deep frown etched on her face. I knew she was just trying to act tough despite the pain she was feeling.

"You don't have to apologize. You're like my sister and I know that you would never act that way without having a reason. I'm sorry if I wasn't there for you the way you needed me to be" she glanced at me and grinned

"Hug?" She opened her arms. I put my hand to my chin and made a thinking sound.

"Of course," I said as I hugged her tightly.

" If you girls are done being girls, I would like to let you both know that we have arrived at our destination" the driver announced in a monotonous voice.

We both pulled away from the hug, Cynthia rolled her eyes as she made a gun sign with her hand and pointed at the back of the driver's head who was completely oblivious to what she was doing. I covered my mouth with my hands trying to muffle the sound of my laughter. Cynthia opened the car door from her end getting down from the car and I followed suit. I took in the view of the serene environment, stretching my hands as I did so which wasn't necessary because it was just a 20 minutes drive.

I glanced at Cynthia as she made a move to grab my hand and lead me to front of the door. I glanced at her, she was wearing a loose neon pink tee which was paired with black biker shorts, and white Lauren low-top sneakers. The bright colour of her tee complimented her dark skin. I looked  around never getting tired of swooning whenever I came here. Cynthia's house was in an estate, the buildings looked similar yet so  different, each duplex was painted in a different colour with different types of flowers blooming from every corner. The palm trees which were placed in front of every house danced as the cool breeze blew them. Everything looked tranquil.

Cynthia pressed the bell as we stood in front of the door. I heard the shuffling of footsteps as the door made a click sound and opened to reveal Ma'am Debby, she was the housekeeper of the Rochas' household. She beamed as she saw me looking at me from head to toe.

" My, my, Maria, you look taller from the last time I saw you, what's your secret?" she said winking at me. I giggled

"Hey I'm taller than her and you never seem to compliment me," Cynthia said making her way into the huge living room, sitting on a grey  leather couch placing her feet on the
exquisite centre table.

" That's because you're a naughty girl," Mrs. Debby said as she made her way towards her and pushed her leg from the table.

" I'm not naughty. I just love expressing myself" Cynthia remarked as she stood and made her way out of the living room screaming " I'm heading to the toilet, I can't hold it anymore"

Mrs. Debby and I burst out laughing shaking our heads at her.

" You see what I have to deal with every day, are you hungry dear?" She asked facing me as she smiled, her crooked teeth showing.

" Uhm, I'll eat when Cynthia comes down. Thank you ma'am" I said bowing my head.

" No problem my dear, make yourself at home. I am quite busy in the kitchen" she let out as she patted my arm and made her way out of the living room.

"Thank you ma'am" I called out as I made my way to the couch and sat. Whenever I came here I always thought to myself that I would love to design my future house like this. The interior decor looked well detailed and planned. Knowing Mrs. Rochas I wasn't surprised. I was still mauling over this when a figure approached the living room.

This person, a guy I presumed from the white beater he had on paired with loose black joggers, stopped in his tracks as he saw me. I looked at his face and was surprised to see that it was Stephen. He looked different from the pictures Cynthia showed us. He looked more muscular and intimidating, I noticed a tattoo on his right hand but I couldn't make out what it was. His black eyes looked unimpressed as he stared at me, his full eyebrows were pulled in a frown, my eyes went wide when he placed an already lit cigarette into his mouth and made his way towards me, he sucked from the "cancer -stick" that was placed in between his fingers  and blew the smoke in my face.

" Who the hell are you?" he asked in a hoarse deep voice.



What do you guys think of Stephen?

What is/are your favourite songs at the moment? Mine is Swervy ft Jeminn - My name. It's literally on repeat.

Please don't forget to vote,comment, and share.


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