Chapter 4

Davyn's picture^

"Don't forget to submit your projects tomorrow" the biology teacher said as the bell rang for lunch break. "See you guys tomorrow"

"Bye ma" my classmates echoed uniformly. They were all getting up heading to the canteen.

"Maria, please help me take my bag to the staff room," my teacher asked.

"Yes ma" I answered.

There were pros and cons to be being your teacher's favourite. A major con was being asked to carry things for them whenever they were leaving the class.

I grabbed her bag and left the class, heading towards the staff room. I passed other students as they were also heading out for break. I spotted two students, male and female, holding hands and laughing heartily. The teacher's office was on the
fourth floor so I had to go upstairs and I hated climbing the stairs, I always ended up breathing and sweating like I had just run a 500m race. As I was halfway through the stairs I saw him, my heart started beating rapidly out of fear and there was a ringing in my ears that felt unnatural. I grasped my teacher's bag tightly, shuffling to the right to allow him pass. He smirked and stood in front of me checking me out from head to toe. I felt sick, I hated when he stared at me in such a lewd manner. He was really tall and he carried himself with such pride and arrogance. I was surprised his lackeys weren't with him as they were always hanging around him like hungry bees.

"Excuse me" I said sounding brave when I was anything but. I wouldn't give him the upper hand this time around.

He bent his head and laughed his Adam apple bulging. The sound was unappealing to my ears as it echoed in the halls. I decided to use that opportunity to sneak past him. He grabbed my arm which caused me to wince, cringe and cower at the same time. I knew he liked seeing me afraid. He glared at me opening his mouth to talk but immediately left my hand because he saw the biology teacher heading upstairs.

"Maria, is that you?" The teacher asked. When she got to where we were standing I knew she could sense the tension between us.

"Is something wrong, Omar?" She asked facing him.

It felt like she knew something was wrong.

"No ma"Omar answered zooming past the teacher. He knew that if he was caught trying to bully any student, he would be suspended from school for a month. Which wouldn't be a good look for his dad, who was running for the next election as a governor.

"What did he do to you?" She looked at me with empathy in her eyes.

I hated people looking at me as if I was someone you needed to be nice to because of self-validation.

"Nothing ma, I almost tripped and he caught me before I could fall," I said lying through my teeth.

She squinted her eyes and nodded her head. I knew she didn't believe but she probably thought it was best not to push it. "Better head back, lunch break will soon be over," she said collecting her bag from me.

"Thank you ma," I said bowing my head.

"Maria, you know that you can talk to me right," she said whilst holding my hands in hers.

I looked at her and smiled, she was a nice teacher.

"I know that ma"I looked down at my feet on the verge of tears.

When I got back to the canteen, most of the students had left. The few students that I saw looked like they were reading but what they were doing was pressing their phones, using the books as a disguise.

Those poor books.

My school had a football field which was probably where most of the boys were, the girls only went to eye-rape the boys, so basically it was a spot where the boys got to flaunt their "sexy" bodies to their fangirls.

I got my food not forgetting to greet the canteen lady as she heaped a load of white rice with plantain on my plate smiling cheekily at me. I smiled back thanking her.

I looked around to find a place to sit and I decided to seat at an empty table that faced the school premises allowing me to see some students cat walking pretending to be models, they were definitely freshmen students. I laughed as one of them almost fell as she tried to swirl then I spotted a student cutting the beautiful rose flowers that adorned the school as he walked. What was wrong with people?

I shook my head and looked down at my food, taking my spoon to enjoy one of my best meals. Hmmm. The plantain was fried to my liking, not too soft and not too hard.


I whipped my head so fast, my eyes started spinning.

Cynthia walked towards me swaying her hips from left to right. She got back from her trip last week and told us she wasn't able to do anything in Japan because she was so sick she couldn't lift a finger. Carla and I babied her throughout the week making sure she felt better.

"Howzit," she said in a cowgirl accent as she sat in front of me stealing one of my precious plantain.

I opened my mouth shocked. She knew I didn't joke with my food. My food was off-limits and sacred, they were to be revered.

"Hey guys, I see you guys are having fun without me" Carla declared with a smirk.

Where has she been? We were in the same class so I was surprised I hadn't seen her since I came from the teacher's office. I was going to ask her later.

"Hey, howzit" Cynthia repeated

Carla sat beside me taking in my glaring look towards Cynthia.

"You stole her plantain, didn't you?" Carla remarked pointing at Cynthia.

I looked at her and pouted my lips, resting my head on her shoulder.

"There,there child. Don't mind this wicked aunty" She cooed patting my head.

"You two are loco" Cynthia concluded pointing to her head whilst turning her fingers.

We both stuck out our tongues at her at the same time. She rolled her eyes frustrated that she had to put up with such a fine specimen of humans.

"Let's go check out the boys at the field," Cynthia said looking into my eyes. She knew how much I hated going to the field. She and her Carla would have to drag me there whenever they wanted to go and that wasn't an easy task. They always asked me why I didn't like going there but I told them that I didn't like the crowd, the truth was I didn't want to run into a certain someone.

"Uhhh......." The bell rang signifying and end of the break. I was literally saved by the bell. Pun intended.

"Oh, lunch break is over" I stood immediately taking my disposable plates to the trashcan.

Cynthia and Carla squinted their eyes at me as we walked.

"Cynthia, your hair looks so nice" I said changing the subject knowing Cynthia would take the bait, all you need to do was to compliment Cynthia and she would give you the history about how the world came into existence.

"Really, thank you. Do you know that cornrows were used as a form of communication amongst our ancestors who were forced to be slaves in a foreign land........

Carla rolled her eyes at Cynthia, mouthing exactly what Cynthia was saying.

I snickered.

"Here we are" Cynthia stopped her history lesson immediately we got to the front of her class.

*Year 11 was divided into five classes. Just like other Years at our school. Cynthia was in Year 11 B, Carla and I were in Year 11 D.

Most of her classmates weren't in the class yet which was odd.

"Bye guys"she waved at us and we waved back blowing kisses at her because we spotted her crush in the class. He was completely oblivious to what we were doing,engrossed in whatever book he was reading.

She gave us the middle finger and headed to her seat.

Carla and I laughed as we headed towards our class noticing that most of the classes on our floor were empty except for a handful of boys.

As we got to our class, a crowd of students blocked the entrance, some girls stretching their necks to get a better view of whatever was in our class.

Carla and I looked at each other surprised at what we were seeing. This was against the code of conduct of our school. We weren't supposed to be outside after break was over. It could lead to some serious punishment. The students knew this as it was always sang in our ears every morning during assembly.

"What do you think could be going on in our class" I asked Carla" I hope no one is fighting" I said already getting scared.

" I'm definitely going to find out" Carla stated grinning like a cheshire cat.

I watched as she head dived into the pack of students who were whispering amongst themselves definitely at awe at whatever they were looking at. Carla was a bit short so it was easier for her to go through but she had to use her elbow to clear the path for herself.

"What is going on here" I froze immediately recognizing the principal's voice. Was I going to be suspended or worse expelled? I didn't want to let my mom down she put in to much effort to send me to this school.

"Why aren't the teacher's doing their jobs" he bellowed loudly "How can students still be in the hallway when it's past break time".

By this time most of the students had sprinted across the halls, their legs almost reaching their backs. Some of them going in opposite directions to where their classes were. I turned around and the principal immediately smiled at me.

That was a good sign, Right?

"Maria, what's going on here?" He asked gently.

The school's principal was a tall man who was probably in his fifties but looked like was in his late thirties. He was the definition of black don't crack. But you didn't want to mess with Principal Tobi. He could unleash a whole tornado on a person without blinking an eye. He took the word strict to a whole new level. One time a boy used an extra strong perfume to school which was strong enough to send a person to the grave. I knew because we crossed paths. Principal Tobi was going round each class that day on his usual surprise visit to catch any delinquent student or slacking teacher . The last classes to be checked were always the luckiest because they were always prepared. When principal Tobi entered the boy's class. He pointed out the boy because he wasn't hard to miss. The boy was suspended for two weeks. Ever since, everyone avoided heavy perfumes. I personally only used deodorant, better to be safe than sorry.

"Nothing's wrong sir, I was arriving from break. I'm sure there's a good explanation for what is going on." I was such a kiss up.

He was about to reply when my class teacher Mr. Vincent poked his head from the class "Oh sir, I was just introducing our new student to the class. This was your instruction to me, sir"

He looked at me and smiled.

"Maria, I was wondering where you were, come and meet our new student."

I walked into the class , Principal Tobi following behind, I was curious to see who would cause such a ruckus from the students.

It was a boy.

He looked at me raising his brows as I entered. I didn't want to spare him another glance so I looked at the class. Shocked to see everyone standing staring at him like he was some kind of chocolate even Carla. Was I interrupting something?

"Yes I did and I would like you all to treat him well" Principal Tobi said facing the class " because he didn't grow up here, and he doesn't know the ropes." Principal Tobi said rubbing his hands together looking at the boy like he was a treasure.

I walked to my seat, sitting down nudging Carla to do the same. Even Keith and Ben looked please to see the new student and they weren't ones you could please easily.

Carla was tapping her foot beside me, something she did under pressure. But she wasn't even under any pressure.

"Welcome my boy" principal Tobi said shaking the new student with a huge smile on his face.

Jeez. It wasn't like this was the only foreign student at our school. There were several others but not in my year. This one was the first to be in year 11.

"Students, Mr. Vincent, I leave him in your hands. Have a nice day" Principal Tobi said turning to leave the class. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"Bye Principal Tobi" All the students said in a corresponding shout.

The new student looked uncomfortable definitely not used to such reception. I rolled my eyes.

"Now, you can introduce yourself, wouldn't you all like to know his name" Mr. Vincent asked with a grin.

"We would" my classmates said uniformly. This wasn't normal.

"Carla, what's wrong with you" I asked.

"Ssshhhh" she put her finger to her lips without even sparing me a glance.

She was such a girl.

I folded my hands and frowned looking at the new student. He looked to be about 6ft tall, he had milky skin that glowed putting most girls who spent a lot on vigorous skin care products to shame. He had thick brown curly hair that fell across his forehead almost reaching his eyes. His face was what had more appeal, he had a diamond shaped face with grey hazel coloured eyes. He had full eyebrows and long lashes that framed his eyes, his nose was straight and long, his lips were heart shaped and pink. I noticed a black beauty mark right under his lips. He appeared to be muscular judging from the way the v neck he was wearing clung to his upper body.

He was mehh.

"Hi, my name is Davyn" his voice sound deep, firm and thick with an accent.

How did one even pronounce the name Davyn?

"And it's pronounced Da-ven" he announced. Could he read minds?

"Hello Davyn and welcome to Year 11 D" my classmates said clapping their hands. I could hear Jennifer squealing already. He was in for a long ride. Jennifer would not let him be.

"Thanks" he said as the claps died down. He looked at me and frowned for a miniscule second. What was his problem? Was it because I wasn't clapping ?

"Katty", why are you being bitchy" Carla whispered to me

"I'm not bein...." I was starting to get annoyed, why would she call me that. She knew I hated being addressed with such nasty words.

Mr. Vincent informed Davyn to take a seat beside Keith who looked happy that he could have a new lackey that he could boss around.

Davyn sure didn't look like someone who could be bossed around, I would definitely like to see how that played out.

" Now that that's settled. It's time for our Chemistry class."

Everyone groaned except me because Chemistry was one of my best Subjects.

"I hate this subject" Carla murmured but covered her mouth with her hands when she realized she had spoken in a loud voice.

"Carla how can you hate a subject that's centered on learning better about the life around us and inside us" Mr. Vincent said lamely. He always tried to be funny but ended up sounding corny.

Everyone scoffed.

"That's awful sir" Ben shouted from the back.

Mr. Vincent was the only teacher we were really free with. He was carefree and so good at impacting knowledge into others. He also indulged us whenever he could.

I glanced at Ben shaking my head at him but my gaze landing on Davyn who looked straight ahead not sparing a glance to any of the girls who were sneakily peering at him .



"What is it?" Carla could be a pain sometimes.

"Are you mad at me"she whispered pouting her lips.

Maybe choosing to sit next to Carla this term was a bad decision.

"No, I'm not" I said with a scowl.

".....and that's Maria. The curviest girl in the school, she's also really popular and loves playing hard to get" Keith pointed his fingers whispering to Davyn, but failed miserable because I was sure he could be heard all the way in the Philippines.

What. The. Fudge.

I was going to murder that boy even if it was the last thing I did on earth.

I turned to the side giving Keith what I assumed was a murderous glare, which he acknowledged with a wink.

The effrontery.

Davyn looked between us and whispered to Keith.

Since when were they buddies, I thought as I faced Mr. Vincent who was yet to start the lecture.

"Looks like Davyn is already making friends" Carla said whilst curling her thick natural hair with her fingers.

I ignored her.

What did Davyn say to Keith about me?


What do you guys think of Omar, Davyn, and Keith?

Do you think Maria is being"bitchy"?

In Nigeria, each year could be grouped into two or more classes.

Have you ever met cute guys and thought they looked "mehh"?

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