I watch as Jay leaves the room. Something about him seems off. I just don't know what that is and what caused it. A text from Jess cuts off my train of thought.
J: Girly, call me now! It's time for me to spill major tea! Grab the popcorn! Oh and an empty cup, maybe. Lol.
P: give me like 15 minutes.
J: Kk.
"AHH! Thank you for actually calling me Piper!" Jess says, fixing her hair in her phone's camera.
"Yeah, I've been really out of it recently. I'm sorry I haven't been able to call you as much anymore," I say, forcing a smile.
"Nah, it's ok. This is a start. Anyway, I'm kind of in a dilemma and I need your help. So, I was talking with Andre in the library... Oh that reminds me! Your story is much more important. How did you get Andre's hoodie?"
I completely forgot that I was wearing his hoodie, so I glance down at myself.
"Girl, don't play dumb! Spill!" she says, going out of the camera frame.
"I was just shivering in science and he lended it to me, that's all," I say.
"And you didn't give it back to him?"
"I forgot and I sort of got it a bit dirty, so I'll have to wash it before giving it to him." I look at the mascara stains on his purple hoodie.
I hold back from saying any more. Andre did give me his hoodie because I was cold, but there is more to the story.
I look up to see Andre looking down at me with concern.
We're both in the same gym class, but right now we're in the girl's locker room.
I left class to go to the locker room because I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I couldn't keep my cool anymore and needed to step out of class. I couldn't make it to the stall and was crying on the locker room floor. I can't believe that he is in the girls locker room, though.
I quickly wipe away my tears and say, "Yeah? What are you doing here?"
"You've been gone for a while and I wanted to come in and check on you" Andre says, shyly. He reaches for the tissue box on the counter and hands me a tissue. "Are you okay?"
"Of course I'm not okay!" I snap. I immediately cover my mouth realizing that I just yelled at him. He was only trying to help me.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. I just miss my mom," I say, sniffling. Great, now I sound like a freaking two year old.
I think about how caring Andre was when Mom died. Andre came over everyday for a week, trying to make sure Bry was okay. Now that I think about it, he probably was checking on all of us. Bry doesn't deserve a friend like him, I sarcastically think to myself.
"I'm once again sorry for your loss," he says. He then helps me get up from the floor. "If you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me." I almost cringe at the words. Those are the same words from my dad, my counselor, and my 'friends'.
"Yeah thanks," I say, trying to sound polite. His words don't really pass surface level though. I clean the tears from my eyes and start heading out of the locker room. Hopefully, Andre is smart about this so the teacher won't get mad that he was in the-
I look around the gym and no one is there.
"Oh, I uh forgot to mention that the bell rang, so it's already the 6th period and we should head to science" Andre says.
I turn and give him a look. Is he serious right now?
"What?! You were all sad and everything, I felt like saying that probably would have added to your stress."
We walk into science together and I see the whole class stare at me, including Bry. I wonder what's going on in his head right now.
I peel away from Andre before Bry can burn a hole in me with his stare. I head to the back row and Andre follows me, choosing the seat next to me. I ignore him and try to follow along with Mr. Roberts, our science teacher. I try to stay focused, but from the corner of my eye I see Andre checking on me periodically.
I think about the whole event in the gym. Andre noticed I was gone once class was over and decided to head to the locker room to check on me. Why? Did Bry ask him to watch over me or something? Andre was also acting very strange. He usually makes fun of me with Bry, but he was acting really nice. Unless he's always been nice and it's Bry that makes him mean. It's like he cared about me almost-. I quickly push the thought out of my head. Andre is a good friend to Bry, nothing more. I need to stop overanalyzing everything.
I turn my focus to the board and make a mental note of the materials I'll need for the class. When the teacher turns to write another thing on the board, Andre reaches over and taps me on the shoulder. He then hands me his purple hoodie signaling for me to put it on. I begin to search his face for an explanation, but the minute he hands it to me he turns back to the board.
I quietly put it on and absentmindedly sniff it. I probably look like a dork, but it's a habit I can't control. I also love the smell of coconut. I put the hood over my head and I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I sneak my phone out to see a text from Andre and Bry.
I open Bry's text first, curious to see what he has to say.
Why were you late to class?
There is no 'are you okay?' or 'can I get you something'. I decide to leave Bry on read and check the message from Andre.
A: you looked cold
P: yea i was. how'd you know?
Andre answers back with a winking emoji.
No, not this again. I once again push down the possibility that he has a crush on me. That's unnecessary drama I don't have the brain power to even think about.
I glance at my camera and almost gasp. No wonder people were looking at me. I look like a mess. Well, not entirely. But I definitely don't look my best. I think about wiping it off when the bell rings. I slowly get up from my chair. I watch as Andre and Bry rush out of the room and start arguing.
"I don't think staring at the hoodie will remove the stains, Pi," Jess says playfully. She brings me back to reality. I'm in my room on facetime with Jess, I remind myself.
"Oh well, I understand if you don't want to tell the full story as your brother, Bryan could be listening in," she says giggling.
"Please my brother has better things to do than listening in to my facetime call," I say, rolling my eyes.
"Whatever, you better spill the full tea in school tomorrow!" she says excitedly. "Oo! And this reminds me about why I needed to call you. So like I said I'm in a dilemma. Or I have a dilemma. How is it supposed to be worded?"
"It doesn't matter, come on continue.." I say, trying to sound interested.
"Ok where was I? Oh yes, so Andre and I, talking in the library. And then we started talking about shipping other people. We started getting on to the topic of Bryan and it sort of slipped out of him that Bryan liked me. Like imagine? Your brother likes me? Crazy right? Anyway-"
"Hold on," I say, trying to process everything she's saying, "You're telling me that Andre told YOU that Bry had a crush on YOU?"
"Yeah. So, then..." Jess continues, oblivious to my confusion.
What kind of friend tells that kind of thing to another person? Does boy code not exist? And he said that to Jess? She probably told the whole school by now. But, Bry doesn't like Jess he told me before school ended last year that he liked Daniella. Unless his feelings changed over the summer?
"....and he said he liked you..", she says, brushing out her hair in the camera.
"Wait, who likes me?" I say, tuning back into the conversation again.
"Andre does! Duh. Come on Pi stay with me here," she says, grabbing something out of the frame. "I mean it explains why he gave you his hoodie, right?"
I take a moment to process all of this. So Bry likes Jess and Andre likes me. Actually, that was kind of easy to process. The question is are those feelings reciprocated. Wow, look at me I'm using fancy words like Jay.
Jess answers my unsaid question, "So you may be thinking, do I like Bryan back? No. Not anymore, anyway. And it's a big relief too, imagine the drama that would occur between the friend groups, if we dated?"
I still don't see Bry dating Jess.
"So, as I was heading to the library I was talking to Bryan and Andre. And Bryan would never let me finish my sentence. Like he would ignore me and interrupt me..."
I don't blame Bry. It takes a lot to stand Jess. She can be a little bit self-centered sometimes.
"...then I started asking about you because you were acting a bit weird today and- Oh yea I had to ask you about that. Are you okay? You seemed a bit off and... disconnected."
I open my mouth to lie and then decide against it. Jess is my best friend, I should be able to tell her anything.
"No, I'm not really okay actually. Thanks for asking. I just miss my mom a lot, you know," I say softly. I try to act like it's not really a big deal, but Jess sees right through that.
"Oh my gosh! Piper, I totally forgot. You have to tell me these things you know. I'm not just here to look pretty and offer entertaining stories of my life..."
I laugh at that, ugh Jess is so good at making me smile.
"...but I'm here to emotionally support you. If something is bothering you, tell me. I would do the same if I were in your shoes. I mean come on, we're best friends!"
"Yeah, I'm sorry everything has just been a lot right now. And I didn't want to burden you, like I've been sulking for so long. It's probably gotten old." My words contradict how I'm feeling, but I want it to seem that this isn't a big deal, so we can move on. I'm used to being the center of attention, but right now it's not something I really want.
Jess doesn't buy it though. "Burden me?" Jess asks as if being accused. "Girl, that should be the least of your problems. We are talking about your mental health here. You need to prioritize that. You should talk to someone to get all of that weight off your chest. And that someone is me. When you're ready to talk of course." I've heard these same words almost a million times over the past year and only when Jess says it does it really speak volume. I'm not saying the other people don't care or don't mean what they say but I can feel the love and sincerity flowing from Jess' words and aura.
This is why I can stand Jess, she can be a little bit preoccupied with herself sometimes, but she's genuinely a good person and a great friend. "Yeah you're right. When I'm ready to talk I will."
"We may not be peanut butter and jelly, but I'm here for you girl! I need you to remember that. BFFLS!!"
"Hmm, maybe I can find some room for you in the sandwich. You could be the bread maybe? Jessica Baker. We could use your last name instead."
"Haha, maybe. I don't know if your brothers would be okay with that. I feel like your mom, Bethany, probably filled up the role as the bread anyway."
She is so right, I think of all the times that Mom held us all together. When my brothers and I fought and it seemed like we hated each other, she found a way to hold us together. Besides, the bread pretty much makes the sandwich a sandwich. I feel a tear roll down my cheek.
"Pi, you need to let your feelings out. It's the only way you'll get better. Trust me, holding in all your emotions isn't gonna go well for you."
"Yeah, you're right. Thank you Jess."
"I love you Piper and I'd never judge you on things like this. See, I judged you when you said you liked Justin Bieber. But.."
"Jessica! We were like ten! Of course, I loved Justin. Everyone loved Justin!"
"Except me. Oh honey, you were messed up then. But as I was saying, I've seen you through your worst and I'll always be here for you. I'm like the sister you never had, but always desperately wanted and needed"
"Tell me about it. These boys are killing me!"
I don't know why I do this to myself. I've already had two signs today, telling me that I'm not alone. Why do I still push everyone else away?
"Ok Jess, enough about me. Finish your story," I say, actually curious to hear what else she has to say.
"Yeah of course." I watch as Jess switches from loving mother mode to tea spilling bestie. She pauses to remember where she left off.
"So as I was saying Bryan started talking about how today's been hard for you and guess what he said next:
'I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet.'
Like the nerve of your brother?! Sorry, I'm just realizing how weird it is to tell you this, I mean he's your brother after all. But, yea, he was kind of rude. That and a bunch of other things have made me like him less and less."
Another sign! I guess Jay was right, like he always is, Bry is here for me. And I'm glad he had my back.
"But that doesn't make any sense to me, " Jess says, thinking. "If he were to like me, wouldn't he be a bit nicer?"
"I don't know. I mean Bry is my brother and he shows his brotherly love by teasing me." I pass my hands through my hair. "Then again it would be weird for him to do that to you, since you guys aren't related."
"I have a feeling that Andre is wrong though. Like I don't think I'm Bryan's type."
I think about that. She may be right. But I don't think Bry would lie to Andre. He could definitely lie to all of his other friends, but Andre? They trust each other with their lives.
Jess decides to change the subject. So, do you like Dre?" she giggles. "That's my new nickname for him."
"I don't know," I answer, honestly. I really haven't had the chance to process all of this. Do I like Andre? He's nice for sure, but I've never seen him more than just my brother's best friend. I think of all the times he came over and hung out with Bry. Did he like me then? Did I like him then? Either way it doesn't matter, nothing is going to happen.
"Okay..." Jess says unconvinced.
"No seriously, I don't really know if I like him yet." That's the best answer I can give her. I then realize it's probably for the better that I don't give her an answer before she tells the whole school. I love Jess, but sometimes she doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. I trust that she won't go blabbing about personal stuff like my mom, but when it comes to crushes she can't hold it back.
"Ok girly. Oh and the other thing I had to tell you, you can't tell ANYONE. I don't want the whole school knowing who I like..."
How ironic. I almost roll my eyes.
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