New Recruits arc Episode six: Creepy Paw Patrol Tales
Paw Patrol X: The Hearts of Truth
New Recruits arc Episode six: Creepy Paw Patrol Tales
Nathan Sharp's cover of the Overlord opening theme played with Charm's eyes opening after a transition of sorts. Flare was then shown jumping up in an open area with the sky all that was shown as Nathan Sharp is heard singing. "Can someone give me the (Flare punches at the screen with an excited smile) a-answer, (Marshall jumps up and kicks at the screen with a determined smile) to my (Richie jumps up and shoots at the screen with a serious look) que-estion? (Chase jumps up and back-kicks the screen with a serious smile) Where's my (Rocky jumps up and slashes the screen in half with a cocky smile) soul?"
A stream of grass was shown as the words Paw Patrol appeared on the screen from gun shots going though them, followed up by the X being made with two sword slashes as the music continued. The Hearts of Truth then appeared through a blazing flame going across them with the Paw Patrol then shown, leading up to Flare giving a peace sign as the song continued with the lyrics coming back.
Flare back flipped over one of Charm's soldiers and kicked him aside as the song continued. "It's like a virus in my body (Flare spins over to another soldier) while I'm (Flare punches the other soldier, making him fall down) dreaming. (Marshall is seen tripping as he runs off with some sort of package) When I wake up, all that's (Marshall scratches his head and laughs innocently as he looks at the screen with his eyes closed) left of me are bones."
Richie was shown shooting a soldier as the song continued. "I'm in a panic! (Richie kicks the soldier aside) Get out, (Richie shoots at the screen) hurry. (Chase is seen holding a hand mirror up to his butt as he admires it while shaking it) Oh there are mysteries, (Chase sees the screen and puts the mirror away, giving a serious look with a peace sign) and many miseries. (Rocky is seen roundhouse kicking a soldier to the floor) Dead of alive, I'm on the brink (Rocky grabs the soldier's face and farts into it) of self destruction."
Skye was shown to be back flipping over to her jet-pack as the song continued. "As I'm (Skye gives a peace sign after jumping up) roaming, (Skye lands by the jetpack and puts it on) from left to right to (Skye takes off with smoke covering the screen, with Zuma then seen surfboarding) An invitation, (Zuma gives a peace sign to the audience) to come disappear . (Snow comes onto the screen as she moves her hair back, seeming to have a cold persona) We're dancing one, two, three steps (Snow sees the screen and punches it out of frustration) on this dark stage."
Charm was then seen standing on a building with a sadistic and charismatic smile as he seemed to be saying something that couldn't be heard over the song. "Raise your flag, march and fight. Break your mask and show some pride! (The camera pans to behind Charm with the destruction of a city being shown) While this war just sends a shiver down my crooked spine. (Charm puts his arms out on their perspective sides) Wars and swords, tears and blood. Feel my heart begin to race. (Charm is seen laughing maniacally) As I laugh through this bloodbath we've made!" Charm clenches both of his fists as he tucks his paws onto his chest, glaring with a sadistic smile and crimson red glare.
Charm was shown to be fighting off Rocky in some sort of science office as Charm blocked his punches and kicks with ease. "Can someone give me the (Charm kicks Rocky back with Rocky holding his stomach in pain) a-answer, to my (Chase kicks open a vent and slides down it as Charm continues working on a computer of sorts) que-estion? (Charm grabs Chase's arm when he attempts to punch him and crushes it, filling Rocky with grief as he watches) Where's my soul? Where's my heart? (Charm roundhouse kicks Chase back at full force) Am I losing my own self?"
Rocky was shown looking at his sword in some sort of bus, seeming to be on edge about how the mission went. "Don't you hesitate, go this way-ay-ay. (Flare looks over at Rocky, seeing that he's feeling down about something) I don't know. And I don't care. (Flare puts his paw on Rocky's shoulder to comfort him with a smile) Tell me, are you not entertained now?"
Richie was shown to be punching at something with high speeds. "I'll just keep (Charm is shown to be blocking Richie's punches) surviving, (Richie aims one last punch at Charm, who dodges it, making Richie punch a wall) I just cannot hide it all. (Richie turns around and aims a kick at Charm, who blocks it and aims a punch at him) I am not to fall a victim, (Richie clenches his fist with anger) I'll continue living in this, (Richie prepares to aim a punch at Charm) misery driven (Richie aims a punch at Charm, covering up the screen) world!" Flare was shown looking over a cliff as he looks at a destroyed city, looking back on a teenage looking Kishu with a charasmatic yet devilish grin pinning him against a tree with his foot. Flare looked over the cliff with determination as the song ended with Paw Patrol X: The Hearts of Truth being shown above him.
Flare was testing out his new bow by putting an arrow up to the line, aiming it up to the sky with precision. He then shot the bow to the top of a tree, missing it by just a few feet, just as Snow walked up to him. "I think I'm getting the aiming in line. I just gotta get the perfect grip and I'll be able to use this baby like no tomorrow." Snow took a liking to Flare from this sight, being that they were up close with each other. The two of them then saw Chase setting something up and walked on over to him. "Hey Chase. What's all this about?"
Chase set down a scarecrow and pushed it hard into the ground, making sure it was in nice and tight. "Just preparing for scary stories. It's something we do on every camping trip and the stories get better each and every time."
Flare got excited from those words and dashed up to Chase with his excitement showing quite well. "So that means we'll get to make everyone pee their pants off!? (Shrugs) Assuming we ever end up wearing pants."
"Well that's one way to look at it, yeah." Chase admitted, and then he looked back on a past event he had with Flare and Marshall. "I don't see why you're so excited by this though. You've seen me and Marshall tell scary stories before."
"Well yeah, but that's the thing; I only SAW you doing it." Flare pointed out, indicating that he's never told a scary story before. "That's why tonight I'm..." Flare suddenly dashed off and then came back with a monocle and a book. "Flare the storybook master!" Snow giggled at the british accent Flare put on as he opened up his book. "Whether the story is true or false, I'll be sure to make you feel all kinds of emotions from the inside out. Prepare yourself my egotistical German Shepherd friend. The time will come for your fear to rise." Chase took a liking to this, finding Flare's persona unique.
"Flare's gained personas for just about every type of personality after you went to join the Paw Patrol." Marshall explained, leaving Chase interested in what Flare came up with. "He has a boxer persona, a firefighter persona, heck, he even has a police officer persona."
That last one interested Chase the most. He didn't think Flare would be cop material, but he was quite flattered by the attempt. "You actually have a cop persona?" Flare nodded as he then opened up some sort of dictionary and pulled out a bubble pipe to start smoking from it.
Richie had just finished clearing out his and Rocky's tent from Rocky's fart incident and saw Rocky talking with Zuma nearby. When he walked up to them, he held the bag up to them and Zuma gagged at the scent. Rocky saw Richie's blunt expression as the teen then asked this to the Mixed Breed. "Care to explain?"
"Oh, that's not mine." Rocky replied, and then Richie raised an eyebrow, which led to Rocky saying this. "Okay fine, it's mine. I was farting for six hours straight in that tent and I guess it slipped out."
"You know the drill." Richie stated when he dropped the bag in front of Rocky. "Make it quick." Rocky rolled his eyes and walked off with Zuma uncovering his nose as Richie looked at him. "So how bad did he smell when he came out?"
"Tewwible." Zuma assured Richie with a horrid memory of the scent. "I don't even think a sewer would be able to compawe to what I just smelt fwom him." Zuma gagged again, not wanting to smell anything worse from Rocky. "I'm glad no one else farts for that long."
Rocky threw away the bag of his poop when he saw Snow sharpening an arrow outside of her tent, running up to her and skidding when he stopped. Snow ignored the dust that came her way, along with Rocky's terrible odor, with Rocky greeting Snow. "Hey Snow. How's it going?"
"Fine." Snow replied, leaving Rocky dissapointed by her lack of emotion. "Look Rocky, I'm not in the mood to talk right now. And if it's about the island thing then forget it. It happened, and we can't stop it." Rocky put on a look of guilt, looking back on how terrible that day was. Snow saw his expression and scoffed, finding him pathetic for looking like he was about to start sulking.
The Paw Patrol was sitting around the campfire as Rocky got ready to tell the first scary story of the night. "You guys ready for this? I wouldn't wanna risk getting you nightmares." Everyone stayed calm and collected in their seats with Rocky putting on a grin as he began. "Well then. This tale started all the way back in 1919. It was a dark and stormy night, (A dark and stormy night is shown in an old timey animation style) and few people were still awake." A lighthouse was shown with a Mixed Breed walking up to it. "But one was still rather suspicious looking."
The Mixed Breed walked into the lighthouse and turned on a light, closing the door and backing up slowly. When he turned around, a bunch of dead bodies were shown with the Mixed Breed keeping a blank face. "He didn't even react when he saw the dead bodies in the lighthouse. It was almost like he didn't see them." A cop kicked open the door and shouted at the mixed breed, pointing his gun at him, only to get shot in the head.
"And the reason for that was soon revealed to be...that the killer..." The Mixed Breed gains a red eye and glares at the cop with a demonic glare as he picked up a dead body head. "Was him! And all of a sudden, (The Mixed Breed goes to kiss the dead body head) he (The story goes back to the pups) kissed the head and looked at the cop with an evil glare!" Everyone was scared in place by this story with Rocky then finishing up as he put the flahslight down, having been holding it before he started. "And that dog...was my great grandfather."
Everyone else gained a shocked look on their face with Rocky chuckling evilly as the story ended. This even led to Ryder asking about it, being quite fond of the fact itself. "You're serious. Your great grandfather, was a murderer."
"Yep. You don't believe me (Pulls out his phone) I've got my dad waiting to answer the questions." Rocky was waving his phone around, waiting for someone else to question him. "Cmon guys. Knock yourselves out; curiosity never bites."
"We're good dude." Zuma stated for everyone, and then Rocky put his phone away with Zuma signaling him to toss the flashlight over, which he did. "Alwight dudes. This is gonna be one heck of a stowy for you. And even though it's not fact like Wocky's, it'll still leave a scar in your minds." Everyone was awaiting for Zuma to start his story as he then gave a little backstory as to how he made it up. "I thought this up while I was on the beach one day, and I was thinking of a cool way I could scare you guys to death. This is what I came up with."
The scene changed to something that looked like it was happening in the present century as a Chocolate Labrador was shown. He was lying down in a beach chair and seemed to be enjoying himself. Chilling in the sun with nothing to lose; it was the most relaxing thing this dog could think of. Though, if you've been in a horror story before, you probably know that this won't end well. And Zuma was more than willing to state that.
"This Chocolate Lab dude was just sitting in a beach chair minding his own business, when suddenly..." A giant octopus tentacle came out from the sea and scared everyone off, grabbing the Chocolate Labrador's leg and pulling him in. "A giant octopus came up and took care of the Chocolate Labrador right out of nowhere!" He then dropped him into his mouth and swallowed, leaving him with little room to see. "It was weally gnawly in the octopus's stomach. Though, the Chocolate lab knew exactly how to get out."
The Chocolate Labrador lifted his leg with Zuma shown to be doing the same as he released a squeaky five second salmon fart, releasing a small green cloud underneath him (pfffffffffft). Rocky wafted the cloud away and laughed, hi fiving Zuma as Chase rolled his eyes and Flare giggled softly. Marshall covered his nose and Skye snatched the flashlight away as she then commented on Zuma's gas release. "Was this just an excuse to fart?"
"Yep. Been holding that one in since dinner." Zuma revealed, and then he put his leg down as he allowed Skye to have her turn. "Well Skye, you're up next."
"Oh boy, this is gonna be a creepy one for sure." Skye held the flashlight up to her face and began the story. "This story took place in an airport. It was a normal day, with little going on." Skye was sitting in the airport and seemed to find it hard to sit still. "I was being my usual self, super excited for what was going on. Of course I was just getting back from visiting my family in Washington D.C when I heard a gunshot."
Skye walked off to find out what the gunshot was and found that there was a terrorist in the building. He then aimed his gun at her, which led to her throwing a trash can at him. "I just threw a trash can at him and then he got knocked out. I think he even got a concussion." Skye was shown finishing up the story. "And then he tried to shoot me, and then I got mad and killed him. The end."
Everyone looked at Skye with a confused look as Chase then commented on how random the story was fear wise. "Um...Skye? That seems a lot less like a horror story than it should."
"Oh Chase, I know I didn't put any girls besides me in it." Chase flinched at what Skye just said and she snickered a bit before correcting herself. "Seriously though. (Looks at Ryder) Ryder, am I paranoid about that guy who tried to kill me?"
"Nah, you're fine Skye." Ryder assured Skye, feeling that this was totally normal. "This is most likely just your way of letting us know it happened."
Skye wiped her head with a relieved sigh as Snow grabbed the flashlight herself, getting ready to scare everyone's skin off. "Alright amatures. Let's see what you can get from this." A Husky was walking through an old abandoned graveyard as Snow began narrating over it. "Long ago, a young adult hit someone in a car accident due to the recent tyrany that happened in her city that day. (The Husky kneels down) Although the family didn't hold any grudges, she was too guilt driven by what happened to leave without leaving something for the one she killed."
The Husky pulled out a cherry blossom and put it on the grave of the one she killed. "His favorite flower. A cherry blossom." Just then, a zombie was shown behind her with the Husky staying still, unable to know what was to come. "A mysterious figure was behind her. (The zombie kneels down to the husky and starts breathing) And he breathed deeply. And deeply. And deeply. Until the Husky finally turned around and froze with even more fear in her heart."
The Husky looked at the zombie with fear, unable to picture what could happen and unable to move. "And then. The zombie aimed for it's strike." The zombie bit the husky, leaving Snow to finish up the story. "And then. She became a zombie herself. Stiff as ice." Marshall got chills from that story and Flare was stoked to have heard it. "You like that story? Heh. Well we're about to get a story from the master of dark and edgy. At least in our group anyway.(Hands the flashlight to Richie) You're up Richie. Knock us out with your best."
Richie held the flashlight right under his face as he prepared to tell his story with it going into an area filled with fire and dead bodies. A teenage boy was walking through this world, feeling lifeless as Richie spoke to narrate the story. "The depths of a fire filled world. What do they hold you may ask? I'll tell you. Terror." The teenage boy walked around with fear as he saw dead bodies of demons and even humans all around. "This one boy walked around with fear sinking through his heart and an ominous presence surrounding him at every corner."
The boy was reaching his breakdown point when he had a flaming skull charge at him and strike him in the head. When he felt his head, he saw that he was bleeding and his eyes widened. "The flaming skulls were helping him near the end to his sanity." The boy continued walking onward as he tried to deny his fear. "He could swear he had a concussion from what happened to him. He couldn't stop thinking about the horror he was feeling."
The boy walked up to a room and opened up the door, seeing a floating red orb and walking up to it, as his instincts told him to do so. When he reached out to touch it, he heard footsteps and the viewing of an adult demon was shown when he turned around. "The King of Demons was glaring at this boy. He was terrified beyond belief, and he couldn't move a muscle. He didn't know what was going to happen now that he knew this dark secret." The demon walked up to the boy and glared at him. "A fact that could surprise anyone, the demon that then raised his hand..."
The demon raised his hand to slap the child, but just before the strike was made, Richie was shown ending with his final words. "Was his own father!" Everyone screamed in fear outside of Ryder, who chuckled a bit, having heard that story once before. Richie even put on a grin from hearing Ryder's chuckle. "Yeah, well you'd know a thing or two about that story Ryder. Anyone who could get the story to it's fullest extent is one intelligent cookie."
Chase suddenly picked up a funky smell and sniffed the air a bit, wondering what it could be and then he looked at Marshall, having found it closest to him. Marshall flnched and looked underneath him, blushing as Rocky snickered at what just happened and Zuma elbowed him to keep him from stopping. Skye dashed up to her tent and then over to Marshall, handing him some toilet paper, which he appriciated. "Oh. Thanks Skye." Flare got off of the log so Marshall could push it away with Rocky taking a picture of the poop on his butt.
Rocky snickered as he looked at the picture, knowing how many reactions it would get. "This is gonna go viral." Ryder took Rocky's phone out of his paws and held him back as he went to get it back. "Hey, give it back Ryder!" Ryder deleted the photo and handed Rocky his phone back, dissapointing Rocky as he then groaned in annoyance. "Ryder, that was gonna get so many hits! If you're THAT jealous of how good it was then maybe I should sh-"
Richie held up a water bottle and splashed some at Rocky, making him jump as Richie laughed a bit after that. "The mom's at home won't like that one." Richie laughed a bit more with Rocky rolling his eyes as Richie said something else. "Seriously though kids. Don't swear."
"Oh, that reminds me." Ryder responded, chiming in to warn Rocky about something. "We'll be giving you a bath in the morning Rocky."
"Bathe this!" Rocky dashed up to Ryder and let out a nasty burp into his face, making him gag as he wafted it away. "The day I let you bathe me is the day I stop being disgusting. Which is never. So I'm never getting into that tub."
Rocky walked on over to his log with Marshall returning as Richie tossed him the flashlight after he sat down. "Thanks Richie. (Starts thinking) Hmm. Alright, which story should I tell."
Flare suddenly got an idea for a story that he felt he and Marshall could tell together, hoping he would be on board with the idea. "Oh Marshall. Can we both tell mine? Pleeeease?" Flare asked with excitement and Marshall nodded as he rubbed Flare's head with a smile. Flare then whispered the story into Marshall's ear, knowing that he wold love it. And he did. The two of them then got ready to tell the story. "Alright guys. This is gonna be a good one."
Flare and Marshall were walking up to a haunted house with Flare being excited beyond belief. "Oh boy Marshall, I can't wait to find ourselves a ghost. And once we do, I'm gonna call it ghosty, and make it our own pet." Marshall rolled his eyes while smiling, loving the optimism and bravery of his brother, as Flare then felt he forgot something. "Hey, you guys see my lunchbox? I think we'll be here for a while." Marshall handed it to him, having retrieved what Flare had forgotten. "Thanks." The three of them then headed on up to the haunted house.
When they got inside, it was all dark and creepy, indicating that it was exceptionally old and possibly even abaondoned. Flare was the first to comment on this. "Wow. Whoever lived here must've hated decorating."
Marshall saw a spider web and found nothing too creepy about it when he saw an average spider kneeling down to them. He even waved to it with a smile. "Hey little guy." The spider waved back at Marshall, who then walked off to see what he could find. When he leaned over to Flare, he whispered something to him. "Sure is creepy huh? I wouldn't be too surprised if those rumors were true."
"Yeah, but shouldn't be anything too hard to handle." Flare whispered back, feeling that it wouldn't be too hard to get around this place without fainting. "It'll take a lot more than some creepy story to scare me." A needle was floating around behind the two of them as it stabbed Flare right in the butthole. This made Flare flinch and wince, catching the attention of Marshall, who hoped he was okay. "Yep. Right in the farthole."
Marshall pulled the needle out of Flare's butt, making him jump up as Marshall then looked to check if he was hurt or not with Flare's butt being right in front of his face as he did. "You okay Fl-" Flare suddenly cut a loud and bassy ten second expired milk fart, hitting Marshall with a green cloud (PHHHHHHHHHHT).
Marshall then gagged as Flare giggled at what he just did. "Sorry Marshall. Guess breakfast came back to bite me." Marshall wafted the fart cloud away as he and Flare continued onward. "Who do you think poked me anyway?" The ghost suddenly appeared in front of Flare and Marshall, who were more than shocked to see it in person. They ran off as fast as they could with the ghost chasing after them, leading them into the kitchen. This excited Flare quite a bit. "Maybe we can bribe him with food or something. Ghosts like food, right?"
The ghost appeared behind Flare and Marshall and they grabbed some chairs, smashing them together and hitting the ghost with them. At least they thought they did, as they just smashed into each other and ended up breaking the chairs. They ran off again, not wanting to get caught. When they ran down the hallway, they hid behind some window curtains, only for the ghost to tear them down. The two of them were able to trap him in the curtains however, and they ran off with the ghost coming up from the curtains.
Flare and Marshall were walking in a hallway with a bunch of doors with Flare going through one and Marshall going through the other. Flare came out with pies being flung at him and Marshall was following some footprints that were being made as he followed them. When they came out of the next door, Marshall got kissed by a White Shepherd female and Flare came out with a sword, which Marshall tossed away so he wouldn't get hurt.
Flare opened another door and a yeti was shown using the bathroom. When Flare closed the door, he and Marshall saw the ghost and ran off again, trying to find a way to stop it. When they got to a window, they saw that there was a shread of light outside. The two of them nodded to each other and pulled the blind up just as the ghost caught up to them. This was when the ghost vanished into thin air and melted, leaving Flare and Marshall confused. They thought it was vampires that melted from sunlight; not ghosts.
Flare and Marshall walked off and Flare asked Marshall something that he hoped he could get an answer for. "So it's vampires that normally do the melting stuff, right? Cause I think ghosts just vanish forever in the movies. Either that or they just get hurt by the light."
"Yeah, that's usually the case." Marshall assured Flare, and once the two of them exited the house, they saw a bunch of police officers in front of the place. "Heh. Guess we both forgot something. with me it's that these guys were making a search." Flare nodded with intrigue, finding Marshall's words to be quite true.
Flare and Marshall were outside talking to someone as Flare was explaining what they did in the haunted house. "And that's when we defeated the ghost, which led to me and Marshall being so good at defeating it, that you didn't report us to our mom, since she doesn't know we're here." A grown German Shepherd in a police vest was looking down at Flare and Marshall as he raised an eyebrow. "Well we couldn't just tell her we were coming here. She would've locked us in our room as soon as we did. At least I think she would've."
"No Flare. She would've just upgraded the security." Marshall corrected Flare, and then he spoke to the officer. "Listen officer, if it's possible, could you keep this from our family? If they found it we were out here then they'd never let us out of the house again. Well they would, but Margareth would just follow us everywhere, and lord knows that would get annoying fast. We love our sister and all, but she can be super protective when she wants to be."
The officer crossed his arms, making Flare and Marshall wonder what he was thinking about. When he gave his answer, he felt it was most reasonable indeed. "Look. I can't say you didn't leave the house at all, cause she obviously knows you left for some reason. But if you two promise not to go into that haunted house again, I'll keep this from her."
Flare and Marshall looked at each other and nodded before looking back at the cop with Marshall speaking up. "You can count on it. We weren't even planning on going back anyway." The officer nodded and walked off with the animation going back to the pups as Marshall wrapped up the story. "And that's how we got involved in a ghost house thing that barely lasted and got away with it."
Everyone seemed to take a liking to the story, especially Chase, who enjoyed hearing about when Flare and Marshall were bonding. "I remember you guys telling me about that before I left to join the Paw Patrol. Must've been a really fun time."
"Oh it was Chase." Flare assured Chase, and then Marshall rubbed Flare's head as he continued. "And that ghost never came back so it couldn't haunt our hometown even if it wanted too." Flare hugged Marshall, who wrapped his arms around him and smiled.
The Paw Patrol were all sleeping as a mysterious figure came out of Skye and Snow's tent with a sneaky thought in mind. When the figure walked up to Flare and Marshall's tent, it was revealed to be Snow, and she crawled in to see if she could get the book from Flare. Once she got up to Flare, she saw that he didn't have the book, but instead it was somewhere possibly in his pack. That was where she checked next, and she opened it up as quietly as possible to not wake the two up, only for Flare to moan a bit, indicating that he heard the noise.
Snow heard Flare moan and opened it up as fast as possible, taking the book and waking up Flare. She knocked him out with the book though and walked off, sighing of relief that she didn't give him a concussion. She snuck back to her own tent and looked to see Skye still sleeping, glad that she didn't wake up. She then went over to her own bag and opened it up, putting the book in and closing it up. She pumped her fist at a mission accomplished and went over to Skye to go back to sleep.
The Paw Patrol was getting ready to head home once morning struck as Snow looked around, hoping Flare didn't notice the book was gone. When he saw Flare getting out of the tent to yawn, he walked up to him and greeted him with a friendly tone in her voice. "Morning Flare."
"Morning Snow." Flare let out another yawn, feeling he didn't get the best sleep last night. "Ya know, the weirdest thing happened last night. I dreamed about some girl hitting me with a book and knocking me out."
Snow flincehd and chuckled nervously, trying to find the right words so Flare doesn't pin her to the crime. "Yeah. That's...really strange." Snow looked around and held her pack tight, glad that Flare didn't know he lost the book, let alone link her to it. "So. No one else is up, and I was thinking that maybe we could make breakfast for everyone. Assuming we both know how to cook."
"I've cooked before." Flare answered with an interest in what food they could make. "I don't know if we can make breakfast though. After all, the forest doesn't have any pigs, and every breakfast needs a nice crispy batch of bacon." Snow giggled a bit upon seeing Flare speak, finding his wording quite funny. "Well, we'll just have to make it work. Cmon Snow." Snow nodded and walked off with Flare as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.
Dragon Ball Super Usubeni cover by Mark de Groot instrumental played during the credits as Flare was shown looking over a cliff with a determined look. Flare closed his eyes as he then thought about how he was going to contribute to the team. The music suddenly got more intense as Flare was then shown fighting off four members of the Waste's, seeming to have fun while doing it as he kicked one right in the face and made him fall back into another. Flare then slammed the heads of the other two in as he then looked into the woods to find the Kishu from the intro standing there.
Flare and the Kishu stood across from each other as the two of them prepared to engage in battle once the Kishu threw one of his cards once a male voice was heard singing. "Farewell, (Flare dodges the card and charges at the Kishu) beautiful lover. (Flare aims a punch at the Kishu, who grabs his paw with little effort) I love you so, (Flare gets indimidated by the Kishu's devilish stare) but still I let you go. (Flare gets determined and aims a kick at the Kishu's side, which he blocks) Under this pink sky is where we went our (The Kishu kicks Flare back) seperate ways."
Flare regained his balance from getting send back and blocked three more cards as the song continued. "I want you to (The Kishu dash knees Flare in the stomach) know I love you, (Flare attempts to punch the Kishu, who pins him against a tree by his neck before he can do so) so I won't let you go. (The Kishu gives a calm but menacing stare into Flare's eyes, terrifying him) I wish I had (The Kishu lets go of Flare and walks off with Flare then charging at him) said these words to you,(The Kishu turns around) But I have left all these words unspoken."
Flare was shown looking over the cliff again as he stood tall and proud, determined to show himself better than the Kishu. "Like pink petals start to fall. From the blossom tree so tall. (Flare catches a pink petal that falls from the tree he's under) And they dance to a, bittersweet, melody." Flare looked at the flower and looked back on some words the Kishu said to him, smiling as he looked over the cliff again. As he looked over, the sunset was shown with an illustration as the song ended.
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