Nephilim arc Episode one: Snow's Sister Part one

Disclaimer: We're back baby! I've been waiting to write season two for so long and I'm so glad that I finally get the chance to do so. I hope you all enjoy this season as much as you did the first one. Enjoy!


Paw Patrol X: The Hearts of Truth

Nephilim arc Episode one: Snow's Sister Part one


Nathan Sharp's cover of the Overlord opening theme played with Charm's eyes opening after a transition of sorts. Flare was then shown to be blocking a punch from Trickery as Nathan Sharp was heard singing. "Can someone give me the (Flare kicks at Trickery, who dodges the kick with ease) a-answer, (Marshall is shown to be tending to a wound Skye gained in the fight) to my (Richie is shown to be shooting at Charm, who dodges the bullets with ease) que-estion? (Chase is shown to be taking out some robots with Snow beside her) Where's my (Rocky and Everest smash a robot's head into the ground with full force) soul?"

A stream of grass was shown as the words Paw Patrol appeared on the screen from gun shots going though them, followed up by the X being made with two sword slashes as the music continued. The Hearts of Truth then appeared through a blazing flame going across them with the Paw Patrol then shown, leading up to Flare giving a peace sign as the song continued with the lyrics coming back.

Flare was shown to be gaining some kind of dark power during his battle with Trickery. "It's like a virus in my body (Flare dashes at Trickery and grabs his neck) while I'm (Flare starts choking Trickery, who likes the feel of the moment, disgusting Flare) dreaming. (Marshall finishes tending to Skye's wound and gives her a thumbs up) When I wake up, all that's (Marshall scratches his head and laughs innocently as he looks at the screen with his eyes closed) left of me are bones."

Richie was shown regaining his balance after a brutal kick from Charm as the song continued. "I'm in a panic! (Richie dashes at Charm and aims a punch at him) Get out, (Charm grabs Richie's fist with Richie trying to knee him but failing) hurry. (Chase throws a soldier at Snow with full force) Oh there are mysteries, (Snow kicks the head of the soldier, knocking him out instantly) and many miseries. (Rocky is seen roundhouse kicking a soldier to the floor) Dead of alive, I'm on the brink (Everest stomps on the soldier's face and kicks him aside brutally with a creepy smile) of self destruction."

Skye was watching the battle before grabbing a gun and aiming it at some soldiers "As I'm (Skye starts shooting the soldiers, catching the others attention) roaming, (Rubble gives a thumbs up to Skye) from left to right to (Skye smiles in response to Rubble's gesture) An invitation, (Zuma is shown to be casually using a soldier as a pinata) to come disappear . (Flare knocks Trickery to the ground and glares at him furiously) We're dancing one, two, three steps (Flare snaps out of his trance and grabs his head, gaining an immense headache) on this dark stage."

Charm was rising up in an elevator as he looked at all of the destruction he was causing in certain towns and cities. "Raise your flag, march and fight. Break your mask and show some pride! (Charm takes out a soda can and takes a sip with a proud smile) While this war just sends a shiver down my crooked spine. (Charm is shown to be speaking about the future) Wars and swords, tears and blood. Feel my heart begin to race. (Charm chuckles devilishly as he gives an evil grin) As I laugh through this bloodbath we've made!" Charm is shown to be in Flare's nightmare, waking him up and giving him anxiety.

Richie was shown to be having some kind of demonic surge in his body that he tried to fight back "Can someone give me the (Rocky is shown to be trying to get to Richie with Marshall holding him back) a-answer, to my (Flare rushes over to Richie without warning once he sees that he starts turning evil) que-estion? (Flare hugs Richie, who smiles upon his gesture, only to suddenly go crazy again without warning) Where's my soul? Where's my heart? (Richie's body heats up and ends up sending Flare back, sending him into a tree) Am I losing my own self?"

Rocky was shown looking at his sword in some sort of bus, seeming to be on edge about how the mission went. "Don't you hesitate, go this way-ay-ay. (Flare looks over at Rocky, seeing that he's feeling down about something) I don't know. And I don't care. (Flare puts his paw on Rocky's shoulder to comfort him with a smile) Tell me, are you not entertained now?"

Richie was fighting back against his demons in his mind with his power as he slashed at his demonic side with his sword "I'll just keep (Richie's demonic side grabs his sword and crushes it) surviving, (Richie kicks his demonic side, sending it back with full force) I just cannot hide it all. (Rocky is looking at a picture of him and Richie with sadness surrounding him) I am not to fall a victim, (Rocky punches the wall out of rage and sadness) I'll continue living in this, (Zuma puts a paw on Rocky's shoulder, who starts cring and hugs him) misery driven (Zuma pats Rocky's back, knowing he's going through a hard time) world!" Flare was sitting under a tree as he thought about Richie with Snow walking up to him to see how he was doing. Flare clenched his fists with confidence that they could save Richie as the song ended with Paw Patrol X: The Hearts of Truth being shown above him.


The Paw Patrol were walking up to the cave Jake instructed them on going to with Flare and Snow talking about Everest. Snow had quite a few great things to say about her older sister, and Flare was more than capable of telling. "And she's even the one who put our abusive dad in his place after he made me eat the heart of this rabbit I loved so much. (Flare was shocked to hear what Snow just said) Bullet right in the head, and it was more than deserved."

Flare wasn't sure how to take the fact that Snow was tricked into eating rabbit heart, wondering how exactly it affected her. "You actually ate rabbit heart? That can't have been good for your sanity."

"Oh, it wasn't, but I managed." Snow assured Flare, and then the group arrived at the cave with Snow seeing Everest taking looking at the entrance of the cave. She ran over to Everest without a second thought after beaming with joy and gave her the biggest hug she could. She even started crying tears of joy, which went down into Everest's fur as she embraced her sister. The others walked up to them with Everest noticing as Snow introduced everyone else. "Oh, right. Everest, this is the Paw Patrol, who I finally got to help me find you."

Flare stepped up to prevent any guilty looks or indirect guilt tripping as he showed how excited he was to meet Everest. "I'm Flare. I just saved Snow from this evil dark jerk I got to punch in the face!" Snow smiled at Flare's upbeat attitude as he accepted Everest's fist bump. "Nice to finally meet you." Flare then saw the ice golem and got super excited as he dashed up to Everest's and jumped onto her with a wide smile. "Did you take down that ice golem by yourself!?"

Everest laughed a bit, taking quite the liking to Flare's bubbly and cheerful personality. "Yep. And there's plenty more where that came from."

"That's awesome! I don't know anyone who could do that with three soldiers helping them!" Flare dashed up to Ryder, climbing up to his face from his clothes as he begged him to let Everest join. "Can Everest join the Paw Patrol? Wait, who am I kidding; after hearing that you obviously want her to."

Ryder picked Flare off of his clothes as he confirmed his belief. "You got that right." Everest was intrigued by the mention of joining the Paw Patrol, having a good idea that she'd fit in there.


The Paw Patrol arrived back at the lair as Flare was happily explaining one of the Paw Patrol's adventures to Everest. "And then we met Chase's father, and got out with what we went into the base for, and then after that we saw Chase and his dad reconnect. He's in the Adventure Bay Resort now."

Everest hoped she would be able to join all kinds of fun missions with the Paw Patrol, knowing it had to be awesome if Snow stayed with them for this long. "I'll say this much Flare. With all you've been telling me about this team, how hardcore Richie is and all the adventures you guys went on, I can see myself having a great time after I make the team, which I can guarantee."

Everest winked to Flare with Marshall admiring Everest from a couple feet away, leading to Skye noticing and leaning in with a question in mind. "Do you want a Mount Everest theme, or a 101 Dalmatians theme for the wedding?" Marshall flinched after hearing Skye's question with Skye waiting patiently for a response.

Snow was thinking about everything she and Everest could do together now that they were reunited again. 'This is gonna be the best time of my life. I've finally reunited with Everest and she wants to join the Paw Patrol? It's a win win for everyone!' Everest got a good look at the Paw Patrol lair as everyone else went inside, finding it to be quite the resort to stay in. When she went inside with the others, Snow was more than happy to show her around. "You're gonna love it here Everest. (Looks at Flare) You ready for this Flare?"

"Am I ever!" Flare jumped up and led the way with Snow as the two showed Everest around the lair, starting with the living room. "This is the living room, where we watch tv, play video games, burp, fart, the usual."

Everest saw Chase and Marshall's butts while they were playing Pup Pup Boogie, getting a good idea at the hotness factor of the team. "Is butt watching an acceptable hobbie here? Cause thick or thin, I'm all in."

Flare laughed a bit at what Everest just said, not getting a certain part of it, but getting the butt watching part. "What!?"

Flare and Snow continued to show Everest around as the three went into the kitchen, which Flare was exceptionally excited for. "And this here is the kitchen, aka, Flare's girlfriend." Flare instantly proved Snow's point by dashing over to the fridge and pulling out a tub of ice cream, jumping down and eating it whole right before Snow and Everest's eyes with Everest giving a grin. "See?"

"Psh. Any kid would eat a whole tub of ice cream if they could do it like that." Flare was then shown eating a cheeseburger that he heated up in the fridge i one second with Everest starting to become impressed by his appetite. "How are you not fat yet?"

Flare shrugged, letting out a loud burp before walking off with Snow and Everest as Flare showed Everest the training room. "This is the training room. It's also where you'll be taking your audition to join the team." Everest got a good look at the training room with Flare knowing she was going to love using it. "You should see how many hours Chase has spent in here." Everest looked at the training time chart and saw Chase at the top with over a thousand hours of training time, stunning her as Flare confirmed Chase's time on the team. "He did that in three years."

Everest was impressed by how efficient the team seemed as she then saw that Rubble only had a few hours. "Why's the Bulldog stuck at twenty hours?"

"Oh, Rubble only joined the team about a couple weeks ago." Flare explained, and then he and Snow walked over to the elevator, heading inside as they went up with Flare pressing the top button. "This, as you can obviously tell, is the elevator to the room where Ryder grants us missions. (Elevator stops and the three pups exit) And this is the mission room I just mentioned. Hopefully you get your first mission soon Everest."

"It would be awesome to get a mission right now." Everest admitted, hoping she would get an exciting first mission. "Maybe it'll be against that Charm dude you talked about earlier." Snow was glad to see Everest enjoying herself at the moment, having known she was gonna love it here from the start.


Everest was getting to know the Paw Patrol members, starting with Skye, who was showin her some cool stuff in her pup house. Everest got a good look at all the stuff Skye had lying around from pictures of Chase's butt to pictures of Chase's butt farting, and even pictures of Chase and her making out. She took the one of Chase's butt farting that she found the best and put it away without Skye noticing. "So. Chase. You're his girlfriend?"

"That's right." Skye happily replied, and then she pulled out a box that said 'Skye's weirdest things!' on it, opening it up and giving Everest a good look. She picked up a tooth that didn't look like a dog tooth with Everest being intrigued after Skye told her what it was. "This is the tooth of a bear that tried to kill me one time. That tip is the blood it got on me after biting one of my paws, before I twisted it's head off." Skye put the tooth down and pulled out a jar of cloud. "And this is a cloud I stole when I took a trip to Cloud town."

Everest nodded in understanding and then saw a fox pelt from under Skye's bed, pulling it out and showing it to her. "You collect pelts?"

Skye looked at the fox pelt Everest was holding and took it back gently and with care. "No, but a fox DID try to kill me once because she thought I wanted to eat her babies. I mean, I was hungry at the time but I wouldn't a fox baby. They're too precious."

"Yeah, I've refrained from eating fox babies myself when living in the wild, no matter how tempting it was." Everest revealed, giving Skye a positive vibe that the two of them would get along judging by their love for babies.


Flare was setting up the football, calling over to Marshall after seeing Everest there and signalling her to stay put. "Marshall!" Marshall saw Flare and rolled his eyes as he walked up to him, leading to Flare patting the football and smiling as he looked at Marshall. "Let's go Marshall. I'll hold the football, and you kick it."

Marshall scoffed, knowing what Flare was planning, and knowing exactly how he was going to plan it out. "Yeah right Flare. You say you'll hold the football down, but in reality you're just gonna pull it away at the last second, so then I'll fall flat on my butt and I'll kill myself."

"Now Marshall, do you honestly think I would even think about doing that with Everest right over there?" Marshall flinched and saw Everest, who waved to them with Marshall realizing that Flare had become aware of his now developed feelings for Everest. Yeah, I know it was sudden, but think of it as a metaphor for how the feeling of love is when you notice it. "And I think it's pretty obvious that I wouldn't make you look like a total dork in front of her. So if you come running up to this ball then I can guarantee I'll let you kick it."

Marshall saw Flare's point, walking off to a safe distance as he contemplated his chances. "He does have a point. He may be a jokester every now and then, but he's not malicious. And even then, it's not like it'd ruin my life if he DID pull the ball away." Marshall turned around with confidence and looked at Flare, going into two leg mode and running up to him as he got ready to kick the football. "This time I'm gonna kick that ball all the way up to the moon!"

Flare pulled the football away, leading to Marshall flying up into the air and shouting as he then landed flat on his butt after falling down from at least ten feet in the air. He then rolled a bit and landed on his back with Flare walking up to him as he gave a cheeky smile. "For what it's worth, I think you'd make a cute couple."

Flare walked off with Marshall sighing as Everest walked up to her with a giggle while joking about his fail. "You're supposed to KICK the ball dorkus, not fly in the air."

Marshall gained hearts above his eyes upon seeing Everest, mouthing a thank you to Flare, who nodded before running off to play with Rocky after seeing him. Marshall took the opportunity to talk to Everest and get to know her tastes. "So. What do you think of the team so far?"

"It's really cool actually." Everest replied, knowing she was gonna have a blast working with this team. "I do wish you guys would've helped Snow find me faster though. Now I can't enjoy the awesomeness of the team, or my sister, for as long as I would've otherwise."

Marshall chuckled nervously at the sound of that as he explained his part in that scenario. "Yeah, I actually didn't know about it right before we decided to come find you." Everest nodded in understanding as Marshall started talking about what they could do now that she was on the team. "So now that you're on the team, I was thinking maybe I could show you around the town? If you want to that is. I get it if you just wanna chill here for a bit."

Everest smiled as she walked up to Marshall with both of their faces being an inch away from each other as she responded. "I think you'll know when we can spend some alone time." Everest gave Marshall a soft kiss on his right cheek, walking around him and getting behind him as she whispered into his ear. "Do tell me though. What do you think"

Marshall flinched at the sound of that, having never had his first time before and not knowing what it's like. "Well I'm only eleven and never did it before, so I wouldn't really be able to tell you what I liked about it."

"Yeah, fair enough." Everest walked past Marshall and winked to him, making him gain hearts in his eyes as she walked off. He had a really strong feeling that the two of them would get together, especially now that she was flirting with him in such an open manner.


Flare and Snow were watching Tv together as they both thought about what life with Everest was going to be like. Flare felt it wouldn't hurt to start talking about it since both of them were extremely happy to have Everest on the team. "I think your sister's really cool Snow. Sure she's a bit mysterious, and I saw her flirting with Marshall in a weird way earlier while I was spying on them with Rocky, but I think I'm gonna get along well with her."

Snow took a sip of an orange soda, setting it down as she replied to Flare's words. "Just don't underestimate her Flare." Flare was surprised to hear that with Snow warning him about what Everest was capable of. "You saw how she took care of that ice golem, or at least the fact that she was able to defeat it. She's been working super hard to protect me for years now, and she won't let anything bad happen to me."

"So I'm guessing children are out of the picture."

"Until I can make a decent living, yeah. No kids."

Flare lied down on the couch as he thought about what it'd be like with Everest helping out on missions. "She could make missions a lot easier regarding Charm, even though he was able to wipe us all out without much effort. (Smiles) And even if she doesn't give us much of an advantage, it'll still be one worth mentioning."

Snow rubbed Flare's head, loving the feel of his fur as she spoke up about what Everest was probably thinking. "I think you'll be glad to know that she likes you the most so far. It's obvious though. No one can hate you, even if you manage to annoy them."

"Well I can't help it if I'm naturally excitable." Flare responded before sitting up with an eyebrow raised alongside his grin. "Do those people want me to lie?"

"Maybe not, but some people can get annoyed by someone who's happy all the time." Snow explained, and then Flare siad something that stunned her.

"What do I have to be upset about?" Snow was a bit stunned by that, but she smiled anyway and shrugged, not knowing how to verbally answer the question.


Rocky was eating a burrito as he saw Zuma polishing his surfboard and got a good view of his butt. Since Zuma was currently listening to upbeat pop music, he was swaying his butt in a lively matter to the beat, making Rocky's nose bleed a bit before he wiped it and walked over to Zuma. Once he was next to him, he grabbed his butt and surprised him before he started talking. "Hey water boy. Havin fun here?"

"You could say that." Zuma replied, cutting a three second salmon fart and hitting Rocky's paw with a green cloud (phhhhht). Rocky sniffed the fart and smirked before releasing a loud and bassy five second fart, making his butt vibrate as it was shown with the yellow fart cloud reeking of rotten eggs with Zuma covering his nose (PFFFFFFFFFFT). "Whoa, gnawly dude!"

Zuma laughed a bit as Rocky whiffed his fart and rubbed Zuma's surfboard with his paw that got farted on. "Just a little something to remember how weak your farts are compared to mine." Zuma rolled his eyes while smiling with Rocky wondering what Zuma thought about Everest. "You think the new girl will like surfing?"

Zuma was hoping he and Everest would have something in common, especially since she seemed like the cool type. "I sure hope so. She seems like someone I'd wanna pawty with. What do you think of her?"

"She seems cool, especially when she's kicking butt." Rocky answered, though he had to admit that his knowledge was fairly limited. "Though, I guess we haven't seen her actually kick butt yet, we just know she did it." Zuma got what Rocky was getting at and continued to polish his board, hoping to get the fart scent off of it.

Everest was watching Zuma and Rocky flirt from the window while eating some barbeque potato chips, doing so straight from the bag. She then saw Chase walking up to her and spoke up as soon as he sat down next to her. "Those two are totally in love."

Chase saw Zuma and Rocky outside and chuckled a bit as he commented on them. "Zuma and Rocky? Yeah, they've been in love for the whole two years Rocky's been on the team. Too bad they haven't started dating yet. They make a cute couple." Everest nodded in agreement with Chase showing Everest the charts that would show her when she could start her audition trial. "Anyway, the soonest you can start your audition trial is on Saturday of this week. You can start it within the next month, but if you don't take it in between then, you'll have to wait a month before trying out again."

"Sounds fair to me." Snow responded after he heard what Chase was saying. "So you basically judge some of this based on efficiency, how much people want the job and what they're willing to do in order to get it."

"Pretty much." Chase replied with a smile, glad to see that Everest was on board. "You could probably get a score as good as mine if you tried hard enough. Well, okay; maybe not THAT good, but anyone could surpass the lowest with your skill." Everest saw that Skye was at the bottom with Chase explaining his wording. "She's my girlfriend, so I can't call her the weakest on the team by name."

"I talked to Skye actually. She's pretty cool. Weird, but cool." Everest admitted, leaving Chase happy that she and Skye were getting along. The last thing he wanted to happen was for someone to start resenting Skye when they were about to join the team. Everest then gave a determined look regarding her trial. "Did you say I could do the trial on Saturday?"


Three days later.


Everest was in the living room as she had a chat with Rubble, who was talking about a past adventure of his with high esteem. "So then I freed the Egyptian dogs with a single knife cut on that rope, sending them out to face their abusive owners and take back the land that was stolen from them." Everest was taking a liking to this story with Rubble then getting to his favorite part. "I even got to land a good ol stink bomb on the leader to finish them off."

Rubble spanked his butt with Everest laughing a bit, getting a good feel of what this team was like. "Does everyone on this team have a thing for butts and farts?" Rubble shrugged with Everest looking at the clock and seeing that it was time for her trial. "Better get going Rubble. My trial's about to begin."

"You rock it love!" Rubble called to Everest as she ran off, knowing she was going to pass as he looked at the audience. "Yeah, you all see it."

Everest arrived in the trial room with Ryder standing at the top floor as he talked to Everest through a microphone. "Okay Everest. This test is going to confirm whether or not you qualify for the team. And I should warn you, although we've had quite a few of passings lately, it's not gonna be a cakewalk."

Everest already knew that much, even speaking up when she knew she could get a harder challenge. "Care to make it a donut walk?"

"We'll see." Ryder set the level to the highest he felt Everest could take, which consisted of an army of robots and a giant mech. "I would've put you at the highest level, but Richie's the only one who can handle that kind of stuff."

Everest was surprised to hear that, seeing that Richie had the lowest amounts of training out of anyone. She punched her palm with confidence as the robots charged at her, taking them all out one by one and even grabbing one of them to swing around and knock out some more of them with. After that, she jumped off of one of them and onto the wall, jumping at the mech and kicking it's head before grabbing it and ripping it half. She then dug her paw deep into his skull and ripped out the wires that helped it function, making it fall in an instant.

Everest jumped down and slid underneath the bullets of the robots, getting shot by one, but just barely being cut by it. She managed to grab its gun and hold it by its head, shooting the other robots before throwing the gun at one of them. She then slammed the robot she was holding into the ground, crushing it's head with full force. She only had two robots left, and they both charged at her with their swords, leaving her ready to take them out.

Snow slashed the two robots, making them fall to pieces as she put her claws away with a confident look on her face. She looked up to Ryder, who gave her a thumbs up, indicating that she passed the trial. The Husky smiled, glad she was able to prove that she can contribute to the team.


Whistling was heard with a tree being shown as a knife flew up into the air, leading to the next shot showing Runt tossing his knife into the air. He saw Everest walking up to him, happily greeting her as she sat down next to him. "Hey Everest. Whatya think of the team so far."

Everest took a liking to the Paw Patrol so far, finding everyone to be relatable and charming. "You're all loads of fun. Though, I do have to question why Ryder allowed you all on the team. From what I can tell, you guys are a bunch of prank pulling, fart loving, weird as heck goofballs."

Runt laughed a bit, finding that to be accurate to how the team functioned. "That's us alright. At least when we're not on the battlefield." Everest saw Richie walking up to the Paw Patrol tower, becoming suspicious, and Runt took notice to her concerns. He looked at Richie with Everest and wondered what she was thinking about. "You suspicious of Richie, huh? Yeah, he gives off that mysterious vibe to newbies."

"I can see that." Everest replied with a concerned look, turning to Runt while hoping he had an idea as to what was up with Richie. "What's he all about? He has the least amount of training hours under his belt, and yet he's the best on the team, even being on par with Ryder himself. And you don't just get that strong by eating healthy and holding duel pistols."

Runt saw Everest's point, even though he already knew the reason as to why Richie was so strong. He felt it'd be best if Everest figured it out on her own. "I won't say anything, but I WILL tell you that Richie captures the look of a human really well." Everest was confused by what Runt just told her, hoping it didn't indicate anything bad about Richie that she'd have to worry about.


Richie was in the training room with Everest watching as he took on a whole horde of soldiers and mechs on his own. He took out a sword and slashed through three dozen of them before jumping up to a mech. He grabbed the mech's hand to jump up to it's face, kneeing it as hard as he could and wiping it out. He then threw his sword in the air and hit some flying enemies, taking out one of his guns for more damage output. He charged at one of the groups of enemies as they shot him, dodging the bullets with high speed movements.

Everest admired the skills Richie showed threw one of the goons at his sword, making it's face go right into the sharp end. He then backfliped behind one of them and snapped it's neck, shooting a dozen soldiers down before his sword fell to the ground. One of the goons went for it, only for Richie to dash at it and low kick it, breaking it's shin and making it fall. As soon as Richie saw this, he backflip kicked the robot's head and sent it into the air before kicking it at more goons.

The goons all got hit with the robot head and some of them malfunctioned because of it with multiple goons charging at Richie with their swords. Luckily for Richie, he performed a perfect spin slash, wiping all of the robots out with little to no effort. He then saw that only three robots were left, grabbing the punch of the first one and breaking it's shin before slamming it's head into the second one. He then shot the last one point blank as it aimed it's gun at him, wiping out the last robot and finishing the training session unharmed.

Everest was in awe as Richie looked up at the board and saw that he got an A+, which was the best anyone could do on the training sessions. He was proud of his score as he left the room and noticed that Everest had been watching him. He gave a genuine smile to her before walking off, giving Everest the knowledge that he could express human emotions just fine. She still wanted to know what he was all about however, since Runt's words stuck in her mind like glue.


Dragon Ball Super Usubeni cover by Mark de Groot instrumental played during the credits as Flare was shown walking around the lookout as he thought about life. Flare looked up to the sky as he then thought about how he was going to help the team in the future. The music suddenly got more intense as Flare was then shown fighting off four members of the Waste's, seeming to have fun while doing it as he kicked one right in the face and made him fall back into another. The next shot showed Flare and the others witnessing Richie's in his demonic form as he looks in horror.

Richie glared at Flare, unable to contain himself as he and Flare started their battle once a male voice was heard singing. "Farewell, (Flare blocks Richie's kick, only to get sent into a tree) beautiful lover. (Flare dodges Richie's fire ball, not wanting to hurt him to an immense degree before saving him) I love you so, (Richie kicks Flare across the ground, hurting him immensely) but still I let you go. (Flare gets determined and charges at RIchie with full force) Under this pink sky is where we went our (Richie blocks Flare's kick and clenches his fist) seperate ways."

Flare regained his balance from getting send back and blocked three hell fire balls as the song continued "I want you to (Richie dashes up to Flare) know I love you, (Flare lands a punch on Richie after the latter grabs him by the neck, showing that he knews he has to figth back in order to save him) so I won't let you go. (Richie throws Flare to the side) I wish I had (Richie lands a solid flaming kick on Flare, who blocks it the best he can) said these words to you, (Flare is shown to be heavily wounded on the ground) But I have left all these words unspoken."

Flare thought about the promise he made to Rocky, refusing to let him down when he's so close now. "Like pink petals start to fall. From the blossom tree so tall. (Flare stands up and faces Richie, who shows respect in his refusal to give up) And they dance to a, bittersweet, melody." Flare and Richie went into their fighting stances as the two of them got ready to continue. An illustration of them in their stances was shown as the song ended.

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