Nephilim arc Episode four: Jetpack Puppy
Disclaimer: Yes, I know the Air Pups suits weren't a thing until season three, but fuck it; it's my story, and I can add this in if I want to. Enjoy!
Paw Patrol X: The Hearts of Truth
Nephilim arc Episode four: Jetpack Puppy
Nathan Sharp's cover of the Overlord opening theme played with Charm's eyes opening after a transition of sorts. Flare was then shown to be blocking a punch from Trickery as Nathan Sharp was heard singing. "Can someone give me the (Flare kicks at Trickery, who dodges the kick with ease) a-answer, (Marshall is shown to be tending to a wound Skye gained in the fight) to my (Richie is shown to be shooting at Charm, who dodges the bullets with ease) que-estion? (Chase is shown to be taking out some robots with Snow beside her) Where's my (Rocky and Everest smash a robot's head into the ground with full force) soul?"
A stream of grass was shown as the words Paw Patrol appeared on the screen from gun shots going though them, followed up by the X being made with two sword slashes as the music continued. The Hearts of Truth then appeared through a blazing flame going across them with the Paw Patrol then shown, leading up to Flare giving a peace sign as the song continued with the lyrics coming back.
Flare was shown to be gaining some kind of dark power during his battle with Trickery. "It's like a virus in my body (Flare dashes at Trickery and grabs his neck) while I'm (Flare starts choking Trickery, who likes the feel of the moment, disgusting Flare) dreaming. (Marshall finishes tending to Skye's wound and gives her a thumbs up) When I wake up, all that's (Marshall scratches his head and laughs innocently as he looks at the screen with his eyes closed) left of me are bones."
Richie was shown regaining his balance after a brutal kick from Charm as the song continued. "I'm in a panic! (Richie dashes at Charm and aims a punch at him) Get out, (Charm grabs Richie's fist with Richie trying to knee him but failing) hurry. (Chase throws a soldier at Snow with full force) Oh there are mysteries, (Snow kicks the head of the soldier, knocking him out instantly) and many miseries. (Rocky is seen roundhouse kicking a soldier to the floor) Dead of alive, I'm on the brink (Everest stomps on the soldier's face and kicks him aside brutally with a creepy smile) of self destruction."
Skye was watching the battle before grabbing a gun and aiming it at some soldiers "As I'm (Skye starts shooting the soldiers, catching the others attention) roaming, (Rubble gives a thumbs up to Skye) from left to right to (Skye smiles in response to Rubble's gesture) An invitation, (Zuma is shown to be casually using a soldier as a pinata) to come disappear . (Flare knocks Trickery to the ground and glares at him furiously) We're dancing one, two, three steps (Flare snaps out of his trance and grabs his head, gaining an immense headache) on this dark stage."
Charm was rising up in an elevator as he looked at all of the destruction he was causing in certain towns and cities. "Raise your flag, march and fight. Break your mask and show some pride! (Charm takes out a soda can and takes a sip with a proud smile) While this war just sends a shiver down my crooked spine. (Charm is shown to be speaking about the future) Wars and swords, tears and blood. Feel my heart begin to race. (Charm chuckles devilishly as he gives an evil grin) As I laugh through this bloodbath we've made!" Charm is shown to be in Flare's nightmare, waking him up and giving him anxiety.
Richie was shown to be having some kind of demonic surge in his body that he tried to fight back "Can someone give me the (Rocky is shown to be trying to get to Richie with Marshall holding him back) a-answer, to my (Flare rushes over to Richie without warning once he sees that he starts turning evil) que-estion? (Flare hugs Richie, who smiles upon his gesture, only to suddenly go crazy again without warning) Where's my soul? Where's my heart? (Richie's body heats up and ends up sending Flare back, sending him into a tree) Am I losing my own self?"
Rocky was shown looking at his sword in some sort of bus, seeming to be on edge about how the mission went. "Don't you hesitate, go this way-ay-ay. (Flare looks over at Rocky, seeing that he's feeling down about something) I don't know. And I don't care. (Flare puts his paw on Rocky's shoulder to comfort him with a smile) Tell me, are you not entertained now?"
Richie was fighting back against his demons in his mind with his power as he slashed at his demonic side with his sword "I'll just keep (Richie's demonic side grabs his sword and crushes it) surviving, (Richie kicks his demonic side, sending it back with full force) I just cannot hide it all. (Rocky is looking at a picture of him and Richie with sadness surrounding him) I am not to fall a victim, (Rocky punches the wall out of rage and sadness) I'll continue living in this, (Zuma puts a paw on Rocky's shoulder, who starts cring and hugs him) misery driven (Zuma pats Rocky's back, knowing he's going through a hard time) world!" Flare was sitting under a tree as he thought about Richie with Snow walking up to him to see how he was doing. Flare clenched his fists with confidence that they could save Richie as the song ended with Paw Patrol X: The Hearts of Truth being shown above him.
Rocky was working on some kind of jetpack devices for the Paw Patrol as Flare popped up next to Rocky. "Hi Rocky!" Rocky was startled and his screwdriver flew into the air, leading to Flare catching it and setting it down as he then expressed his excitement about the jetpack. "Is the jetpack almost done? It looks like it's ready for a test flight. Are you sure you're still working on it?"
Rocky chuckled a bit as he then answered all three of Flare's questions in one sentence. "Yes, it's almost done, it'll look even more ready for a test flight when it IS done, and yes, I'm sure I'm still working on it." Rocky set Flare down and pointed to the door. "Now beat it, I gotta get back to work."
"But I'm boooored." Flare whined, having not had a lot to do since the day began. "Marshalls busy gawking over Everest again, Snow's making sure Everest doesn't go too far with it, Chase is looking at his butt again, and I don't even know WHERE Zuma is."
"He's out surfing. Training for a contest coming up."
"Really? That should be fun."
Skye came down from the ceiling while hanging onto a rope while in a ninja suit, looking at Flare while she was upside down. "You forgot me." Skye jumped down from the rope and rubbed Flare's head. "I'll keep him out of your hair Rocky."
Flare and Skye walked off with Rocky happily getting back to the jetpack as Flare expressed his excitement for it again. "This jetpack is gonna be so awesome Skye. Now we'll all be able to fly alongside you and beat up Charm's baddies in the air like an actual air force!"
"Yep. That'll be awesome alright." Skye then spoke to Flare in a doting, motherly voice. "Alright Flare. Rocky has to perfect this jetpack, and he can't have any more distractions. So in the meantime, (Points to her helicopter with her thumb) wanna take a flight in my helicopter?" Flare looked at Skye's helicopter and smiled widely, having never done so before and seeing an opportunity.
A helicopter view of Adventure Bay was shown with Flare looking out the window of the passanger's seat with immense amounts of joy. "This is so cool! I've never been in a helicopter before!" Skye smiled, glad that Flare was enjoying the ride as the Dalmatian pup spotted Mr. Porter's restaurant from where they were. "Hey, there's Mr. Porter's restaurant. I like his grandkid. He's weird, but he's a good weird. Not the gross kind like those homeless people begging for change instead of trying to get back on their feet and all that."
Skye nodded in agreement, and then she gave a smirk as her stomach growled from something she ate earlier. "Ya wanna know something that IS gross?" Flare sat down with Skye lifting her butt up in his direction and cutting a loud and bassy five second fart, hitting him with a green cloud of hot wings (PHHHHHHHHHHT). Flare coughed from the fart and laughed at the same time with Skye giving a proud smile to her flatulence. "The hot wings I had for lunch earlier."
Flare snickered and relaxed himself as he released a loud and bassy five second fart that let out a green cloud of rotten meat right at Skye (PFFFFFFFFFFT). The two continued farting after that with both of them unleashing some powerful green clouds of rotten meat, or spicy meat and green clouds with both of their butts shown letting them out (BRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAT) (BRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUP) (PFFFFFFFFFFT) (BLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRP) (PHHHHHHHHHHT) (BRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUP) (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT) (PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT).
Flare and Skye started laughing at each others gas while finding that they didn't mind the smell the other left off. Though, that could be because they were so used to Rocky letting out huge farts in front of them all the time. "Your butt sure can rip them Flare. And here I thought Chase and Rocky were the only masters of farting on the team."
"Funny that you didn't think you qualified yourself with your own powerful butt blasts." Flare replied, and the the two continued farting the entire ride, letting out more rotten and spicy green clouds (PFFFFFFFFFFT) (PHHHHHHHHHHT) (BRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUP) (BRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAT) (BLLLLLAAAAARRRRRP) (PFFFFFT).
Flare and Skye were still farting as they returned to the lookout, still having lots of gas in the tank (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT) (PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT). The two of them loved their fart off with Rocky coming out to see what was going on in the helicopter and liking the sight of it as Skye spoke up. "Alright Flare. You ready for the big finish?" Flare nodded his head yes with excitement as Skye grunted after aiming her butt at him, farting an eggy yellow blast for thirty seconds and making her butt vibrate from the yellow cloud (BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP).
Skye was gagging and coughing from Flare's fart as she opened the hatch to her helicopter, letting all of the gas they let out fly into the air, killing an entire flock of geese and sending them flying towards the ground. When they hopped out, Rocky hi fived both of them to congradulate them for their farts. "And I thought only MY farts could kill that many birds."
Marshall and Everest were walking by with both of them smelling the lingering gas Flare and Skye let out, walking up to them as Everest joked about it. "Geez. You two part skunk or something?"
Flare thought for a moment and figured that he was in fact a full dog. "No, I don't think so." Marshall rolled his eyes while smiling, knowing that something silly was just bound to happen with Flare no matter where he was.
Marshall was giving Flare a bath as he talked about the fart off he and Skye had in the helicopter. "And for a second I thought we were gonna suffocate from all the farting we were doing, but I guess we're too used to our own fart scents for them to have a negative effect on us when we're having a fart off with someone else. That's most likely why everyone's able to handle Rocky's farts, even if they're still disgusted by how foul the scent is."
Marshall rolled his eyes while smiling and could still catch a bit of fart scent on Flare, applying one more dose of shampoo to his head and scrubbing it with water. "Just make sure you're not in a confined space the next time you and a friend decide to have a fart off. It makes washing the odor off even harder."
Rocky came into the bathroom with Flare noticing him and becoming excited once he saw the jetpack, wanting to give it a test flight. "Is the jetpack finally done? Can I try it?"
"The jetpack is done, and yes, you can." Rocky responded, answering both of Flare's questions as he set the jetpack down next to the tub, much to Marshall's concern. "Don't worry. It's waterproof. (To Flare) Consider this my little prize for saving Snow when she was close to committing suicide last week. I made sure it was easy enough to get the hang of, even if you're not as advanced with technology as I am."
Flare was admiring the jetpack, jumping out of the tub and hugging Rocky, who was disgusted by the feel of the water. "Thank you Rocky! I promise I won't intentionally break it."
Rocky chuckled a bit, having Flare let go of him as he wiped the water off of him with a towel. "Alright. Thanks for confirming there's a chance you'll break it period."
Flare was outside with Marshall, who was putting a pair of safety goggles and a helmet on him to keep him from hurting himself around his head. Flare was so excited to get the jetpack started that he almost felt like he was about to burst with the feeling. "Just you wait Marshall. As soon as I start flying, I'm gonna be the first Dalmatian to copy birds! You've seen firefighter Dalmatians, but have you ever seen a pilot Dalmatian? I don't think so!"
Marshall gulped with nervousness at the thought of flying, not feeling he was up for the task. "I'm glad Rocky didn't ask me to be the test pilot. I'd probably panic and unstrap myself as soon as I started." Flare giggled a bit upon the thought, but then showed a look of horror at the thought of Marshall dying. "Why didn't he ask Skye though? She's the flight expert."
"I don't know." Flare admitted, feeling that he most likely would've asked Skye as well. "Maybe he wanted to see how someone who wasn't an expert would do at using one of these things. Plus, Skye already has a jetpack, so she most likely wouldn't wanna test his."
"See, that's what I was thinking, but there's no guarantee it's the reason." Marshall responded, and then Flare took off with Marshall calling up to him as he laughed with joy. "Be careful Flare! And don't break any bones!"
Flare was soaring through the sky, seeing the birds flying by and waving to them, and they looked at him with smiles. As Flare took off, he felt his stomach growl and got worried. "Maybe I farted TOO much in Skye's helicopter." Flare saw a big seagull over a restaurant pooping on someone's lunch, laughing as the guy sceamed at him and Flare decided to take action. He saw a rope feature on his jetpack and pressed it without a second thought. "This should do the trick." Flare pulled the seagull over to him and waved to him from above. "Hi mister seagull. Say hi to karma."
Flare grunted with the Seagull looking horrified, and then Flare was shown to be giving a sigh of relief as pooping sounds were heard. When Flare was done, after about five seconds, he cut the rope and the seagull fell with a big pile of Dalmatian poop making him descend as Flare waved to him. "Thanks mister seagull! Nothing personal, but I really had to go, and you DID ruin that guy's lunch!" Flare took off, wanting to see where he could go with this new jetpack.
Flare was flying around as he saw a lighthouse and flew over to it, landing on the top floor to see what the place was all about. As he got a look around, he saw a giant light and remembered something Marshall told him about this place. "Marshall told me about how these places light up the sky at night and lead the boats to them. I wonder if it works during the day." Flare walked over to the switch that controlled the light, turning it on and not seeing any boats after about twenty seconds of waiting, so he turned it off. "Guess not."
A tall human in a sailor suit was eating his lunch outside the lighthouse and saw the light go off, wondering what was going on up there. "That's weird. I know for a fact that Wally isn't anthropomorphic. And I didn't even let him inside." The human walked over to the lighthouse and finished his sandwhich, which was a fish sandwhich, and went into the lighthouse, seeing Flare looking around as he walked up and smiled. "Why hello little puppy. Did you turn the light on in here?"
"Funny way to greet someone." Flare replied with a cheerful tone, but he answered the question anyway. "Yeah, that was me. I wanted to see if it attracted boats during the day, but after a third of a minute I got bored."
"Ah, I see." Flare picked up some kind of bottle with the human running over to him and tripping right next to him. Flare helped him up, much to his gratitude. "Thanks sport. (Takes the bottle away gently) Easy with this bottle now, it's not for kids." The human set the bottle down and shook Flare's paw to introduce himself. "I'm Captain Turbot. (Finishes shaking Flare's paw) It's nice to have visitors around here."
"I'm Flare. And yeah, I bet it's great to have visitors anywhere." Flare replied, and then he decided to head out again. "I'll leave you to your work now, and I'll be sure to come back when it crosses my mind."
"Sounds good to me." Flare took off in his jetpack, waving goodbye to Captain Turbot, who said farewell to him as well. "Goodbye!" Captain Turbot laughed a bit, taking a liking to Flare's cheerful and bubbly personality. "I think I'm gonna like him."
Flare was still flying around as he got a good look at Adventure Bay, as well as how fast it was going with him on the jetpack. 'Wow. Everything's going by so fast with this thing on. And this is only a prototype?' Flare looked ahead, seeing everything go by at a faster speed than he could possibly run, amazed by what he saw. 'It's like a faster version of Skye's helicopter.' Flare flew over to Richie's house and landed on top of it, sitting on the roof as he thought about last week. 'Hard to believe Snow almost did it a week ago. Good thing I stopped her.'
Flare was relaxing on the roof of Richie's house as he looked up to the sky and saw the birds flying above him. He was glad that none of the birds were the seagull he pooped on earlier, since that would mean trouble for him. He then heard Richie's voice from down below. "Hey Flare! Ya enjoying the view!?" Flare looked down to see Richie pulling out a triple mushroom bacon cheeseburger. "I got another deal at Mr. Porter's for two burgers for the price of one! Want my second?"
"Do I ever!" Richie threw the burger up to Flare, who caught it in his mouth like a real dog with Richie jumping up to the roof and sitting down next to him as he ate it with delight. "Thanks Richie. I don't know what it is about Mr. Porter's cooking, but it feels like heaven whenever I eat his food." Richie laughed a bit at Flare's words, finding them to be a bit ironic since he was half angel. He then took some fries and chicken nuggets out, giving the latter to Flare. He also took out a couple of sodas and gave one to Flare as well. "Wow, you really decked out."
"I think it's safe to say everyone decks out when they order this type of meal then." Richie stated, and then he started eating his fries with Flare finishing the burger and letting out a loud burp. "So that's the new jetpack Rocky's working on, huh? Guess he finally finished it."
Flare nodded his head yes as he ate a chicken nugget, being more than proud to be the one to test the jetpack out. "This thing is awesome. And if this thing is just a prototype then you can imagine what the real thing will be! It's gonna be so fast that my face falls off!" Flare continued eating the chicken nuggets with Richie shrugging at the thought of Flare's face actually falling off and ate some more of his fries.
Rocky was working on the finished product for the jetpacks with Marshall walking up to him and noticing his work. He got a good look at the finished product for the jetpack and saw that it was being painted in a red coat. Marshall chuckled a bit at this, smiling as he questioned Rocky on how fast the finished product was coming along compared to the prototype. "It took you this long to finish a prototype yet you already got a finished product done?"
"Not exactly." Rocky clarified how he got the finished product done so Marshall understood it better. "See, I had Ryder clone the protype so I could work on it's missing kinks. I have eight prototypes ready to be made into finished products, and I decided to start with Flare's since he was the test pilot. I'm gonna be adding smoke clouds to yours so you know whos is whose."
Marshall took a liking to how Flare's jetpack looked, knowing he was going to love it. "Flare's gonna love this one even more than the prototype. And I see you've also got some weapon buttons on there for when we take them into battle. That'll definitely be a handy feature."
Rocky nodded his head yes as he brought up something that he thought might help the team. "I'm gonna do a demonstration for the jetpacks later to show everyone else what they're all made of, and how they'll help us out in the heat of battle. Hopefully Flare hasn't tested out too many of the buttons yet, as I want him to be surprised too." Rocky finished putting the features on the first set of finished jetpacks as he clarified one more thing. "Oh yeah, and I'm gonna give every pup their own special designed jetpack made for their skills in mind."
Marshall gave a thumbs up to Rocky with Flare coming into the room and running up to Rocky as he talked about how cool the jetpack prototype was. "This thing is awesome!" Flare set the jetpack down on the table and saw the finished product, getting beyond excited as he looked at it. "Is this the finished product!? Can I fly it!? Please, please, pleeeeease!?"
Rocky laughed a bit at Flare's bubbly and inexhaustible personality showing in all of it's glory. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yeeees." Rocky took the finished product, knowing that Flare was more than ready to get ready to show it to the others. "I was gonna let you fly it anyway. It's best to have someone who's flown it before do it now."
Flare squeed, jumping onto Rocky and licking him, much to the mixed breed's enjoyment as Marshall then pulled Flare off of him to give Rocky some fresh air to breathe in. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Flare took the finished product and put it on, loving the feel of this one so much more than the prototype. "Yeah, I love the feel on this one. So much better than the prototype feel, that's for sure. And I love the color." Flare then remembered what Marshall asked him earlier and wanted to ask Rocky. "Hey, why didn't you have Skye test this?"
"Would've been too easy." Rocky admitted, revealing that he wanted a challenge in his work. "I'll round everyone else up so you can show off your skills to them. And if you do a good job, I just might let you test out the other finished products too." Flare put on a more than noticable happy face with his tail wagging violently, catching Rocky's sights with Marshall giving him a smug grin. "I probably shouldn't have gotten his hopes up that high." Rocky left to get the others with Marshall rubbing Flare's head, knowing he was gonna love doing this.
Flare was ready to show off the new jetpack to the others with Rocky setting up a camera to record it with. He was all strapped in and ready to take flight, seeing the camera and unable to wait for being on Tv flying the thing. After Rocky set it up, he saw everyone watching and walked over to Flare, sitting next to him as he explained what the jetpack was all about. "Everyone, I have an announcement. Richie recently found some documents of Charm's that detailed a device that would help his army to attack us from above. And from that, I made..."
Rocky turned Flare to the side, showing off the jetpack as he then announced the name. "The Air Pup Jetpacks!" Everyone looked in awe as Rocky then continued the explination. "Basic name, I know, but it's better than nothing. Anyway, this bad boy allows any dog to take flight with it, and if they're a quadruped, they don't even have to hold onto the straps! Or if they're just lazy. And I picked Flare to give us a demonstration on what it was all about."
Flare held onto the straps and waited for Rocky's signal, which he gave after a few seconds, and Flare then took flight. Flare was having a blast with this one, finding it to be even faster and stronger than the prototype, testing out one of the buttons, which took out a machine gun. He pressed another button that spawned a bunch of flying targets, shooting them all in the air as Rocky spoke about it with everyone else looking in awe. "As you can clearly see, every jetpack is built with the sole purpose of defending yourself, or your allies, in battle."
One of the targets got stuck and forced the bullet to fly towards an eagle, which thankfully didn't hurt him too much with Flare being relieved. "I also made it to where it could automatically switch to jawbreakers if someone used it for harmful activity, intentionally or otherwise. (Flare waves to the eagle, who waves abck at him) I also made the speed of the gumballs a lot slower, which is why that eagle didn't come flying down to the ground."
"I hate that species." Skye whispered with a resentful look on her face, and then the eagle took flight with Flare coming down and taking out a paw, allowing Zuma to fist bump it as Skye then spoke up about it. "So we'll all be getting one of these babies?"
"That's right. I'll have the rest ready as soon as I can." Rocky assured everyone, and Flare was more than happy to have his, knowing that these jetpacks were going to be a great help in battle, and that they would also be a fun thing to use for fun if you wanted to fly around.
Rocky was up late at night working on the second of the Air Pup Jetpacks in his pup house. He was really proud of how the demonstration for them went, knowing these would help a great deal against Charm and his forces, as well as any other threats that could come for the Paw Patrol later down the line. He didn't know how fast he would be able to get them done, but he knew he could get them done before the next major attack came down. After all, Charm was always one for taking time with his plans, as non-seriously as he took said plans.
Rocky got finished on the second of them that night. It was a red jetpack with black smoke clouds on it, indicating that it was the jetpack for Marshall. He knew it would be a bit harder for him since he wasn't a big fan of heights, but he knew he would be able to convince him that it was all okay. He just had to put on some adjustments to make it safer for him when he was flying around. He wrote down a note to do that in the morning and then went to sleep, not wanting to oversleep or forget about it.
Rocky was sleeping in his pup house with Chase opening up the door to find him still sleeping. He was annoyed by Rocky oversleeping and poked his foot, causing him to roll over and aim his butt at Chase with it shown as Chase groaned. "Rocky, wake up." Rocky suddenly released a loud and bassy ten second fart, making his butt vibrate as a yellow cloud of rotten eggs hit Chase (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT). Chase wafted the fart away while coughing, groaning in annoyance as Rocky woke up and Chase saw the jetpack. "Is that Marshall's jetpack?"
"Yeah, but it's not finished yet." Rocky replied as he scratched his butt, and then he put his paw underneath it, lifting his leg and grunting as he cut a five second rotten egg fart and surrounded it with a yellow cloud (brrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuup). He then sniffed his paw, being delighted by the scent as he rubbed it all over him. "I'm gonna add some more features to make sure it's safe for Marshall to fly, since he's scared of heights and all that, so he can get used to it better."
Chase was glad to see Rocky considering Marshall's comfortability, letting him leave as the two of them headed over to the lookout to get breakfast. "I'm guessing you plan on giving Skye the ultimate daredevil challenge, seeing as she's the most used to flying out of all of us."
Rocky nodded his head yes, confirming Chase's beliefs as he talked about some other stuff. "I'm also gonna give Rubble that kinda package too, since he's also super daring. And for yours, probably the same, with a mirror for your butt." Chase smiled upon hearing that, knowing that Rocky knew him well, and then the two of them went inside to eat breakfast.
Rocky was putting the finishing touches on Marshall's jetpack, knowing he was going to love how safe it was for him. When he finished working on it, Marshall came in and got a good look at it, taking a liking to the design without a single bad thing in his opinion. "Nice work Rocky. I can't wait to fly this thing."
"I had a feeling you'd say that, despite your fear of heights." Rocky stated, and then he put the jetpack on Marshall, who was starting to feel a bit nervous. "Don't worry. I adjusted it to where it could be at whatever speed you wanted. Start off slow, and then go fast."
Marshall breathed in through his nose, and out from his mouth, ready to ride this jetpack as he looked up to the sky. After a few seconds, he pressed the button that started the jetpack, taking it into the sky and going at a slow but steady pace that he liked. His eyes were closed at first, but then he looked down and saw himself flying, taking a liking to it as he spoke up about it. "Hey. I'm alright. (Laughs a bit) Yeah, I'm alright!"
Flare was walking around with Snow as the two of them saw Marshall flying in the air with Flare being proud of Marshall for being so tamed to his fear. "I wish we got moe screentime with it, but I'm glad to see Marshall getting better with heights."
"Same here." Snow replied, and then she called up to Marshall with proudness. "Awesome work Marshall!" Marshall continued to fly around with Rocky smiling, glad he could be of assistance with making these jetpacks. He knew he was gonna make a lot of difference when making these, and was more than proud of the work he'd made on them so far.
Dragon Ball Super Usubeni cover by Mark de Groot instrumental played during the credits as Flare was shown walking around the lookout as he thought about life. Flare looked up to the sky as he then thought about how he was going to help the team in the future. The music suddenly got more intense as Flare was then shown fighting off four members of the Waste's, seeming to have fun while doing it as he kicked one right in the face and made him fall back into another. The next shot showed Flare and the others witnessing Richie's in his demonic form as he looks in horror.
Richie glared at Flare, unable to contain himself as he and Flare started their battle once a male voice was heard singing. "Farewell, (Flare blocks Richie's kick, only to get sent into a tree) beautiful lover. (Flare dodges Richie's fire ball, not wanting to hurt him to an immense degree before saving him) I love you so, (Richie kicks Flare across the ground, hurting him immensely) but still I let you go. (Flare gets determined and charges at RIchie with full force) Under this pink sky is where we went our (Richie blocks Flare's kick and clenches his fist) seperate ways."
Flare regained his balance from getting send back and blocked three hell fire balls as the song continued "I want you to (Richie dashes up to Flare) know I love you, (Flare lands a punch on Richie after the latter grabs him by the neck, showing that he knews he has to figth back in order to save him) so I won't let you go. (Richie throws Flare to the side) I wish I had (Richie lands a solid flaming kick on Flare, who blocks it the best he can) said these words to you, (Flare is shown to be heavily wounded on the ground) But I have left all these words unspoken."
Flare thought about the promise he made to Rocky, refusing to let him down when he's so close now. "Like pink petals start to fall. From the blossom tree so tall. (Flare stands up and faces Richie, who shows respect in his refusal to give up) And they dance to a, bittersweet, melody." Flare and Richie went into their fighting stances as the two of them got ready to continue. An illustration of them in their stances was shown as the song ended.
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