Chapter 3

My eyes still gently shut, I could hear the faint whispers in the background that I thought was just part of my dream.

"I thought you said this was a simple prank?" Talitha's snappy tone made me wriggle about in my sheets.

"It is. Just get snipping already" shooting my eyes open, I span around to be met with Dale shoving a pair of scissors in her hand.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with the back of my hand, I blinked a few times until my vision was back to normal.

"What the fuck do you think you guys are doing?" You could mistake my voice for a drunken Irishman with a frog in his throat at this moment.

Talitha's hazel eyes dropped to the scissors in her hand and then back to my eyes.

She quickly pointed her index finger towards Dale. "He paid me to help him, who am I to pass up 70 quid?" Yanking the sheets off from my bare legs, I forgot that I decided to only sleep in my underwear and tank top, so the cold air hit my legs straight away.

"Tee, you fucking sell out!" He snapped while nudging Talitha in the side. Clutching her bare side, she muttered an insult before giving him a rough push.

"You were going to cut my fucking hair!? What the hell is wrong with you?" Getting to my feet, my hands went to the brunette locks still attached to my head.

Ready to lunge at him, my brain had noticed why he would have even thought of doing this.

Crossing my arms over my chest, a smile had rised to my lips.

"Try harder next time, daisy" laughing As he flipped me off, Talitha looked between us with a look of confusion. Her hands sat on her small waist, tugging at the waistband of her skirt to make sure it didn't keep sliding down.

"Why am I always the one left out of the loop" huffing in annoyance, she folded her arms over her chest and stalked out of the room mumbling to herself.

Rolling my eyes at how dramatic she was being, I looked back at Dale to see him already looking at me like he was ready to pounce on me and choke the life out of me.

"Take a picture it will last-"

"Shut up Jourdan, you're coming with me to book this tattoo removal appointment." holding my hands up in mock surrender, I bit down on the inside of my cheeks to stop an extremely loud laugh from escaping my lips.

"Sure thing....daisy" he lunged for my pillow and powered it towards my face. Obviously my reflexes were way to good for him as I had already ducked my head and dived under my duvet.

"Dickhead" he spat before storming outside my room. Peeking up from my covers to make sure everything was safe, a smile creeped it's way onto my face as I thought about my brothers ridiculous tattoo.

I told him not to drink so much, but he didn't listen. I'm not gonna deny it, the boy can handle his liquor, but there's a breaking point for everyone.

So there's my little brother, literally hanging off of Jack murmuring something along the lines of 'I love you man' for the 50th time already.

I told him not to get so wasted, yet Dale always seems to know best, right?

Seeing the bright light ahead of me, I squinted my eyes to read the name better.


How bloody original.

Getting an idea, I swigged back the rest of my cider and turned back to face Dale and Jack while wiping the corners of my mouth.

"Didn't you say getting a tattoo was on your bucket list Dale?" Grinning sloppily, Jack looked like his buzz was slowly but surely waring off.

"Do I did?" He said between hiccups. Jack slowly turned his head to look down at my brother with a confused expression.

"You doodly did" I said while trying to hold back my laughter. Resting down my cider can, I went to tug on both of their arms.

"Let's go for an adventure, boys"

Smiling to myself, my eyes finally focused on the surroundings around me, my smile had dropped as I sluggishly climbed out of my warm bed.

Leaving my bed in the morning was like giving up your first born to rumplestiltsgan, it hurt my dear heart.

Dragging my feet towards my window, I let out a yawn that resembled a pregnant whale while out stretching my arms.

I let my eyes adjust to the bright light from outside, blinking a few times to quicken the process. The fact that my sight was worse than a bats probably didn't help the situation.

Picking up the spare glasses I kept on my window ceil, I carefully placed them on my face and chocked upon seeing what was outside.

Or should I say who.

Quickly dropping to the floor, I cursed under my breath.

Watching my bedroom door swing open, Talitha came in with a smug smile on her lips.

"Lover boy is outside" her voice was taunting me as she twiddled the ends of her hair with her hand.

Glaring up at her, I slowly started to raise my head to check outside the window.

"Maybe he's here for Dale" Her soft chuckles grew louder as her steps got closer. Peeking outside, her face screwed up like she had smelt something bad.

"Jordan, he's holding a freaking placard with 'will you marry me' written on it, I'm pretty sure he's not here to see Dale" frowning deeper, I watched as my brothers friend stood outside our house dressed like a lemon while confessing his love for me, for the 1000th time.

The boy that I'm talking about is Carlton Ross. He's my brothers friend and my personal stalker. Ever since I can remember he's been telling me we were made for each other . He once told me that both of our genes combined would create the definition of perfection, that's when I told him we were moving to Japan.

Was a kinda stupid plan as he's my brothers best friend, and we go to the same school....and live on the same street.

His sun kissed hair could be compared to the colour of sand and his eyes dark enough to be labeled as coal. His chiseled features and slim figure was obviously not the reason why I didn't like him. The guy was attractive don't get me wrong, but he was my brothers best friend.

It would be weird.

The kinda weird you'd feel like if you were trying to make the moves on the person you're babysitting.

Getting to my feet, I sighed at Talitha who was filming the whole scene with a grin on her rosy lips.

Opening up my window, I looked down at Carlton with a look of confusion and boredom.

"Carlton, what are you doing?" I said feeling the sense of de ja vu wash over me.

He stopped pacing my garden and looked up at me with a love sick smile. Sweeping his hair from out of his eyes, I placed on a small smile to cover up the pity.

"Is the placard not working for you today?" Dropping it to his side, my eyes flickered to our front door opening and Dale walking out with a thunderous expression.

"Dude" I heard him snap in a hush tone.

Laughing to myself, I ran a hand through my hair and leant out of my window a little further.

"Carlton, when does the placard ever work for me?" I couldn't help the smile on my face as he looked up at me like he was already trying to think of his next big plan.

"Didn't I tell you to stop hitting on my sister" Dale spat already dragging him off in the direction of our school.

"I'll think of something" he said after giving up with the whole big plan on the spot. Talitha let out a long laugh as she zoomed up closer with her iPhone.

Pushing at her face, I rolled my eyes in annoyance as she fell back on my bed in small fits of giggles.

Turning my attention back to Carlton and my brother, they were already half way down the street with my brother repeatedly trying to slap Carlton up the back of his head.

Well that was an eventful morning.


"You do know that the radio has more than one station, dad?" Trying to reach forward from the backseat, my hand got slapped away before I got to change the station.

Withdrawing it, I cradled it like a child as I looked up at my farther.

"The hell was the for?" I said already glaring a hole through his head.

Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel along to the white stripes, I leaned back in the seat with a huff.

"My car, my rules" he simply said.

"I wouldn't need to disobey your precious rules, if you had just turned back around to get my headphones" folding my arms across my chest, my eyes flickered to the mirror to see Talitha bopping like an idiot to her music.

Her raven hair was plaited into two French plaits like mine. I was the first one to do it so therefor she was the one that copied me. I don't want us looking like the fucking boxy twins, but I had been told by my mum not to make such a big deal of it.

Of course she would say that, she didn't have someone copying her hair styles.

Her makeup was flawless as usual, her eyes outlined with eyeliner to match . Why is that I always fuck up my left eye, it's either too thin, thick, high or low.

Her lips were inspired by kylie's kardashian apparently, I didn't really care. I already had pretty plump lips, so I didn't need to exaggerate their size.

"Well we're already at your school, so it's too late" rolling my eyes, I brought my face closer to the car window as we drove into the car park. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my dad was a teacher at our school. He teaches P.E, the class that might as well be called death, and also maths, that class was pretty much s graveyard.

Sure having your dad as a teacher has some perks to it, but hearing your classmates either call your dad a hot son of a bitch, or a moody prick can anger you, especially the latter.

I once nearly got into a fight with a guy because he started yelling at my dad for failing him. It's not my dads fault he's shit at algebra.

"So I'll meet you two by the car after school?" Murmuring a yes, I nodded my head mindlessly as I unbuckled the seat belt and swung my bag over my shoulder.

"I've got plans with Daniel" Talitha chirped.

Daniel was her boyfriend. The 2 have been going out since they were 14, they're pretty legit.

Daniels a good guy, he's funny and has a good collection of movies that I have yes, watched all of.

"Okay, just make sure to give us a call" he said with a gentle tone. Talitha let out a breathy laugh as she tugged out her earphones.

"I will, don't worry" looking down at my watch, I wondered how much longer this family encounter was going to last.

"You both got your lunches?" Groaning, I covered my face with my hands in frustration. Dropping them, they both looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you both forgetting the fact that my crazy arch nemesis has moved back into town, the longer I stay in this car, the less chances I have of avoiding him" my head moving back and forth between the both, they both had different expressions on their faces.

My dads looked guilty and full of confusion, while Talitha the sick bastard, tjust looked like I was telling the funnies story alive.

"Did you just say Arch nemesis?" She chocked out. Groaning, I opened up the car door and climbed out. I'm not risking my life for lunch checks.

Slamming it shut, I gripped on to my backpack tighter whilst trudging my way to the entrance. Stopping at the doors, I turned around to see if Talitha was following me, but swallowed back my thoughts as I saw her draped over Daniel by the school gates. They both were playing tonsil tennis for the whole school to see. This is the girl that says PDA, is the second most disgusting thing she's ever seen.

This first being 2 girls 1 cup.

Turning back around with a look of disgust, my head stopped midway as I saw Jack heading in my direction, his eyes already pleading with me to forgive him.

Before he could even speak, I bolted through the doors and was on my way to my locker.

"You're still mad? Oh give over Jourdan, it's not a big deal" with a bitter smile on my face, I ran my tongue over my top front teeth as I got closer to my locker.

"Save it Jack, do what ever you like, it's not my fucking problem. " Turning the corner, I ignored the few people that told me hello and even Dale whole wanted to ask me something.

"He's my cousin Jourdan, I can't just not speak to him" here comes the cousin bullshit that he has told me a million times already.

"Not by blood" I mumbled. Stopping in front of my locker, I ignored him as he leant against the one next to mine. He stared intensely at me as I started to shove the books I wouldn't need today in my rust bucket.

"What would have been the point of inviting you Jourdan, you both hate eachother so much, that I'm pretty sure the party would have ended with you 2 getting into a fist fight " slamming the door shut, I span on my heels to face him.

I hate it when he was right.

"Jack, that's not even the problem-"

"Then tell me what is" he took a step closer towards me so I could feel his breath fan my forehead.

"I get that you're cousins, I do. But was there really a need to go to his party? Could you not have just sent a cheesy card saying welcome back like the rest of us do?" His hands started to swing the ends of my French plaits as he sighed at my words.

"I guess I could have" I watched his long eyelashes hide his green orbs as he looked towards the floor momentarily. Opening them back, he stared at me with a goofy smile.

"This is the guy that cut my hair off while I was in film studies, the guy that made me get into a fight with a girl for his personal entertainment, the guy that once made the entire year ignore me for 2 months, the guy-"

"Okay I get it, he's a very bad man" Slinging his arm over my shoulder, he took my bag away from me, and put it around him so it fell on his chest.

"Just promise me something " I muttered. Stopping in our tracks, I looked up into his emerald eyes, as he looked down with his eyebrows pulled together.

"Like what?" Slipping my hands into my jeans back pocket, I looked ahead with a hidden smile.

"Next time at one of his parties, you'll at least punch him in the dick or something, for me?" With a gentle chuckle, he pulled me closer to his side, gently shaking his head from side to side.

"Anything for ma lady "

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