Chapter 2
Walking down the street, inhaling and exhaling the fresh air from around me, I shivered as I felt a whisp of wind brush over me. I was only dressed in my black sweater/crop top and a black skirt with thin tights. It wasn't exactly something I'd go out in, in this weather.
Reaching to my dads baker- patisserie, I read the sign and smiled.
'Rousalitha Patisserie'
I remember my dad not knowing what to call the shop, he spent all week trying to think up cool and unique names. One day Talitha, Dale and I decided we would help, but we kind of just ended up bickering about how it should be named after one of us. That's when I got the idea to combine ours and our mum's name. Pretty smart thinking for a 6 year old if you ask me.
Pushing open the door, Jack was already behind the counter taking people's orders with his dashing smile. His dark hair was tied up with a hair band, making me stiffle a laugh. He looked ridiculous, but obviously the girls from across the room getting wetter than niagra falls by staring at him thought different.
Catching my eyes, his grin widened and his bluing eyes brightened. Holding out his finger for me to wait a second, he carefully put the lady's 2 cream doughnuts into a baby pink box and wished her a good day. He missed the fact that she was basically batting her false eyelashes off for him to notice her. Rolling her eyes in amusement, she made her way out of the shop with the pink box securely by her side.
"Didn't expect to see you here" he chuckled softly while making his way over to the table I had sat myself by.
Crossing my legs in the comfy plush seat, I leaned my head back with my eyes closed and breathed a out laugh.
"You always say this Jack, and my response is always-"
"Cool chicks like cake too" he mocked in a high pitch voice which I'm assuming was meant to be mine.
Straightening my head, I cocked an eyebrow at his smirking face.
"Sorry, was that meant to sound like me? " licking my lips, I smiled back at him, amused by his cheesy grin.
"I'm thinking of becoming a professional impressionist , what do you think?" Leaning my head on the cold wall, I watched as his hand reached up to his head and took out the hair band. His hands ran through his hair a couple of times, making it messier than usual.
"I think you should stick to your day job, buddy" nudging my seat with his foot underneath the table, I shot him a smile equally as cheesy as his was before.
"What are you doing here anyway? In all seriousness, I haven't seen you come here by your own free will, ever?" I'm sure he was exaggerating, but after thinking about it for a bit, it was true.
I had only come in here if I was literally being dragged by Talitha, or my dad had asked me to help him out. Other than those reasons, I don't think I would come here.
Twitching my nose, I tucked a few strands of hair that hung from infront of my face
"I got angry and just turned up here" my teeth were chewing on my bottom lip like before as I thought of the status again.
Jack had placed one arm on the table between us, his hand grabbing mine and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Is it because Oscar's back?" Meeting his curious gaze, I moved my hand away from his and placed on a convincing smile.
"That dick wad's back? I didn't even know" I lied. Jack wasn't convinced at all, but played along as he knew I would only get mad if he pressed on.
"Yeah, got back from America on Friday. He had some massive party to celebrate." the photo makes sense now. It was a picture of him holding a red thong in one hand and a can of cider in the other.
"And I wasn't invited? I feel highly offended " by the way jack's smile faltered, I could tell that he had went to the party, and the lil bitch didn't invite me.
"Please tell me you didn't" I moaned. I hung my head in my hands as he started to squint his eyes and scrunch his nose up.
"You wouldn't have had fun, so what would have been the point of inviting you?" Snapping my head up to look at him in disbelief, I ran my tongue over my front teeth while shaking my head.
"It's not the fact that you didn't invite me Jack, it's the fact that you even went" Getting up from the seat, I glared back at the people around me giving me looks like I was a maniac.
"Jourdan, come on just sit back down" flipping him off from behind me, he rolled my eyes at the few gasps from the elderly women.
Turning around before exiting, I looked jack dead in the eyes with a look of shame.
"Suck my ass" and that's when I left.
Moving the peas around in my plate, I tried to make it into a winking emoji, but Dale thought it would be ever so fucking comical to nudge my arm.
"Mate, do you want me to punch you in the gut?" Nodding his head joyfully, I stared at his pupils to make sure they weren't dilated. I'm superb at spotting people that are out of their heads.
"Your threats are always empty jour-" before finishing his sentence, my fist had collided with his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
"Jourdan!" My mum gasped. Dale was bellowed over, the ends of his hair dipping into the gravy in his plate. Talitha had stopped eating her chicken to make sure she didn't choke while laughing, my dad looked pretty impressed that I could even punch that hard.
"The boy tests my patience mum, what was I supposed to do?" My mum sipped at her wine glass while rubbing his temples. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail to show off her stunning features. Though she was wearing minimal makeup, she looked flawless.
"You tell him to shut up, not punch him, Jourdan" grabbing my glass full of orange juice, I took a sip before placing it back down.
"I'll keep that in mind for next dinner time mother" looking down at my still full plate, I could feel my dad giving me the 'don't be such a fucking bitch' look.
This was a regular look that I got from either my mum or dad, sometimes I'm super lucky and they both do it at the same time.
"She's just being a dickhead because Oscar Summers has came back from America " Dale finally said. He had caught his breath and fixed his composure.
I felt like punching him in the neck this time.
"You mean that lad Oscar who used to live across the street?" My dad looked in my direction with a raised eyebrow.
Shovelling some mash potatoes into my mouth I nodded relentlessly.
He was nodding in acknowledgement as Talitha began to speak.
"Don't let him get to you Jourdan" she mumbled while cutting into her chicken breast. Reaching for my orange juice, I sipped slow as everyone started to speak about something else.
Once finished, I excused myself and dumped my empty plate in the sink on my way out.
Walking up the stairs by taking two at a time, I reached to the top and made a b-line towards my door. Pushing it open, I nudged it closed with my hip before slumping down in a heap on my bed.
My brown hair hung messily over my face and onto my bed sheets as I tossed and turned.
What if he was back at school tomorrow? What if I bump into him? What if he bumps into me? What if we bump into each other?
Hearing my phone vibrate on my night stand, I already knew that it was Jack ringing again to apologise.
The truth is, he shouldn't need to apologise for something like that. He should be aloud to be friends with who he wants, and go to whatever party when ever he wants, it shouldn't be down to me.
Maybe it's the fact Mother Nature had paid me a visit, making me a whole lot crankier than usual. Sitting up, I reached for my tv remote and flicked through the channels until I got to the 2 and a half men marathon.
Leaning back, I glanced at my vibrating phone with a small pout on my lips. I was being childish wasn't i?
Picking the phone up, I clicked answer and released a shaky laugh.
"Look, before you say anything, I'm sorry for acting like a twat. You can be friends Oscar if you want, even if he is the biggest asshole that's stepped on planet earth" Finishing with a smile, my eyebrows began to furrow as I heard a familiar chuckle that definitely did not belong to Jack.
"A bit bitter if you ask me snowflake " Quickly ending the call, I held my phone in my hand while my body turned to stone.
Hearing my text alert go off, I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth once my eyes scanned over the words, I fell backwards with a loud groan.
'Guess we'll speak tomorrow?'
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