
"Dad, I don't think you understand-" gliding against the island in the middle of our kitchen, I inched closer to my dad with a sickly sweet smile pulling at my lips.

He still hadn't glanced up from the newspaper in his hands, even though I had been trying to have this conversation with him for the past 20 minutes.

"-If I don't buy the jacket, I'm going to die. Do you want your favourite daughter to die?"

Hearing someone clear their throat, I glanced back at my older sister glaring at me sourly.

"I'm sitting right here you know" Talitha mumbled. Her jet black hair was pulled up into a tight bun and her lips stained with a matte pink.

Waving my hand to signal for her to shut up, I was annoyed how she didn't notice I was trying to work my magic over here?

My father released a tiresome sigh before slowly lowering the newspaper. His bright emerald eyes stared with amusement into my blue ones.

"And just how are you going to die from not owning a jacket, Jourdan?" Slapping a hand to my chest, I mocked an expression of both horror and disgust.

"Henry, this isn't just any jacket-"

"What have I told you about calling your mum and I by our first names-" ignoring him, I walked over to Talitha and draped my arms around her pale body.

"Talitha, tell him how important this jacket is, tell him" I whined. She tried shrugging me off, but began to laugh and muffle over the mouthful of cereal.

"Get off me before I punch you in the throat" She laughed. Gripping onto her tighter, I continued to beg to my ever so loving father.

Note the sarcasm.

"To answer your question Henry, I will scientifically implode if this jacket is not brought for me by today, imploding is not cute dad-" letting go of Talitha with a sour look, I rubbed over the spot on my arm she had just pinched.

"You ever seen a cute imploded girl? I think not-"

"Jourdan, you won't implode, plus you know what you have to do if you want some money, you just have to work at the-" Placing my fingers in my ears, I scrunched up my nose and scowled at the sight of my sister and dad laughing at my reaction.

Letting my hands drop to my side, I took a seat on the stall and rested my head upon the cold slab.

"I will not work in that bakery, dad. if you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly your cupcake kinda girl. I'm more of the sex and drugs kinda chick" By the glare my dad was giving me, it was obvious he wasn't taking well to my humour.

Laughing nervously, I began to scratch the back of my neck.

"You know, just without the drugs...and the um sex?" Nodding his head in approval, I could almost hear Talitha rolling her azure eyes in my direction.

"Jourdan, it's a patisserie-." Dunking his digestive biscuit into his near enough cold coffee, he took a large bite. "-not a bakery. They're different" he muffled with crumbs falling out of his mouth.

About to speak, my words were interrupted by my brothers obnoxious yawning. He walked into the kitchen wearing only his black Calvin Klein underwear and my brightly coloured pink socks.

Oh so macho.

"Morning daisy" I mocked with a cheery smile. His calm face had turned to cold stone as he heard the nickname escape my lips. I'll tell you about the nickname later.

Talitha cocked an eyebrow in my direction with a face that told me to spill everything , while my dad stirred at his cold coffee and stared intently at the newspaper.

I mouthed the words don't worry, and smiled up at Dale with a dark smile.

I truly do love being me.

Dale dragged his feet towards me with his arms held out for a hug, oh Jesus no.

"Dale, you haven't had a shower, please." I groaned already knowing what he was going to do next.

The next few seconds were a blur, I didn't know if it was because of the noxious fumes from Dales armpit that he had smothered into my face, or because of the perfume my mum had just dowsed herself in.

Either way, I felt like a headache was coming on.

"Get off me you fucking tramp." Even though my words were muffled, somehow both of my parents still heard every word as clear as they could see the day.

"I'll wash your mouth out with soap if you don't pack it in." My mum snapped. Pushing Dale off of me, he stumbled back still chuckling from my little out burst.

I glared back at him, trying not to crack a smile. It still confuses me how he's 16 and still towers over me like the green fucking giant. People have said that it was easy to see that Dale and I were related, but I would always disagree and say we looked way different.

His chestnut hair was a tinge lighter than mine, but I swear they were beginning to get darker as days went on. His eyes were like Talitha's, a mixture of a sun's Amber and a light hazel, much better than my blue eyes.

I wouldn't even mind if they were bright, or border line grey...but they're just..


Like I, he also has his nose pierced and was supporting a nose ring like me. Our skin the same olive complexion, our noses almost the same, but different in their own ways. Other than those similarities, I can't see the resemblance.

The same goes to Talitha also. Her raven hair unruly with waves that reached below her bum, which I was incredibly jealous of. Her hair grows quicker than my panties would drop if Zac Efron appeared on my door step.

Her lips were plump and shaped to perfection, to be honest her face was sculpted to perfection.

It's unfair how some people don't have to try to look nice. it's not that I try very hard anyway, but if I did, I would be super fucking pissed off at my sister 24/7.

"What time is it?" Dale yawned while trudging to the cabinet with my chocolate in

Yes I said my chocolate, I really like chocolate okay. I claim it, therefor it is mine. Watch the walking dead and maybe you'll understand.

"It's 12:46" my mum said while diving into her handbag. I think she was getting ready to go shopping with my dad or something. I hope they were anyway, because I'm craving super noodles and we're all out.

"Eugh, it's too early for a Sunday" Dale moaned like a child. Talitha and I laughed under our breaths slightly. Pulling out my iPhone from out of my back pocket, I drowned out everyones talking as I scrolled down my Facebook.

I always ask myself why I even go on this website, and get reminded when I see some of the statuses people write.

It's to laugh at people Jourdan, that's why.

'Love me or hate me, you're still thinkin bout me'

'Soooo craving a smoke rn, anyone got any'

'Idec that my nudes got leaked, you're all just jealous because you wish you had a body like this #haters #BodyLikeBeyonce'

More like body like a sack of shit. Rolling my eyes, I scrolled past my timeline liking a few pictures of people and commenting on a few things I found funny.

My thumb stopped scrolling as my eyes thought they saw something worth checking out. Scrolling back up, my teeth began to peel away at my lip as I examined the picture in front of my eyes.

Looking at the caption, I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

'So it looks like I'm back ..?' Dropping my phone back down on the counter, the kitchen had quieted down slowly.

"Jourdan? You alright?" Talitha asked with clear concern in her voice. Hanging my head in my hands, I could feel the blood in my veins begin to bubble and boil like acid.

"Jourdan, love?" My mum questioned. I could feel all their eyes peering at me, waiting for some explanation.

So I did what anyone else in that situation would have done.

I got up and left.

I left with my rage slowly starting to bubble over the top just by seeing someone's status, you say?

Well let me tell you that, that wasn't just some fucking person.

That was Oscar Summers..

Oscar fucking Summers.

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