Chapter Seven

This is dedicated to Googlegirl8, who is amazing and gets to rub it in her friends' faces.

It just hit me that this story has barely started and it already has nearly 12 thousand reads!!! You guys are more incredible than you realize, each of you. Also, due to a few of the readers, they've created a "fandom" for the series. You're all part of the "Gordon Family"! Make sure to put your ship names below so I can keep track and put them in the following chapters :)

Chapter Seven

Dinner was pleasant, although I mainly watched the Gordon's interact with one another. It was certainly different than a leap's family dinner, that much I was certain of.

When we had family dinners, the table was much longer, and everyone had to squeeze together to fit. There was never a moment of silent to be found, not that anyone complained. Laughter would surround us as a playful bickering joined, followed by idle chatter. The dinners would last long after everyone was done each time. The leap held family dinners at least once a week, sometimes more.

I wasn't too sure what the Gordon family was having. I didn't think they understood the concept of laughter, much less how to. The table was filled with more silence than chatter and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at the frigid atmosphere.

"Dinner was lovely, Mrs. Gordon. How'd you come up with such a divine meal?" I asked, regretting it when her eyes filled with shock before she studied me. Had I done something wrong?

Her husband nudged her lightly and she blinked before looking at her plate. "It was so long ago that I don't remember. It's Cayne's favorite," she said, adding the last part after a discrete encouragement from her husband.

"Well, I see why! I've attempted to cook a similar roast, but it ended up as hard as a rock. I almost felt bad for insisting that Kai take a bite," I supplied, my eyes lighting up when Prince Gordon laughed under his breath. Even Mr. Gordon was attempting to hide a smile.

"Perhaps you should not venture near the kitchen in the future," Prince Gordon teased and I huffed at him, but there was a smile on my face.

"I should get to washing the dishes," Mrs. Gordon said, but I immediately got up, grabbing everyone's plates before she could say anything.

"I'll do it. You shouldn't have to cook and clean," I said, the expression on her face conveying that she didn't know what to make of me.

I wasn't naïve; I knew she wasn't fond of my kind, just like the rest of the world. But both her and her husband wanted to change that, whether they were conscious of it or not. How did I come to this conclusion? I'd come to it because I was still alive.

They could've killed our entire leap and nothing would've changed for them. Yet, Kai and I were still alive and well, a budding hope for our kind. Showing them kindness would help them realize they had made the right choice.

"That was very considerate of you."

I turned in response, seeing Prince Gordon leaning against the doorframe, watching me. It was as if he didn't know what to make of me either.

"I was the dish cleaner in the house because I certainly couldn't cook," I explained, shrugging. Cleaning dishes had simply been another daily chore.

"My mother does not enjoy others that are not immediate family. However, I believe you made quite the impression on her," he said and I looked out the kitchen, glancing where Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were sitting.

I found myself smiling as I watched them. Her head was resting on his shoulder, a content look in her eyes as his land lazily played with her hair. Every now and then he would whisper to her and a smile would find its way onto her face.

That's what I wanted. I wanted a relationship that still showed loved, even after several years. They may not show it in public, but the two of them were clearly still in love.

"You may be a Prince, but that doesn't mean you can't dry dishes," I said, tossing him the towel without warning. He reflexively caught it, shock on his face.

"Is something wrong, päästja? Did you think being royal got you out of dish duty?" I asked, playfully flicking soap suds in his general direction.

"This is considered disrespectful and worthy of punishment," he muttered but made his way next to me.

"We aren't within reach of anyone to punish me, so quiet down," I said, waiting for him to give me a warning that I was stepping out of place. But it didn't happen.

We quietly cleaned the dishes, working well with one another. I would wash and rinse them while Prince Gordon dried and placed them where they belonged. It was pleasant.

"See, was that so hard?" I asked when we were finished, feeling accomplished.

"Very," he grumbled and I rolled my eyes.

Before I could respond, his father yelled, "Your transportation has arrived, Cayne!" Prince Gordon sighed, looking at the rusting watch on his hand.

"What happened to your watch?" I asked, leaning closer to look at it.

It had once been a beautiful gold, but not it was rusting so much that I was surprised it worked. The glass over the face was cracked and ready to give up at any second.

"It was a gift from my parents when I was much younger. They gave it to me for being the eldest brother," he said as the watch disappeared under his suit once again.

I found myself waiting outside as Prince Gordon said goodbye to his parents. He finally came outside and we both made our way inside the carriage. As we passed the house, I waved to his parents who were watching from the window.

We were quiet on the way there until I could see the palace in the distance. Then, Prince Gordon cleared his throat, shifting his attention towards me.

"My mother wanted you to have this," he said, withdrawing a paper in his suit and offering it to me.

I took it and opened the folded paper curiously. I skimmed over it briefly before a smile blossomed over my face.

"It's her recipe! Perhaps I can try it on you since Kai swore he'd never try my cooking after that," I said happily, ignoring the look on Cayne's face as I babbled on.

My talking ceased when I looked out the window and saw an angry shape-shifter pacing in front of the palace, his invisible tail flickering. The enforcers were watching him closely, waiting for him to make a run for it.

"Would you like me to have something done?" Cayne asked once he realized who I was looking at.

I looked down, sighing as I shook my head. "I have to deal with him. It's better to do it now, while he's more worried than angry," I said, knowing Kai wouldn't hurt me either way.

He did look angry, extremely angry. But as we got closer, I could see his eyebrows furrowed together with worry. When his eyes finally found us, they softened before any worry was replaced with anger.

Cayne started to go out but paused when I placed my hand on his chest. I blushed at the look he gave me, rushing to explain myself.

"If you go out first, Kai will try killing you and your enforcers will hurt him. Allow me to go first and take him inside so he doesn't cause trouble," I pleaded and Prince Gordon sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Ivy, that is very informal-" he started, but I was quick to try again.

"Please, Prince Gordon! I can't lose Kai," I said, watching and waiting.

"You are going to give me more headaches than you are worth," he muttered before adding, "Go."

"Thank you, Cayne," I said, pressing a kiss of gratitude to his cheek and darting out before he could say anything.

I barely made it out before I was enveloped in a hug, Kai's native tongue being whispered into my ear. I nuzzled against him, discretely guiding him back into the palace before he could make it to Prince Gordon.

"English, kullake," I whispered, nipping at his nose. I could understand his every word, but I hardly ever had a full conversation in our native language.

"I'm sorry, Ivy. I'm sorry for saying such stupid things. I-" his words were cut off as I pressed my lips against his.

I didn't kiss Kai on the lips often because each time I felt like I was promising him something I wasn't ready to give. But today I decided it was worth it.

I pulled away when Kai began nipping at my lips suggestively. He growled softly in protest, but otherwise,he continued peppering my hair with kisses.

"Can we go upstairs and talk?" I asked and felt him nod before he led me upstairs with ease.

He closed the door, watching me as I studied the room in thought. "I have a compromise to offer you," I said, nearly giving up when he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.

"Did the Prince put you up to this? I'd love to have a chat with him," he said, his words mixing in with his growls near the end.

"This isn't about him, Kai! It's about every shape-shifter who's tired of living in fear," I said and softly added, "It's about us."

"Will you listen before you say anything? I promise you'll like what you get out of this if you do your part," I said and frowned when he didn't make me a promise, but still wanted for me to continue.

I took a deep breath before saying, "You have to do what Prince Gordon wants without reacting so violently. It's-"

"No," he said shortly, his face showing he wasn't amused. I could play his game.

I shrugged, going over to the dresser that contained my new clothes. "That's fine. Then I suggest you find someone else to carry your cubs," I said casually, hoping it came off as confident.

I was met with silent before I heard him say, "Continue." I almost jumped, feeling pleased with myself as I turned back to him.

"If you do what he wants without being so violent, once he's announced out kind's name is cleared, I'm all yours. I won't bring our cubs into a world where they'll have to hide in the shadows. If you do this, we can start our own leap."

Kai's face had softened and he was walking over to me, pulling me to him when he made it. A smile appeared on his face as he asked, "You'll become my mate? My bonded mate?"

"Mmhmm," I said with my own smile, liking how happy it made him.

"And you'll give me all the cubs I want?" He whispered, pressing his lips to my neck.

"All the ones your heart could desire," I said with a giggle, wrapping my own arms loosely around his neck.

"You are an emarebane in disguise, Ivy," he groaned, looking up at the ceiling.

I pressed my own lips against his collarbone, playing innocent. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're offering me what I've most desired my whole life. All I have to do is ignore my damn instincts," he said, sarcasm slipping its way in.

"You don't have to say yes. It's your choice," I replied, but I couldn't lose my smile. I'd just won.

"You know I can't refuse," he said, his hand reaching up to graze my jaw.

"So is that a yes?" I asked excitedly, grinning.

"I better get at least five cubs out of you. We aren't going to have a small family," he warned, but a smile appeared.

"I wouldn't dream of having less," I replied before our lips met once again.

[Päästja- savoir]

[Kullake- sweetheart]

[Emarebane- vixen]  

Happy birthday to Shiloha!!!

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