Being a prankster, it took him less than 20 minutes to come up with an idea to scare Mildred. His ideas were amusing and pleasing to his brothers. They paid a close watch on their prey, watching her every move, waiting for the perfect time to strike.
The teenage girl finally woke up from her nap that had lasted for what seemed like forever, but still hasn't gotten enough of it. Like every other day she was feeling extremely lazy, she struggled to keep her blephara apart. But they only kept covering her eyes, making her vision less vivid.
Each time she forced them apart, they'd slowly cover up again. Unintentionally, the sleepy girl gave in to the inevitable feelings of peace, freedom and relaxation. It took her several naps that lasted for a couple of minutes to finally succeed in casting tiredness off her way.
The moment she casted it off her way; the moment her mental faculties were active, she heard a sound. Without a second thought, she rushed out of her bed, wore her flip-flops and ran down the glassy stairs, expecting to see her parents.
But to her dismay, there was no one else in the sitting room but her. If her parents weren't back and Mladen wasn't in the sitting room, who had made the sound that had given her the false information?
Maybe it was all a meaningless noise, the girl sighed in frustration. Once more, her parents had let her down. The girl who was now low-spirited decided to walk back upstairs to get her phone. Maybe her parents had called or texted to inform her that they'd be running late for dinner, she tried lifting her spirit.
She was about getting back on the glassy staircase when she heard a sound. She ceased her movement and turned around in a slow motion. She listened carefully to the sound that kept ticking. In time, she realised it was coming from the kitchen. Slowly, she walked there. Maybe it was Mladen, but what could he possibly be doing?
On getting there, there was no one in the kitchen. The sound had come from the cutlery that was moving to and fro, hitting one another. It wasn't windy, and no one was hitting the cutlery against each other, but it kept moving. Whatever that was making the cutlery move to and fro, was starting to freak Mildred out.
She inbreathed the creepy feelings she was starting to get, outbreathed them all and walked out of the kitchen. She got to her room and checked her phone, but neither of her parents had called nor texted her. The spirit she had tried lifting, suddenly dropped. Letting out a sigh, she facetimed her mum.
"Hey, baby." Her mother waved at her, smiling. Mildred faked a smile.
"Hey, mum. Still at work? I can see. Where's dad? Not gonna be back tonight? Yeah, it's understandable." She sighed.
"Baby, I'm sorry. We've got tons of works to do. We'll surely be back tomorrow. We're truly sorry. Let it slide, please?"
"Just like every other day," she cracked with emotions under her breath. "Sure. Love you. Tell dad I said 'love you'."
"I will, love you lots. Make sure you guys eat and take care of yourselves, okay?"
The downhearted teenager nodded. "I'll make sure of that. You too."
"Please don't be upset, darling. You know that your dad and I are doing everything in our power to see our happiness; you and Mladen, are living your best lives."
Her daughter flexed the muscles of both ends of her mouth, showing her white front teeth. She could never resist the urge to smile whenever her parents called her and Mladen their happiness.
"Don't worry, mum. I know."
"That's my baby girl. I gotta go now, bye," her mother informed, blowing kisses at Mildred through the video call.
"Bye, ma." Mildred returned the kisses before hanging up. She slid her phone into her jeans back pocket and walked downstairs. She had to prepare dinner.
After a couple of minutes, she was done cooking. She dished up the meal and ordered her brother to get downstairs. The little boy did and they sat down to eat. Their plates were almost empty when Mildred decided to break the deafening silence.
"I called mum earlier and she said they won't be able to come home tonight," she informed as she took a spoonful of rice into her mouth, chewing while staring at Mladen whose attention was on his plate, playing with his food. He hummed as a respond, still playing with his leftovers.
Mildred continued, "Don't worry, they'll be back tomorrow morning for sure."
He looked up from his food and nodded. The little boy pushed his chair backwards, stood up and was about walking away when Mildred called him.
"Are you done eating?"
He nodded and walked upstairs. She sighed in frustration. She had really missed the ebullient younger brother she once had. Ever since that incident, everything about him changed for the worse. She pulled herself away from those thoughts and focused on washing the dishes before going to bed.
It was almost midnight and Mildred was still tossing and turning on her bed. She couldn't grab a hold of her beauty sleep. She knew that'd happen because she woke up quite late from her nap, and that was one reason she hated napping.
When she could take it no more, she stood up from her bed and walked downstairs. Maybe after watching a movie or two, she'd get sleepy.
She walked herself into the kitchen and came out with a bowl of popcorn. She pulled herself to the sitting room. Slipping into the settee, she turned on the TV, chewing on her popcorn.
'Romance? I ain't in the mood for that,' she thought, changing the channel.
Horrifically, a ghost popped on the TV. Mildred flinched at the unexpected scene, causing some of her popcorns to jump out of its bowl. She fixated her eyes back on the screen, as a girl was being chased by a ghost in a dark building.
At first she had wanted the channel changed, because her mother forbid her from watching scary movies but she loved scary movies. Her mother was scared she'd get a nightmare from doing so, but she thought she was old enough to handle nightmares. But after watching one, she never failed to pray before bed. She believed prayers would save her the nightmares and prayers truly did.
'Breaking the rules only once wouldn't hurt,' she thought to herself and focused on the screen, eating her popcorn.
While watching the movie, Mildred would scream whenever anything scary popped on the screen. She'd close her eyes with her hands when she could take it no more, but still managed to peep through the space in between her fingers. Watching scary movies was quite fun to her.
The movie was about coming to its end when she felt something passed by her. She turned around, but there was nothing there.
'This movie is quite the realistic one,' she cracked, laughing at her own joke.
A couple of minutes passed by before the movie finally came to its end. She turned off the TV and was relaxing on the settee, when she heard drippings from the kitchen. She stood up and walked into the kitchen. It was the sink. It wasn't properly closed. Strange, she thought.
Forthwith she closed it, something from outside caught her attention; it was the leaves the wind was swirling. She was able to see it through the transparent window. As she gazed at it, she felt a pat on her shoulder.
She swiftly turned around, but there was nobody behind her. She sighed in relief. As she was about walking out of the kitchen, an unexpected humongous sound of thunder stroke, making her leap out of her skin. She turned around with her hand placed over her pumping chest. Several thunder stroke before a downpour came. There came a mighty wind after the downpour, flinging the kitchen window open. She rang towards the window, held the handles and tried yanking it close, but it felt like the window was being pulled backwards.
Mildred struggled to lock the window so she could save herself from the sprinkles of chilled water the wind was blowing at her direction. After minutes of fighting with the mighty wind, she succeeded in closing the window.
Yanking away from the window, the girl blurted out, "That's one powerful wind!" Brushing her straight shoulder-length ebony hair that was now messy, out of her face, she turned around.
At once, the girl shrieked at the hideous human size doll waiting for her at the door. The doll's hair were burnt, its face had several cuts and sewings like that of Chucky, and a smile of a maniac. The doll's ugliness gave her the creeps.
'How did you get here?' she thought, trying to fix the rate of her heartbeat. She took several deep breaths to regain herself, before kicking the doll out of her way. She switched off the light and walked out of the kitchen.
She switched off the light in the sitting room and strolled upstairs, yawning. She was tired, all she needed now was her bed, pillows and her precious duvet.
As she walked upstairs, a light shone from behind. She stopped and turned around. The bulbs in the sitting room were emitting light. From upstairs, she analyzed the sitting room. She was sure she had turned off the light. She walked back downstairs, turned off the light and climbed on the stairs.
She hadn't walked far when the light went back on. She stopped, feeling a bit uneasy. Something just wasn't right here. The girl turned around, staring at the sitting room, but there was no one there. It took her longer than before to walk downstairs and switched off the light. Immediately she rushed back on the glassy stairs, the light went back on.
'Maybe the light doesn't want to be turned off,' she concluded and ran upstairs without looking behind.
She switched on the passageway light and flew towards her room. Immediately she walked into her room, she shut the door behind her. She analyzed her room. Once she was sure that she was alone; that they was no creepy doll, she laid on her bed and placed her duvet over her.
The girl had hardly dozed off when she felt a pat on her shoulder. She shoot her eyes opened at once expecting to see Mladen, which would be weird, but she ended up seeing nothing. She pushed her duvet off her and jumped out of her bed. She had a feeling whatever might had patted her shoulder was beneath her bed. The girl stooped and lowered her body to the ground, after hiding all signs of fear in her. Her eyes searched beneath the bed but there was nothing there.
She took a few deep breaths of relief before standing up. She couldn't imagine her reaction if someone was actually beneath her bed. Turning around, the same creepy doll from earlier was standing behind her.
"Holy creep!" She flinched, sending a punch at the doll's creepy face. She looked at her fist and down at the doll that was now lying down in front of her. She turned around, dashed towards her window and opened it. She ran back to the doll, carried it and threw it out the window.
She shut her window, panting. The doll had really scared her back there. Trying to figure out how the doll had gotten into her room, her light started flickering.
"Oh, no! Not today," she muttered.
She dived on her bed to get her phone. She dragged herself out of her bed and turned on her phone's flashlight. The unsteady flash of light from her bulb was making her feel uneasy. She ran towards the switch and switched off the light.
Her phone's flashlight was bright enough for her. She sat on her bed, with her eyes basically in every corner of the room. Suddenly, someone knocked on her door. She jerked. The knock was audible again. She stood up from her bed, counting her steps towards the door.
"Who's there?" her trembling but yet demanding voice asked.
Everywhere was silent. She opened the door and after a minute, she peeped through the small space. She couldn't see a thing for the passageway was dark. She brought out her flashlight and when nothing strange happened, she pulled the door open and walked out.
She heard a knock. She turned her flashlight and neck towards the direction. She heard the knock again. Slowly, with her flashlight leading the way, she followed the sound that led her to her parents' room. She placed her ear on the door with an eye closed. She paid attention but she heard nothing.
Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Slowly, and breathlessly, she looked at her shoulder. Her stomach twitched at the burnt, rotten and smelly hand that rested on her shoulder.
A loud cry escaped from the lips of the frightened girl, before she flicked the horrifying hand off her shoulder. She instantly turned around. The owner of the hand was a clown; a dummy clown. But that didn't help her in anyway for she had a strange phobia of clowns. The girl leaped out of her skin. Screaming her lungs out, she dashed downstairs.
She was about unlocking the door to escape from the haunted mansion when her younger brother crossed her mind. Oh no, she had to save him, she couldn't just leave without him. She gulped down the fear that was growing in her.
She placed her flashlight in front of her, climbing the glassy stairs, slowly. She was praying nothing popped out on her. She wasn't sure her heart could take in anymore scare for one night. Now, she realised her mum was right. Scary movies just wasn't good for her.
She succeeded in walking to the last step before getting into the passageway without anything strange occurring. She stood at the last step, breathing. Maybe that'd be the last time she'd ever breathe if she saw another hand filled with worm on her shoulder again, or a clown.
She braced herself up and walked into the passageway with her flashlight in front of her. The clown was no where to be found. Where was it? She walked into the passageway, rushing towards her brother's room with hope that he'd act normal for once, unlock the door and run with her. She had no time to explain or bang the door for hours.
She got to Mladen's room in one piece. She placed a mild knock on his door just in case he was still sleeping, the knock would wake him up without scaring him off. She knocked again, expecting him to be awake by now. She knocked a third time. This time, it was quite louder.
Mladen kept shut. She banged his door angrily. If she didn't know him better, she'd have thought something bad had happened to him. She literally walked into her death to save him and the least thing he could do was unlock the door.
While knocking and begging him to unlock the door, she heard laughter. She froze. She turned her neck and flashlight towards the direction, praying not to see a clown. Her exact prayers were heard.
Instead of a creepy clown, four creepy dolls were standing at the end of the passageway. To make matter worse, the doll started moving towards her with knives and a maniac ear to ear smile. The girl trembled in fear. Her phone was vibrating in her hand. She couldn't move an inch from where she stood.
Suddenly, she was tickled from behind. The shock made her dropped her phone, causing instant darkness to embrace the corridor.
Mildred was hardly breathing when a flash of blue light escaped from the wizard's room, through the slightly opened door. The light had come from the humanise potion that scintillates with brief flashes of light whenever its bottle wasn't closed. Out of carelessness, the pervert had lost the human-909po potion's bottle cap after he had used the potion in regaining his human form. Now that he was a ghost, he couldn't find the bottle cap. He decided to use another bottle cap in closing it, which wasn't going very well.
With the light scintillating in the room, Mildred ran into it and shut the door. The light from the potion had turned off, for the pervert was almost done closing the potion's bottle. The girl quickly turned on the light. Luckily, the light switched on. The dolls stabbed the door with the knives they were holding, scaring the girl. She locked the door with its key, rushing backwards.
Unknown to her, the pervert was standing in the centre of the room, working on closing the human-909po. While his attention was on the potion, the girl passed through him with a rush that caused the potion he had almost succeeded in closing, to open up and a little of the potion poured on his hand.
Slowly, his hand absorbed the humanised potion and made him visible. In a second, a guy was standing in front of Mildred. The frightened girl opened her mouth, sending screams into the air.
First, I'm sorry for the late update. This is actually my first spooky chapter. So tell me, how was it? Please be sincere. What did you feel whilst reading?
^Love, Naomi!^
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