Ace Degenerate

Mackenzie Lawrence have never thought that her father, Johnny Lawrence, would become a karate sensei to their new neighbor, that she starts to grow feelings toward her new friend and childhood friend, her friends learn karate and change for the better or worst, and that they have somehow find their passion while she tried to find her passion in her life.

For all of Mackenzie's life, she love her father with all her heart, even though he always makes mistakes gets into fights whenever he goes out drinking, and goes to jail for that, but she loves him because he's the only parent she has. Her name means "kind and beautiful" because of her beauty and kind heart, she gets her looks and kindness from her mother, Odette Hilton.

Mackenzie never know her mother much because she died when Mackenzie was around three years old. All she know about her mother is that she was born in Beverly Hills, California, she lost her mother when she was young and is raise by a very kind and wonderful women who runs a popular and amazing boarding school.

She study in the boarding school all her life and became wealthy with a famous career, she met Johnny at a bar when they were at their thirty's and where so close to each other, but one day she died from a mysterious incident and so Johnny have raised Mackenzie all on his own.

Of course, Mackenzie loves her father and they both take care of each other, but for all of Mackenzie's life, she felt a bit insecure and a bit weak because her friends are always bullied by the popular people and couldn't be able to help them, and she ever wonder if she will open up her passion, and her life change from that day.

It all started in the morning, as the sun has shine brightly through Mackenzie's bedroom window, Mackenzie woke up by her alarm from her phone turn on and she turn it off, as she got up from her bed, Mackenzie grab some of her clothes from her closet and went to the bathroom to get change.

(Mackenzie Lawrence's Bedroom)

Mackenzie is a beautiful sixteen year old girl who has beautiful long gold blonde that past her shoulders, beautiful blue eyes that shine like sapphire gems, and her lips are shade as the red rose. She got her appearance and similarities from her late mother Odette Hilton, but has a bit of similarities from her father.

As Mackenzie brush her long blonde hair and wash her face, and starts to change into her outfit. She's wearing a white blues with flower prints on it, blue rip jeans on, and light brown wedge boots on. After she got changed and wash up, she went into the kitchen to make breakfast for her and her father.

(Rosabelle's Outfit)

As she was baking some scrambled eggs and toast for her and baked ham for her dad, she heard from dad's bedroom that his alarm is beeping and as she and set the plates down at the table and pour in some orange juice for her and coffee for her dad, she notice that her dad's alarm went off and then Johnny came out his bedroom all dressed.

Johnny is around his fifty's but still have his gold-blonde hair, his blue eyes, he wears a grey shirt, blue jeans on, and black shoes on, and Mackenzie smile at her father, as he sits down at the table.

"Good morning dad." Said Mackenzie as she smiles at her dad.

"Morning sweetheart, how did you sleep last night?" Asked Johnny as he looks at his daughter.

"I slept great, I made you your usual breakfast." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"Thanks sweetie." Said Johnny as he smiles at his daughter.

Then as Mackenzie and Johnny both sat down to have their breakfast, Johnny turns on the tv and the first thing that came up is a movie with a bunch of men shooting some guns at each other, and Mackenzie wasn't paying attention to the movie as she look at her phone over Instagram. Then she saw a message saying that her two best friends, Jessica and Sylvia, saying that they both want to meet her at the mall at 12:00.

Mackenzie smile at the message and reply that she will like to hangout with them, then after their breakfast, Mackenzie grab both their plates as she goes to the sink and washes them. After she finished washing the dishes and put them away, she told her dad that she will take out the trash and as she got the garbage bag, she went out of her apartment and as she close her apartment door, and went to throw away the trash.

After Mackenzie throws away the trash, as she was about to go back to her apartment, she bump into a boy around her age, who was getting the mail and saw her throwing away the trash, as Mackenzie look at the boy, she saw that he has black hair, chocolate brown eyes, he wears a red and grey sweater, blue pants on, and white sneakers on.

Mackenzie thought that he was the cutest boy he have ever seen in her life, she never met any cute boys other than her other best friends Eli and Demetri, but the new kid seems so cute and handsome to her eyes.

"Hi, I'm Miguel Diaz, my family and I just moved here to 109." Said the boy name Miguel as he smiles at Mackenzie.

"Nice to meet you Miguel, my names Mackenzie Lawrence, my dad and I live across you from that apartment." Said Mackenzie as she smiles and introduced herself.

"Mackenzie, that's a pretty name for a beautiful girl like you." Said Miguel, causing Mackenzie to blush at what he said, and Miguel's eyes widen when he realized what he had said." Oh I mean. . . What I meant to say is. . . I mean. . ."

"That's okay, I get that a lot from my friends, so I guess you can see what people refer to me as a pretty girl." Said Mackenzie as she smiles." And if you want, you can call me Kenzie for short, that's what my friends think it might be a great nickname for me."

"Kenzie, I like it, it really suits you great." Said Miguel as he smiles.

Mackenzie smile at Miguel at how kind he was, then as they both stare at each other's eyes, they both blush a bit and their hearts bear a bit softly as they look at each other. Then they heard a clang sound and turn to see Johnny putting down another trash bag and a red toolbox. Johnny was also wearing a tan jean jacket on, meaning that he was about to get ready for work.

As Johnny picks up the trash bag and the tool box, he was heading towards the trash bins, and then Miguel goes to Johnny and introducing himself.

"Hey, I'm Miguel, my family and I just moved into 109." Said Miguel as he smiles at Johnny and Johnny looks at him and roll his eyes.

Johnny look at Miguel, and he just frown at them as he was walking to the trash bins, and just act like they are both pests to him.

"Great." Said Johnny as he roll his eyes." More immigrants."

"Dad!" Said Mackenzie as she glared at her dad and Miguel smile at her and look at Johnny.

"Actually, we're from Riverside. But anyways, I was just wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure, cause I know our sink's being a little weird right now and. . ." Said Miguel as he was about to continue till he saw Johnny throwing away the trash bag inside the trash bin and heard bottles inside." Oh, bottles go in the blue bin."

"I knew it, I told you so dad." Said Mackenzie as she smirks and Johnny looks at Miguel as he ignore Mackenzie.

"Listen, Menudo, my daughter and I lived in this shithole for over ten years, the pipe's don't work, the fountain's full of piss, and the only good thing about being here is I don't have to talk to anybody, so nice knowing you." Said Johnny as he grab his tool box and hugs Mackenzie." I will see you after work sweetie, be safe."

"Yes dad." Said Mackenzie as she smiles and Johnny walks to his car.

"Okay, well. . . Have a nice day, I guess." Said Miguel as he look at Johnny.

As Johnny goes to his car, Mackenzie smile at her dad and hope that he will have a nice day, then she look at Miguel, who seems to be a bit hurt at how Johnny greeted him and then she smile at him as she puts her hand on his shoulder, which cause Miguel to look at her.

"Don't mind my dad, he's really nice once you get to know him, and this is like home once you get comfortable." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"Thanks, so do you go to school here?" Asked Miguel as he look at Mackenzie.

"Oh yeah I do, you and I go to the same school." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"Do you think we could walk together to school like a couple?" Asked Miguel until he blush as he realized what he said." WAIT. . . THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT. . . I mean like a couple of friends. . . Oh god."

Apparently Miguel felt so embarrassed after what he said to Mackenzie, but she thought it was kinda cute at what Miguel have said, that she grab his hand gently, causing Miguel to look at her a bit blushing, and Mackenzie smile at him.

"Sure, I would like to walk with at school Miguel, besides none of my friends live close here, and I don't like to walk by myself to school." Said Mackenzie as she smiles." In fact, once school start, if you want, you can get a ride with my other friends."

"Oh okay, that will be great." Said Miguel as he smiles.

"And if you want, I would love to be your friend Miguel, I never had a friend here at the Reseda apartment, and your the first one I made today." Said Mackenzie as she smiles." Well besides my five best friend, but you know what I mean."

"Really, that's cool." Said Miguel as he smiles.

"Well, I better get going, my friends are probably waiting for me, but if you want, maybe we can hangout a bit another day before school starts." Said Mackenzie as she smiles at Miguel.

"Yeah, I'll see you later Mackenzie." Said Miguel as he smiles at Mackenzie.

Then as Miguel walks back to his apartment, he wasn't looking where he is going and he bump into someone's car, causing Mackenzie to giggle at him and Miguel blush in embarrassed at what he did. Then he tried to act normal and goes back to his apartment and Juniper giggle at a bit as goes to meet her friend. As Miguel enter his apartment, he saw his grandmother standing in front of him with a smirk.

"Miguel, parece que te agrada esta chica." Said Miguel's grandmother in Spanish as she smirk.

"What, yaya she's just a new friend I made." Said Miguel as he blush crazy.

"Ya veo, entonces, ¿cuándo le vas a pedir que sea tu novia?" Asked Miguel's grandma in Spanish still smirking." O mejor aún, ¿cuándo se llevará a cabo la boda?"

"Yaya, I just met her, and I'm pretty she doesn't like me like that, she's just a friend!" Said Miguel as he blush really red.

Miguel's grandma just rolled her eyes as she smirk at him, then she goes back to her room to finish unpacking, and Miguel just kept on blushing about what his grandmother said, and he starts to think about Mackenzie and couldn't help but smile at he remembered her.

Meanwhile at the mall, Mackenzie arrived at the main entrance waiting for her best friends Jessica Dawson, Sylvia Hunter, and Aisha Robison to come. Then after a few minutes later, Jessica, Sylvia, and Aisha arrived at the main entrance and walk towards to Mackenzie.

Aisha has light brown short hair, brown eyes cover with glasses, has a blue dress with flowers all over, and black sandals.

Jessica wears a white zip-up crop top, red plaid mini jacket, blue ripped jeans, black belt around her waist, and black shoes on.

And Sylvia is wearing a white crop top, blue ripped jeans on, a black leather belt around her waist, a red and white bracelet on her wrist, and white sneakers on.

"Hey girls!" Said Mackenzie as she smiles and hug her friends.

"Hey Kenzie, we've missed you girl!" Said Jessica as she smiles.

"How are you doing?" Asked Sylvia as she smiles.

"I've been doing great, so are you girls ready?" Asked Mackenzie as she smiles.

"You know it." Said Aisha as she smirks.

Mackenzie, Jessica, Sylvia, and Aisha went inside the mall to do a bit of shopping, they went to different stores to buy some new clothes for the first day of school, new shoes, new jewelry, and new designer bags for school. As they finished some shopping, they all stop at the food court for some ice cream and drinks and decided to catch up.

"So, how were your summer vacations going?" Asked Mackenzie as she look at her friends.

"My was amazing, my mom and I went to Chicago to see one of our favorite singers and the museums." Said Jessica as she smiles.

"That's amazing, I went to New York to see my grandmother and we went to see amazing museums, stores, and concerts in Broadway." Said Sylvia as she smiles.

"That's awesome!" Said Mackenzie as she smiles." How about you Aisha, how's your summer vacation in Robot Camp?"

"It's amazing, of course my father gets bored whenever I talk about the camp." Said Aisha as she smiles.

"That's your father alright." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"How about you Mackenzie, how was your summer going?" Asked Sylvia as she smiles.

"The same as always, I've visited Mother Maria at my mothers old boarding school and help her out, I've hangout with Eli and Demetri, and I've also help my dad lately." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"That's really sweet of you, but anything new happen today?" Asked Aisha as she smiles.

"Actually, there is, today I have a new neighbor, his name is Miguel and he's around my age." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"Oh, a boy, sounds like someone has found a new boyfriend." Said Sylvia as she smiles.

"What. . . He's not my boyfriend, he's just a new friend that I met today." Said Mackenzie as she blush.

"Whatever you say." Said Jessica as she smirks.

Then the girls continue to talk about their summers while Mackenzie kept thinking about Miguel and blush a bit. After a hour later, Mackenzie grabs her stuff she bought and goes back to her apartment, after saying goodbye to her friends.

Then after a few minutes later, she arrived at her apartment and saw that her father is not back, meaning that he's still out, so as she enters her bedroom, she starts putting away she bought in her bedroom, then Mackenzie goes to her vanity with a mirror and open her jeweler box, and as she puts away the new accessories she bought, and she saw a blanc pearl necklace and took it out.

The necklace belong to her late mother Odette, her dad said that it has been a special necklace to her mom ever since she was around her age, and before she died she ask Johnny to give her necklace to Mackenzie and let her know that whenever she wears it, she will always be there for her, even if she's not there.

Then Mackenzie puts away her necklace as she starts packing her school supply to her new bag. Then three hours later, Johnny texted Mackenzie saying to meet him at the mini mall, so Mackenzie puts her phone away, and went to go see her dad at the mini mall, but on the way, she stop to get a soda to drink.

As Juniper was walking down to the mini mall to meet her dad, she was looking up at the night sky and seeing many stars glow brightly, as she was drinking her soda, she arrived at the mini mall and she starts to hear some angry voices.

"What the hell are you doing?" Shouted a voice near the mini-mart." Why you got to blow up our spot?"

"Dude, I. . ." Said a familiar voice in a bit of panic.

"Man, he thought we were in college, dumb-ass." Said the angry voice.

"I didn't know you guys were trying to buy beer." Said the familiar voice as it sound scared." I'm sorry."

Mackenzie recognize that the voice belongs to Miguel and the other voice sounded a bit familiar and then starts going to the mini-mart to see who was there. As Mackenzie arrived at the mini mall, she saw Miguel getting pushed around by Kyler and his goons, then Kyler grab something out of Miguel's hand that he bought in the stores.

"Ooh, what do we got here?" Said Kyler as he smirks." Yeah, what do you got. . . Pepto. Oh, shit, someone has frickin' diarrhea."

"Hey, we should call him 'Rhea." Said Brucks as he smirks and laugh.

"Give it back, dude." Said Miguel as he tried to get the bottle back." It's for my grandma."

"Oh, it's for your grandma." Said Kyler as he starts to pour the pink stuff all over Miguel." Take that."

All of Kyler's friends began to laugh as Miguel got some of the pink medicine all over his head, and Mackenzie began to get angry, so she starts to stomp towards them to stop till someone called her and it was her dad just sitting there eating a slice of pizza.

"Mackenzie, get back here, this isn't your fight." Said Johnny and Mackenzie look at her dad in shock and angry.

"What the. . . Dad, how long have you been sitting there and letting these guys harass Miguel?" Asked Mackenzie as she glared at her dad.

"Since I got out of the store and it started, it's not your fight Mackenzie, so let's just let it go." Said Johnny as he continues to eat his pizza.

"Let it go. . . You know what dad, if your not going to do something, then I will, I'm not gonna let these asshole harass Miguel!" Said Mackenzie as she look disappointed at her dad.

Then Mackenzie starts to go to the boys as she ignored her father, as he try to tell her to come back, then she throws her drink at Kyler, causing him to get all wet from the drink she was drinking, causing all the boys to look at Mackenzie as she glared at them.

"Hey Kyler, leave Miguel alone you asshole!" Shouted Mackenzie as she glared at Kyler.

"Well, what do we have here, if it isn't Mackenzie Lawrence." Said Kyler as he smirks evilly." I see that you gotten more beautiful than ever."

"Kyler, just leave Miguel alone!" Said Mackenzie as she glared at Kyler.

"Oh please, why do you care about this guy Mackenzie, he's just a loser just like your pathetic friends, wouldn't rather hangout with the popular guys like us and Yasmin?" Said Kyler as he smirks at Mackenzie.

"Why would I hangout with you bullies, I would rather hangout with the quiet people besides hanging out with you guys, and I never wanted to turn into a mean girl like Yasmin, and I wouldn't even date a jerk like you." Said Mackenzie as she glared at Kyler and his goons.

"Oh come on, you rather date a guy like Rhea here. . . Look at him, he's a pathetic loser just like that guy with the freaky lip." Said Kyler as he smirks.

When Kyler said that, his friends laugh like they agree with him, but Mackenzie got so angry after what he said about her best friend, that she kick Kyler by his privates, causing him to groan and punch him by the face, causing his nose to bleed.

"Don't you dare speak that way about Eli, he's a better person than you'll ever be, and you're not even half the person he is you asshole!" Said Mackenzie as she glared at Kyler.

Kyler got so angry at what Mackenzie did to him, that he got up and slaps Mackenzie right in the face really hard and kick her stomach, causing Mackenzie to fall to the ground, and causing Johnny and Miguel to get really angry at what Kyler did to Mackenzie.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Shouted Miguel as he runs towards Kyler but was punch by him and was push to Johnny's car.

"Hey. . . That's my daughter you hurt asshole, and if you lay one more finger at her, I will kill you!" Said Johnny as he glared at the boys." And watch the the car, man!"

Then Miguel got up after he was pushed to the car and he goes to Mackenzie to check on her as he help her up, Mackenzie has a bruise on her cheek from the slap Kyler have give her, and Mackenzie looks at Miguel and checking to make sure if he's okay.

"Are you okay?" Asked Mackenzie as she looks at Miguel.

"I'm fine, but are you okay?" Asked Miguel as he look at Mackenzie face.

"I'll be fine, I've had worse before." Said Mackenzie as she groan a bit.

"Who's this dude?" Asked Kyler as he look at Johnny.

"Just leave the dork alone, and don't you ever touch my daughter again!" Said Johnny as he glared at Kyler and his friends and Mackenzie looks at her father with a proud smile.

"You see this guy, eating his dinner at the mini mart like a bum." Said Kyler as he and his friends laugh at Johnny.

Miguel and Mackenzie both look at Johnny and saw that he was getting really angry at what Kyler have said, and they both back away a bit knowing that it was about to get really ugly of Kyler keeps on mocking Johnny.

"Wait, I think I know this guy, he's the jerk-off that cleaned my dad's septic tank." Said Kyler as he laugh at Johnny.

"That explains why he smells like shit." Said Brucks as he laughs.

"All right, trust me, you guys are pissing off the wrong guy on the wrong day, all right?" Said Johnny as he look angry and Juniper started to get worried.

"Really?" Asked Kyler as he look at Johnny with a smirk.

"Yeah, really." Said Johnny as he glared at Kyler.

"Get the hell out of here, loser." Said Kyler as he push Johnny.

Mackenzie got angry that Kyler push her dad end she saw that Johnny tried to stay calm and not doing anything, before Mackenzie could say anything or do anything to Kyler, Johnny kick Kyler right at the face, causing Kyler to fall back into the floor.

Miguel and Mackenzie got shock and amazed at what Johnny did, but Mackenzie was the most shock before because she never seen her father do that before. Johnny groan in pain as he hold his leg, and Mackenzie guess that he hasn't done that in a long time. Even the boys were shock that Johnny kick Kyler as they stood there.

"Oh shit, let's get him!" Said Brucks as he and the others boys began to attack at Johnny.

Johnny shove Brucks and AJ aside roughly as he grab a hold of AJ's arm as he punch Brucks aside, then he kicked Rory by the stomach as he let go of AJ's arm, then Johnny kicked Kyler by the stomach as he was about to attack him again, he punch Rory by the stomach as he was about to attack him, he sweep kick AJ's leg, causing him to fall to the ground, and he kicked Rory's face as he was about to get up.

Then Brucks charged at Johnny and smashed him against the pole, Mackenzie started to get worried for her father and wanted to help him, till Johnny punches Brucks by the face shove him to the car. Mackenzie and Miguel were both so amazed at how Johnny did those amazing moves, even the homeless lady got really interest as well.

"Holy shit, how did you. . ." Asked Miguel as he was about to ask Johnny till Kyler attacked Johnny from behind and punch his stomach.

"DAD!" Shouted Mackenzie as she tried to go to her dad but Miguel pull her back to him.

"No, I don't want you to get hurt!" Said Miguel as he pulls Mackenzie close to him and Kyler hold Johnny in a choke hold.

"What's the matter, having trouble breathing?" Asked Kyler as he hold Johnny in the choke hold.

Then Johnny starts to punch Kyler with his shoulder towards his stomach, causing Kyler to let go of him, then Johnny flip Kyler over to the floor and look at the boys.

"Is that all you got ladies?" Asked Johnny as he look at the boys and they got up.

"Come on Kyler, let's go." Said Brucks as he help Kyler up.

"Get off me!" Said Kyler as he pushes Brucks away from him.

Then Kyler tried to swing a punch at Johnny, but Johnny was able to dodge him, then he kick Brucks by the face, AJ suddenly punch Johnny right Rory, getting a hold a him as AJ was about to punch Johnny again, then Johnny hit Rory by the head, causing Rory to let go of Johnny, Johnny punches AJ and punches Rory causing them to fall to the ground.

Then Kyler came up to Johnny to attack him again, but Johnny stop him as he hold Kyler in a choke hold and Kyler was on one knee. Then a blue and red light appear, meaning that the cops have came as they pull up from the parking lot and running to Johnny.

"What's the matter, having trouble breathing?" Asked Johnny as he repeat what Kyler said to him.

"Hey, get off the kid!" Shouted the police officer as he spray pepper spray all over his eyes.

"DADDY. . . Wait please, he didn't do anything wrong!" Shouted Mackenzie as she tried to help her father.

"Wait, this guys tried to protect us!" Shouted Miguel as he tried to defend Johnny.

But the cops just taken Johnny to the police station, leaving Miguel and Mackenzie alone in the mini mall, while Kyler and his goons ran to the car and drive away. Mackenzie is really upset and angry, she's upset that her dad got taken away by the police, and she's angry that it was all Kyler and his friends fault that they started the fight.

"Are you okay?" Asked Miguel as he look worried for Mackenzie.

"Honestly, I'm not okay, my dad just got taken away." Said Mackenzie as one tear came out of her eye." And it's all Kyler and his goons fault, speaking of which, are you okay, Kyler really hurt you back there."

"Yeah, I'm a bit bruised, but I'll be fine, but let me look at look, it kinda look like Kyler really hit you hard." Said Miguel as he check Mackenzie's face." Oh, your cheek looks really bruised, let me take you back to my place so my mom could check on it."

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to bother you and your family." Said Rosabelle as she looks at Miguel.

"No I insists, you help me so let me help you." Said Miguel as he look at Rosabelle.

Rosabelle look at Miguel and saw that he wants to help her, so she nod her head, but she went inside the store to buy the medicine that Miguel bought for his grandmother, since Kyler spill it all over Miguel's head, and they both went back to the apartment. But apparently Mackenzie was a bit weak of how Kyler hit her.

So Miguel starts to carry Mackenzie in a bridal style, causing Mackenzie to blush a bit and wrap her arms around Miguel's neck as they head to the apartments. Then a few minutes, Miguel and Mackenzie have arrived at the building, then as they arrived, Miguel got out his keys to his apartment, then as he open the door, he enter the apartment with Mackenzie in his arms.

As they have enter, Mackenzie saw a women that happens to be Miguel's mother, Carmen Diaz, and his grandmother Rosa Diaz. As soon as they saw Miguel with Mackenzie in his arms, they both start to get worried.

"Oh my, this poor girl, Miggy what happen to her?" Asked Carmen as she got worried and Miguel place Mackenzie gently at the couch.

"Mom, this is Mackenzie our neighbor, her father was defending me and her from some bullies that jump at us, and he was taken by the police by mistake thinking that he was attacking." Said Miguel as he explains.

"Oh my, how are you my dear?" Asked Carmen as she look at Mackenzie.

"I'm doing okay, a bit sore after Kyler hit me, but I'll be okay." Said Mackenzie as she wince a bit.

Then Carmen goes to the fridge and gets Mackenzie an ice pack for her bruise cheek. Then Carmen offer Mackenzie to stay with them for the night until her father will come back, at first Mackenzie didn't was to be a burden, but Miguel told her that it's not a bother, so Mackenzie decided to stay for the night.

Of course, Mackenzie thought that it will be okay to sleep on the couch for the night, but Miguel insisted on letting sleep in his room for tonight, Mackenzie smile at how kind he is, so she changed into the extra clothes that Miguel gave her to sleep, and she felt right to sleep.

The next morning, Mackenzie woke up, then and got changed into the outfit she was wearing last night, then after she got out of Miguel's room, she saw Carmen made breakfast for her, along with Miguel, she was so grateful as she eats with them.

After they had breakfast and Carmen went off to work, Miguel and Mackenzie both wait outside of their apartment for Johnny to come back. While Miguel is looking over his phones and Mackenzie is fixing her hair a bit, they both saw Johnny's car pulling up and as Johnny got out of his car, Mackenzie runs towards to her father and hug him.

"Dad, I'm really glad you're okay." Said Mackenzie as Johnny hugs her back and saw Miguel coming towards them.

"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you." Said Miguel as he look at Johnny.

"All right, well, you said it." Said Johnny as he walks with Mackenzie to the mailbox and Miguel follow them.

"So last night, was that, like, Tae Kwon Do or jujitsu or MMA or something?" Asked Miguel as he look at Johnny.

"It's karate." Said Johnny as he answer his questions." Old-school karate."

Mackenzie have start to realize that it was karate that her father did last night when he was defending her and Miguel from Kyler and his goons. Mackenzie starts to get confused on why her father never told her that he could do karate, and then Miguel continue to talk to Johnny.

"Do you think you could teach me?" Asked Miguel as he look at Johnny.

"What?" Asked Johnny as he look at Miguel." No."

"Dad!" Said Mackenzie as she look at her father in shock.

"What, come on, when school starts, those guys are gonna make my life miserable." Said Miguel as he tried to convince Johnny.

"It's not my problem." Said Johnny as he gets his mail.

"You made it your problem when you beat up Kyler and his goons last night." Said Mackenzie as she looks at her father.

"Again, not my problem." Said Johnny as he gets the mail.

"If I just knew a little bit of what you knew then we would be. . ." Said Miguel as he tried to speak.

"Forget it." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel." I don't do karate anymore. . . All right. . . Besides, I need to find a job."

"Wait a minute, find a job. . . Oh dad, please tell me you didn't get fired from another job again?!" Asked Mackenzie as she looks at her father.

"Well, you can open your own karate school." Said Miguel as he give Johnny an idea.

"It's called a dojo." Said Johnny as he correct Miguel.

"Well, you could open your own dojo." Said Miguel as he corrects himself.

"Look, I'm not getting into this with you, all right?" Said Johnny as he look at Miguel." I'm not even sure I'm allowed to be around kids right now, besides my daughter . All right, you want my advice. . . Stop being so annoying. . . Maybe you'll stop getting your ass kicked, okay."

Then Johnny walk away to his apartment leaving Miguel a bit heartbroken while Mackenzie was upset and disappointed that her father wouldn't want to teach Miguel any karate, since he did defend them last night from bullies. Then Mackenzie place her hands on Miguel's shoulder causing him to look at her.

"Hey Miguel, I'm sorry about that, I'll try to convince my father to see if he could train you, besides I want to repay you after you let me stay with you and your family for the night." Said Mackenzie as she smiles at Miguel.

"Okay, thanks Mackenzie." Said Miguel as he smiles.

Then before Mackenzie went back to her apartment, she hugs Miguel as thanks for letting her stay with him for the night, it cause Miguel to blush really deep, and hug her back. Then Mackenzie went back to her apartment and tried to speak to her dad about trying to teach Miguel karate.

"Dad, you can't just say no to Miguel about teaching him karate." Said Mackenzie as she frown at her father." Especially after he offer to let me stay with him after you were taken away."

"Look Mackenzie, I'm not going to teach that kid karate." Said Johnny as he opens the door to their apartment.

As Mackenzie was going to try to convince Johnny, they both saw a women sitting on the couch watching some tv, which got them really shock and confused on how she got into their apartment.

"You got Encore?" Asked the women as she looks at the tv.

"Uh, Mackenzie who is she?" Asked Johnny as he look at his daughter.

"No I don't dad, I was with Miguel and his family the whole night." Said Mackenzie as she looks at her dad.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Johnny as he look at the women.

"You know those little red stickers that say "further reduced"?" Said an old man at the refrigerator and Johnny and Mackenzie realize that it was none other than Sid, Johnny's stepfather and Mackenzie's grandfather." That means spoiled. . . You know that, right, you are feeding your daughter bad meat, boy."

"What the hell are you doing in our apartment, Sid?" Asked Johnny as he look annoyed.

"Oh, that's some thank-you." Said Sid as he rolled his eyes." Who do you think bailed you out. . . Again."

"I never asked you for anything." Said Johnny as he goes to his room to change.

"I think that little incident at Applebee's would've taught you to keep your hands to yourself." Said Sid as he goes to the table that has the picture frame.

"Hi grandpa Sid." Said Mackenzie as she looks at Sid.

"Hello Mackenzie, I see that you are growing more beautiful just like your mother." Said Sid as he look at Mackenzie.

"Thank you." Said Mackenzie as she got a bit uncomfortable and looks at Sids nurse Rhonda." Do you want something to drink miss?"

"No thank you dear, and please call me Rhonda." Said Rhonda as she smiles and Sid picks up the picture frame of Johnny's mother when she's young.

"You know. . . When I met your mom, she really knocked my socks off. . . Beautiful. . . Blonde. . . Tan. . . Tight." Said Sid as he remembered Johnny's mother." Little did I know l'd be taking care of her schmuck kid forever."

"Yeah, Sid, you were the stepfather of the century." Said Johnny as he goes to the refrigerator for an ice pack after last night.

"Well, high praise coming from a world-class daddy like you." Said Sid as he look at Johnny." How old is Robby now. . . 15. . . 16. . . When's the last time you saw him?"

When Sid have said that, it got Mackenzie to flinch a bit as she knows that it was a tough subject for Johnny. You see, what her friends never knew is that Mackenzie has a half-brother name Robby Keene, he and Mackenzie both have different moms, while Mackenzie have lost her mother when she was young, Robby still has his mother, but as kids they both have the same father, which is Johnny.

Mackenzie and Robby have a great sibling relationship with each other because they love each other and help at each other at any situations, but they don't live together because Robby and Johnny have a strain relationship, Johnny was always there for Mackenzie, but he was never there for Robby and so he never see's him.

"Just get the hell out of here, man." Said Johnny as he glared at Sid.

"I'll get the hell out of here when l'm goddamn good and ready." Said Sid as he glared at Johnny.

"Sid." Said Rhonda as she looks at Sid.

"What?" Asked Sid as he glared at Rhonda.

"Blood pressure." Said Rhonda as she informed him.

"Ah, keep watching your bullshit judge show, will you, Rhonda?" Asked Sid as he look annoyed." And stay out of this. . . Jesus, god."

Rhonda and Mackenzie both rolled their eyes as Sid got out a check and goes to Johnny as he tried to cure his bump.

"This is why l'm here." Said Sid as he gives Johnny the check.

"What's this?" Asked Johnny as he grabs it.

"Well, you know, I told your mama l'd take care of you always, buts. . . In this case, I think even she would cut me some slack." Said Sid as he look at Johnny." I'm buying you out of my life."

"I'd rather be homeless than take money from you." Said Johnny as he ripped the check.

"Oh, well, hell. . . Yeah, okay." Said Sid as he looks at Rhonda." Rhonda. . . Lunchtime. . . Call Art's, see if they got that belly lox."

Then Rhonda got up as she and Sid were about to leave, and Sid looks back at Johnny before he leaves.

"l'd say get your life in order, but, uh, at this point, you're like the meat in your fridge." Said Sid as he left and Mackenzie looks at Johnny.

"Don't let Sid get to you dad, you're a great father unlike him." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

Johnny smiles at his daughter as Mackenzie goes to her bedroom. Later that night, Mackenzie was in her bedroom looking over her Instagram and Facebook on her phone while she was painting her nails, she was texting her friends asking how they are doing so far, she was also hoping that her dad might consider of teaching Miguel karate and change his mind. But as the day went by, nothing have came up and Mackenzie got worried that Miguel might get hurt by Kyler and his goons.

It was past 10:00, and Mackenzie got ready to go to sleep, but before she check to see if her dad was still watching tv, till she saw that he wasn't and saw that the tv was smash, and she shook her head in disappointment.

"Oh dad, I just hope that you will change soon." Said Mackenzie as she goes back to her room and went to sleep.

The next morning, Mackenzie got up and got dressed, then as she left her bedroom, she saw that her father isn't at the kitchen and realize that he must've went somewhere, so she had her breakfast and went out to take the trash, and as she went outside, she saw Miguel taking out the trash and goes to him.

"Hi Miguel." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"Oh, hi Mackenzie." Said Miguel as he smiles at Mackenzie.

"Has my dad stop to think about teaching you karate?" Asked Mackenzie as she looks at Miguel.

"No he hasn't." Said Miguel as he look upset and Mackenzie felt bad for him.

"You know Miguel, if you really want to learn karate so bad, maybe you could ask your mom if you can have lesson." Said Mackenzie as she looks at Miguel.

"I can't Mackenzie, my mom really doesn't like violence, she'll flip out if I ask her." Said Miguel as he look at Mariposa.

"Oh I see, but don't worry, I'm sure that something good will happen." Said Mackenzie as she smiles at Miguel.

Miguel smile at Mackenzie as he was grateful of her trying to cheer him up, then as soon as they were about to head back to their own apartments, they both saw that Johnny was behind them and kinda startled them.

"Oh dad, you're back." Said Mackenzie as she smiles at her father and Johnny looks at Miguel.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Asked Johnny as he look at Miguel." Cause once you go down this path, there's no turning back."

"You're gonna be my karate teacher?" Asked Miguel as he look surprised and excited.

"No, I'm gonna be your sensei." Said Johnny as he look serious.

Miguel got really excited that he is finally going to learn all about karate, while Mackenzie is proud of her father of deciding to teach karate, and then Johnny began to speak.

"I'm going to teach you the style of karate that was taught to me. A method of fighting your pussy generation desperately needs. I'm not just gonna teach you how to conquer your fears." Said Johnny as he give Miguel a speech." I'm gonna teach you how to awaken the snake within you. And once you do that, you'll be the one who's feared. You'll build strength. You'll learn discipline. And when the time is right, you'll strike back."

Miguel is so excited that he's finally going to start learning karate, then Johnny explain that he will start training in three days and starts to go find a new dojo, as he goes back inside his apartment to look for the check that his stepfather Sid gave him, and Mackenzie looks at him with a smile on her face.

"Congratulations Miguel, you are finally going to learn karate." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"Wait, you don't want to learn karate?" Asked Miguel as he look at Mackenzie.

"Not really, even though I want to teach the bullies that hurt me and my friends a lesson, I'm not really into violence." Said Mackenzie as she smiles bashfully." I'm into like dancing, more like ballet, let me show you."

Then Mackenzie was able to do a triple pirouette and do a ballet stance with one leg up straight, Miguel was so shock and amazed at how graceful and amazing on how Mackenzie did.

"What do you think, it's not as badass as karate, but sometimes ballet helps me clear my mind." Said Mackenzie as she smiles.

"Are you kidding. . . That was so awesome, you did that like with ease!" Said Miguel as he smiles at Mackenzie.

"Thank you, I had some lessons when I was in my boarding school during my middle school year." Said Mackenzie as she smiles." Oh, but please don't tell my father about this."

"Why not, you are amazing." Said Miguel as he look at Mackenzie.

"Thank you, but the thing is that my dad doesn't know I like ballet, and I'm not sure he might improve it, he much rather want me to do hip hop or other dance." Said Mackenzie as she look at Miguel.

"Okay, I promise." Said Miguel as he smiles.

Mackenzie smile at Miguel and she gave him a hug before she goes back to her apartment, as she enters her apartment, she saw Johnny fixing up the check that Sid gives him yesterday.

"I'm really proud that you are doing this dad." Said Mackenzie as she smiles at her father." But there's one thing I don't understand, how do you know karate and what got you interested into doing this?"

"Well, today I ran into Daniel LaRusso." Said Johnny as he look at his daughter.

"Daniel LaRusso, the auto guy from LaRusso's Auto Group?" Asked Mackenzie and Johnny nodded." What he's got to do with your history with karate?"

So Johnny starts to explain to Mackenzie about his past and Daniel LaRusso, and while he was explaining, little did Mackenzie know is that soon this whole karate business will bring on some new people to learn karate and some old enemies from the past.

Cobra Kai belongs to Netflix

Spanish Translation:

Miguel, parece que te agrada esta chica: Miguel, you seem to like this girl.

Ya veo, entonces, ¿cuándo le vas a pedir que sea tu novia?: I see, so when are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?

O mejor aún, ¿cuándo se llevará a cabo la boda?: Or better yet, when will the wedding take place?

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