Passing an array or DataTable into a stored procedure

Passing an array or DataTable into a stored procedure


Have you ever wanted to pass a DataTable, or array, containing tens or tens of thousands (or even millions) of records, into a SQL Server2000 stored procedure in just one database call? Ever wanted to pass a list of IDs of records to select or delete into a SP? Then read on.

The trick is to convert lists of data into byte arrays, which are then passed as Image type parameters into the stored procedure, then in the SP the image is transformed into a table variable containing the original data. The following SQL server function is one of a number of functions I have written to easily transform an Image parameter into a variable table. This one creates a table of varchars.

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CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetTableVarchar(@Data image)

RETURNS @DataTable TABLE (RowID int primary key IDENTITY ,

                                          Value Varchar(8000))



      --First Test the data is of type Varchar.

      IF(dbo.ValidateExpectedType(103, @Data)<>1) RETURN

      --Loop thru the list inserting each

      -- item into the variable table.

      DECLARE @Ptr int, @Length int,

         @VarcharLength smallint, @Value Varchar(8000)

      SELECT @Length = DataLength(@Data), @Ptr = 2



            --The first 2 bytes of each item is the length of the

            --varchar, a negative number designates a null value.

            SET @VarcharLength = SUBSTRING(@Data, @ptr, 2)

            SET @Ptr = @Ptr + 2


                  SET @Value = NULL



               SET @Value = SUBSTRING(@Data, @ptr, @VarcharLength)

               SET @Ptr = @Ptr + @VarcharLength


            INSERT INTO @DataTable (Value) VALUES(@Value)




I have also created a number of C# classes for creating byte arrays from collects of different types of data.

Calls to the database, in the following examples, use SQLHelper from the Microsoft Application Blocks, as these hide most of the dull plumbing required to call a SP. MSDN Website.

Please bear with my humble snail farm examples; I couldn t bring myself to use customer/orders examples.

We ll start off with a simple case for the first example.

Passing a list of integer IDs to select records with

Code to take the checked items in a checked list box and pass their IDs in to a stored procedure. The SP then returns a result set containing the details for each selected ID.

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private DataSet GetSelectedSnailDetails()


   SQLIntListCreator snailIDs = new SQLIntListCreator();

   foreach(Snail aSnail in mySelectionCheckedListBox.CheckedItems)


   return SQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(CONN_STRING,

           "GetSnailDetails", snailIDs.GetList());


Stored procedure to take a list of ints in the form of an image (byte array), convert it to a table variable of ints which is then joined on the SnailID column of the Snails table to return details for each selected snail.

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      @SnailIDs   image


      SELECT Snail.*

FROM dbo.GetTableInt(@SnailIDs) SIDs

INNER JOIN Snails ON SIDs.Value = Snails.SnailID


Stored procedure to delete all the snails in the @Snails image list..

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      @SnailIDs   image


      DELETE Snail

      FROM dbo.GetTableInt(@SnailIDs) SIDs

      INNER JOIN Snails ON SIDs.Value = Snails.SnailID


Passing a collection of snail statuses to a SP for updating

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private void UpdateSnailStatuses(Snail[] snails)


   SQLIntListCreator snailIDs = new SQLIntListCreator();

   SQLVarcharListCreator statuses =

                new SQLVarcharListCreator();

   SQLRowversionListCreator rowVersions=

                new SQLRowversionListCreator();

   foreach(Snail aSnail in snails)







       "UpdateSnailStatuses", snailIDs.GetList(),

       statuses.GetList(), rowVersions.GetList());


Stored procedure to update the statuses of snails while also checking for the correct timestamp rowversion.

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CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateSnailStatuses

      @SnailIDs   image,

      @Statuses   image,

      @RowVersions image


      UPDATE Snail

      SET Snail.Status = Statuses.Value

      FROM Snail

INNER JOIN GetTableInt(@SnailIDs) SnailIDs

               ON Snail.SnailID = SnailIDs.Value

INNER JOIN GetTableVarchar(@Statuses) Statuses

               ON SnailIDs.RowID = Statuses.RowID

INNER JOIN GetTableRowversion(@RowVersions) RowVersions

               ON Statuses.RowID = RowVersions.RowID

      WHERE TSEQUAL(Snail.RowVersion, RowVersions.Value)


Passing a DataTable to a SP for insertion into a table

Code to convert the data in a DataTable into 5 byte arrays, which are then passed to the AddSnails stored procedure to be inserted into the Snail table.

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private void AddSnails(DataTable snails)


      SQLVarcharListCreator species = new SQLVarcharListCreator();

      SQLDatetimeListCreator dOB = new SQLDatetimeListCreator();

      SQLNvarcharListCreator location = new SQLNvarcharListCreator();

      SQLBitListCreator isMale = new SQLBitListCreator();

      SQLMoneyListCreator value = new SQLMoneyListCreator();

      foreach(DataRow row in snails.Rows)








      //A command is explicitly created here

      //instead of using SQLHelper as we need to be

      // able to set the CommandTimeout property

      //big enough to insert 1 000 000 records.

      using(SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(CONN_STRING))



         SqlCommand comInst = new SqlCommand("AddSnails", cnn);

         comInst.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

         comInst.CommandTimeout = 10000;


         comInst.Parameters.Add("@Species", species.GetListAndReset());

         comInst.Parameters.Add("@DOB", dOB.GetListAndReset());

         comInst.Parameters.Add("@Location", location.GetListAndReset());

         comInst.Parameters.Add("@IsMale", isMale.GetListAndReset());

         comInst.Parameters.Add("@Value", value.GetListAndReset());




Stored procedure to convert the images into table variables, join them together and insert the resulting data into the Snail table.

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      @Species    image,

      @DOB        image,

      @Location   image,

      @IsMale     image,

      @Value      image



INSERT INTO Snail (Species, DOB, Location, IsMale, Value)

SELECT Species.Value, DOB.Value,

                       Location.Value, IsMale.Value, Value.Value

FROM        GetTableMoney(@value) Value

INNER JOIN  GetTableBit(@isMale) IsMale ON Value.RowID = IsMale.RowID

INNER JOIN  GetTableVarchar(@species) Species

                       ON IsMale.RowID = Species.RowID

INNER JOIN  GetTableDateTime(@dOB) DOB ON Species.RowID = DOB.RowID

INNER JOIN  GetTableNvarchar(@location) Location

                       ON DOB.RowID = Location.RowID


Design view of the join across all the table variables.


I ran a performance comparison between inserting snail records using the above stored procedure and a standard 1 record insert stored procedure called many times. These are the results I got.

Records Inserted Standard one stored procedure call per record (msec) One stored procedure call for all records (msec)

1 2 10

10 22 14

100 219 60

1000 2 259 505

10 000 22 593 4 083

100 000 301 368 44 645

1 000 000 3 094 385 571 020

The comparison was done on a PC running a P4 1.8 GHz processor with 512 MB RAM. This is a very crude comparison as network speed, table structure and other things will greatly influence the speed of both methods. In this example both the SQL Server and the client where running on the same machine resulting in a very fast network. Inserts into the snail table are fast as it has only one index (clustered).

Points of interest

 • Strong Type checking: Each SQLListCreator object prefixes the byte array it produces with a data type byte e.g. 107 for the SQLMoneyListCreator. The SQL function then checks this first byte and throws an error if it is of the wrong data type. As RAISERROR cannot be called from within a SQL function, the following work around is used. An attempt to convert the error message to an int is made; this results in an error being returned like this - 'Syntax error converting the varchar value'. The real error is: 'Function expected a list of Int types but was given a list of Money types.' to a column of data type int. Not the most elegant message but it points you in the right direction.

 • ToString: ToString() returns a hex version of the list, this can be useful during development/debugging when you may want to paste lists into Query Analyzer. E.g.

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SELECT C.Value, PV.Value, EC.Value, TS.Value,

                                    P.Value, PV.Value/TS.Value

FROM GetTableVarchar


      20572E2042757368000B52616C7068204E61646572) C

INNER JOIN GetTableInt(0x65030A32590301E5C2002BFD8B)

      PV ON C.RowID = PV.RowID

INNER JOIN GetTableInt(0x650000010A0000010F00000000) EC ON

      PV.RowID = EC.RowID

INNER JOIN GetTableMoney


      TS ON EC.RowID = TS.RowID

INNER JOIN GetTableBit(0x6C9B) P ON TS.RowID = P.RowID

 • Data Types: I have implemented SQL functions and C# classes for BigInt, Int, Bit, Datetime, Money, RowVersion, Uniqueidentifier, Varchar and Nvarchar. Most other data types could be implemented without too much difficulty, the exceptions are ntext, text and image. These data types can contain more that 8000 bytes and as such the SQL Substring function can not be used to strip the individual items from a list of items contained in an image.

 • Nulls: Null values can be added into a list with the AddNull() method, also the AddValue(object value) overload will accept DBNull and any object that implements INullable and returns true for IsNull().

 • Packet size: The database connection packet size can be set to a larger size than the default in the connection string. This may give additional performance improvements when sending large amounts of data to the database in single calls, but will degrade performance for smaller calls.


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