The marathon was great. Dev forgot how much she adored Star Wars, although she tried to stay cool at Peter's. His aunt was extremely nice, and they stayed up for a long time, watching the movies and debating about random theories. Dev's dad picked her up at around 2am after she called that she was too tired to take the subway. Thank goodness the next day was a Sunday.
Dev was taking a nap, when her phone buzzed. It was a text from Harry.
H: hey! i had a lot of fun yesterday :D
D: me too - we should do it again sometime
H: really?
H: that sounds great!
H: we can talk about it at school maybe?
D: sure
H: see ya! have fun with chem hw btw, it's a killer
D: ha thanks i'll probably ace it
H: whatever you say dev
H: ciao
D: ciao
Dev smiled to herself. He was being strangely nice for some reason. She told herself to not listen to his sweetness, but somehow, she felt like he couldn't be that bad of a guy. There's good in everyone, no matter what had happened in the past.
The next month flew past. Before they knew it, Dev and her various friends found themselves halfway done with freshmen year. December came with a flurry of snow and finals. Dev loved the white winter. She hadn't seen it in California, so it was a great surprise. And in between the stress and studying for exams, her and Harry's relationship got better. The pair went out on small study dates full of coffee, jokeful complaining, and lots of fun. Dev realised that she might have found someone she actually would like as more than just a friend.
Along with finals, two mysterious vigilantes roamed New York City. They didn't seem to be working together, but they did have a similarity of catching muggers and being a help to people. One newspaper article by a reporter named Jameson had been all about them and was titled "Spider-Man Has Competition - Mystery Wings Takes to the Sky!" From then on, the newest vigilante was nicknamed Wings. Few had seen him, or it, but from their vague descriptions, the person had big wings and always wore black. Dev noticed Peter was especially interested in Wings. He claimed it was because "flying was cool," but she wondered if there was another reason.
"Hey, what did you get for #6?" Peter asked. Dev snapped her head up, causing her to groan in slight pain. The two were Facetiming for the upcoming math final. She pushed her hair back and looked down at her paper.
"Didn't do it yet," she replied, her accent getting through her words. He laughed.
"Ok cool, well I got x equals 109 and I have no idea if that is right," he shrugged.
"It probably is, knowing you," remarked Dev. He blushed a bit.
"That's not true," he said. She smirked.
"Sure, Parker," she said. He leaned on his hand, and she scribbled a "109" into the blank space.
"Hey, so are you and Harry dating or something?" he said randomly. Dev looked up again.
"Uh what?"
"Are you guys dating?" repeated Peter.
"No?" she said. He raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure? You guys are like practically dating," he said. "You go out a lot with him."
"Well are you jealous or something?" Dev shot back. He blushed again.
"N-no, why would I be?" he looked back down at the study guide.
"Well anyways," Dev said, changing the subject. "I got 110 for #6, so something must've happened." He laughed again, and it made Dev smile.
"Ok we can go over it again," he said.
"Thanks for helping, Peter," she said after they had done a few more problems. Peter smiled.
"It's no problem," he said. "You're my friend, and it's what friends do."
"You're too nice, Peter," Dev said with a small smile. She adjusted her black hoodie.
"Again, no problem," Peter said, also with a smile. "Now we probably should study." Dev groaned.
"I hate school."
"Who doesn't?" he agreed. A few minutes later, Dev and Peter were very much not studying and talking more about school struggles. As they laughed, Dev noticed how Peter's eyes would crinkle on the sides when he laughed. His smile was contagious, even though Dev never usually liked to laugh much.
I'm glad we're friends, she thought to herself.
"We're finally free!" Ned said loudly as the last bell rang. He grinned as Peter laughed.
In celebration, their math teacher let them throw lined paper into the air before leaving for their winter break. Ned and Peter had decided to stay behind to pick it all up though, being the nice students they were. Dev waited for them outside the classroom, looking around for Harry and tapping her food.
"Time for snow!" Peter said, excited.
"I haven't seen snow in so long," Dev commented. "It's nice."
"It gets annoying, but like it's still pretty," said Ned. They stepped out into the snow after cleaning out their lockers and bundling up with scarves and jackets.
"So any plans for winter?" Peter asked. Dev looked up. "Ned and I want to take a trip to like Times Square - would you want to come?" Dev nodded.
"Why not? I'm not doing anything," she smiled. The two boys cheered, and she grinned slightly. Michelle tapped on Dev's shoulder. "Oh hey, Michelle."
"Hey losers and Dev," Michelle said. She walked along with them. Dev laughed. Ned rolled his eyes.
"Hey Michelle, what's up?" Peter said, unfazed. Luckily for them, it wasn't snowing too hard outside. A few snowflakes landed on Dev's fingers. She brushed them off and stuck her hands inside her pockets. They could see everyone's breath billowing in the cold. The whole field was filled with white, and some students ran around in it while teachers chased them.
"Nothing much," shrugged Michelle. "Just chilling. Get it?" Dev cracked another grin.
"Very funny," Ned said. Michelle nodded.
"Thank you." There was a small silence. Dev saw Harry waving at her from the field. "There's your boyfriend, Dev."
"He's not-oh my god..." Dev sighed.
"You sure about that?" Ned laughed. "I haven't seen him this crazy about a girl since Gwen Stacy."
"Really?" Dev scrunched up her face. "Well I don't like him so..."
"Sure," Michelle said with a bored look.
"Hey, are any of you guys going on the Metro back?" Dev asked, changing the subject. Peter and Ned nodded.
"We always do," said Ned.
"I'm walking back," Michelle responded.
"Aren't you a little cold?" Peter said.
"Aren't you a little annoying?" Michelle shot back. Dev bit down her laugh.
"Ok well we'll see you next month, Michelle," she said. Michelle nodded and walked away towards the field.
"She's weird," said Ned, once she out of earshot.
"Weird but funny," Dev said.
"Well we should probably catch the train soon," Peter interrupted, checking his watch. "It's kinda leaving in like ten minutes."
"Oh shoot!" Ned said. The two boys started running, and Dev groaned. She ran after them.
"You guys suck!"
A few days later, much into the relaxation of winter break, Dev was lounging around her house, watching videos, when someone rang the doorbell. Her dad was at work, so she cautiously walked to the door, looking through the peephole. Dev started grinning when she saw who it was.
"Hey, Brit girl!" Harry laughed. He held out some flowers. She rolled her eyes and took them, throwing them onto the couch. He gave her a hug, and she hugged him back.
"Hey, American boy," she said. "What are you doing here?"
"Lunch? I found this lit place down the street," he pointed. "My treat!" Dev smiled.
"Are we dating or something?" she joked as they walked to the restaurant. He stopped, and she instantly regretted saying anything. "Oh-I mean...if-if you uh didn't um damn it, Devon..." she cursed herself.
"No! No it's ok," smiled Harry. He grabbed her hand. Dev looked down to hide her blush. "I mean, we've been out a few times."
"More than a few," she commented.
"Yeah," he grinned. "Dev Jackson, want to be my girlfriend?" Dev felt her heart rise and drop multiple times. The last time this happened, they were in a small cafe in London, laughing away to 90's music.
Dev wanted to say no. She didn't want to go through the heartbreak again. She didn't want to go through the good times and bad times again. But there was a sliver of her heart that said yes. Harry Osborn was very very different after all.
So she said yes.
"What are you doing here? It's snowing. Aren't bugs not usually supposed to fly in the snow?"
"Ha! I defy normal things, Spider. And I'm not a bug. You are."
"Rude. Very rude."
"Says you, Mr. Superhero."
"I'm not a superhero."
"You really want to be though. I can tell."
"And you?"
"Nah. I don't want that life."
"You'd rather be a villan?"
"There can be an inbetween, got it?"
"Sure, Wings."
"I hate that name..."
"Better than bug person."
"I hate to say this, but you are right."
HARRY AND DEV ARE A THING NOW YEET ( dont be mad pls lmao )
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