027 | Mother's Intuition
The sky appeared warm even though it was pastel shade of blue the day's temperature made it look that way. A taxi drove up to a restaurant that lined itself along the river's edge. Ironically that was exactly the name of the establishment.
River's Edge
Connor exited the driverless vehicle and headed for the entrance. His LED lit itself for a moment as he checked the time.
11:58 am
He had arrived before noon as a state by Erika's mother. The handsome android received some looks by some of the restaurant's patrons as he made his way to the entrance. The interior displayed large chandeliers that hung along a tall ceiling above the main dining area. Connor approached the host station located at the front and saw that it was an android.
"How can I help you this evening", the android host asked as it looked over Connor's shoulder at the human guests.
"I'm here to meet someone, a Mrs. Daniel", Connor informed the host. The android searched his screen for the name to confirm. It nodded and put out an arm to show Connor the way.
"She has arrived and is waiting at the outdoor seating area", it smiled a brightly and traced the path to the exterior seating with its index finger for Connor to follow," have a great day"
It smiled again and resumed its position as other patrons came up to it. Connor walked the path and exited the ravishing interior to the breathtaking exterior. He spotted a woman start her meal and walked up to her to see if it was Erika's mother. Natalie looked up from her spring salad and smiled as she saw Connor.
"Connor, I'm so glad you came to join me", she stopped eating her meal and gave her full attention to the android detective," please sit"
Connor nodded and took the seat across from Natalie. He stood up straight to appear collected and all-knowing, but in reality, he was completely unprepared as he wasn't able to predict this very moment.
"May I ask you a question, Mrs. Daniel?", Connor chimed in as the woman observed his movements. The older woman's concentration broke as he asked this statement.
"Of course, what is it you would like to know", she said as she officially started to eat her salad.
"Why did you ask me to come here?", he has admitted his thoughts in pure honesty for he really wondered why. Natalie finished the bite of salad in her mouth and took a sip of water before replying. Once done she cleared her throat and looked at Connor.
"You are one interesting android, you managed to tame the wild lion, I personally know as Hank", Connor gave way to a half smile as he heard the woman's words," and you saved my daughter on two occasions, let's just say it's my way of showing my gratitude"
"I see", Connor took note of her reasoning and commenced to ask another question," what is your affiliation with lieutenant Anderson?"
Shocked at the mentioning of Hank, Natalie looked up from her half-eaten salad. She gazed to the view of the river and thought of where to start. Her face lit up as she had a eureka moment and faced Connor.
"Well for starters, we were high school friends, Hank, me, and Erika's father--and we have stayed close over the years I've dated Hank on a few occasions before marrying Ethan, but since they were best friends, that detail never bothered him once we were tied down", she gave Connor a small piece of her life.
"Your husband passed away ten years ago if I'm correct", Connor brought up the topic of the deceased father, husband, and friend.
"Yes, it's been a decade, but I learned to move on, now it's Hank's turn", she sighed as she began to think of Cole, he was such a good kid and did not deserve to die, but it happened. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered the dear boy--this gave Connor a reason to change the subject.
"If you don't mind me asking, but what was Conan and Erika's relationship for the first year?", he asked for investigation reasons and not personal.
"He was a smart man, majored in robotics and aimed to give Erika an arm", She answered but the way her lips pierced together made the opinion sound sour," he made Erika happy, but took her away from me, Hank, and especially Cole"
Connor nodded as he wanted to know more. He kept silent and waited for the woman to continue her testimony.
"She was Cole's sister and to have her visits cut short and even stopped, made the boy sad", Connor saw the same sorrow Erika had when Cole was the topic of the conversation.
"Do you know, Mrs. Daniel?", he questioned her as he had a predicament on her awareness.
"Well it's obvious my daughter had both arms when they found her, and that man gave her what she always wanted", she called awaited as her words became tense. The older woman ordered some wine and continued.
"I don't know what happened, but if I knew I won't be as stable as I am right now", Natalie took in a deep breath and exhaled--calming her nerves. The waiter returned with a wine glass and poured some dark cabernet into the glass. Once handed the glass she swirled the liquid for a few seconds and took a sip. She then let out a relieved sigh, similarly to how Hank sighs when drinking a beer.
"So I choose not to know, I may want to but my decisions and actions would become irrational that I wouldn't be helping my daughter--that's Hank's job", she took another sip of the wine and asked Connor a question for a change.
"Hmm, how about you, I hear you're a deviant hunter--not many people support the idea of deviants now that they're popping up, what's your opinion on the situation?", she asked with the wine glass in hand.
"They are unpredictable, but the reason why they deviate is due to a malfunction in their software", he stated blankly as it was a routine response.
"Hmmm, so you liking my daughter isn't considered deviating? Don't try to hide it, the way you two looked at each other in the cafe was enough for me to put one and one together", she smiled through her sip of the aged grape.
"I-I find her presence to be uplifting", He stuttered at the beginning of his answer," but that doesn't mean I like her"
A lie.
"You're lying I can tell, call it mother's intuition, but you like her", Natalie finished her glass of wine and set the now empty one on the table.
"I-I", Connor was surprised at her reading through his bluff.
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone, just Hank, and Erika", She gave the android a wink.
Connor sat still in his seat as Natalie finished up her meal. The android kindly offered to pay for the meal, but as the independent woman she is, Natalie refused and paid the bill. The two acquaintances walked out of the restaurant and overheard a newscast from an open-windowed car.
"Authorities are now conducting an investigation at the Stratford tower...the overall question is was this truly a peaceful request or the rise of a new terrorist group"
Connor looked at Natalie and thanked her for inviting her and called a taxi--which became unnecessary as Hank pulled up into the valet driveway.
"Connor get a move on!", Hank hollered out to his partner to hurry up.
"Thank you for the invitation, Mrs. Daniel", Connor said his farewell.
"Of course, be careful you two", she shouted her concerns to Hank and Connor as the android entered the vehicle. The lieutenant pressed on the gas and drove off to the heart of Detroit.
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Another chapter before the day ends!! I hope you like where the story is going! I'm curious about what you think--am I going too fast or too slow or is the chapters and events of the game spaces out evenly? Comment your thoughts! Connor welcome you too!!
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