026 | More Company
The days that followed after the events at the Eden Club were peaceful, to say the least. Erika resumed working at the cafe and even though she's been the head barista, it took her moments to gets used the ropes again. On her first day back she had to step out for she kept cursing at herself for not making the perfect rosetta--but according to the cafe staff, each one was gorgeously poured. Although these nerves would wash over as for the past few days at exactly 7:30 am, Connor and Hank would come in. The lieutenant would order a drink while Erika would chat with Connor. The staff would giggle and tease her moments before the two arrived. Erika shrugged off their phrases as she would get caught up on how the investigation been progressing.
"So how are things?", Erika asked both detectives. Hank was too preoccupied with his cup of coffee to answer so he waved at Connor to reply for the both of them.
"Activity has died down, but during this pause, we are reviewing the evidence and trying to find how all the cases are connected, especially the ones that involve you", Connor finished as he wanted to speak of something else, but was interrupted by a pat on the back.
He turned his head to see Natalie, Erika's mother. She bore a bright smile similar to Erika, but with more smile marks and motherly warmth. She went over to Hank and greeted him by giving him a small peck on the cheek while handing him a paper bag of the day's pastries. The older woman returned to Connor and gave him the same treatment, but stared him down with her mom radar.
"Another day in the office?", she asked with a cheeky smile. Natalie scanned Connor in a similar fashion as when they first met at the hospital. A toothy smile came to her lips as she faced the android. Connor blinked at the behavior as he knew nothing of the sort. Hank chuckled when he saw the glint in Erika's as he said nothing and drank his coffee before it got cold.
"So Connor was it? How would you like joining me for lunch?", Natalie smiled as she turned to Hank with a look that two parents knew the meaning. He nodded and encouraged Connor.
"It's fine, its only paperwork for the day and if something happens," he paused as he looked at his partner who knew the answer for the android was always one step ahead of the old man," you'll know"
Connor nodded since every report is sent to his LED. He turned to the older woman and answered her request.
"I would find joining you will be fine with my schedule", he answered with a monotone voice. Erika rolled her eyes in the background as the interaction was too awkward for her to view. She knew what her mom was gonna do, but the question here was Connor prepared? The young woman commenced creating drinks as the two partners and her mother walked out the front door engrossed in conversation.
Natalie walked them to Hanks car parked up front and held Connor back for a moment as the lieutenant started the car. She held her body high with a stern posture as any mother would with a young man that has stricken interest in their daughter.
"Meet me at this location before noon", the mother handed the android a folded piece of paper and backed away," I look forward to seeing you there, Connor"
The older woman disappeared as she entered the cafe and left a confused Connor on the sidewalk. Hank honked the horn to grab the android's attention. Connor turned around and hurried to the passenger's side. Upon entering Hank looked at him with fatherly eyes.
"So what did Natalie say to yea?", the old man asked as he put the vehicle to drive and headed down the street on course for the station.
"That she looks forwards for me to join her for lunch and she gave me this paper", he said as he unfolded the note and saw the address of a restaurant located by the river," with the location where lunch will be held"
"Ah", Hank took a glimpse of the restaurant's name and let out a small breath filled laugh," of course she'll have it there"
Connor did not understand for Hank did not give a reason, but the lieutenant ended the discussion as he pulled up into the DPD parking lot and into his designated spot. He left the car without a word and entered the station. Connor followed by entering through the front doors and headed to the empty desk across from Hank's. The two commenced reviewing the evidence once more for anything they may have missed. With his heightened scanners, Connor scavaged through each image for the faintest piece of a lead he could find. An image of Erika popped up on the screen and his mind took a momentary pause as he saw something that jogged his memory. At the site where Erika was found, there were traces of blue blood and human blood. Although, the blue blood found where Erika was located was unregistered in his system. Not a serial number or model type was attached to this variant of thirium. His mind flashed to the empty syringe used to inject a fluid into Erika the night Conan broke into her residence. The utensil gave off the same reading as the blood found at the crime scene of Erika's case. He looked into the files of the other humanoids he's encountered and found that they all had blue blood that corresponded to a specific model--which in turn they had biocomponents of the same model.
"Unknown thirium-like substance,,
Erika was a different case, she possesses components--limbs from two different types of models and her blood--her blue blood was compatible for the two. During his analysis of the situation, Connor connected the unknown variant of blue blood to Erika.
Was this what Conan meant by, she won't live without him? For he was regarding this specialized cocktail of thirium.
Connor proceeded to input this newly found connection into the investigation files. As he typed out the information, Hank looked up at the focused android.
"Hey Connor, its almost noon", He reminded his partner, but Connor did not want to leave for he just discovered a lead. The lieutenant's partner shook his head as he finished typing up the last portion of information.
"In a moment lieutenant, I think I found something", He spoke of his potential lead to the old man across from him.
"Well let's hear it", Connor removed his hands from the keyboard, sat up, and made his way to the side table he would sit at when conducting conversations with the lieutenant," well?"
"At all the cases we have found humanoids they all possessed blue blood that corresponded to a specific model's biocomponents, but when we were at the site where Erika was found", His eyes trailed off to the ground at the thought of Erika and what this information means. He removed his gaze on the floor and continued to state his discovery.
"There were evident stains of blue blood that had no registry in my system and as an android of CyberLife I am able to identify all types of androids manufactured by the company", he paused as he made another discovery," unless it's not made by CyberLife and was by another company, possibly a small business that's in competition with the large company"
He ran a research on smaller companies that produced androids from amongst the united states to manufacturers across the globe. Numerous sites and names popped up, but the most possible one was a company that went by the name of Eversen. With his new information he faced Hank once more.
"Eversen, its a company that was founded a year after Cyberlife, they claim to be in the production of the android before the large company", He stated with questioning eyes," their CEO was colleagues with the founder of CyberLife, Elijah Kamski"
"So we have a lead, we'll investigate first thing tomorrow when I have the warrant", Hank stopped Connor from proceeding as the clock on display on the projected screen read 11:47 am.
"We have a lead, we should", Connor started but was interrupted again by the lieutenant.
"I'll get the paperwork done and the warrant ordered, you have a lunch date with Natalie", the older man implied as he did not want to anger the woman for he knew the wrath she could rain down on people when they don't hold up to their word," get going before she starts calling me here"
Hank shooed Connor away as continued to look at the screen as he played solitaire. The warrant and paperwork were to be put off until Connor returned. He called for a taxi and after a minute of waiting, the android entered the vehicle and to the restaurant for something he was not prepared for--lunch with Erika's mother.
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Natalie is back and is a super mom as usual! I hope you enjoyed and please leave comments on anything that came into mind or how you think the story should go from here on out. For a fanfiction alongside other great stories, I appreciate evey one of you readers for reading my story! Sending my thanks and love!
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