025 | Briefing

The night became colder than expected as the temperature dropped below zero and into the negatives. Dressed in inappropriate clothing for the weather the lieutenant ordered Connor to drop off Erika for the night. The woman looked out the window as she replayed the events that happened less than an hour ago. The high from their kiss still lingered as a blush stayed on her cheeks. She touched her lips as the metallic taste of his lips were still prominent. In the rearview mirror, Connor saw the woman's actions and smiled at the image. He felt a warm feeling amongst his chest plate as the beats of his heart echoed to his ear, he felt happy, alive even. The android detective immediately shook his head as he could not let these feelings show physically for if they did it would become evident that he was going off course--from the path to complete the mission. He parked the vehicle by the entrance of the closed cafe and exit to escort the woman to her apartment. She nodded and gave a hug to the less drunk man in the passenger seat before leaving the car.

"Goodnight and don't drink! I'll know!", She said and waved at the older man as he sat in the car drinking a water bottle.

With her clothes damp from being out in the rain, Erika headed straight up the stairs and to her bedroom to quickly change. She re-emerged from the sleeping quarters and found Connor waiting at the doorframe. The young woman made her way over and looked up at the handsome android.

"I guess this is goodnight detective", she smiled at Connor as her lips craved for another kiss.

"Goodnight, Erika", Connor looked at her with loving eyes for even he, as an android designed to tolerate a variety of actions, whatever Erika did would undo these restraints as he became less mechanical and more human. He let out a small smile and pulled her in close as he wanted to stay but he needed to debrief with the lieutenant. Connor released Erika from his hold and kissed her on the forehead, as for if he did it on the lips he would not leave.

"Don't worry I'll be safe", Erika reassured him as she grabbed the cast iron pan from earlier that day. He let out a small chuckle and nodded her way as he closed the door. The young woman went over to the couch and laid on top of the soft cushions and was accompanied by her furry friend. Rizzo's warmth protected her from the crisp night air and soon brought her to a sleeping state for no nightmares dared to harm her, not with the happy memories she replayed in her dreams.

- - - - - -

Connor exited the building after he locked up all of the security mechanisms and the main entrance. He entered the car and noticed a six-pack of beer in the back seat. The android said nothing and drove off.

Hank had Connor drive him to a vacant park by the river that viewed the bridge that connected the city to the rest of the state. The lieutenant was the first to exit the vehicle as he readily grabbed one of the bottles in one hand the rest of the pack in the other. He parked himself on a park bench facing the body of water. Snow fell as the old man began to drink away his troubles.

Connor looked at the lieutenant as he drank the alcoholic beverage and thought about what Erika said to the old man at his home. She mentioned about losing him and vice versa, for the reasoning was that they both lost someone close to them. Hank with his son and Erika with her father. After he saw that the lieutenant finished the first bottle and grabbed a second Connor exited the vehicle and towards the drinking detective. He stood upright next to the bench as his presence became visible to the old man.

"Nice view, huh?", he asked Connor as he took another swig of his drink. Hank brought the bottle down and stared at the snow-covered pavement. Memories of Cole and Erika played through his mind as this was the very park they would frequent themselves at all year round, through every season, it was always the three of them. Drowned in his thoughts he let his mind speak as he looked out at the water once more.

"I used to come here before...", with those words he stopped himself from continuing and took another gulp of bitter beverage. He let out a sigh as Connor turned to him and began to speak. Without a choice, he gave his partial attention to the android as the other was lost in the alcohol.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?", He faced the older man with his arms crossed.

"Why so formal? And do all androids ask a lot of personal questions or is it just you?", He looked at Connor and pointed at him with the beer in his hand as he said this. Connor ignored Hanks question and proceeded to ask his.

"There was this photo of a child, Erika told me it was your son", He leaned in as he finished his sentence. Hank looked away from him as this was not something he wanted to bring up again, not on the same night. The old detective let out a sigh as he answered the question with a beaten voice.

"Yeah...his name was Cole", He stared back to the pavement as he hid his sorrowful face from his colleague. Hank would not admit it, but having the company of the android was nice. He just needed to drink away his problems as he always did. Connor on the other hand blinked at the information for now he knew.

"You said you used to come here before, before what?", Connor pushed on with his questions--unaware of the stress it put his partner through.

"Before...before nothing", Hank looked away from the android and finished the last drops of his second bottle. Connor walked over to the railing that viewed the lake and began to review the evidence in his mind as he tried to connect all the cases to one another, but nothing. Each android put into the investigation had a different description with details about different models, manufacturing dates, and deviancy occurrences. Not one intertwine with another except the symbol, rA9. Connor thought hard as what it meant, but lost interest in computations as he saw the saddened lieutenant at the corner of his eye. He turned around to the older man and addressed his concern.

"Hank, you seem preoccupied", he took a couple of strides towards the man and finished his statement," is it something to do with what happened back at the Eden Club?"

"After you decided not to shoot those two girls, they looked at Erika in a way that said something", He looked up the Connor as he voiced his thoughts," it really seemed that it meant something that they seemed to have shared something"

His thought process became evidently slow as he pondered at his words and looked at Connor. The plastic man who he came to know for the past few months has changed in a way. He began to lose his organized and direct approach to situations and became more reactive as a human. Hank placed the empty bottle down, got off the bench, and walked towards Connor.

"Why didn't you shoot Connor? Something or someone undo your program?", Hank asked as he wanted to confirm his speculation on the relationship between Erika and his partner.

"No--Yes...I just decided not to shoot", he stated with hesitation as he observed the older man as he suddenly pulled out his pistol and aimed it directly at him.

"Are you afraid to die Connor?", Hank asked.

"I would find it regrettable to be interrupted before I could finish this investigation, but", Connor stopped himself from continuing as it would be a dead giveaway to the people monitoring his programming.

"But? Is there a second part to your answer?", the lieutenant repositioned his gun at Connor as he waited for a response.

"That I won't retain any memory of the past month if I were to be eliminated", he stated vaguely in hopes that it did not set anything off within his software.

"Huh, you like her", Hank let out a huff as his speculation was confirmed even if it was not a straightforward answer he at least got an answer.

"I-I...she's been a great help in this investigation", Connor stated.

"Don't use that professional crap on me, you like her and she's fallen for you", Hank pointed a new beer bottle at the android, and uncapped it an took a sip," question is will you hurt her Connor?'

"I would never...I-", at that moment Connor came to a realization, he had feelings for her.

"Huh, just don't cause if you do I'll pull this trigger without hesitation", Hank said and walked away to become more drunk to forget the fatherly advice he gave to Connor as he never believed in his life he'd give the talk, the debriefing, to an android. The only difference was that it was an android that loved his little girl.

Connor stayed put as he took in the words he said. He was now aware of how human he's become.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*not canon*

Erika awakes from her sweet dream and inhales intensely.
"He fucking lied!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It happened! The father having the stern talk with the soon to be boyfriend. I hope you are enjoying the story so far, cause things are gonna be one heck of a rollercoaster, be prepared, be very prepared.

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