024 | Change of Heart

A vehicle of an older model drove down the neon-lit street as it's three occupants prepared themselves for what they may be confronted with. Erika enjoyed the idea of accompanying Hank and Connor on an investigation and the thought thrilled her.

Connor parked the car right next to the entrance and the three viewed the exterior of the building. Its neon magenta hue was prominent along with a large sign that read--Eden Club. Erika remembered the name of the establishment for it was the very place Conan got his ideas for her improvements. She shrugged the thought off as she exited the vehicle after Connor and Hank. When the three made their way to the entrance the officer guarding the front stopped Erika I'm her tracks. Connor turned back in an attempt to get her through. To no prevail, the DPD officer would not budge. Detective Collins exited the building and approached the three and the DPD officer.

"Hank, I was worried you wouldn't show up", he talked to the lieutenant with a respectful tone, his eyes wandered to Erika who was being blocked by the officer," is that who I think it is?"

He smiled at the young woman and made his way over to her. Detective Collins dismissed the officer to resume his post.

"Nice to see you Ben", She smiled at the older man. For when she was younger and visited Hank at the station, her godfather's colleague would purchase her the most sprinkled and colorful donut available at the local donut shop and a carton of chocolate milk. He was a great man and a very kind person when he's not on duty, but for Erika, she was an exception. For the entire station know how involved Erika was in these cases and having her around posed as an opportunity to gain some leverage as the cases seemed to not be going anywhere.

"I'll let you in this one time, I'll talk it out with Jeffery in the morning", he said and gave his fellow colleague a wink. The detective proceeded to escort the three inside.

"If the outside wasn't neon enough, the inside's more like a blinding highlighter", Erika commented as they passed vibrant signs with the establishment's motto. Connor stayed by her side as the view of the encased androids on display seemed to discomfort the woman as she avoided looking at any of them. Although her eyes burned at the sight of a particular variety of the WR400 model. She looked at the female android and at its legs for they were identical to hers. Erika took one last look before catching up to Hank and Connor. The android on display just blinked at her and continued to be alluring. Ben began he debrief of what occurred: man found dead and an android badly damaged. He mentioned another detail that made Erika shiver at the thought of him being present in the same place was uncomfortable.

Hank placed a hand on the touch activated door and found Gavin accompanied by a fellow officer. The cop with a bad attitude turned around equipped with a smug look on his face. His eyes snapped to Erika as she rubbed her arm in hopes he won't see her. He made his way over and looked up and down at her body. Upon realizing her discomfort Connor intervened by stepping beside the woman.

"Beat it prick, don't you see in trying to talk with the lovely lady", he snapped.

"You're making her feel uncomfortable", he simply stated as he moved his body to guard Erika.

"C'mon, we're just two old friends talking, there's no crime in that", he said and was pulled away by Hank by the snarky man's collar.

"Lay one hand on her, and I'll put you in the ER", Hank stared at the distasteful co-worker. He let go of the man as he brushed himself off when he stood steady on his feet.

"Try that again when you're sober Anderson", Gavin turned to the officer and signaled to him that they were leaving," time to go, it's starting to stink of booze in here"

Gavin bumped into Connor on his way out the room and snapped at him before exiting. Erika watched the whole scene play out and let out a sigh as the animal-like man left.

"Oh thank god, I can breath again", she leaned against a corner segment by the door.

"Never liked him and I specifically hate him more when he hits on you", Hank spat his distaste for the man.

"I don't understand, has Gavin performed physical abuse on Erika before?", Connor question with a concerned tone as he did not quite know simple slang words.

"No, if he did he would be in a cell--he's been trying to whoo-over Erika since he joined the team", Hank informed the clueless android," and since she visited quite often he took every chance to get with her"

Connor's LED flashed yellow as he grasped an understanding of the topic. He looked at Erika who shook her head in annoyance from talking about Gavin.

"And have you agreed to do so, Erika?", Connor questioned the young woman. Her face turned sour at the thought and shook her head vigorously.

"Hell no, not in a million years him and Gavin are the worst of the worst", she said and puffed her chest at her statement," start investigating so I can cool off"

She turned away and looked at the evidence left behind to take her mind off the two bastards she, unfortunately, acquainted herself with.

She looked at the items by a screen menu of drinks and a set menu for the room. There was the victim's wallet, sunglasses, and clothing--items every person owns, but what caught her eye was a small device with an engraving of an "E". Her body began to surge pain from the device in her back as it triggered something within her. The lieutenant and Connor were too busy as the android detective reactivated the damaged sex-bot. Images flashed once more in her head as she saw Conan's piercing blue eyes along with the blue-eyed Connor. The pain subsided as the two partners finished their small questioning session and headed out the door. Hank went ahead to talk to the manager of the place while Connor scanned the open area for a lead. On the other hand, Erika did not feel up for the investigating portion of the investigation and wandered around the site. Numerous androids were on display with revealing clothing on and Erika became flustered as she passed by the male WR400s. She proceeded to walk around until she noticed an open door--curiosity took the best of her and she entered the space. It was a hall lined with white brick that leads to a warehouse-like room that stored the unused and broken androids. She felt a chill down her spine as the motionless bodies of plastics gave off a "creepy mannequin" vibe. Erika walked around slowly as she looked at each android until she confronted another certain WR400.

She looked at its features as it slightly resembled a woman of color, but had the idealistic body of a "sexy" lady. A sigh escaped her mouth as she began to feel the frustration return from many months prior.

"Why did he compare me to you?", she questioned the lifeless doll," what made you so special that he had to fix me? Wasn't I enough?"

She ranted at the motionless body--unaware of someone else in the room listening in on her conversation. Her hand formed a fist and lifted it as she started to swing, but stopped inches away from the plastic. In that moment of vulnerability Erika's skin faded as her arm and legs became exposed. She looked at them with sad eyes.

"Who would ever love someone like me?", she questioned herself. Some movement could be heard behind her and she became startled at it. She turned around to see two female androids, the blue-haired Traci and identified one of them as the suspect. She backed away slightly in fear that they may do harm to her, but the blue-haired Traci put up a hand to calm the woman and reassured her that won't occur.

"We heard what you were saying to that Traci", the blue haired one spoke to Erika as she held onto a short-haired Traci.

"So what? I'm just a freak made to be just like you", she snapped as she backed away again.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you", the other Traci tried comforting her.

"It's been done, I can't change the past", Erika stated as she looked at her legs. These limbs cannot function on their own, the internal mechanism Conan surgically placed within her body supports the life of her limbs, without it she is only a one-armed woman.

"You're not alone, come here if you ever feel that way--they'll understand", the blue-haired Traci grabbed onto Erika's android arm and transferred information. Flashes of a dark building made from metal came to view and in clear lettering a name. She heard echoes of the name being shouted out and her eyes shot open. The blue haired one nodded at Erika as the code was given.

"You'll find som-", the sound of footsteps could be heard and the two Tracis panicked as their LEDs flickered back and forth from yellow to red.

"Hide", Erika was all she said and they frantically hid amongst the stored WR400s. In an instant, she turned around to the door being kicked down and entered Hank and Connor.

"It's just me", Erika put her arms up in reaction as Hank had his gun pointed in her direction and relieved it from its aimed position.

"Jesus, kid don't do that, I nearly blew your head off", Hank grabbed her into a hug as his worry faded," you disappeared and I became worried, but not as much as this hunk of bolts"

Connor turned in the midst of his searching for the blue-haired Traci. He turned away as he saw Erika smiling at him as he hid his smile from her.

"He kept talking and talking while searching android witnesses", Hank moved his hand in a way that resembled a mouth and moved it to show how Connor acted. She could not help but laugh as Hank knew how to lift her spirits. Connor searched around once more and Hank joined as Erika decided to sit by the loading zone and admire the rain. Hank was disgusted at the use of androids like these and ranted about it to Connor. Erika felt his opinion was being heavy swayed by what happened to her and he may have found.

After his small opinionated rant, Connor found the Traci and it attacked him. The short haired one pushed Hank away as she headed for the exit. Erika stood up at the sound of punching and moved closer to the wall that she hugged it. The detectives defended themselves from each blow the corresponding Traci gave. This went on for what felt like a long time before the two Tracis managed to escape out into the back alley. Connor, Hank, and Erika followed. The Traci kicked Connor in the face and backed away as she explained her reasons. Erika couldn't help but feel bad for her, as she just wanted to be with the one she loved.

She hoped that someone will love her in a similar way.

Connor reacted by doing nothing as he let the two go. Erika made her way to his side as the Tracis waved at her from the other side of the metal wire fence before running away from the group of three's sight. Hank stared in confusion at the exchange Erika has with the two, but it was nothing compared to Connor's. He looked at the woman and wondered why. Now tired the old man left for the car--leaving the two alone in the alley.

"What happened? Where were you?", Connor questioned Erika as they stood in the rain. Worry filled each word that left his mouth. The droplets didn't bother the woman as much as she was already drenched in rainwater," you could hav-"

"What does it matter if it did? It's not like you're my boyfriend Connor, besides if I did at least I'll be put out of my misery", she commented and immediate regret flowed through her as she said those last words. Connor grabbed her by the arm and made her face him.

She was his mission and part of the order is to ensure her happiness.

He pulled her into a hug and caressed her cheek. His eyes shined with life as he gazed into her hazel orbs. At that moment he brought his face close to hers. Their lips were inches then centimeters apart.

He's been researching during his time away from CyberLife and nights when she slept.

Space was closed as their lips met, the passion was felt as the two continued. Surprised at the softness of his lips Erika fell into a trance as she snaked her arms around his neck. The sound of rain muffled the intimate noise of their lips crashing into one another. Their lips parted and Erika smiled as she discovered that someone liked her, maybe even loved. Their eyes became dilated at the act and stayed still as the two processed at what had occurred. Connor smiled and looked at her with a dreamy gaze.

"Don't say that you have your mother, Hank, Rizzo, and Sumo who love you", his eyes trailed down slightly at her elevated chest as she breathed heavily at their sudden intimacy.

"And you have me", Connor simply smiled as this was the beginning of the unknown.

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She's a long one, huh? I couldn't stop writing and here we are!! Hope you like the story so far and if you don't mind comment on how I'm doing! If things are off, tell me! Thank you again for reading!

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