004 | Family Relations

Connor drove to allow Hank to sober up some more before meeting his goddaughter after 3 years. Hank kept blabbering nonsense about whether he'd be mad at her or glad that she's alive. Connor being the mediator, reassured the lieutenant that encounter would go fine. The hospital Erika was staying at was on the far side, and was across town. The commute took 20 minutes and Connor was thinking during those minutes. He reevaluated every case thus far, but non involved deviant experiments or human upgrades with said deviant parts. He went over the case prior to yesterday's, the one with the two androids at the Eden club. He didn't shoot, but why? His software ran test after test to understand, but no result was able to explain why. Lost in thought, Connor wasn't aware that they have arrived at the hospital. Hank was the first to exit the vehicle with Connor soon following after.

The two detectives entered the healthcare establishment and headed for the front desk. The medical android was busy typing and checking medical files. She did this for a few more files before giving her attention to Hank.

"Good afternoon sir, what can I help you with?", the android asked as she typed away.

"I'm here to visit someone, my goddaughter, Erika Daniel", He said as he messed with the end of his coat sleeve. The android scanned the man to confirm identification and nodded at the screen. He was listed as a next of kin and the receptionist android grabbed some items from a drawer and faced the older man.

"Oh yes, she's on the 8th-floor room H405, here's your visitor pass", she handed Hank a single guest pass.

"He's with me", Hank told the android even though she could see him

"I'm sorry, but nonmedical androids are prohibited to visit patients, exceptions are allowed if granted by the patient's doctor or guardian", she said with a wide smile.

"I am her-", Hank was going to give a fit, but Connor stopped him.

"It's fine lieutenant, I'll wait out here", Connor gave Hank a squeeze on the shoulder signaling that he'll be fine.

A woman dressed in a dress suit came by with a relieved look on her face. She exited the scanner and pulled Hank into a hug. Tears fell down her face with happiness radiating from each drop. Connor observed her and was able to obtain information on the woman.

Natalie Ann Daniel
Age: 49
DOB: August 16, 1989
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 lbs.
Mother of Erika Daniel
Occupation: Food Entrepreneur

"Nat, nice to see you again", Hank sheepishly greeted

"I'm glad to see you, I see you have an android", Natalie looked at Connor with stern eyes.

"Yeah I do", Hank gestured a hand towards Connor,"but, I wanna know, how is she?"

"My daughter is doing fine, she just hasn't woken up yet, when the police found her weeks ago, she was weak and collapsed during her being transportation to here", she held Hank's hand," but I think seeing her might do both of you some good, so go on--you can bring your android with you"

The android at the desk looked her way and nodded. It's LED flashed to make the approval and continued to type.

"Where are you headed?", Hank asked Natalie as she headed for the entrance.

"I'm going home to change into a fresh change of clothes and take care of Rizo, but I'll be back", she smiled,"take care of her until I return"

"Will do", Hank waved and faced the medical android once more,"now about a visitor pass for my friend Connor here"

"Of course, here you are sir", the android handed Connor a visitor pass as well and talked them through in how to locate the elevator after being cleared through the scanner.

"That was Erika's mother", Connor said as they both entered an elevator

"Yeah", Hank pressed the button for the 8th floor,"I was friends with Erika's father...he passed away ten years back"

"Oh, what is your affiliation with Mrs. Daniel and Erika besides being buds with Mr. Daniel?", Connor questioned to strike a conversation to get close with the lieutenant.

"Well other than godfather as you know, but also...her parents are the same to Cole", Hank trailed off at the mentioning of his son

"I never came across any document stating your were religious", Connor stated as usual

"No I'm not, but it's something we wanted to do since we're close, we grew up together, those two were like second parents to Cole and Erika like an older sister"

"I see", the elevator stopped and its doors opened to reveal a white corridor," we've arrived lieutenant"

The duo exited the elevator and looked for room H405. After searching for a couple of cycles around the floor they finally located it. Hank readied himself at the door. He took a deep breath and scanned his pass to enter.

The room was clean, much like the rest of the hospital. A small table displayed gifts from her mother and other family members. Hank placed his gift on the bench beside the screen. He then made his way to get bedside and took a seat.

Erika was laying on the hospital bed unconscious. Her vitals were displayed on her bedside.

Heartrate: Normal
BP: Normal
Ventilation: Normal

Connor walked around the room to grasp an understanding of what happened to Erika. She seemed important to Hank, similar to how much the lieutenant cared for his son. Connor scanned the room and approached the closest item--a card left out alongside the gift table. With his scanners, he read the card.

"Something may have happened in patients past,,

Variants of yellow flowers decorated the place; giving off the feeling of happiness.

Connor couldn't help but feel happy for this girl. He then placed the card back down and walked to the other side of her bed and saw a clipboard with her information. He scanned it to find any information.

Erika Ashlyn Daniel
Age: 24
DOB: April 22, 2014
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 136 lbs

Test results: in process

Connor looked at the female in the bed and scanned her. She had visible bruises on her left arm and her neck. He took her hand in his and checked her pulse ignoring the fact that there was a monitor.

Heart rate and BP, normal

Connor proceeded to analyze the situation as Hank mumbled words with head hung low.

"God, I'm such a bad cop, I could've found you", Hank slurred with the last drops of alcohol in his system,"you were here, I just lost Cole then you too..."

Connor noticed the grief in the lieutenant and went to his aid, after all, he was his partner and needed a functioning and sober partner.

"Lieutenant is everything alright", Connor stated with his calm android voice.

Hank shook his head, gave Erika's hand a squeeze, then looked up at Connor.


"She was not just a sister to Cole, but a daughter to me", Hank then looked at Erika with clouded eyes,"I lost them both in the span of two weeks"

Connor looked at Erika once more. Her right arm, which lacked any visible trauma or bruises caught his eye. He analyzed it then was brought to analyze the rest of her body. Her legs gave off a different reading than those compared to an average human; a familiar reading.

"Hank it wasn't your fault, at the time woman her age would run off and undergo irrational choices", Connor quoted from a site he resourced,"was she in any kind of relationship at the time? Or exhibit any unusual behavior?"

"She was a cafe owner along with her mom, always helped out with Cole, a good kid", Hank recalled in fragments," but she did just start to date this robotics major a year before her disappearance"

Connor's LED blinked as he processed this information and stored it in his memory for later interactions. He looked the woman in bed once more than back at Hank. His mind made a connection, a revelation of the sorts.

"The guy was working on functioning robotic limbs", the lieutenant's facial features contoured to resemble a look of realization,"Something she hoped for to help with her-"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

A faint moan echoed behind the two and turned to see the previously immobile patient now slowly sitting up.

"Lieutenant there's something you need to know", Connor cautiously walked towards the other side of the bed, ready for what may come.

Hank looked confused at his partner and back at Erika.

"Hank", Erika spoke timidly with a hint of nervousness,"I'm glad to see you"

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I'd appreciate your recommendations on scenarios and how Connor should evolve!

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