I watch Katniss tracing behind Johanna's footprints until I've completely lost sight of her. Her words replay in my head "see you at midnight." i know i will. "Peeta don't let your guard down" Finnick urged I nodded and faced away from him. As I stay out on guard Beetee with Finnick I let my mind and my footsteps wonder. Suddenly, I hear an cannon screech marking another death. Finnick and I quickly turn to face each other "I'll go check it out you stay here!" Finnick says partly shouting but my thoughts are filled with how that cannon could be marking Katniss's death "No I need to go!" I protest but Finnick has already sprinted off with his silver trident in hand. I turn to Beetee who is fiddling with the coil. I take the opportunity to sprint off to find Katniss. I find myself running trying to follow Finnicks tracks but eventually become lost amongst the green jungle with moonlight spilling over the pale leaves.

BOOM! Another Cannon sounds suddenly a hand grip around my mouth. It's Johanna. She finally releases my mouth but still keeps a cautious grip on me as if it was about to try and escape her grip. "What are you doing out here! Your supposed to be at the Lightning tree!" My excuses begin to flow out my mouth "I heard a cannon and I thought it was katniss I had t-" But Johanna cuts me off "it wasn't katniss it two of the careers I promise!". There are so many questions I can't get my head around. "But where's Katniss? She was with you!" Johanna Ducks and takes me to the floor with her and keeps both of us hidden in the bushes. A familiar voice grows closer, screaming out calling my name, and it's Katniss. As I go to scream out for Katniss Johanna once again clamps her hand over my mouth and whispers almost spitefully "Don't distract her she has a job, once she blows this arena up then we can find her". Although Johanna is giving me an opportunity to see Katniss I still struggle and try to shout to Katniss but her voice fades and she is gone.

As Katniss's voice fades my hope fades with it. What sort of plan have my 'allies' come up with? I need to see her I was promised to see her at midnight. Johanna holds me to the floor until Katniss blows up the arena. All different colours and patterns flicker on the wall of the collapsing arena and then the lights suddenly die out. Johanna picks me up and let's my arms go "She's done it just like I said there sending a rescue hovercraft for us". As if her voice and the hovercraft was timed purposely a bright light shines upon me and Johanna and as it comes closer towards us from the sky it becomes clearer what it is. A hovercraft. Hope flushes through me I think to myself: Katniss did it, we've escaped together but soon my thoughts twist as I recognise the symbol on the hovercraft. It's a capitiol hovercraft we aren't being saved. Me and Johanna begin to scan around the crumbling arena looking for a way out a way to the Lightning tree where Plutarch is rescuing us all. As the capitols hovercraft lands Johanna grabs my wrist yanking me into a sprint through the jungle. We sprint for what feels like forever hurdling over the green laced branches. However the capitols hovercraft is not chasing us. As we grew closer to the tree in the distance we saw the arena a blaze and orange flames flickering wild but one thing both caught me and Johanna's eye: over viewing the Lightning tree was the hovercraft, the one that was supposed to rescue us but it was lifting up a body. A lifeless unmoving body. "Katniss!" I scream and fall to my knees tears begin to invade my eyes. Plutarchs hovercraft hadn't noticed us and therefore abandoned us. As it did so, Johanna swung her silver axe into the nearest tree in anger whilst my mind kept sharing the image of katniss's lifeless body being rised up. We both hear synchronised clanks of metal approach us we both turn our heads to see a dozen peacekeepers coming towards us with a large gun in each of their hands. A sharp pain hit my chest then instantly my vision went black.

I'm woken by a jolt. As my eyes flicker open a pale bright blue light spills into my vision making me squint. I hear a deep voice echo from metal walls around me "Hovercraft 421 Landing in 30 minutes". I attempt to sit myself up but I am restrained on a metal bed that's cold to the touch. It takes me a while to figure out where i am: the capitols hovercraft. I hear the same deep voice echo "No we attempted to track the hovercraft but Plutarch must have altered the switches, he knows the controls well". I hear a whisper along with movement out the corner or my eye. It's Johanna who is also restrained to a bed. She mutters quietly "I heard them talking while you where sleeping their dropping us at the tribute centre then search for Katniss" but I don't reply. For the rest of the journey we sit in silence. Our minds to busy trying to work out our biggest problems from the smaller problems. My biggest problem: Katniss might be dead.

I feel a series of joults as we land with once again the same deep echoing voice "President snow has given orders to drop them both off here he is waiting to see them there as well, you better go get them ready for being exported. I look across to Johanna but she is facing away from me.Seconds later I hear a door slide open as a peacekeeper enters the room and makes his way over to mine a Johanna's beds. He has noticed that me and Johanna are awake but doesn't say anything. He begins to unlatch the cold restrains off Johanna and then to me . I don't try to resist because that won't change anything, it will only make my chances of getting back to district 12 more unlikely. The peacekeeper forces me and Johanna out of the hovercrafts slope exit and to the double doors of the tribute centre.

Waiting at the double doors is president snow in a navy blue suit and beside him are two peacekeepers. As soon as he see's me and Johanna his face lights up, grinning with interest like he's catched something rare to show off. As we are lead down the hallway closer to the double doors his grin grows wider. Once we stop at the double doors he begins to speak in his intimidating tone "this way" he jesters his hand to show the two peacekeepers to open the double doors. As the two peacekeepers open the double doors it reveals the familiar memories of the tribute centre: the tribute parade, the days spent with Katniss waiting for her to decide our allies and when Johanna took her clothes off in the elevator in front of me Katniss and Haymitch. Thinking of all these memories almost makes me crack a smile until I realise where i am in the present time.

Snow leads us to another set of double doors which i have never entered before. I bring myself to speak weakly "What's in there?" But snow didn't reply for awhile spreading silence in the atmosphere "Well you could say it's a new extension to the centre Mr Mellark" this answer makes me nervous as he didn't share much informations about it. A Few tears escape my eyes as my mind keeps replaying Katniss's body being retrieved in the hovercraft. I think she's dead it's probably for the best if I'm dead too. As we near the set of double doors I begin to notice. There is something special about what's on the other side.

All the doors in the tribute centre hall are all thick and wooden whereas the ones president snow is taking us to is metal and has security locks surrounding it. Snow stops outside the metal doors making the 2 peacekeepers and me and Johanna stop with him. This time his voice is less intimidating and more darker and whispery "at 6pm you are scheduled to have an interview with Caesar Peeta however, Johanna you will not be taking part in any broadcasted interviews." He then slips out of his suit pocket two white roses and forces us to grip our hands around it making the thorns of the rose dig into my palm. I clench my jaw at the sharp pain from the thorns as President snow begins to make his way out of the tribute centre with one peacekeeper escorting him probably back to his mansion .

As I have my head turned watching Snow leave the tribute centre i hear a loud rattle of metal and quickly turn my head to see the peacekeeper has already opened the metal double doors. Me, Johanna and the peacekeeper enter and the peacekeeper closes the door behind all 3 of us and taps a combination of numbers into a keypad beside the door. As I entered that room I will never forget what I saw...

The floor was completely covered in white tiles and the walls where a greyish dull colour. In the room was different types of equipment and torturing devices. In the corner of the room was several cells with only a small window in the front of the door , like what you would expect to see in a mental asylum. Me and Johanna stopped in shock as we where now in the centre of the room in . I take several small steps back and my eyes become blurry with ears "what kind of place is this" I mutter to myself. At the end of the hallway is another sent of metal identical doors which soon open and four peacekeepers enter and greet the peacekeeper who escorted us here. The peacekeeper behind us noticed we have stopped walking and pushed Johanna her sending her almost to the floor making her drop her white rose "move it" he says in a deep muffled voice expecting her to obey. But Johanna will only take so much and will fight back just like I knew she would. Johanna screams aggressively "don't touch me! No!" Soon the five peacekeepers circle around us and three tackle Johanna to the ground as she still screams whilst two other peacekeepers grab my wrists incase i would attempt anything. The two peacekeepers begin to hurry and drag me down to one of the cells and one hands me some small rectangle cards and a pure white suit "Read it and get changed" I nod at the peacekeeper in fright as the peacekeeper closes me into the metal cell. What just happened? It all happened so fast in a split second.

In the cell is one small wooden seat and nothing else. I begin the remove my cold arena consume and change into the white suit I assume Snow wanted me to wear. I notice once I have the suit on that it has an sharp point on my collar attached to my suit making whenever i tilt my head down it digs into the bottom of my jaw which made me feel a bit dizzy. As I sit down and go to read my cards I hear a loud scream, it's Johanna "GET OFF ME! LET ME OUT! LET ME-!" Her screaming grows louder then dies out all together making me feel alarmed. I get up and move towards the door and try to peak through the small scratched window which is built in. There is see a Johanna in a metal reclined chair shaking whilst peacekeepers dose her with injections. As i watch tears escape eyes. Is this what they are going to do to me to? I quickly wipe my eyes to show no sign of weakness for the interview with Caesar. I sit back down and try to ignore the screams of Johanna and read the note:

Peeta, in the interview you must urge everyone to stop this rebellion, convince them that everyone won't survive and the system won't work without the games. Also I request for you to send Katniss a message to stop before her loved ones are gone as we have the rough coordinates of her and will have to take action if she continues to be in the limelight as a revolutionary leader.
- President Cornelius Snow

i instantly feel the rush of hope and re-read the sentence over afew times to make sure im not just seeing it 'we have the rough coordinates of her' she is alive. They have found her, and she is alive. But a sadness sinks in, the capitol think they know where she is. I only get afew seconds of happiness as i hear Johanna's screams echoing through the wall of my cell again. What are they doing to her? I sit in silence for the rest of the 10 minutes until a peacekeeper comes to escort me to the interview room with Caesar.

I hear a sudden clank of metal and look up to see the peacekeeper overlooking me. As i get up and exit the cell door with the peacekeeper right behind my foot steps i instantly try to see Johanna but she is cut off by a large hospital curtain which has blood smears on it. Her screams have been silent for the past few minutes. As i stand and watch the curtain which Johanna and the peacekeepers are behind the peacekeeper escorting me locks my cell door behind us. Something isnt right. Suddenly i see two silhouettes belonging to peacekeepers behind the curtain and they begin to come into my view out of the curtain wheeling a hospital bed away. But the bed isnt empty. Johanna is on it looking lifeless and pale but still alive. By now the peacekeeper had locked the cell.

"JOHANNA!" The peacekeeper escorting me grabs my wrist but i swing my elbow around into his chest making him almost stumble to the ground "Johanna!" i repeat almost breathless. I scatter down the end of the room and grab the end of the bed and try and stop them from taking Johanna wherever they where going. "Joha-". Instantly, three peacekeepers had tackled me to the ground: the two wheeling the bed away and the peacekeeper escorting me. Now I'm on the cold tile floor just as the peacekeeper escorting me had his fists clenched. Just as he was about to hit me he hesitate then eventually put his fists down and pulled me up to my feet. "Best not to mark up your face minutes before the interview, but im sure we will get some time to, dont you think?" he said in aggressive tone as the other two peacekeepers wheeled Johanna away.

He escorted me down the opposite way of where Johanna was going. I had no idea where Caesar was interviewing me but it was definitely in President Snows Mansion. As he escorted me out of the tribute centre i gain the courage to speak "what do you want with me and Johanna?" He chuckles for a second and i follow his footsteps oblivious to why he is laughing. After laughing he then carries on "i dont want you or that stubborn little girl". I don't reply or even begin to talk until we reach outside back of the tribute centre.

Suddenly it all becomes familliar as i step onto the large platform looking down of long tracks of rails. Im going on a train, the same train i went on for the victory tour, the same one i comforted Katniss during her nightmares. Memories appear creating a twister in my head and my breath becomes unsteady and shakey. The train doors slide open and right at the doors are 4 peacekeepers. one gestures his hand towards through the left cart door. The cart door slides open and seconds later closes behind me. Inside the cart are 4 peacekeepers watching my every move. I sit down on a comfortable purple chair and watch the blurred scenery outside the cart windows in silence the whole time.

Finally we arrive at President Snows Mansion where me and Katniss had our engagement party. As i step up to the front doors of the mansion with several peacekeepers by my side the mansion doors automatically open and reveals to me a long expensive looking hallway. As i set foot into Snows Mansion i scan i see expensive vases, red velvet curtains and everything you'd expect to see in an rich mans mansion. Snow lives in pure luxury and it makes me sick. Peacekeepers lead me up marble white stairs and through all sorts of decorated hallways. Finally we enter a large oak door. Inside the room is filled with luxurious items and two seats tilted to face eachother. There in one of those seats is Caesar Flickerman with his dyed purple ponytail and orange painted face. As soon as he lays eyes on he a excited grin spreads across his face revealing his fake white teeth "Peeta" he jumps off of his chair and tightly embraces me and then pulls back "Mr Peeta Mellak, my favorite male victor! come and take a seat" i spark a tiny smile to show my apprication even though it is a fake smile. I sit down opposite Caesar and he quickly mutters "we are broadcasting live in 15 seconds Peeta" i faintly nod and then aknowledge the capitol camera point at Caesar. Seconds later he begins to talk towards the camera

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