Chapter 91 - Carbon Copy
Elijah was stood in the kitchen, stirring his tea. He was fine, well, as fine as he could be.
Reid had walked in after feeding the cats,"Morning."
"Good morning. You sleep well, babe?" Elijah asked him.
"Kinda." Reid sighed,"Did you?"
Elijah shrugged,"A little."
"You okay?' Reid walked up behind him.
"Yeah." Elijah nodded, tapping his spoon against his cup.
"Hey.. I'm proud if you."
"You are?"
"For everything you went through."
Elijah turned and hugged Reid,"I'm proud of you, too."
"Guess we're both proud." He kissed his head.
"And we should be." Elijah smiled softly.
"You've got some colour back in your skin now."
"I feel.. Well, I feel better."
"I'm happy."
"I'm happy that you're happy." Elijah kissed his cheek
"You know who is also happy?" Reid hummed.
Horatio then jumped up with Rigatoni, just finished their breakfasts.
"Oh, hello my baby boys." Elijah smiled.
Horatio loudly mewed and rubbed against him.
"Yes, I love you too." Elijah stroked him.
"God, you love your attention." Reid chuckled.
"He's just like me." Elijah scooped him up.
"Come here, Toni." Reid lifted him up.
Rigatoni meowed, his legs stretched out as he was lifted.
"Oh, you're getting so big." Reid chuckled.
"Oh yes he is." Elijah nodded.
"And old, soon you guys will be older than us." Reid hummed.
"Cats don't get that old, baby." Elijah shook his head.
"No, I know. But I don't want to let them know that."
"Me either."
"You're going to stay young forever, my boys." Reid chuckled.
Rigatoni meowed, pawing at his face.
"Okay- Be nice, Toni."
"He's always nice, aren't you." Elijah scratched his chin.
"Sometimes, when he's not a menace."
"Aw, my baby? A menace?"
"Always." Reid cursed.
"Never." Elijah shook his head,"Isn't that right?"
Rigatoni purred and jumped out of Reid's arms.
"Exactly. You're a good boy."
"He has you fooled." Reid pointed.
"Fooled? I can't be fooled."
"You can so. The cats have you around their finger."
"You just don't understand them like I do." Elijah kissed Horatio's head.
"I'm sure." Reid chuckled.
"It's true."
"I'm gonna get dressed, okay?" He kissed his cheek.
"Okay." Elijah hummed, ruffling his hair.
"Sorry for last night." Fleur sighed,"I shouldn't have woke you up."
"Babe, it's okay. Honest." Morgan assured her.
"You hardly got any sleep."
"But it was worth it."
"For you? No."
"I helped you, didn't I?" Morgan raised a brow.
"I still feel bad." Fleur shook her head.
"Fleur." Morgan took her hands,"I'm always going to be here for you when you need me."
"Okay..Okay." Fleur looked down.
"And I love you." He kissed her forehead.
"I love you too."
"Nothing's ever going to change that."
Fleur sighed,"Sorry, Derek."
"You don't need to be sorry, baby girl." Morgan told her.
Fleur nodded slowly,"Are you okay, though?"
"Of course I am." Morgan assured her.
"Okay." Fleur nodded again,"What time is it?"
"Uh.." Morgan looked to the clock and sighed,"Time to get up, unfortunately."
"Might get some sleep on the plane." Fleur looked at him.
"Sounds like a good idea." Morgan nodded.
Reid, JJ, Elijah and Fleur were sitting at their desks, watching from afar as Blake and Strauss talked. They knew that the two of them had a rough background.
"I think Blake could take her." JJ hummed,"What do you guys think?"
"Their body language is hardly adversarial. Blake's making direct eye contact. The tilt of her head suggests she's willingly engaged in conversation." Reid explained.
"Didnt Strauss throw her under the bus back in the day?"
"Pretty sure it was on the Amerithrax case ten years ago." Fleur nodded slowly.
"They apprehended the wrong suspect and she let Blake take the fall." Reid added.
"Well, I heard they even demoted her a couple grades." Elijah spoke up.
That's when Garcia walked in with a massive bouquet of flowers,"Guess what just came to the reception desk for an Agent Jennifer Jareau."
JJ chuckled,"From who?"
"They must be from Will. Or someone's got some 'splaning to do. Open it- Open it." Garcia hummed.
"Just- Will's not really flower bouquet kind of guy." JJ shrugged as she took the card off and opened it,"..Zugzwang."
"What? Let me see rhat." Reid took the card.
"It's the same thing Diane Turner said to you.." JJ nodded.
"Before she killed Maeve." Elijah sighed.
"Diane's dead, so who sent it?" Fleur looked up.
"No idea." Reid shook his head.
"Didn't you say the voice on the other end of the pay phone was computer generated?" JJ asked.
"That means it could be from anybody. That means that maybe it doesn't have anything to do with Maeve." Garcia realized.
"Whoever it was, they knew you would be at that phone booth, which means they were stalking you." Fleur sighed.
"Or us. What if this is The Replicator?" Reid looked around.
Soon enough, they had told the others, including Strauss, so everyone headed towards the Conference Room while Strauss spoke to the Director. Eventually, she walked into the Conference Room shortly after.
"I just came from the Director's office." Strauss walked in,"He doesn't like the idea that his agents are being taunted, and he wants me to keep him personally in the loop. Catch me up, please."
"Okay- So the flowers cleared all of our security checkpoints, which means there's no explosives and no chemical residue. They were ordered from a local florist, Wendy's Bloomers. I checked Wendy, her bloomers, the employees, the delivery service. They all came out clean." Garcia explained,"I managed to track down the credit card. It's a stolen number, and it was ordered from a prepaid cell phone in Philadelphia."
"But it's all about the message he's trying to send." Blake shook her head.
"They were sent to JJ. Why her?" Morgan wondered.
"Yeah, the original Zugzwang taunt was directed at me." Reid agreed.
"It's directed at one of us, it's directed at us all." Rossi sighed.
"It's only a matter if time before his taunts turn into threats." Elijah crossed his arms.
"I'm posting security details at each of our homes." Hotch told them.
"Well, he's communicating directly. What exactly is he trying to say?" Blake asked.
"That the game has changed." Fleur sighed.
"First he was chasing us, copying the cases we solved, and now its our turn to chase him." Hotch nodded.
"Tag, we're it." Rossi sat down.
"What do we know about The Replicator?" Strauss questioned.
"He's committed three murders in three different states." Hotch began.
"The first was Maxwell Holmes, twenty-eight year old contractor, husband and father of two, from Dallas." Garcia went on.
"He was found with his mouth sewn shut four weeks after we closed the Silencer case." JJ added.
"Next is an unidentified John Doe. He was found in New Mexico near the Mexican border." Garcia continued.
"His leg was severed and someone else's was transplanted on." Fleur sighed.
"Do we have any idea where the limb comes from?" Strauss asked.
"None." Morgan answered.
"Finally, Megan Lewinbuck, thirty-one year old paralegal, single mother, she was found in Phoenix." Garcia sighed.
"She was found last week. All her joints were dislocated and had been turned into a human marionette." Alex finished.
"And that's everything so far. Local police and bureau field offices are going to keep us apprised of any developments." Hotch told her.
"I want this case closed quickly." Strauss crossed her arms,"Copycat murders, flowers sent. I see this as an assault on the entire bureau."
"Ah- Sir, Philadelphia P.D just uploaded a homicide to ViCAP." Garcia spoke up,"An unidentified woman was found this morning exsanguinated with her eyelids removed."
"It's like our blood artist Bryan Hughes." Morgan looked up.
"Philadelphia, the same city the flowers were ordered from." Elijah sighed.
"Jets standing by. Wheels up in twenty." Hotch nodded.
"The Replicator sent those flowers today knowing that that body would be discovered." JJ crossed her arms as they sat on the jet.
"He's taken the time to track our cases." Alex sighed.
"It's not too much trouble to track news headlines with a Google search." Morgan shrugged.
"The original ZugZwang message was delivered to me at a phone booth, which means he's not just tracking our cases, he's tracking everything." Reid sighed.
"Why would someone do that?" Elijah questioned.
"We've been taunted before. Guys like Randall Garner. Usually malignant narcissists who feel the need to show off." Rossi explained.
"So maybe he wants us to see how smart he is." Morgan suggested.
"But why? What's the point? A warning? Is he mocking us?" Alex asked.
"Maybe all of the above." Morgan shook his head.
"He's not attempting to hide his kills, so it's his way of bragging." Fleur told them.
"He's probably trying to lure us out. He certainly wants our attentuon." Hotch nodded.
"We have four copycat murders and no apparent connection between the victims." Reid looked up.
"My guess is they're all targets of opportunity. Who he kills doesn't matter. The point is to get to us." Rossi crossed his arms.
"The latest victim was in Philadelphia. Brian Hughes bled his victims in San Francisco." Alex pointed out.
"All the other copycat murders happened in the same area as the original kills. Why is this one different?" Morgan questioned.
"It's his game. He can change the rules anytime he wants." Fleur shrugged
"All that traveling. Clearly he's got the money and the time." JJ nodded.
"And patience." Hotch added,"His organisation and attention to detail suggests some bigger plan."
"Greetings, crime-fighters. We just got an ID on the first exsanguinated, eyelidless body." Garcia appeared on the screen,"Her name is Molly Patton, twenty-seven. She was a nurse at a local hospital."
"Garcia, what do you mean by first?" Reid asked.
"I mean that a second exsanguinated, eyelidless body was just discovered." Garcia informed them.
"He's moving fast." Rossi sighed.
"Femoral arteries were severed in both legs. Cause of death is exsananguition." The M.E told them.
"Ligature marks, like he had her strapped down." Alex mentioned.
"You also found ketamine in her system?" Rossi raised a brow.
"Enough to knock us all out." She sighed.
"No signs of torture, and he sedated her before he bled her out." Hotch tilted his head.
"Maybe he's not so much sadistic as mission oriented." Rossi suggested
"Cops said she disappeared after her yoga class. Is that true?" The M.E asked.
"That was the last place she was seen." Fleur nodded.
"My god.. I used to practice at the same studio." She sighed.
"That class was 8:00 in the morning and right off a busy intersection." Rossi mentioned.
"He grabbed his victims in broad daylight." Blake crossed her arms.
"He's using a ruse or a discreet threat of violence." Fleur pointed.
"Either way, he's awfully bold." Rossi shook his head.
"We've got a conference video with Strauss in ten minutes." Hotch told Blake as they walked in.
"She on the warpath?" Blake raised a brow.
"She's under a lot of pressure to get results. We all are." Hotch sighed.
"Well, I've seen her under pressure before. It was right when she tried to ruin my career." She shook her head.
Soon enough, everyone was sitting around the table in the police station and looking up at the screen.
"This psychopath's message is personal and it's making us look bad. Someone profiling our profiliers undermines the efficacy of everything you do, and I'll be frank with you, both the director and the attorney general want to take you off this case, and I can't say I totally disagree." Strauss sighed.
"Why?" Elijah questioned.
"You're victims now, and I'm concerned your ability to investigate may be compromised." Strauss answered.
"Yeah, well, I can assure you out abilities are just fine." Rossi pointed.
"Is that true, Aarron?" Strauss glanced over at him through the screen.
"Yes, it is, Ma'am. Absolutely." Hotch nodded.
"We know this case better than anyone." Rossi assured her.
"Alright. Well, I'll tell the director if he takes you off the case, it's either with my resignation or over my dead body." Strauss told them.
"Ma'am, we're starting the briefing now." Anderson walked into the BAU.
"I'll be right there." Strauss nodded to him before looking back at the screen,"You catch this son of a bitch, Aaron."
"Understood." He nodded as the screen turned to black.
"Do you really think they'd replace us?" JJ asked slowly.
"Sounds like you'd have to kill Strauss first,and I doubt if that's as easy as it sounds." Fleur sighed.
"Alright, so what do we know?" Hotch looked around.
"This photo isn't digital. It was printed on real chromogenic photo paper." Reid lifted the photo of Hotch.
"So he's old-school." JJ nodded.
"We're trying to ascertain when the photo was taken." Blake sighed.
"Garcia, I'm putting you on speaker." Hotch told her as he answered his phone.
"There are a shocking number of weirdos out there who have a thing for nurses. But I got a gigantenormous hit. Fifteen years ago, the BAU had a case in Pittsburgh involving the stabbing murders of four nurses." Garcia explained.
"Pittsburgh. That's close enough to be related." Elijah pointed.
"That rings a bell. But I didn't work that case, Gideon did." Rossi looked up.
"Yeah, yeah. It ended relatively well. The killer, Jack Lee Kemper, was caught, and we managed to save one of his would-be victims." Garcia continued.
"Garcia, what happened to Kemper?" Morgan asked.
"He died five months ago from lethal injection." She answered.
"What if that was the trigger?" Fleur asked.
"The Silencer copycat murders happened about five months ago." Reid agreed.
They felt that they had enough evidence to give the profile so it wasn't long until they were standing in front of the officers.
"We believe we're looking for a white male in his mid 40s or possibly even 50s." Hotch began.
"He's criminally and forensically sophisticated, so he may be an ex con or have law enforcement training." Morgan added.
"You're saying ue could be a cop?" Captain Jackson asked.
"It's unlikely, but we can't rule it out." JJ shook her head.
"This Unsub is using his victims as a device with which to antagonize the FBI, the BAU in particular." Reid informed them.
"So he's after you." Detective Rizzo nodded.
"He's been copycatting murder cases that we've closed all over the country." Elijah sighed.
"We have reason to believe that he's been stalking each member of this team." Morgan mentioned.
"So he's extremely mobile and has the time and the means with which to get around." Blake crossed her arms
"And the intelligence to cover his tracks and remain evasive." Morgan added.
"We think it all started fifteen years ago with a case we had in Pittsburgh that involved the deaths of four nurses." Rossi continued.
"That killer, Jack Lee Kemper, was apprehended, and was recently executed." Hotch sighed.
"Because the most recent exsanguination victims were also nurses, we believe this case holds some kind of meaning to him." Reid explained.
"So we should be looking at Kemper's family, friends and associates." JJ nodded.
"They may be trying to avenge his death, or they might be convinced that he was wrongfully accused." Blake continued.
"We should look at friends and relatives of the victims. They may blame us for not solving the case fast enough." Morgan crossed his arms.
"This Unsub is intelligent and highly organized, but he's also hell-bent on revenge." Rossi pointed.
"Which makes him especially dangerous. Thank you." Hotch nodded.
"Well, we've ruled out every guy on the list. Our guy's not connected to Jack Lee Kemper's victims." JJ sighed.
"If they were just friends or lovers, there might not be an official record of their relationship." Reid stated.
"The only living relative Kemper has is a third cousin who lives in Alaska." Morgan looked up from the file.
"It wasn't one of his friends. Kemper didn't have any. He was a recluse with no social skills." Fleur sighed.
"Well, who else would have a vendetta against us?" Elijah questioned.
"Could be a fan of Kempers." Morgan shrugged, "These guys always have followers."
"What about somebody we put in prison?" JJ suggested.
"It's a little hard to orchestrate all of this behind bars." Morgan shook his head.
"What if somebody from the outside is helping him?" Reid raised a brow.
"How about other suspects in the case?" Alex suggested.
"That's it." Rossi looked up.
"Bidwell. Donnie Bidwell." Rossi pointed at the file,"Of course. He was the primary suspect before we caught Kemper. We had a strong circumstantial case, but DNA eventually cleared him. His name got leaked to the press the second we grabbed him."
"Why so fast?" Fleur asked.
"We thought it was probably someone from the local P.D." He shrugged.
"How long did we hold him for?" Reid looked up
"Couple of weeks."
In the background, Hotch called Garcia to which she answered.
"Give me stuff to do." She hummed.
"Garcia, I need everything you've got on Donnie Bidwell. He was a suspect in the Jack Lee Kemper case." Hotch told her.
"Righty-o. Okay, he was picked up a couple of times for assault and lewd behaviour. He got off with time served and probation. He is a recently divorced father of two. He cannot hold down a job. I count one..two, three, four, five.. Twelve jobs in the last ten years, everything from fry cook to used car salesman." Garcia explained.
"Yeah, but before all that he was in construction or something, right?" Rossi asked.
"Affirmative. He owned his own hot mop shower pan company, whatever that is. That business went south after the arrest. His legal fees wiped him out, then a year later- Oh dear. He had himself a nervous breakdown." Garcia informed them.
"No wonder he wants payback. That accusation ruined his life." Blake sighed.
"Got an address?" Hotch asked.
"Yeah, I got home and qork and I'm sending them both." Garcia nodded.
"Thanks." Hotch hung up.
"We better make sure we get this right before we arrest this guy again." Elijah shook his head.
"Rossi, Blake, Deans and Reid, take the work address. Rest of us will take the house." Hotch nodded.
"I just talked to Strauss. She wants an update. What happened?" Hotch questioned as he walked in.
"Bidwell died en route to the hospital." Morgan sighed.
"This guy did not profile as suicidal." JJ shook her head.
"It's bizarre. If he wanted payback, why kill himself?" Fleur held her head.
"Maybe this is his version of payback." Reid suggested,"If he takes his own life, we can't put him in prison."
"Like the ultimate escape plan." Alex nodded.
"But his body language, you should've seen it. When JJ mentioned the copycat murders, he had no idea what she was talking about." Elijah crossed his arms.
"Something went wrong and he called an audible." Morgan tilted his head.
"So what made him change the plan?" Reid raised a brow.
"He did it after his phone call, so I'm guessing that had something to do with it." JJ shrugged.
"That's a dead end. Local police traced the number to a pre-paid cellphone. Garcia said it went dead right after Bidwell's call." Morgan sighed.
"A partner?" Hotch suggested.
"Well, if he really didn't know about the other copycat murders, he wouldn't be someone's partner, he would be their pawn." Rossi shook his head.
"What if all the evidence in Bidwell's house was put there so that we'd find it?" Reid looked up.
"Jazz hands at the ready." Garcia hummed as she answered Hotch's call.
"I need you to go over Donnie Bidwell's phone records again. And any emails, social media, whatever you can find." Hotch ordered.
"But why do I have to check it again?" Garcia questioned,"His emails were squeaky clean and he wasn't into social media."
"The key is in the phone calls. They had to have communication somehow." Alex nodded.
"Okay, look, most of his cellphone conversations went to his ex-wife in New York. He called his mom in Tampa once a week. The rest are just random." Garcia sighed,"He called local business, he checked movie times."
"Come on babygirl, it's not random." Morgan sighed,"The answer's in there somewhere, you just gotta find it."
"Alright, if you say so. I will re-get this party started. Hit you back." She hung up.
"If the Replicator is still out there, then this whole things part of a much bigger manipulation." Reid told them.
"Wonder what he's planning for an encore." Rossi crossed his arms.
After a few minutes, Garcia rung back.
"I just want to preface this by saying I did not break any rules by getting this info so fast. I may have scraped, scratched, massaged, but no breaks. Not a one." She ranted.
"Garcia." Hotch sighed.
"Okay, I checked the incoming phone records and there was a call that caught by eye. Because for the last six months, that call came in at the same time, at the same day, except for once. It's from an unknown phone number, so I did what I do, made the number known, and it was from a prepaid cell phone. Here's the kicker! Oh, get ready. It was paid for with the same stolen credit card used to buy JJ's flowers. What? Bam!" Garcia told them.
"Can you triangulate the number?" Reid asked her.
"Why ask me that question? Triangulation is just about my favourite thing to do." She hummed,"That phone is in Pittsburgh."
"That's a five hour drive." Morgan pointed out.
"Or about forty five minutes on the jet." Hotch shrugged.
The team landed in Pittsburgh, SWAT at the ready for the takedown of The Replicator.
"Alright. The snipers are set and all the exits are covered." The SWAT commander told them.
"Air support?" Hotch asked as the team put on their vests.
"Choppers are standing by." He nodded.
"The signal from the cell phone is coming from this room. We'll enter in two teams. You from this side, we'll come from this side, we'll meet in the middle." Hotch told the team as he pointed at the building layout.
"Alright, guys, I need you to keep it tight and stay alert. This guy's got a vendetta against us. It could be an ambush." Morgan pointed.
"Alright gents, on the move." The SWAT commander ordered as everyone moved.
Everyone entered the building, guns and flashlights raised. They walked until they came across a metal door, big band music playing from behind it. One of the SWAT agents stuck a small camera under the door so they could see inside.
"It's clear." He nodded.
They pushed open the door and headed inside, lowering their guns when they realized what surrounded them. A bloody woman with a bag over her head on a mattress, a small table with the phone and CD player and nine boards... Covered in photographs taken of each of them and Zugzwang scrawled in the spaces in between.
Elijah was stood in the living room, arms crossed as he peered through the blinds. He hated the constant feeling of being watched. That's when Elijah heard a knock at the door.
He sighed and walked up to it, opening it,"Mhm?"
"Agent Deans? Some mailman dropped this off for you." The Agent stationed outside the house handed a package over.
"Ooh, a present." Elijah nodded slowly as he looked it over,"Thanks."
"Give me a shout." He nodded and closed the door.
Elijah shook his head as he unwrapped the package to reveal a Bible,"Wow, so creative Mr Replicator."
Although when Elijah opened up the Bible..Inside was a bottle of pills. A small note had been stuck to the front of the bottle reading 'Third time's the charm'.
"Who was at the door?" Reid walked downstairs.
"Just, uh.. The Agent." Elijah sat the Bible down,"I just got a gift."
"From the Replicator?" Reid looked at him.
Elijah nodded as he walked up to Reid, pulling him into a hug.
"Hey." Reid chuckled and hugged him back.
"I love you, okay?" Elijah held him tighter,"Nothing's going to change that.. I'm not going anywhere."
"Better not." Reid hummed.
Elijah nestled his head against Reid's neck, doing his best to stay calm. He knew that sick bastard could be watching.
"We'll get through this." Reid assured him.
"..How does he know?" Elijah asked quietly.
"I don't know..I don't know." Reid sighed.
"I.." Elijah bit his cheek before letting go of Reid and grabbing the Bible.
Elijah opened it and held out the bottle to Reid.
Reid sighed and took the bottle, putting it in his pocket,"I'll get rid of it."
"It's evidence, Reid." Elijah sighed,"Just.. Put it somewhere i won't find it."
"Okay." He nodded.
"I just.. Don't want to think about this anymore."
"Okay..How about we head to bed tonight?"
"Yes please." Elijah rubbed his eyes.
"I don't feel safe, Derek." Fleur sighed,"I'm gonna tell Addy to stay at my moms until this is over."
"Good idea.. I'll make sure he doesn't get anywhere near you." Morgan rubbed her back.
"He's gotten near all of us."
"I know." Morgan nodded slowly.
"I can't risk anything, Derek."
"Everything's going to be alright. We'll catch him.. Hopefully sooner rather than later." Morgan told her as they heard a knock at the door.
Fleur looked back, hesitating before going to the door, opening it.
"Agent Howards? A mailman passed by, said this is for you." The Agent stationed outside her house handed her a package.
Fleur nodded,"Thanks Steven." She took the package, closing the door.
"What is it?" Morgan raised a brow.
"A package." Fleur sat it down.
"Who from?"
"Doesn't say..Assuming my moms, but you never know." Fleur opened up the box.
Inside was a handgun, normal..Fleur lifted it out and inspected it, on it had her initials, 'C.L.'
"That.. Doesn't look like its from your moms." Morgan shook his head.
"..It's my gun from when I was with the Doves." Fleur sighed.
"Come here, babygirl." Morgan held his arms out to her.
Fleur placed the gun down and hugged back.
Morgan rubbed her back,"He's not going to get away with this."
"..Yeah, yeah, he won't."
"I'm going to keep you safe."
"I know." Fleur kissed her head
Morgan kissed her cheek,"He's gonna ever trying to get us."
"I'm going to head upstairs for a shower, okay?"
"Of course. Just let me know if you need anything."
Fleur took the box and walked upstairs, unloading the gun and looked at the bullets. Inside the chamber, there was only one bullet.. With a dove engraved on it.
"Merde." Fleur muttered.
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