Chapter 71 - Painless

"Tell Hotch I won't be there till a little later." Fleur told Elijah over the phone.

"I will- Are you alright?" Elijah asked her.

"I'm fine. I just have a meeting with Addy's teacher."

"..Is she okay?" Elijah questioned.

"I don't know." Fleur sighed.

"Tell me how it goes, yeah?"

"I will." Fleur hummed, hanging up and walking into the school.

She soon met Adelaide's teacher, Miss Morris, who was waiting just outside her classroom door.

"Miss Morris?" Fleur walked over.

"Yes, you must be Miss Howards." She nodded as she lead Fleur inside her classroom.

"Yeah- Is everything okay?"

"Well, Addy is a joy to have in class. She always puts her head down and does as she's told." Miss Morris sighed,"Unfortunately, there have been some issues with her and another classmate."

"Really?" Fleur blinked.

She nodded,"Has Addy ever mentioned a classmate named Sasha before?"

"Sasha..Sasha Clark?"


"Sasha Clark, yeah. She's been out with Adelaide before."

"Well, I've noticed recently that Sasha has made some comments towards Addy." Miss Morris shook her head,"About some boy?"

"Do you know the name of the boy?"

"Neither girl would tell me when I asked."

"I can speak about it." Fleur sighed.

"It doesn't seem to be too bad yet. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of this." Miss Morris told her.

"Right, of course." Fleur nodded.

"Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"

"Just how she's doing in class."

"She always tries her absolute hardest." Miss Morris smiled as she handed Fleur a piece of paper,"Here are her scores on the last few tests."

"I am proud of her. Thank you, Miss Morris." Fleur held up the sheet,"Can I keep this?"

"Of course." She nodded.

Fleur smiled and held out her hand,"Thank you."

"No problem." Miss Morris shook her hand.


"Sorry I'm late, I was at Adelaide's school." Fleur sighed, walking into the Conference Room.

"That's alright." Hotch nodded,"JJ?"

"Garcia has the file." JJ hummed.

"That I do." Garcia stood up, putting an image on the screen,"Does anyone remember this picture?"

"Hotch and I were there." Rossi nodded,"That's Principle Doug Givens. We had to drag him to safety."

"High school bombing in Boise, right?" Emily asked.

"School shooter and school bomber. A kid named Randy Slade shot three students then set off an IED in the cafeteria via cell phone, killing himself and thirteen kids total, but not before posting all of his plans online." JJ sighed,"It was one of those, 'where were you?' events. My whole campus was glued to the TV."

"Last night, Principal Givens was killed by a bomb modeled exactly like the old one." Garcia told them.

"It feels like the UnSub wants to attack the man who kept the school together after the bombing. It's a pretty symbolic target." Morgan shook his head.

"And this week is the tenth anniversary of the massacre." Hotch realized.

"And today is the first day of a four day event to commemorate the bombing at the school." Garcia added.

"Except commemorating it isn't enough for the Unsub." Elijah sighed.

"No, he wants to relive it." Hotch nodded.


"Perpetrators of school violence are often sophisticated with their weapons." Reid told them,"Randy Slade carried his bomb in his backpack. This guy hid his in Given's clock radio."

"Yeah, and progressive. Each one tried to top the body count of one previous." Emily shrugged.

"And they're loners by default, not by choice. They try to join in various social groups, but are shut out." Elijah sighed.

"Randy Slade wasn't a loner at all." Hotch shook his head.

"The family cooperated fully with us. He was a high-funtioning psychopath, straight-A student, varsity wrestler, lots of girlfriends." Rossi told them.

"With an above average intelligence that made him incredibly resourceful. His explosive or choice was Semtex, it's found at demolition sites but it's held under lock and key." Reid explained.

"Which made us consider the possibility of a partner. Never found one." Rossi added.

"Slade was too much of a narcissist to share credit. But he was also an impulsive teen, which is what bothers me about this UnSub." Hotch sighed.

"His sense of control?" Emily raised a brow.

"And the endgame that he's working toward. Slade's pathology revolved around the big kill. This UnSub could have done the same if he'd waited for the candlelight vigil." Hotch continued.

"Which means there's no blaze of glory fantasy here. This Unsub has more bombs made, and he's savoring the anticipation of his next attack." Rossi finished.


"Okay. So the UnSub has to be tied to the school somehow, right? Current student, alumni, family member who lost someone?" JJ suggested.

"It could be a Slade groupie celebrating his hero. He taped nails to the exterior of the bomb, specifically to rip open flesh. That's a specific detail of Slade's the Unsub copied." Reid explained.

"Except he tricked Givens into blowing himself up. A groupie probably wouldn't show that much self control." She crossed her arms.

"But someone with an axe to grind against the principal would. Maybe he's a surrogate for the tormentors in high school he can't punish." Elijah hummed,"Who were yours?"

"I don't even remember." JJ shook her head.

"You don't even remember? Wait, were you one of the mean girls?" Reid blinked.

"No." JJ quickly turned around.

"Valedictorian, soccer scholarship, corn-fed, but still a size zero." Elijah gasped,"I think you might've been a mean girl."

"I was actually one of the nice girls, even to guys like you two." JJ pointed.

"Guys like us? I'll have you know that my social standing increased once I started winning at basketball." Reid pointed.

"Oh yeah, you played basketball?"

"I didn't play, I coached basketball. I broke down the opposing team's shooting strategy." Reid shrugged.

"Is that why Morgan kicked you out of the pool last week?" JJ blinked.

"Yeah. It took him three rounds to realize I was hustling him." Reid hummed.


"It looks like we're not the only ones interested in Brandon." Fleur hummed as they pulled into the street.

They wanted to interview Brandon Slade, Randy's brother, but there were already reporters all over the lawn.

"It's gonna make it a lot harder for us to talk our way in." Emily sighed.

"Unless we use it to our advantage." Hotch looked out the window.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." Rossi spoke, announcing the crowd as they got out of the SUV,"I'm SSL David Rossi of the FBI. That's R-O-S-S-I. So if anyone had any questions, feel free to ask them now."

Rossi stood with Morgan and Fleur answering the questions that were fired their way until the one they expected most.

"Does this have anything to do

with Brandon Slade?" A reporter asked.

"It's unlikely." Fleur shook her head.

"Dave." Hotch, who'd been at the door of the house with Randy and Brandon's mother, called to him.

"Alright. Be free to call me if you have any backup questions. My phone number is 702-555-0103. Morgan hummed as they turned away.

"And what's your name, sir?" The reporter asked him.

"Dr Spencer Reid. R-E-I-D." Morgan nodded and walked away, Fleur giving him push.

"What?" He hummed quietly.

"Stop it." Fleur chuckled

"It's just a little joke."

"Reid will take this to the extreme." Fleur warned.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Morgan shrugged.

Fleur shook her head,"You've just started a prank war."

"Look, I'm sure it will be fine." Morgan assured her.


"Partners of dominant psychopaths are usually submissive, but that doesn't mean they can't be intelligent, or thay they're physically weak." Hotch began the profile.

"This Unsub laid low after the bombing and successfully evaded police and FBI. That took cunning and patience, which he's exhibiting now with his current murders." Morgan contiued.

"We think he fits the loner profile Slade debunked. He grew up in an abusive home, which kept him from forming the normal social bonds in high school." JJ nodded.

"We interviewed all the outcasts from back then. How did this guy slip through?" Chief Cole asked.

"Even outcasts eventually form friendships. But this UnSub was the outcast the outcasts rejected. He won't stand out in any capacity, and as a matter of fact most of his fellow students probably won't even remember graduating with him." Reid explained.

"And that invisibility is what made him attractive to Slade. This partner wouldn't steal the spotlight." Rossi added.

"Slade turned to the cafeteria because most of the names on his list ate there together during fifth period." Fleur hummed.

"So his hatred festered when the names on that list emerged from the cafeteria as media heroes. And now he wants to finish the job that Randy started." Elijah crossed his arms.

"Emotionally, this weekend is more of a high school reunion to him than a memorial. We go to reunions to show who we grew up to be. Often that means changing everything about we we were." Rossi sighed.

"Consciously or not, Randy Slade revealed clues as to his partner's identity when he detonated his bomb. Agent Prentiss will be conducting cognitive interviews to see what the survivors might remember." Hotch explained.


"So as you can see from your board there, this kill list is weirdly similar to high school. Group one is like, the popular kids, prom Court, football team, Dean's list. The Heathers, if you will." Garcia explained.

"Kids in Slade's social circle." Hotch nodded.

"What about number two?" JJ asked.

"Uh, mhm. That would be kids from the other side of the tracks, 180-degree difference, kids this close to getting kicked out, stoners, burnouts, mental cases." Garcia sighed,"Chelsea Grant is on this list."

"Maybe Slade targeted them because they disgusted him?" JJ suggested as Reid's phone rang in the background.

"But they didn't threaten Slade's sense of superiority." Hotch pointed,"He wouldn't have even cared about them."

"Alright, well maybe the partner put them on the list. They'd be closer to his social status than Slade's." Elijah nodded.

"Well, why would the- I'm so sorry." Reid sighed as he took his phone out and declined the call,"Why would the Unsub list kids that he fit in with?"

"Apparently that's how this clique worked. The kids in it were meaner to each other than kids on the outside. Garcia, separate out all the kids who got into trouble regularly. Then climate the names that the partner put on the list. Now who's left that came to the memorial?" Hktch asked.

"Right. Whoever made the list wouldn't put their name on it. Uh.." Garcia typed,"Sir, I think... I think I've got him."


"There's a medical condition called pain asymbolia, where patients register harmful stimuli without being bothered by it. They've been documented holding their hand over an open flame because their brain doesn't send pain signals to the central nervous system." Reid explained.

"Sounds pretty rare. Are you sure the Unsub has it?" Rossi asked.

"The crime scenes prove it. This UnSub displayed an unusual level of savagery towards his victims. And consider this, he smashed through a glass display case, but there were not cuts on Jerry. That means he most likely punched through it as a show of force. Now the only way the homan body could withstand that level of pain is if he couldn't feel it at all." Reid nodded.

"It must take a major toll on someone's emotional development." Elijah crossed his arms.

Reid's phone began ringing again as Morgan spoke,"A significant contributor to our sense of empathy is the way we personally experience pain."

"And the Unsub didn't develop his sense of empathy because his was cut off. Does every person with asymbolia have this?" Hotch turned to Reid.

"Actually, most feel empathy just fine, which makes me think the rest of our profile is still accurate. Loner, invisible, outcast, boiling rage.. Son of a bitch!" Reid yelled as he answered his phone,"Hi! This is Dr Spencer Reid. I actually can come to the phone with a very special message that your mother is-"

"Reid." Elijah put his hand on Reid's shoulder.

"Sorry- I'm really sorry." He cleared his throat,"I don't know what got into me. Where were we?"

"I'm going to have Garcia check medical records. What causes asymbolia?" Hotch asked.

Reid looked over towards Fleur who had pushed Derek back who had a grin on his face.

"..Severe trauma produces lesions in the insular cortex, usually after a stroke. But this Unsub's so young, its most likely caused by an external factor."

"Like a bomb going off next to him?" Rossi raised a brow.

"Yeah, like a bomb going off next to him." Reid nodded, staring at Morgan as Hotch walked out the room before whispering,"I will crush you."

"What?" Morgan hummed.

"What?" Reid quickly looked up before leaving.

"Ooh, you're in trouble." Elijah winked, quickly following Reid.

"I told you." Fleur hummed.

"It was so worth it." Morgan told her.

"I'm sure." Fleur chuckled.


"Recognize the Top Ten?" JJ asked, placing the last photo on the board.

"No." Hotch shook his head.

"They were the students who went in front of the cameras after the bombing." JJ told him.

"I thought all the surviving students were interviewed." Fleur blinked.

"After the initial aftermath, yes, but these are the kids who went on talk shows, travelled to other schools." JJ pointed,"My guess is that they didn't self-select who made the cut."

"Principle Givens did." Hotch sighed.

"That's why the Unsub killed him first. He was an outcast who wanted to fit in. Being a survivor should've been his golden ticket." JJ nodded

"But he was excluded again, and that's why he's killing them."  Fleur looked at the photos.

"Yeah. The rules of high school never changed, not even after a tragedy." She shook her head.

That's when Hotch's phone rang,"Go ahead, Garcia."

"Hey, listen up. I cross-referenced student files with medical records. Now, there were six kids knocked unconscious by that blast, but only one fits the outcast profile." Garcia told him,"His name is Robert Adams, and he just used his credit card at a local restaurant, the address of which I just sent you right now."

"I'm on my way." Hotch nodded, running off.


After they'd stopped Robert and his plan to kill the Top Ten, the team were on the jet back home. Morgan hummed as he laid back in his chair, listening to his music.

"So what's Reid got planned?" Fleur asked Elijah.

"Just you wait, darling." Elijah smirked.

Meanwhile in Morgan's ear, he heard Reid speaking through his headphones, even when he tried changing the song.

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled musical selection with an important announcement. Never wage a practical joke war against an MIT graduate, because we have a history of going nuclear. Now sit back, relax and enjoy the dulcet sounds of me screaming in your ear." He screamed.

Morgan quickly took of his headphones, everyone able to hear the screaming,"Okay, kid, that was cute, but that's all you got?"

Reid pretended to sleep, snoring as Morgan's phone rang.

Morgan shook his head, picking it up,"Hey, babygirl-"

Then he heard Elijah screaming on the other end. Reid snickered, still pretending to be asleep as Elijah took our a white handkerchief from his pocket.

"Do you.. Maybe want this?" He hummed.

"Nu-Uh. Alright, Reid, it's on. Just know that payback is a bitch." Morgan chuckled.

"Oh, that's great." Fleur smiled.

Reid contiued to pretend to be asleep, snoring softly.

"So.. How's Addy?" Elijah looked over at Fleur.

"Oh- She's apparently being bullied by this kid at school because of a boy." Fleur sighed.

Elijah blinked,"She is?"

"Addy won't take shit though." Fleur shrugged.

"As she shouldn't."

"She'll be okay."

"If she isn't, you make sure to call me." Elijah pointed.

"Of course I will."

"Thank you." He nodded.

"I'm going to talk about it to her when I'm home." Fleur leaned back.

"I hope it goes well." Elijah sighed.

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