Chapter 56 - Remembrance of Things Past

"So Ellie's on her way to school?" Fleur asked as they drove into work.

"Yeah." Morgan sighed.

"I'm glad she's getting on at her new foster home." Fleur hummed.

"I worry about her, y'know?" Morgan looked over at her,"I'm scared she'll run off."

"I don't think she would.. Not after what happened."

"I know, but still." Morgan shook his head.

"Hey, don't worry." Fleur sighed.

"I can't help but worry. I mean, I love that kid."

"And she loves you, you're the only one she really has."

"She lot pretty much everything, and I never want her to feel that scared again."

"You and me both."

Morgan smiled,"We'll protect her."

"Course we will. She can come whenever, her and Addy can be friends."

"I'm sure they'd both love that."

"What do you think will be today?" Fleur sighed.

"Well, I always pray for something quick with minimal casualties." Morgan told her.

Fleur just looked at him,"We only get that in our dreams." She laughed.

"You never know, one day we might get lucky." Morgan pointed.

"One day which will come never."

"Never say never."

Fleur shook her head with a chuckle and got out,"Race you inside?"

"Oh, you're on." Morgan smirked as he got out as well.

"Morgan, over there!" Fleur pointed and ran off.

"Wh- How dare you!" Morgan ran after her.

Fleur laughed as she reached the headquarters and ran inside.


"Take care of yourself, okay kid?" Elijah hummed over the phone.

"Of course I will." Tyler nodded.

"I'm always a call away if you need me."

"I know you are, I'll call you after school." Tyler told him.

"Alright, love you."

"Love you too, Elijah." He hung up.

Elijah smiled as he put his phone down and picked up his jacket.

"Was that Tyler?" Reid fixed his hair, he and Elijah had cut and styled it.

"Mhm." Elijah nodded, turning around,"He's growing up. He's just a bit older than Addy."

"Jesus, it felt like yesterday we helped him." Reid chuckled.

"I know. He's been doing just fine, but after all that stuff with Ellie.. I figured I'd call him a little more."

"I'm sure he appreciates it." He smiled.

"He said he'd call after school." Elijah hummed.

"How does my hair look?"

"You look great." Elijah wrapped his arms around him.

"I do try." Reid chuckled and held his arms.

"You don't really need to. You always look good."

"Why thank you."

Elijah smiled and kissed his cheek,"Are you ready for today?"

"So far, yes." Reid nodded.

"Good. Hopefully it won't be too chaotic."

"We can wish but never get." Reid groaned.

"Hey, we might get lucky." Elijah pointed.


"Come on then, let's go."

"Already ahead of you." Reid kissed his cheek and walked to the door.


"Is that Ellie again?" Emily asked as Morgan put his phone away, walking into the Conference Room.

"She texts me every morning on her way to school." Morgan nodded.

"How's she doing?" Reid raised a brow.

"Well, she's already got herself a BFF names Jill, and she thinks she wants to play soccer." Fleur hummed.

"She's adjusting, that's good." Elijah smiled.

"Bristol, Virginia. The body of twenty-five year old Jenny DeLily was found yesterday. She had been tortured, sodomised and electrocuted before being forced to make a goodbye call to her parents. Her body was then dumped off Elden Street. A week ago the body of Kara Kirkland was found in the same area having suffered identical injuries." Hotch walked in, handing out case files.

"This reminds me of The Butcher case." Morgan pointed.

"Why does that name sound familiar to me?" Emily raised a brow.

"The Butcher was a sexual sadist that killed twenty women in the same area of Virginia between 1984 and 1993 and then vanished. He tortured blond women that lived in or near Bristol." Reid explained.

"That was one of Rossi's old cases, wasn't it?

"Yes." Hotch nodded.

"Does he know?" Morgan asked quietly as they heard footsteps coming to the door.

Hotch stayed quiet as Rossi walked in, carrying a box filled with old evidence.

"Some vacation. Did you get any sun?" Emily hummed.

"I never got any anything." Rossi told her.

"Do..You think The Butcher's back?" Elijah looked up at him.

"I doubt it. I profiled him as a white male in his 40s back then. He'd be in his 70s by now." Rossi shook his head.

"Didn't you almost catch him?" Morgan raised a brow.

"In the spring on '93, we narrowed the geographical profile. We alerted every blond in their mid 20s in Bristol and surrounding areas. The pressure got so intense the killing just stopped."

"The Copelands killed into their 70s. This could be him coming back." Reid suggested.

"It's most likely a copycat. But if he's emulating The Butcher, he could just be getting started." Hotch sighed.


"It feels so weird not having JJ here." Fleur sighed.

"I know." Elijah looked around.

"I don't like it."

"We'll get used to it.. Eventually." Morgan assured her.

That's when Hotch walked in, holding the files.

"Alright, let's go over victimology." He nodded.

"Both Jenny DeLily and Kara Kirkman were single professional women. Jenny had just gotten a job as a web designer and Kara worked for a non-profit." Reid began.

"Each woman was taken from a populated area with no witnesses. Jenny from a crowed drugstore parking lot, Kara from the back patio of a ground-floor apartment when her roommate went inside to answer the phone." Emily contiued.

"Why not take the roommate?" Morgan wondered.

"She's brunette. He prefers blondes." Rossi answered.

"These vics were forced to make phone calls. Jenny left a message and Kara spoke to her fiancé." Fleur pointed.

"Garcia, were you able to trace the calls?" Hotch asked her.

"My pretties, they're using disposable cells, so I'm coming up empty." Garcia shook her head over the computer.

"We do have a timeline, though. According to the M.E's report, both victims were dead for around three hours before they were found, which means based on the times of their messages, they endured five additional hours of torture after making their goodbye calls." Morgan informed them.

"It wasn't enough that he caused his pain and suffering, it extended to their parents aswell?" Reid sighed.

"Rossi, were the phone calls The Butcher made his victims make similar?" Elijah tilted his head.

"Yeah, but the content varied. Thirteen vics left answering machine messages for loved ones, five actually talked to someone before they died and two reached no one." Rossi explained.

"But didn't The Butcher make his victims end their messages by saying the enjoyed it?" Emily asked.

"That was the signature." Hotch sighed.

"Wouldn't that make a sadist flaccid?" Morgan questioned.

"It wasn't about him." Rossi shook his head,"It was about the parents. He wanted to make sure they knew he had complete control and dominance over their daughters."

"Alright, Morgan, Deans and Prentiss, go to the M.E. we need to compare ritual and MO. Rossi, Reid, Howards and I will interview families and fo over the messages." Hotch told them.

"Rossi, what's in the box?" Morgan looked over.

Rossi turned to the box, sighing,"Evil."


Rossi, Fleur, Hotch and Reid walked into the police department, the box never leaving Rossi's hand

"This isn't The Butcher, believe me." Detective Green pointed.

"We need a room with a whiteboard a window and seven chairs." Rossi told him.

"Unless The Butcher is Jack LaLane, this is a younger copycat." Green shook his head.

"The bodies were left in the exact same location." Reid commented.

"Everybody knew the details of this case. The paper even printed part of the answering machine messages."

"Have you been able to step up police presence on Elden Street?" Hotch asked.

"Well, it's a seven-mile stretch that runs through the city. I've done what I could considering our budget." He nodded.

"Are Detective Clemmons, Benton and Gallagher still here? They worked on the first case." Rossi turned.

"Clemmons and Benton bith died two years ago. Gallagher retured from the force whenr his wife was killed at the Pentagon on 9/11." Green sighed.

"So you're the lead Detective on this?" He blinked.

"Unfortunately." Green nodded,"Look, the families of the victims should be here any minute. If there's anything I can do to help you guys, let me know."

"Thank you." Fleur sighed.


"You can tell from the burn wounds that they were assaulted with an electrified object." The M.E told them.

"Curling iron? Poker?" Morgan guessed.

"Inconclusive. They also have numerous lacerations on their bodies. Slight ones near the throat, deep ones on the chest." She told them.

"Multiple knives." Emily looked up.

"The guy was creative."

"Creatively sick." Elijah sighed,"What about the contusions on the backs of their heads?"

"They were most likely sustained during the abduction." The M.E nodded.

"This is a different approach than The Butcher's abductions. Based on Rossi's profile, The Butcher was a smooth-talker who lured his victims without initial physical force." Morgsn shook his head.

"Yet clearly this UnSub doesn't have the same confidence or finesse. He's sloppy." Emily shrugged,"Thank you."

"You're welcome."


"Jenny DeLily's message didn't match any of the victims old messages until we get to Susan Cole, The Butcher's last kill." Fleur began explaining to Hotch and Green.

"Their messages were identical, minus the line about enjoying it, The Butcher's signature." Rossi continued.

"Their victimologies are similar too." Reid added.

Hotch turned as the other three walked in,"What did the M.E say?"

"Mutiple wounds from two different knifes on each victim. There's no way Jenny DeLily was abducted by one person." Morgan shook his head.

"So two knives and two Unsubs?" He furrowed his brow.

"He couldn't take Jenny alone. When you look at Kara's patio and the fact that the roommate went inside for two seconds, it's highly unlikely." Morgan shook his head.

"So what are you saying?" Green questioned.

"We're looking for a team." Emily sighed.


The team had just been called to another body. The Butcher, or Butchers, has claimed another victim.

"Heather Langley, she lives nearby." Emily looked at her driver's license.

"Third body in a week." Fleur sighed.

"I've got additional units patrolling the area, but it's too big." Green shook his head.

"The UnSubs fit the community, they go unnoticed." Hotch told him.

"This is the exact same place Susan Cole, The Butcher's last kill, was dumped." Rossi realised,"Heather's body is laid out in the same way."

"Arms above her head, demeaning straddle." Morgan remembered.

"Exactly the same stab wounds." Elijah looked at the file.

"The wounds are strategically placed so they miss the major arteries but inflict maximum pain. These UnSubs aren't just trying to copy The Butcher, they're trying to exactly reenact his last kill." Reid explained.

"Copycats usually start from the beginning. Why are they fixated on the last crime?" Emily asked.

"Something about this particular case is significant to them?" Reid suggested.

"Morgan and Prentiss, contact the parents. See if they got a phone call." Hotch pointed.

"You should make the notification first." Morgan turned to Green.

"Yeah, we will. And then we'll bring the parents down to the station." Green nodded.

"We need to release the profile." Hotch told Rossi.

"Hotch. The Butcher is somehow involved in this. The nuances are just too similar. The park, the hand position, the body. I think we should wait on the profile." Rossi insisted.

"But there are aspects of The Butcher's signature that are not present here, Dave." Hotch shook his head,"And there are things that this UnSub is doing that The Butcher never did. You profiled him as a narcissist who worked alone. He would never partner up."

"I just have a gut feeling that it's him." Rossi sighed.

"Do you want to hold back the profile based on a feeling?" Hotch asked.

Rossi stayed quiet but Elijah put his hand on his shoulder.


"These UnSubs, or unknown subjects, are considerably organised." Hotch began to give the profile.

"They most likely have some sort of secondary location they use to torture the victims." Reid nodded.

"Their skill level is evidenced by the high risk public nature of their abductions." Morgan added.

"They're able to lure their indended victims with some sort of a ruse. They then blitz them with overwhelming force to incapacitate them." Elijah contiued.

"Agent Rossi, has The Butcher come out of hiding?" A cop asked.

But Rossi remained silent, staring off into space.

"We think that this is the work of two of his fans and that they're going to strike again." Hotch answered for him.


The team were going through evidence when Rossi walked in, rubbing out all the possible pairings on the whiteboard aside from 'Father and son'.

"This is what it is." He pointed.

"A father-son partnership?" Hotch blinked.

"Wait, an older alpha with a younger submissive?" Reid tilted his head.

"It's very rare for sexual sadism to be an inherited trait. That's why we ruled out." Emily shook her head.

"What if he created his partner and groomed him? He would be in complete control and have his trust." Elijah crossed his arms.

"It would explain how The Butcher is able to abduct women. He's older, appears harmless, but his son lies in wait." Morgan nodded.

"The Butcher has a child. I never profiled that." Rossi sighed.

"I just got a call from Heather Langley's father. Turns out he did get a message." Green walked in.

"He said he'd checked his phone." Hotch looked up at him.

"No one thought to check Mr Langley's job. His secretary pulled the voicemail, she can play it for us."

"Let's hear it." Rossi nodded.

"Go ahead please." Green spoke through the intercom.

The voicemail then played, with Heather finishing by saying that she enjoyed it..

"I enjoyed it. That's his signature." Rossi pointed,"It's him."


"So Sylvia Marks was The Butcher's first kill. Karen Bachner was his eighth." Reid pointed to the pictures of the board.

"So why weren't they forced to make phone calls?" Hotch asked.

"Sylvia was his first kill. He was building up his confidence." Rossi shrugged.

"Then he thinks to himself, how can I hurt the most people?" Fleur sighed,"I'll have them make calls."

"And then six women after that made phone calls. Why did he stop at Karen?" Hotch asked,"Garcia, what are Karen Bachner's parents' names?"

"George and Claire Bachner died in a car accident when Karen was nineteen." Garcia answered.

"But my notes say Karen had a husband named Lee Mullens." Rossi looked at his notes.

"But he didn't receive a call." Emily shook her head.

"When I interviewed him at the station, he said he didn't have an answering machine."

"Do they have a child?" Hotch asked.

"Uh, negative." Garcia shook her head.

"Wait. They had a son, I wrote it down, Colby." Rossi looked up.

"Garcia, run Karen's maiden name. Bachner." Morgan pointed.

"Oh, there it is, sir. You are totally right. Karen had a son, Colby Bachner born at Johnson Memorial in Bristol, Virginia." Garcia nodded.

"Was the father there to sign the birth certificate?" Hotch asked.

"Yes, his name was..Lee Mullens. Karen had Colby two years before her and Lee had gotten married." Garcia explained.

"Are the father and son still in the area?" Elijah questioned.

"Yeah, Lee Mullens and Colby Bachner live at 1844 Shadow Wood Lane, which is six miles from where the victims were dumped."

"So maybe Karen Bachner never made a call because the most important person in her life was already in the room with her. Her son." Reid realised.

"Oh hells no. They're licensed electricians." Garcia gasped.

"Let's go." Hotch grabbed his jacket.


"Ellie called Derek again." Emily sighed.

"Again?" Elijah raised a brow.


"What did she say?" He asked.

"She was saying goodnight to him."

"Well, she's clearly quite attached to him."

"He's the only person she's got right now." Fleur sighed.

"I know." Elijah nodded,"But Morgan won't always be around."

"He just wants to be there for now." Fleur hummed as she read her emails.

"I'm just saying." Elijah took a sip of water.

"..Oh." Fleur stopped once she read an email.

"What is it?" Emily turned to her.

Fleur turned around her computer screen,"Lee Mullens attempted suicide. He's now in a psychiatric ward."

"Well, he won't be a danger to anyone there. Hopefully." Reid sighed.

"How do you think Rossi will react?"

"He was really invested in the case- I'm not sure." Elijah shook his head.

"Do you want to go tell him?" Reid suggested.

"Wish me luck." Elijah stood up.

"Good luck." They chuckled.

Elijah gave them a smile before he headed up to Rossi's office, knocking on the door and walking in.


"I, uh, I've got some news for you."

"What's up?" Rossi looked up.

"Well.. Lee Mullens tried to kill himself." Elijah told him.

Rossi nodded slowly,"..Right. Did he survive?"

"Yeah, he's in a psychiatric ward."

Rossi sighed,"Well, least he's..Safer in there."

"Are you alright?" Elijah asked him.

"I didn't profile him as the type to do that." Rossi shook his head.

"We can't always know what's going on in the head of a guy like that all the time." Elijah sat down.

"Unfortunately that's the job, kiddo." Rossi sighed.

"Well, let's put it this way. You profiled him as a narcissist." Elijah began,"Maybe as he started mentally and physically deteriorating, he figured he'd be better off dead."

"Maybe." Rossi nodded slowly.

"You're a great profiler, dad. One of the best. Sometimes stuff like this happens, but it doesn't make you any less of a profiler."

"Where did you get this knowledge from?" Rossi chuckled,"You sound like me."

"I learned from the best." Elijah hummed.

"I guess you did, Figlio." He smiled.

"Now you call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Go home, get some rest." Rossi nodded.

"You need to rest as well." Elijah pointed.

"I will."

"You better."

"Go." Rossi chuckled.

"I'm going." Elijah walked out before quietly whispering,"Love you, old man."

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