Chapter 20 - Now Way Out: The Evilution of Frank
"Can you just hold these, please?" Reid asked, handing Elijah a stack of books.
"Of course." Elijah nodded, almost dropping the books, he didn't expect them to be that heavy.
"How many is that now?" Reid bit his nails,"I think... Seven?"
"Don't bite."
"I'm thinking."
"Do I need any more of them?"
"I'm sure there will do you... For a week." Elijah sighed.
"I might get another one just in case I finish the seventh one." Reid grabbed another,"Okay. I think I'm done."
"Thank goodness."
"You're a strong man." Reid hummed.
"I have to be strong, someone needs to look after you." Elijah told him.
"My hero." Reid kissed his cheek before they walked to the counter.
"Before you ask, I'm paying." Elijah nodded to him.
"Are you sure?"
"Babe, I'm treating you." Elijah assured him.
"Okay." Reid smiled happily.
"Will this be all for you, gentlemen?" Sheryl asked.
"I believe so." Elijah sat down the stack of books.
"Just eight? That's a new number." She joked.
"Don't tempt him." Elijah sighed.
"Do you think I need another Sheryl?"
"Maybe one more." Sheryl smirked.
"Sheryl." Elijah blinked.
"Good idea." Reid smiled and ran off.
"Sheryl, my bank account." Elijah sighed,"Next time, I'm deciding what we do for date night."
"What's your idea for a date night?"
"I don't know- Watch a film? Stay at home, I'm a great cook."
"What's the best thing you can cook?"
Elijah was quiet,"I'm working on it."
Sheryl laughed as Reid came back, placing a final book down,"Okay, finished."
"Well, how much do I owe you?" Elijah took out his wallet,"Or... Don't tell me, I don't want to know. Just- Can I see the card machine."
Sheryl handed him the card machine, looking away. Elijah put his card in, entering the pin... He loved this man too much.
"Accepted. Have a nice day, boys." Sheryl hummed.
"I will try to sleep with the choices I've made today." Elijah nodded, putting the books into a bag.
"It's towards a great cause." Reid pointed.
"You owe me so much attention after this." Elijah pointed back as they started to leave.
"I can do that." Reid nodded as Elijah's phone rang.
Elijah sighed and answered,"What do you need, darling?"
"Deans." Hotch spoke.
"Oh- Uh- Yes, sir?" Elijah quickly corrected himself.
"We need you to come to an address I'm going to send you. I assume you're with Reid?"
"He is with me, correct." Elijah nodded.
"I'll need both of you to come down."
"We'll be there."
Hotch nodded and hung up.
Elijah sighed and put his phone away,"I hate cutting date night short, but we have work to do."
"That's fine." Reid sighed,"We're taking the books."
"All nine?"
"All nine. I'll read one on the plane or car."
"Well, we'd better get to this address then." Elijah kissed Reid's cheek as he walked out.
"So, what do you think?" Fleur handed Derek a bowl.
"It looks the same as the last two you've shown me." Morgan nodded slowly.
"There's different shades, Cheri. The other ones were darker." Fleur blinked.
"Are you sure? They look pretty similar to me." Morgan shrugged.
"You're useless." Fleur groaned,"What one?"
"Look, let's just go with this one." Morgan held it up.
"You're sure this ones good?"
"Yes, hun."
Fleur nodded as she walked to the checkout,"Okay."
"Is that all for you, Ma'am?" The cashier asked.
"That's all." Fleur nodded.
"Alright." She nodded and scanned the bowl.
"Where do you think we should get food?" Fleur turned to Morgan as she paid.
"Anywhere you want, babygirl." Morgan hummed.
"We'll find somewhere." Fleur nodded,"Thank you." She took the bag and walked out the store.
"Well, what are you in the mood for?" Morgan asked.
"Maybe... A Chinese."
"I love a woman with good taste." Morgan grinned.
"You just love me." Fleur hummed.
As the two were walking to the car, they heard a small cry coming from the alley next to them.
"Did... You hear that?" Morgan asked slowly
"Is it a baby?" Fleur stopped.
"We'd better check." Morgan nodded.
Fleur walked down the small alley next to the shop. The two then looked down at a cardboard box with... A small kitten inside.
"A cat?" Morgan raised a brow.
"Oh my goodness." Fleur quickly picked the kitten up.
"Maybe we should call Elijah. He found a cat in an alley, right?" Morgan shook his head.
"He found Muffin." She nodded,"You call, she's scared."
"Right." Morgan took out his phone,"Deans, I need help."
"Fleur's favourite ice cream is vanilla." Elijah answered.
"No- Noted. But, we've just found a kitten."
"Aw, what are you going to name it?" Elijah asked.
"Uh-uh, naming it?" Morgan blinked.
"Well- Yeah. Fleur has wanted a kitten for ages, I thought this was your date night present."
"My date night present is going out for dinner."
"Mine is ruining my bank account." Elijah sighed.
"That's Reid for you." Morgan chuckled,"Now what do we do with the cat, kid?"
"Well, you keep it warm, for starters if you found it outside." Elijah pointed.
"We need to take it home, don't we?"
"Shame on you, if you were going to leave the poor thing."
"Flo's fallen in love already." He sighed.
"Aw, I can't wait to meet her." Elijah smiked,"Oh- Reid's got like six books. I'll call you back."
"Okay." Morgan hung up.
"What did he say?" Fleur asked, speaking in a baby voice since she was holding the kitten.
"To keep it warm and take it home." Morgan sighed.
"We're taking her home right now." Fleur nodded.
"Are you absolutely sure about this?" Morgan asked.
"I'm the most sure I have ever been."
"Well, if you're so sure... Let's head back to the car." Morgan nodded
Fleur smiled and held the kitten close to her as she walked to the car. As Morgan started the car, Fleur's phone started to ring.
"Bonjour?" Fleur answered.
"Howards, is Morgan with you?" Hotch asked her.
"Yes sir." Fleur nodded.
"Good. I need you both to come to the address I'm going to send you." Hotch instructed.
"We can do that. Just... No, it's fine."
"I'll see you there." Hotch then hung up.
Fleur sighed,"Garcia is going to need to petsit."
"Why? Do you we have a case?" Morgan raised a brow.
"I think so. I'm being sent an address."
"Well, if I ignore traffic rules, I could get us to Garcia and then the adress." Morgan nodded slowly.
"Please ignore them." Fleur kissed the kitten's head.
"Anything for you, princess." Morgan began to drive.
"Should I name the kitten?"
"I think you should."
"Your name is... Marie." Fleur smiled softly.
"Oh, I like that." Morgan smiled too.
"Hotch? Where's Gideon?" Morgan asked as he and Fleur arrived, walking into Gideon's house.
"I called his cell, its right there." Hotch nodded to the phone on the table,"It seems he left in a hurry."
"PD thinks he did this?" Fleur pointed to the woman dead on Gideon's bed.
"They have six witnesses who saw him running down the street, covered in blood, wielding a gun." Hotch sighed as Reid and Elijah walked in.
"Okay, he was probably chasing the son of a bitch who did this." Morgan scoffed, JJ walking in and looking inside the bedroom.
"Either way, we're under strict orders not to interfere with the investigation." Hotch crossed his arms,"Gideon is a suspect, we're his colleagues."
"Conflict of interest. There's no way they'll ask for our help." JJ sighed.
"Which he needs badly right now." Hotch shook his head.
"Well, who spoke to him last?" Fleur asked, walking over to Elijah.
"I did, about two hours ago." Hotch nodded.
"What did he say?" Reid looked into the bedroom.
"He said he was late for a date."
"Do we even know who she is?" Elijah gestured to the body lying on the bed.
"An old school friend. We're conflicted out of the investigation. We're just here to answer questions MPD might have, so we need to assess what we can while we can." Hotch explained.
"Evisceratiom of the torso, removal of various organs. The guy's clearly a sexually sadistic psychopath." Reid shook his head.
"He's well-versed with a scalpel. He's done this before. We need to at least get photos." Emily sighed.
"JJ, your cell phone." Hotch nodded to her,"Get as many as you can as quick as you can and get them to Garcia."
She nodded, walking off to the bedroom.
"No sign of forced entry, why?" Hotch walked over to the front door.
"Everything is as it was, nothing has been disturbed. Wine poured, but not drank." Morgan paced,"The victim simply let the assailant in. And why wouldn't she? She was waiting on Gideon. It's his home."
"Forensics won't find any defensive wounds. Why? Because she didn't defend herself. She couldn't. He came here looking for Gideon and he found her. Now he knew he didn't have a lot of time, but here she is and here he stands. A sexual sadist. A psychopath with a need to kill just as natural as his need to breathe." Fleur sighed.
"He moved swiftly, every stroke of his blade exact. From torso to throat. She was awake the entire time until mercifully, she passed away." Emily crossed her arms.
"A toxicology report will find high traces of ketamine in her blood." Elijah contiued,"He opened her up, removed her lower right rib bone which is missing."
"Eli, left hand." Fleur pointed.
Elijah took put a handkerchief and opened up Sarah's closed hand,"It looks like part of the rib bone."
"Frank's back." Fleur sighed.
"If this is who we think it is, he took those rib bones as gifts to give to Jane." Reid nodded slowly.
"And yet this one he gave to Sarah, why?" Prentiss asked.
"It's not for Sarah, it's for us. It's a message." Hotch sighed.
"We need to tell the police what we found." Fleur nodded as they all walked out of the bedroom.
"Wait." Hotch shook his head.
"For what?" Emily blinked.
"If we know anything about Frank, he wouldn't have left any trace of his DNA in here." Morgan told them.
"There are a number of ways this scene could be interpreted and all of them could indicate Gideon." Hotch explained.
"And as long as Frank is out there we can't afford to stop and explain any of it." Morgan nodded.
"Last time he did all of this for Jane." Reid stood next to Elijah.
"Well, things seem to have changed radically." Hotch sighed.
"Maybe she's dead." Elijah suggested, rubbing Reid's arm,"If they had a lover's quarrel and he killed her."
"If he came here looking for Gideon, maybe he found him." Reid nodded.
"Let's go find out where Gideon went." Morgan pointed as they walked out.
"Frank had to have come out the same way, down this street. If they saw Gideon, they saw Frank." Morgan pointed, meeting up with the others in the middle.
"Well, we know Frank will do whatever it takes to blend in and not stand out." Emily sighed.
"Well, to avoid attracting attention, he would've simply walked calmly out of the crime scene." Fleur mentioned.
"The evisceration of Sarah, though, means he would've been soaked in her blood." Reid shook his head.
"No, he had access to Gideon's closet." Elijah crossed his arms,"He cleans up, gets a change of clothes, he's out."
"Yet he left no trace of evidence at the crime scene." Morgan pointed.
"Gideon said he dumped it en route." Hotch told them, walking over with a plastic bag in his hands.
"You spoke to Gideon?" Emily turned to him.
"Where is he, Hotch?" Morgan asked.
"He's safe." Hotch answered.
"Well, that's all the proof we need, right? We can turn him over to MPD now." Emily nodded.
"By the time this comes back from the lab, Frank will be gone." Hotch shook his head.
"If the cops find out we're hiding evidence and a material witness from them.." Morgan sighed.
"We're not hiding evidence. We'll give this to forensics, let them search for DNA. We'll look for Frank." Hotch explained.
"Agent Morgan?" A little boy skated over.
"What the hell?" Fleur blinked.
"They say beauty can cover a multitude of sins." The boy began.
"What?" Morgan turned to the boy.
"While underneath it all, we all look exactly the same."
"That's Frank. He said that to me in the diner." Morgan turned to the others.
"Give me Jane, or I'll kill them all." The boy added.
"Frank thinks we have Jane?" Elijah blinked.
"We need to find her. Fast." Hotch nodded.
"Can I have my ten bucks now?" The boy asked them.
"Get out of here." Fleur handed him his skateboard back.
"And don't listen to stange men on the street." Elijah pointed as the boy skated off,"Stupid child."
"Gideon saw Jane just before Frank called him. If we find Jane, we'll find Frank." Hotch sighed.
"Last time we found Frank, he outsmarted us." Emily reminded him.
"He took a bus load of children hostage, he gave us no options." Morgan shook his head.
"Well, he's not going to give us any now." Elijah sighed.
"Frank's message. He said, 'I'll kill them all.' Who's he referring to?" Fleur tilted her head.
That's when Emily's phone rang, so she put it on speaker,"JJ?"
"Yeah, Gideon had a book, a black leather-bound book. Garcia discovered something. It looks like the first page has been ripped out. You can only really see what's on the left side of the page. But it's definitely Gideon's handwriting. It looks like some sort of list." JJ explained.
"It's his murder book." Hotch told them.
"Murder book?" Emily blinked.
"When he opens it to the first page, it reminds him why he does what he does." Hotch explained.
"It's a list of all the people he's ever saved. Names, dates, personal details." Reid listed.
"And now, Frank has that list." Elijah sighed.
"Frank said 'I'll kill them all'. That's who he's going after." Reid realised.
"At least the ones he can get to, the ones nearby." Morgan nodded.
"JJ, start locating all the possible targets. We need to call them and warn them." Hotch ordered.
"Got it." JJ then hung up.
"Do we tell Gideon?" Fleur asked.
"Absolutely not." Hotch shook his head,"We need to find out who Frank is first."
"I took these from Gideon's office." JJ held up lots of picture frames, placing them down.
"What about Jane?" Hotch asked as he and Morgan walked in.
"I gave photos of Jane and Frank to all media outlets and I'm liaising with Washington MPD." JJ nodded.
"JJ, if you locate her, make sure we're the first to interrogate her. Don't let PD get to ger." Hotch instructed.
"Is that wise?" Morgan looked at him.
"No, but it is an order. Whatever you do, bring her here first. She's the only one who knows who Frank is." Hotch sighed.
"So far we've narrowed it down to nine possible targets." Reid rushed in with Elijah and Emily.
"Their contact details are in the files. Everyone grab a phone, let's start calling." Emily put the pictures on the screen.
"It's going to be a long night." Elijah sighed as he sat down.
"I'll call Rebecca." JJ got the phone out, dialing the number.
"Hello?" Rebecca answered.
"Rebecca Bryant? Hi, this is Jennifer Jareau with the FBI." JJ began.
Rebecca Bryant was the Fisher King's daughter. They had saved her back in 2005 after being held captive in a basement for two years.
"He's not Agent Gideon, is he?" Rebecca asked shakily.
"Excuse me?" JJ blinked.
"Rebecca? This is Agent Hotchner. If you can, very calmly excuse yourself and get out of the house. Can you do that?" Hotch instructed.
"Rebecca. Just calmly hang up, walk to your door and leave. Okay? Rebecca?" JJ pushed.
"What's going on-" Rebecca suddenly went quiet.
"Rebecca?" Hotch asked.
"I regret to inform you that Rebecca's name should be moved to a new list." A man responded.
"Frank, we don't have her. We do not have Jane." Hotch practically pleaded.
"I will not stop until I have her back." Frank stated.
"Frank. Frank." Hotch tried but Frank had hung up.
"We need to go to the house." Fleur grabbed her jumper.
"Go." Hotch nodded for Morgan to kick the door before they all ran in,"FBI!"
They all cleared the living room and kitchen. All that was left was Rebecca's bedroom. Morgan gently pushed open the door to Rebecca's bedroom but, as they suspected... They were too late. Hotch opened up the curtains, looking down at Rebecca's dead body on the bed.
"Hotch, nothing could've stopped this." Morgan sighed.
"Guys." Fleur put a glove on, taking a letter from Rebecca's grasp,"We've got a note from Frank. 7:00am. Union Station." She read out.
"All eight other targets are safe and accounted for." Elijah crossed his arms.
"Then we've missed someone or something. Now that he's set a meeting.." Hotch trailed off.
"He's going to raise the stakes, just like he did last time." Morgan sighed,"He's going to make it impossible for us not to trade Jane for whoever he's got."
Hotch's phone then began ringing, JJ on the other line,"Yeah, JJ?"
"I think I found Jane. Beat cops picked up a woman who was ranting and raving about needing to talk to the BAU." She told them,"She assaulted one of the police officers, she's being processed as we speak."
"Okay, so what have we missed?" Morgan looked up.
"Frank's incapable of experiencing normal feelings." Reid nodded slowly.
"Yeah, but he takes what normal people hold sacred." Morgan sighed.
"Children." Fleur pointed.
"JJ, I'm going to have Prentiss call you to find out where to pick up Jane. We'll all meet back at the BAU, I'm going to wait for the crime scene unit." Hotch explained.
"I heard you. He's going after children again." JJ sighed.
"I also need you to look at relocations, anything involving children. Families who have recently moved into the DC area since the case." Hotch continued.
"I'm on it." JJ hung up as everyone left the apartment.
"Did I do the right thing by coming here?" Jane asked as she smoked her cigarette.
"Yes, you did the right thing. Please sit down." Elijah told her.
"Is that my bag?" Jane asked as Fleur walked in, handing it to her.
Elijah nodded, fidgeting with his pen.
"Frank hasn't hurt anyone, has he? He wouldn't do that. Not while he has me." Jane insisted.
"He doesn't have you... We do." Fleur nodded, Hotch walking in.
Jane slowly sat down,"He came after Agent Gideon."
"Why did you leave Frank? What changed?" Elijah asked her.
"He did." Jane spoke,"Frank changed. He changed just like Agent Gideon said, and he was so angry with Agent Gideon because he knows Frank better than anyone else. And Frank knows that too."
"Frank wants Agent Gideon to stop him, doesn't he?" Hotch asked.
"Well if anyone can, Agent Gideon can." Jane nodded.
"Not without you, Jane." Elijah told her.
"What do you mean?" Jane turned to him, going through her bag.
"Well, tell us about Frank. Where's he from?" Elijah asked.
Jane slammed her shoes onto the table, taking another cigarette out and lighting it up,"Manhattan."
"Manhattan. Are you sure?" Hotch crossed his arms.
"Yes, I'm sure. He talked about it all the time. He told me where he lived and how he grew up. Everything. He wanted me to know everything." Jane nodded.
"Did he ever say where in Manhattan?" Fleur asked.
"He lived with his mother. She was German. Breitkopf. Mary Breitkopf." Jane told them,"And Frank never knew his father."
"So, he uses his mother's name?" Elijah raised a brow.
"Mhm." Jane nodded, getting up,"And she would take him every Sunday to the fair on Long Island. Oh he talked about her constantly. Ans they would have dinner parties. And Frank would dress up and he would be the barman and he would serve all the guests cocktails.."
"When Frank was with you, did he try to hurt anyone else?" Elijah asked her.
"Being on the run can be very romantic, you know?"
"Did Frank try to kill anyone else?" Fleur spoke firmer.
"Is it wrong?" Jane asked slowly.
"Is what wrong?" Elijah tilted his head slightly.
"Loving Frank?" Jane nodded.
"You don't choose who you fall in love with." Fleur sighed.
"Maybe you thought you could change him. And you did too, for a time." Hotch spoke up.
"Until the desire to kill overwhelmed him." Hotch sighed,"And you saw that, Jane, didn't you? You saw it in him."
Jane shook her head for a second before nodding,"Yes.."
"Who did he try to kill?" Elijah leaned forward.
"Me.. But he stopped himself." Jane began to cry,"We had an argument and I screamed at him. And I said that Gideon was right and he became so angry. And I had to run here. But as long as he's trying to find me, he won't kill again."
"And he's not going to stop until he gets you back." Fleur sighed.
"I'm sorry." Elijah shook his head.
Fleur and Emily had brought Jane up to the platform, Frank standing up immediately. Meanwhile at the apartment, JJ, Reid and Elijah slowly walked in.
"Did you think I wouldn't come looking for you?" Frank asked Jane.
"You killed two innocent women." Jane shook her head.
"Without you, I am lost." Frank told her.
"Tracy, Frank?" Fleur sighed.
"Not until we are safely away."
"Stop it, Frank. I'm not coming." Jane began to tear up.
"It's you and me, forever." Frank nodded.
"I can't go with you."
"I will never be taken by these.. People." Frank shook his head,"And without you, I will not stop. Not ever."
That's when Gideon walked in front of them, his gun raised at Frank,"Sarah was a doctor. She was a mother of three boys."
"Hello Jason." Frank smiled.
"She worked and ran a treatment center for patients with terminal cancer."
"Do you know the birder's term 'twitching', Jason?"
"She dedicated her life to easing the pain of others." Gideon contiued.
"The pursuit of a previously located rare bird." Frank hummed.
"You took the life of hundreds. All because your mother was a whore." Gideon shrugged.
Frank's face fell at the mention of his mother.
"Mary Louise Brietkopf. Single mother. German immigrant. Lived on the Upper East side of Manhattan. She gave birth to her only son, Frank Brietkopf, a bright but ultimately strange boy. A boy that only a mother could love." Hotch began,"His needs were such that even the three jobs she worked couldn't provide for this special child. A child she wouldn't let out into the world. And when she turned to the world's oldest profession, the boy witnessed every terrible visitation."
Inside of the apartment, Reid opened the blinds of the bedroom to reveal... Frank's mother's corpse on the bed, surrounded by flowers. They heard a cry from behind them, from the closet. Inside, after JJ unlocked it, they discovered Tracy Bell, tied up and gagged... But she was alive.
"You're not a rare bird, Frank. Nothing special about you." Gideon spat,"Common. Pedestrian. Boring."
Frank held out his hand,"Jane, this world, we don't fit in it. No one understands what we are."
"Jane, he sees you as his mother. Nothing more, nothing less." Gideon didn't take his eyes off Frank.
"Have you ever been happier than when you've been with me?" Frank hummed.
"Never." Jane shook her head.
"Didn't we have fun?"
"So much."
"Come with me now. It doesn't have to end here." Frank nodded.
Jane walked away from Emily and Fleur, past Gideon to reach Frank's embrace.
"Jane." Gideon looked at her.
"I love you." Frank hummed.
"I love you too." Jane told him as a train whistle blew.
The two took each others hands, before turning towards the tracks and jumping as the train flew by... Hitting them both.
Once everyone was back at the BAU, Fleur had disappeared with Garcia.
"She's such a sweet girl." Garcia told her.
"Do you think I made the right decision? Keeping her?" Fleur wrapped the small blanket around Marie.
"Of course. Keeping a kitten is never, and I mean never, a bad decision." Garcia pointed.
Fleur hummed,"Let's go tell the others."
"Oh, yes!" Garcia smiled.
The two walked out, finding Morgan, Reid, Elijah, JJ and Emily throwing a ball around.
"There you are." Morgan nodded to her,"I was wondering where you went."
"I was getting the baby." Fleur hummed, gesturing to the blanket in her arms.
"Oh my goodness!" Elijah gasped, his voice and demeanor changing,"Hello, baby."
Fleur laughed,"This is Marie. My new furbaby."
"She is precious." Elijah told her,"Wait- I think I might cry."
"Don't cry." Reid chuckled, holding his arm.
"But she's so cute."
"She can't be more than six weeks." JJ walked over.
"We found her in an alley." Morgan sighed,"In a box."
"I'm her mother now, Elijah can co-parent." Fleur nodded.
"What about me?" Morgan blinked.
"You said cats aren't babies, you lost your custody rights." Elijah pointed.
"You can be her dad whenever you're at my place." Fleur hummed.
"Oh, she's so small." Emily smiled.
"Look at her face." Elijah was nearly in tears,"And her little paws."
"Calm down." Reid laughed.
"I'm trying my best." Elijah fanned his eyes.
"You know, he's not going to react this way when he gets an actual child." Morgan pointed.
"He actually helped Tracy Bell today. Gave her a hug willingly." JJ nodded.
"Look, just because I don't like kids-"
"I bet you have a soft spot for them deep down." Emily hummed.
"He just doesn't want to admit it." Reid agreed.
"I do not have a soft spot for kids." Elijah crossed his arms.
"Mhm." Fleur nodded.
"I do not."
"I'm sure you don't." Morgan chuckled,"I think we should all head home."
"Exactly, its late for the baby. She needs her sleep." Elijah pointed.
"I know, I've had such a long day- You were talking about the kitten, weren't you?" Garcia sighed.
"Sorry, darling."
"She needs her sleep too." Garcia nodded.
"We all do." Emily agreed.
"Say goodbye Marie." Fleur waved her paw.
"Aw, goodbye baby." Elijah waved.
"We'll see you all tomorrow." Morgan nodded.
"Bye guys." Fleur hummed and left with Morgan.
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