Chapter 130 - The Crimson King

"Come on, pretty boy.. Say mama." Fleur hummed, clapping her hands.

"You're really trying hard there." Morgan chuckled as he walked past.

"He's gotten close." Fleur pointed before turning back to Hank who had learned to sit up now.

"Mm.." Hank clapped his hands.

"Good boy! You're doing so good my beau." She smiled as Beau perked his ears up.

Beau got up and wandered over, sniffing at Fleur.

"Wrong Beau." Fleur chuckled,"Daddy's got your breakfast." She whispered, petting him.

"Come here, boy." Morgan called to him and Beau hurried off.

"He's getting so close." Fleur looked at Morgan as she lifted up one of Hank's toys.

"Mm.." Hank reached for it,"Da.. Dada!"

"Oh my god." Fleur gasped, looking at Morgan.

"Did.. Babygirl, did I hear that righr?" Morgan asked as he walked over.

"Say it again." Fleur smiled at Hank.

"Dada." Hank looked up, reaching to Morgan

"Yes! Yes, that's dada!" Fleur laughed as Morgan leaned down, picking up Hank.

"That's my little man." Morgan laughed, bouncing him up and down.

Hank giggled and leaned into Morgan.

"I'm mad it wasn't 'mama' but 'dada' works." Fleur smiled.

"Just wait until he starts speaking full sentences, then we'll start having some fun." Morgan winked.

"We're gonna work on mama, okay buddy?" Fleur pinched his cheek.

"Dada." Hank nodded.

"Yeah- Sure, let's go with dada." Fleur chuckled.

"He'll say mama eventually." Morgan assured her.

"Soon." Fleur pointed.

"I say it enough, he'll pick it up." Morgan winked.

"Say it all the time, please." Fleur kissed Hank's head.

"Will do, Mama." Morgan hummed as Hank giggled.


Reid was in the kitchen, making up one of Lizzie's bottles.

"Morning." Elijah yawned as he wandered in.

"Morning." Reid hummed,"I let you sleep because you were up with Lizzie last night."

"Did I even get back to bed? I don't remember going back to bed." Elijah asked him.

"I helped you back to bed." He chuckled.

"Aw, thanks baby." Elijah smiled softly.

"You don't remember it anyway." Reid hummed.

"But it's the thought that counts." Elijah rubbed his eyes.

"She okay when she got down?"

"When she eventually went down, yeah." Elijah nodded.

"Let me guess, you went in the chair?" Reid chuckled.

"It's comfy." Elijah huffed.

"It is very comfortable." Reid pointed.

"Especially when you're running on no sleep and have sore knees." Elijah pointed.

"Why would you have sore knees?" Reid bit his cheek.

"Bouncing up and down with Lizzie, always standing and pacing." Elijah blinked,"Why? Should they not be sore?"

"No- No. Don't worry." Reid chuckled.

Elijah nodded slowly,"I'm not worrying."

"Want me to go and feed Lizzie?" Reid picked up the bottle.

"That would be helpful, yeah." Elijah nodded.

Reid fixed his hair before he ran upstairs to Lizzie's room. Once he was out of sight, Elijah sighed and collapsed onto the couch, curling in on himself. After about ten minutes, Reid walked back downstairs and looked at Elijah on the couch. Elijah was practically asleep, but his eyes were still open.

"Why don't you go for a nap?" Reid suggested.

"We've got work." Elijah shrugged.

"Not for a few hours."

"Wake me up in like.. Five minutes."

"Five minutes, I can do." Reid chuckled.


Reid and Elijah walked into the BAU with JJ, sharing their holiday that they went on with Diana.

"Then we visited the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, and the best part of all was that on the flight back, Mom walked me through every moment of it. I didn't have to prompt her." Reid hummed.

"Oh, Spence, that's so great." JJ smiled.

"The latest research shows that diets high in omega 3 fatty acids help combat dementia, which we gorged on in Paris. I mean, honestly, if she hadn't been clinically diagnosed with Alzheimers, I'd just think she was a little absent-minded." Reid shrugged.

"So, are you going to keep her in the same facility?" She asked.

"Yeah, she really likes it there." Elijah crossed his arms,"What did we miss while we were gone? Tell me about Agent Alvez."

"Well, let's see.. He bounced between different divisions before joining the fugitive task force." JJ nodded.

"Former army ranger, right?" Reid raised a brow.

"Covered most of Iraq's worst hellholes. He's a first in, last out kind of guy." Rossi shrugged.

"Ah, but what does Garcia think about him?" Elijah questioned.

Meanwhile in the lift, Garcia and Fleur were standing talking while Alvez walked in.

"Hey." Alvez nodded to them.

"Morning." Fleur hummed.

"Uh.. How was your weekend?" Alvez asked.

"I don't really discuss my personal life with my co workers." Garcia answered, Fleur giving her a small nudge.

"Really?" He raised a brow.

"Oh yeah, she keeps it real low profile." Fleur looked at Alvez.

Alvez nodded slowly,"Right."

"If you must know, I hung out with my boyfriend who is super hot and awesome, and totally in love with me." Garica nodded.

"That's cool. You guys go out or..?" Alvez questioned.

"No. We stayed in and he helped me with some fingering techniques." Garcia nodded.

"What?" Fleur blinked.

"For my clarinet, which I practice and he helps me, and this conversation is making me uncomfortable, and I'm sorry. We must go, Agent Hotchner needs us." Garcia spoke quickly, practically pulling Fleur pur of the elevator with her.

"Fingering techniques?" Fleur laughed.

"Shut up." Garcia shook her head.

"I'll see you soon, hm?" Fleur nudged her.

"Very soon." Garcia nodded.

Fleur chuckled as she walked to the Conference Room where Luke, Reid and Elijah were. They were looking through the file of the Unsub they were tracking, Daniel Cullen.

"Hey, Luke Alvez." He introduced himself.

"Oh! Hi, I'm Doctor Spencer Reid, this is my husband, Elijah Deans." Reid hummed.

"Ah, no handshaking, right? Your reputation precedes you." Alvez looked to Reid.

"So does yours. It says here that you caught our next fugitive, Daniel Cullen, three years ago. During his sentencing statement he said, 'I don't kill because I have to.' He sounds like a justice collector. How'd you finally catch him?"

"Cullen was always a suspect. We just couldn't get an ID. So, uh, my partner went deep cover and.. We caught him in the act." Alvez explained, nodding slowly,"When I heard how he broke out in May, I wanted to be the one to put him away again."

"There might be a flag on that play." Rossi walked inside with JJ and called Hotch,"Go ahead, Hotch, we're all here."

"The details of the Cullen case are all the same, except for one." Hotch began.

"The cuts on the latest victim are shallow and show definite hesitation marks." Tara spoke.

"It doesn't make sense. From his first victim, Cullen inflicted as much pain as possible." JJ shook her head.

"Yeah, and prison would have made him mean. They're not nice there." Fleur sighed.

"Brian Phillips doesn't match Cullen's previous injustice collector victimology, and the message at this time is 'BAU' when we had nothing to do with his initial arrest three years ago." Tara explained,"So, look, maybe he met someone in prison who told him all about us, but more likely.."

"That isn't Daniel Cullen. It's a very sophisticated copycat." Reid realised.

"Agent Alvez, thus isn't the case you signed up for, but your history with it will be an assest." Hotch told him.

"If someone's out there copying Cullen, it could still lead us to him and I want in on that." Luke pointed.

"I need everyone to look for any other discrepancies between the copycat and Cullen. Tara's going to interview the latest victim and see what he remembers." Hotch finished before hanging up.


"You'll never believe what Hank did this morning." Fleur looked at Elijah as they sat down on the plane, waiting for the others.

"Tell me." Elijah nodded.

"He decided he was gonna say his first word." Fleur smiled.

Elijah gasped,"What did he say?"

"Dada. Which I'm mad but super happy about." Fleur chuckled.

"Soon he's going to be speaking full sentences." Elijah hummed.

"I wish he said mama but.. I'll take it." She smiled.

"Hey, even if you were around all the time, he still probably would've said dada.. If that makes you feel better." He pointed.

"You won't have that problem with Lizzie." Fleur chuckled.

"Trust me, if she's my daughter, she'll say mama just to mess with us." Elijah shook his head.

"Probably." Fleur shrugged.

Before they could talk more, they were soon brought over to discuss the case details.

Alvez looked up from his file,"Off of bubblegum? For real?"

"We've seen the use of aerolised drugs before. One called scopolamine puts you in a catatonic state. The other, servoflurane is used during dental surgery. It puts you in a suggestible almost hypnotic trance." Reid explained.

"And because it's used in dental surgery, it tastes and smells like bubblegym." Elijah added.

"That's why we think the UnSub is this guy." Fleur held out the photo.

"Mr Scratch. Peter Lewis." Alvez nodded slowly,"He was one of the key players in the breakout."

"Looks like you get to hunt a fugitive after all, just not the one you thought." Rossi shrugged.

"But I'm bumping one two things. Number one, Peter Lewis should be doing everything he can to stay hidden. And number two, if he's gone to surface again, why would he copy another guy's style?" Alvez questioned.

"He obviously has some agenda that's not clear to us yet. But we need to consider a more pressing problem. Peter Lewis is a math genius, which means he plans for every variable." Reid sighed.

"But why is that more pressing?" Rossi asked,"Every serial killer thinks that."

"Yeah, but most of them operate out of Compulsion and he doesn't." Fleur pointed,"He would stress test all permutations of his plan before reappearing, most likely on other victims."

"You think we're missing someone." Alvez nodded.

"He couldn't release Brian unless he knew we couldn't catch him." Reid agreed as Garcia called.

"Here I am, the paragon of professionalism." Garcia hummed.

"Garcia, have there been any suspicious murders in the Tempe-Phoenix area after Brian?" Rossi asked.

"Outside of the usual drug and domestic abuse violence, no " she shook her head.

"Check 911 records, any missing persons reports, psychotic episodes, delusions." Fleur listed.

"Mm-mm, I'm gonna check the prank phone call bin just to be sure.." Garcia trailed off.

"What is it?" Reid asked.

"I've got a call here about a Jennifer Jareau. The caller listed the address as 54321 Rossi Avenue." She answered.

"This guy is really baiting us, huh?" Fleur scoffed.

"Okay, it came from a burner phone, but they left the GPS on. I'm sending you the address now." Garcia told them.

"No. Send it to Hotch and Tara. But let them know that Peter Lewis left breadcrumbs on purpose. They could be walking into a trap." Rossi pointed.


"Thank you very much." Hotch nodded, hanging up the phone as the others walked in,"That was Chelsea Carter's psychologist. He confirmed that for the past fifteen years, she's suffered with dissociative identity disorder."

"DID? You're talking split personality." Luke blinked.

"Technically, it's an updated diagnosis for multiple personality disorder." Reid spoke up.

"Both of our victims shared the same diagnosis, and Brian has it too. That's a small victimology pool." JJ pointed.

"One that's localized here. The University of Tempe has a summer camp that helps kids with dissociative disorders." Reid explained.

"And Garcia's contacting all the doctors and administrators. It's got to be where their finding the victims." Hotch nodded.

"Yeah, but what does DID get him?" Rossi asked.

"He wants to manipulate their incentives, and he wants a violent one." Hotch sighed.

"That means Peter Lewis is not the copycat. It'd someone with DID who he dosed." Elijah realized,"So he's telling this alternate to cut his victims like the Crimson King, and he would need to keep dosing him to maintain the illusion."

"Peter Lewis never liked to kill. He always got others to do his dirty work for him." Fleur pointed out.

"Here's the thing, DID is a difficult disorder to treat, but it's even more difficult for a third party go control." Reid explained,"To succeed with this sort of experimentation, he would have had multiple failures."

"We are seeing that. Brian survived the torture, and Chelsea's mind snapped from it." JJ agreed.

"It begs the question, though.. Why didn't Brian go crazy?" Alvez looked around.


"You can't analyse a fugitives actions on the outside without taking into account ehat he did on the inside. So what did Peter Lewis do on the inside?" Alvez asked the others.

"Nothing. He was a model prisoner." Reid nodded.

"No, it goes further than that. He had no contact with other convicts. He didn't join or get pressured into a gang. When he gets out, he picks up as if no time had passed." Alvez cursed.

"So he had the resources in place before we arrested him." JJ crossed her arms.

"A safe house to stay in, backup supplies of his drugs." Rossi listed.

"He could have gone anywhere in the country. I mean, anywhere in the world, probably. And he came here. To Tempe, Arizona?" Alvez raised a brow.

"He had the highest concentration of targets with DID here." Reid nodded.

"You said he wouldn't reveal himself until his plan was fool-proof. Right?" Alvez pointed,"This isn't fool-proof. Brian and Chelsea have been failures. But what part of his plan worked? Us. You see where I'm going with this? Most fugitives, they do everything they can to stay on the DL. He's courted our attention from the beginning. Where I keep hitting the wall is why."

"Especially if he already has a list of all the kids that went to that camp." Tara nodded.

"Maybe we need to reevaluate our presumptions. When Peter Lewis needed information before, he hacked Quantico." Hotch sighed.

"Well, he can't do that again." Fleur shook her head.

"So maybe he's going to get his information form us." Hotch suggested.

"And we're compliling the very list he would want." Rossi sighed.

"We know all his tricks. We're not gonna give him the liet. The police aren't. How's he gonna get it?" JJ questioned.

"Brian." Fleur realized.

"..I asked Officer Dewey to go over a list of names with him once Garcia had something." Tara sighed as Hotch took out his phone,"God, Hotch, I'm so sorry."

"Yes, sir?" Garcia answered the phone.

"Garcia, don't distribute the list." Hotch ordered.

"But- I just hit send." Garcia admitted.


"Well, now we know who the copycat is." Rossi sighed.

Brian. The copycat was Brian and he'd fled the hospital after killing Officer Dewey. He was dead when they arrive, the word 'Bye' carved into his forehead.

"What's scientifically revolutionary is that Peter Lewis isn't just inducing an already existing alternate, he's actually creating one. Brian thinks he is the Crimson King. That's undocumented in DID literature." Reid pointed.

"It is possible with the right amount of drugs and torture." Tara nodded.

"Peter Lewis never tortured." JJ mentioned.

"He does mentally." Elijah shook his head,"By hypnotizing his victims into self-harm. It explains Brian's shallow wounds."

"You telling me he cut himself?" Luke asked.

"It was all there in the story he told me. I just didn't see it." Tara sighed.

"DID is usually the result of trauma. If Peter Lewis could build an alternate like this through hypnotic suggestion, it means that Brian has some propensity for psychopathy in his past." Reid explained.

"Lewis, did you locate the parents?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah." Tara nodded.

"Alright. See what kind of history you can get from them. The rest of us need to look at every clue again through the prism of Brian as Trojan Horse." Hotch ordered.

"Where's the evidence room?" Fleur asked.

Rossi and Alvez lead Fleur to the evidence room where they took out the contraption Peter Lewis made Brian wear.

"So, this. Why would Peter Lewis make Brian wear it?" Fleur asked.

"So we wouldn't question that he was a victin." Rossi nodded.

"It worked, right?" Alvez looked up,"Cullen hand made his. Peter Lewis knew that. Knew enough to copy the lock bolt mechanism. Not enough to sew it himself. A machine stitched this."

"So he had to order it." Rossi realized as he took out his phone and called Garcia.

"Ready and waiting." She hummed.

"Garcia, we need leather experts in Phoenix and Tempe area." Rossi told her.

"Yeah, I think the leather experts might have asked too many questions. Garcia, if you don't mind checking sex shops and BDSM specialists the more extreme the better." Alvez hummed.

But Garcia went quiet.

"Penn?" Fleur blinked.

"I will send Agent Alvez that list.. Now. Goodbye." Garcia cleared her throat and hung up.


Fleur and Tara sat in an interview room as Brian's parents sat in front of them. Tara wanted to go over some stuff again.

"Brian was always a sensitive child. We did out best." Brian's mother, Gail, told them.

"Can you keep him from hurting himself? Or others?" His father, Bob, asked.

"We're gonna try but he's wanted for the murder of a police officer." Fleur sighed.

"What do you need from us, Agents?" Gail questioned.

"We need to ask you about Brian's DID." Tara sighed,"Where it started."

"We adopted Brian, through our church. It was a closed adoption. When we received him, he had these.. Scars." Bob explained.

"The paediatrician told us that somebody in the foster care system had smashed bottles across him and then cut him with the jagged glass." Gail sighed.

"Was he ever violent?" Tara asked.

"Only toward himself. He would.. Cut open his own scars." Bob admitted.

"And then he would go into a.. Chant. Like a mantra. We thought he was self-soothing at first, and then we realized that he was talking like.." Gail continued.

"Girls, right?" Tara raised a brow,"Who were they?"

"Well, we think they were in the foster care with him, that they would, you know, make him feel better after he'd been hurt." Gail told them.

"Okay, this is very important. What would he say when he talked like them?" Fleur leaned forward.


After managing to arrest Brian, some of them stayed at the house to cuff Cullen, who Brian had been trying to kill.

"Thank you.. Both of you." Cullen sighed.

"No, don't thank us. You're under arrest." Alvez pointed.

"Okay. For.. For what? What did I do?" Cullen asked.

"Must have dosed him to make him lose his memory so we couldn't get any answers out of him." Elijah sighed.

"No, we've met. Three years ago. What's my name, hm? What's my partners name?" Luke stepped forward.

"I don't know." Cullen answered.

"He's faking it." He pointed.

"Luke." Reid looked at him.

"What's your name? Say it." Luke cursed.

"I don't know.. Tell me Please." Cullen begged before Reid walked him off.


"There's my handsome baby!" Fleur gasped as she walked into the house, seeing Hank playing in his playpen.

"Dada." Hank reached up to her.

"Where is dada?" Fleur kissed his head, picking him up.

"Ah!" Hank pointed towards the kitchen.

"And there's your handsome dada." Fleur smiled.

"Hello, mama." Morgan hummed.

"Hello, dada." Fleur kissed his cheek.

"You catch your bad guy?" Morgan asked.

"Scratch was behind it." Fleur sighed.

"That bastard." Morgan cursed,"Are you okay?"

"I am now I'm home." Fleur kissed Hanks head.

Hank giggled,"Dada."

"Mama, silly beau." Fleur chuckled.

Beau happily ran over, nudging Fleur's leg with his nose.

"Yes, you're very silly too." Fleur hummed.

"He always comes when you say that." Morgan shook his head, stroking Beau.

"It's adorable." Fleur nodded.

"He's a smart boy." Morgan pointed,"Aren't you?"

Beau panted and licked Morgans hand.

"Cherié, can you say Beau or.. Marie?" Fleur tried.


"Good boy." Fleur smiled,"Say..Rie." She whispered.

"Ree." Hank clapped.

"Yes! Well done." Fleur laughed.

"So smart, aren't you?" Morgan chuckled.

"You're getting so big, my boy." Fleur kissed Hank's head.

"I know, it felt like just yesterday he was tiny." Morgan sighed, wrapping his arms around her.

"Next thing we'll know he'll be starting school." She chuckled, leaning into him.

"Don't say that." Morgan kissed the top of her head.

"It's true." She sighed.

"Kids, man." Morgan shook his head.

"You'll always be my little man." Fleur whispered to Hank.

Hank smiled, touching her cheek.


"There she is!" Reid hummed as they walked into the house, the babysitter leaving.

"Oh, I've missed you sweetheart." Elijah smiled as he picked up Lizzie.

Lizzie babbled and put her fingers in her mouth.

"Did you have fun? Did you have so much fun?" Elijah asked her.

"I think she had a great time." Reid chuckled.

Lizzie smiled up at them.

"You look so cute." Reid hummed.

"Don't tell Hank, but I think you're the cutest baby." Elijah whispered.

"Oh, did you hear that?" Reid gasped.

Lizzie giggled.

"Let's get you sorted for dinner, hm?" Reid suggested.

"I think we should." Elijah nodded.

"What seems to be on the menu tonight?" Reid opened up the cupboard,"Hm.. Pumpkin or carrot baby food."

"What about carrots? You like carrots." Elijah booped her nose.

Lizzie giggled and reached up at Elijah.

"That's right, you do like carrots." Elijah walked to the kitchen.

"They help eyesight." Reid pointed.

"Listen to him, he's smart." Elijah pointed.

Lizzie babbled and pointed over at Reid.

"You want dad, hm?" Elijah held Lizzie out to Reid.

"Of course." Reid gasped and took her from Elijah.

Lizzie smiled, making grabby hands at Reid.

"Oh, you are so adorable." Reid whispered.

"I love her." Elijah sighed.

"I know. I love her too." Reid hummed.

"It's.. Scary, being away from her." Elijah nodded slowly.

"I know." Reid looked at Elijah,"Especially the job."

"There's so many scary things out there."

"Not just things. People." Reid nodded.

"I don't want her to get bigger." Elijah shook his head,"Because then she needs to go out there."

"She's got a big family that will help her if she's in trouble." Reid assured him.

"You're always going to be safe, angel." Elijah gently held her head.

Lizzie babbled and looked at them, smiling softly.

"Alright, now time for carrots." Elijah pointed.

"Carrots!" Reid cheered, lifting Lizzie's hands up.

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