Chapter 119 - Entropy
"Fleur?" Elijah hummed as he knocked on the door,"We're here."
"Hey you two. Welcome back!" Fleur hummed.
They had been away, visiting Diana for a couple of days.
"It's nice to be back." Reid nodded.
"Oh I missed you two." Fleur hugged Elijah, knowing Reid didn't really like hugs.
"I missed you as well." Elijah smiled.
"Get your greasy hands off my girl." Morgan chuckled as he walked in,"Good to have you back, boys."
"Greasy- Fuck you." Elijah crossed his arms,"This is why I like Flo more."
"I'm joking. Let me get my stuff." Morgan laughed.
"You better."
"Oh! Reid, I got news back from that thing you asked me to look at." Fleur handed over a file.
"Oh- It's nothing." Reid assured him.
"Things your big brain wouldn't understand." Fleue chuckled.
"Of course." Morgan sighed.
"Guys? Garcia and Hotch need us ASAP for a briefing on the four hitmen." Reid looked down at his phone.
"Just great." Elijah shook his head.
"Brain Cochran from NSA. I've placed him on a 24/7 lockdown at USP Terre Haute. The network has proven that they can kill anyone, anytime, anywhere and now that they've targeted Garcia, we can't afford to lose another lead. Cochran used one of the hitmen to target DEA Supervisor Graff." Hotch explained.
"But we can press him on that to get him to cooperate." Morgan nodded.
"Well, fortunately that won't be necessary. He had a breakdown in solitary confinement and he was already willing to make a deal." Hotch sighed.
"We need to go talk to him." Rossi pointed.
"Garcia and I already did." Hotch shook his head.
"That is, we video-conferenced with him. He was limited in what he could tell us about the hit people. He didn't know their names, but he did know all their areas of expertise." Garcia told them.
"How specific do they get? Most successful hitmen are basically just Swiss Army Knives of murder." Reid shrugged.
"Well, take the OG hit guy that got us into this mess, Giuseppe Montolo. Remember him? He was a genius at making hits look like accidents. The others, it depends what you're looking for. Take the guy that's still out there who's responsible for shooting poor Mr Graff. He's known simply as the Sniper. He can make a T-zone shot from over 2,000 meters." Garcia explained.
"Which means he's ex military. Not necessarily ours, but he's definitely trained." Fleur nodded.
"So who's number two?" Tara asked.
"That would be the Chemist. He works with poison. He specialises in hits that don't leave a trace." Garcia looked at the file.
"He sounds delightful." Elijah crossed his arms,"What about number three?"
"That would be the Bomber. According to Cochran, he's responsible for this." Garcia showed an explosion on the screen,"It's a chemical fire in Tianjin, China. Apparently a bureaucrat didn't pay his bribe on time."
"All that's conspiracy theory garbage." JJ shook her head.
"But what is credible is Cochran's insistence that he was trained by Mossad. Jack Garret is following leads. That leaves us with rhe number four, the one with the highest body count of them all." Hotch added.
"And who's that?" Reid raised a brow.
"Catherine Adams." Garcia sighed.
"These three hits, they were all men who wanted to kill their wives." Reid sat the files down.
"That's the oldest motivation in the book. Why are they special?" JJ asked.
"She took their money, and then killed the men who hired her." Reid answered.
"All three of them had children." Hotch tilted his head.
"Maybe children are the line hitmen won't cross?" Elijah suggested.
"The Chemist and the Sniper both preformed jobs that involved families. If the price is high enough, a hitman shouldn't have morals." Fleur shook her head,"The kills are personal to her.. Personal enough to double cross her contract."
"Because something similar happened to her." Hotch nodded.
"And that's how we get her to come to the table." Reid pointed,"I pretend to be that type of client."
Elijah crossed his arms,"How do we know that's going to work?"
"We don't. It's a calculated risk based on her MO which is categorically different than the men." Reid sighed, leaning into Elijah.
"They're cold, clinical, long-distance. She's up close and personal." JJ nodded.
"She knows that she has to be more careful because she actually wants to kill her targets.. I'm going to pretend to be a husband who wants his pregnant wife dead." Reid sighed.
"Well, I'd want to kill you if you told me that." Elijah blinked.
"Then all we have to do is set the right meeting spot. A bar or restaurant we control so the odds are better of us taking her alive."
"That's our best strategy.. But there is one flaw." Hotch told him.
They had met Catherine Adams, or Cat as she called herself. Currently Reid had been caught out, Cat holding a gun under the table to him as they talked. She had ordered for all the agents to be removed.. All that she seen. Morgan and Fleur were sitting at the back of the restaurant while the rest were looking for a bomb that had been planted.
"Hotch, we've got interconnected C4 charges down here." JJ told him over the comms.
"How many?" Hotch asked.
"There's six charges. They're connected to the city's gas line. She could take out the whole block." Rossi sighed.
"JJ, say again. The bomb has a cell phone trigger?" Hotch blinked.
"That's right. All she has to do is call the number and boom." She nodded.
"Can you jam the signal?" Hotch turned to Garcia.
"Not from here, no." Garcia shook her head.
"The failsafe will still kick in. Same outcome. Can't move 'em, can't submerge 'em." Rossi cursed.
"It'll take us hours to get the gas turned off in the whole block. If we alert anyone, the panic could set her and the bomb off." Elijah sighed.
"SWAT's on the radio with the bomb squad. They say our only chance is to get our hands on that cell phone. If we shut down the trigger, we can remove the charges." JJ explained.
"Morgan." Hotch spoke.
"Go ahead, Hotch." Morgan nodded.
"Does she have a cellphone with her?" He asked.
"I don't think so. I didn't even see her pull one out." Fleur answered,"The Bomber was setting this up while we were all up here.. I think he's holding the stick."
"We're combing the block. He could be anywhere, though. Where's Lewis?" Hotch question.
"She's in the back telling the workers how to get the customers out." Morgan explained.
"Reid, perimeter agents are pulling back. You need to let her go." Hotch instructed,"Repeat. All agents, do not engage or pursue until the bomb is diffused."
"Hotch? She just armed the bomb." JJ spoke through the comms.
"Hotch, we need to pull back." Rossi agreed.
"Oh my god." Garcia panicked.
"Copy. Morgan, get out of there." Hotch pointed.
"We might have a lead." Fleur spoke.
"She hasn't touched anything to arm the bomb. That means the Bomber's here, somewhere in this restaurant." Morgan told him.
"Alright. If you can take him, do so, but the priority is evacuation." Hotch sighed.
"I don't even think it is a him. Cat mentioned something about gender bias. So what if that applied to the Bomber as well?" Fleur wondered.
"Alright, she'd have to be in a position to maintain line of sight on Reid all night. What do you see?" Hotch asked.
"Look for anyone with their phone out. That's our detonator. Our woman will give herself away by looking over." Morgan nodded.
"I've got her. Blue dress. By the bar." Fleur hummed.
"Hey, you know what, baby?" Morgan hummed as he sipped his drink,"Let's get out of here. I'm really not feeling this place."
"Really? I kind of liked it." Fleur stood up, taking Morgan's hand.
"I want to take you to a spot where we can do some dancing." Morgan told her.
As they walked, Morgan quickly grabbed the phone from the Bomber and tricked the system, deactivating it. Fleur took the Bomber from Morgan, pushing her against the bar and cuffed her.
"Hotch, we're clear." JJ nodded.
"Reid's not." Hotch cursed.
Cat forced Reid to his feet as she stood and held a gun to his neck.
"Don't." Cat spoke calmly, rolling her eyes.
"FBI. Everybody stay calm, plesde." Morgan looked around.
"We're gonna be smart about this and talk it out, aren't we, Cat?" Fleur continued cuffing the Bomber.
"That's up to you." Cat hummed.
"Get everyone out of here." Reid shook his head,"Morgan, Flo, you too."
"I'm not going anywhere." Morgan told him.
"Guess we're right back where we started.. You and me with a gun." Cat turned to Reid.
"Reid, it's time." Morgan sighed.
"No." Reid shook his head.
"We don't have a choice. We have to do it." Morgan nodded.
"Do what?" Cat raised a brow.
"There's one thing he hasn't told you yet." Morgan sighed.
"That's not true. He's lying. Don't listen to him." Reid looked it Cat.
"What haven't you told me?" Cat tightened her grip on Reid.
"Nothing- Nothing!" Reid insisted.
"What do I not know?"
"We brought your father here." Morgan told her.
"..Here? He's here?" Cat blinked.
"He's right outside. Reid thought he needed every bargaining chip he could get." Morgan explained.
"Morgan I'm begging you, don't." Reid cursed.
"Every bargaining chip he could get to convince you to do the right thing." He continued.
"How is this the right thing?" Cat scoffed.
"Your father killed your mother. And there's no statue of limitations on murder, so you really need to think about your options right now." Morgan informed her,"You shoot him, I will kill you. Or if you surrender, you will live to testify against your father.
"That's not good enough." Sue shrugged.
"We can arrange it for the two of you to drive into custody together, and then you can remind him of who you are." Не offered.
"If you give her this, she wins. Don't do it." Reid pleaded.
"Kid, I am trying to save your life. Now let me do that." Morgan sighed,"They're bringing him in right now."
"You're really upset about this, aren't you?" Cat scanned Reid's face.
"This is what you wanted, isn't it? A chance to hurt the man who deserves it?" Morgan asked.
"They all deserve it." She spat.
"He deserves it the most." He hummed.
"..Only if Spencer escorts me out." Cat smirked.
"Deal.." Reid sighed.
Cat threw her gun to the floor as Morgan handed Reid handcuffs over.
"Hotch, we're coming out." Morgan told him over the comm as Reid cuffed Cat.
"Okay, you're all clear." Hotch nodded.
Reid sighed and he and Morgan lead Cat outside where the police van was waiting.
"Wait." Cat turned to Reid,"..Okay I'm ready."
Morgan and Reid continued forward and they opened the doors to the van... It was empty.
Cat scoffed as she got lead in,"You lied to me."
"If it makes you feel any better, I really did try and look for him. But I couldn't find him, so, yeah. I made it all up." Reid hummed.
"Not all of it. You don't pull a story about a parent losing her memory out of nowhere. Your mother and the Alzheimers, that's true. I won."
"How so?"
"Becuase I will get out of here." Cat nodded.
"Yeah, in twenty years, maybe, if you're lucky." Reid shook his head.
"Yeah, that's fine. You know why? Because in twenty years, I'll remember your name but you won't remember mine." Cat smiled.
"Right- That's enough. Let's wrap it up here." Elijah pointed as he approached the van.
"Elijah." Reid walked out of the van.
Elijah stayed quiet, glaring up at Cat before pulling Reid in by his tie and kissing him. Reid kissed back before pulling away as Morgan closed the doors.
"If I ever see her again, she's dead." Elijah shook his hesd.
"Trust me, I know." Reid nodded.
"It's just- She just said that to you. And all that other stuff- And she held you at gunpoint and just the way she looked at you." Elijah ranted.
"Elijah, you don't need to worry.' Reid assured him.
"But I do." He nodded.
"I didn't like it any less." Reid kissed his head.
"..You just scared me, okay?" Elijah looked up at him.
"I know. I'll make it up to you." Reid nodded.
"Promise?" Elijah blinked.
"I promise." Reid nodded,"But first, we gotta go back to Flo and Morgan's."
"Okay, but Flo and I have to have a long conversation about today." Elijah pointed.
"Of course." He hummed.
"I'm still mad about earlier." Elijah crossed his arms.
"You two want to come in, decompress a bit?" Morgan asked.
"Yes.." Elijah nodded.
"I think we should just go home." Reid took Elijah's hand.
"No, I'm fine. We can stay.. For a little." He shook his head.
"That was an intense case." Morgan sighed.
"Not fun." Reid agreed,"Not that we get fun cases- But you know what I mean."
"Network's gone." Morgan nodded,"..Reid, the medical stuff Flo gave you, was that.. "
"Yeah.." Reid looked down.
"You are gonna get tested, aren't you?" Morgan asked.
"One of the data points that the research told me about was age. I'm, uh, too young to display the chromosomal signs, so I'm just gonna have to learn to live not knowing." Reid explained.
The door then opened behind them, Fleur and Garcia walking out.
"Oh my god." Garcia gasped.
"Oh, hey, woah, woah, woah. What is happening right now?" Morgan asked.
"You're whats going on. Right now is what's.. You are here. Do you know what's happening right now? It is-lt is done. The Dirty Dozen is done. Yes! I'm in it!" Garcia laughed.
"How much did she have?" Elijah turned to Fleur.
"She started with Jäger." Fleur admitted.
"Jäger?" Morgan blinked.
"I love you..I love all of you so much." She pointed to the boys,"And you, I should be jealous of you because you're so hot." Garcia turned to Fleur,"But I'm not- I'm not! You know why? All I feel in here is love. I am full of love-Im wearing too much clothes." She ran back into the house, followed by Fleur.
"You sure you don't want to reconsider?" Morgan laughed, turning to Reid.
"I just really want to go home." Reid chuckled.
"Hey, kid.. Can I tell you something?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah." Reid nodded.
Morgan stepped forward and pulled Reid into a hug,"I just, er.."
"You know?"
"I know." Reid chuckled.
"Good. Because I mean it." Morgan held him tighter before pulling away,"I'll see you two tomorrow."
"See you, Derek." Reid waved, taking Elijah's hand.
Elijah squeezed his hand as they walked when they slowly stopped by a park.
"Can we.. Go swing?" Reid asked Elijah.
Elijah smiled softly,"We can go swing."
"Thank you." Reid walked up to the swings and sat down.
"Want me to push you?" Elijah raised a brow.
"Can you?" Reid smiled.
"Of course I can." Elijah hummed, gently starting to push the swing.
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