



Game Text

Active narration or describing an action.


Chapter 20

Morgan and Mark immediately pick you up as you held your still bleeding wound.

Robin : "Let's get you home right away, I'll call Asia and tell her to get ready for an emergency"

You nod and begin to leave, but Sona stops you.

Sona : "I'll take you to my house, we have the best medical equipment to heal holy damage"

(Y/N) : "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want your help, I don't want to owe either of you anything so we'll take care of this on our own"

Sona ; "Alright, but if you can't heal that wound, we'll be ready to take you in"

You nod and summon a magic circle underneath your feet and teleport away with Morgan, Mark and Robin. When you left, Sona turned her attention to Xenovia and Irina.

Sona : "Now repeat why you've decided to come into devil territory"

Xenovia : "As we said before, we're after Kokabiel and the other fragments of Excalibur he stole, such as the one he used on your friend just now"

Irina looks over at the group of devils and notices Issei among them.

Irina : "Issei?"

Said boy looks at her confused.

Issei : "Do I know you?"

Irina : "It's me Irina! We were best friends growing up"

She shuffles her hands underneath her robe and pulls out a picture of her and Issei as children with a holy sword in the background.

Issei : "Wait! Hold up! You're a girl!?"

Irina takes offense to this and gasps.

Irina : "You didn't know?"

Issei : "No way, you never acted girly so how would I?"

Xenovia : "Irina you're getting off topic, we need to leave at once"

Irina : "You're right, but we should at least tell them"

Xenovia nods and approaches Rias and Sona.

Xenovia : "While we are in this town, stay out of our affairs, Kokabiel is our target and we'll retrieve the holy swords without fail, interfere with our plans and we'll strike you down without mercy"

Koneko : "Than you better say your prayers"

Everyone looks over at Koneko a little surprised she spoke up.

Xenovia : "Pardon?"

Koneko : "Kokabiel just managed to beat (Y/N) in his balance breaker form, do you really think you stand a chance against someone like that? Even with all of us combined (Y/N) would destroy us easily"

Akeno : "Ara ara, it seems you know (Y/N) on a more personal level Koneko"

Koneko : "(Y/N) taught me never underestimate your enemies, he had to learn that the hard way and I had to watch as he suffered the consequences, what I'm trying to say is that both of you don't stand a chance, I'd recommend waiting for (Y/N) to recover and have him help you guys out, that's the only way I see you two walking out of this town alive"

Xenovia : "You seem to have a lot of trust in this (Y/N), what is your relationship with him?"

Koneko : "He's my upperclassman, nothing more"

Rias : "I never knew you thought of him like that, what did you two do at the arcade to gain such a mindset?"


While Kralkatorrik stomped on Quan Chi's balls, you were seen still in Ermac's body training the young neko in martial arts.

Koneko : "So you have everyone's memories?"

(Y/N) : "Yup, even though some of the souls weren't amazing martial artists, having numerous memories of fighting styles allows me to mix them up to make me unpredictable"

You dodge a left hook from Koneko and strike her chest with an open palm, sending her sliding away. She coughs from the impact as your eyes glow and you lift her body off the ground.

(Y/N) : "Are you even trying?"

Koneko : "Shut up"

You let her go and she lands on her feet before rushing towards you, every punch she threw was blocked and parried, making her angry and decided to change to kicks. She jumps in the air and does spinning kick, but you block her with your forearm and grab her leg. Spinning her around to make her dizzy, you let her go and had her back slam into the shrine walls. She falls to the floor slightly dazed and looks up to see you standing above her with your arms crossed.

(Y/N) : "Had enough?"

Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, she quickly stands up to land a punch towards your face as you caught it and tossed her over your shoulder. She hits the ground hard and you decide to put her in an arm lock. As you begin to put pressure on her arm, she quickly taps out and you release her. After standing up, you offer her your hand and pick her up.

(Y/N) : "Why are you holding back?"

Koneko looks at you confused.

Koneko : "What do you mean?"

(Y/N) : "I can feel something powerful inside you, I can also feel you're suppressing it"

Koneko eyes widen as she quickly turns away from you.

Koneko : "That's none of your business"

(Y/N) : "Well I'm making it my business, why are you hiding your nekomata side?"

Koneko quickly turns to look at you with a shocked expression before turning into one of anger.

Koneko : "How do you know about that?"

(Y/N) : "My sacred gear told me about your aura, said it felt like senjutsu, though he suggested you might've been a Kitsune or something like that, but then I realized your name, Ko-Neko, or would you prefer Shirone?"

Koneko : "How do you know so much about me?"

(Y/N) : "Like I told Rias in our first meeting, you have your secrets and I have mine"

Koneko : "It doesn't matter either way, I'm not going to use senjutsu, it's dangerous"

(Y/N) : "Would it help to talk-"

Koneko : "No"

You just shrug and walk away.

(Y/N) : "Fine then, let that fear consume you and stump your growth, eventually you'll be forced to confront it and when you do, you'll lose"

You leave the area with Koneko looking away from you. The sound of footsteps makes her look up to see Jade and Kitana walking towards her.

Jade : "Where is your companion little one?"

Koneko : "None of your business"

Kitana : "Watch your tongue! I could execute you if I'd like!"

Koneko : "Suck it"

Kitana steps up, but Jade raises her hand in front of the Outworld Princess.

Jade : "Allow me to handle this, I'll show this earthrealmer her place"

Kitana nods and steps back as Jade approaches Koneko.

Jade : "You'll regret disrespecting Princess Kitana"

Jade immediately tosses a razorang in the neko's direction, forcing her to duck to avoid it. As she did, Jade pulled out her staff and charged her. Landing a powerful blow against her skull, Koneko hit the ground hard with her head gushing out blood. Jade drives the staff onto her spine and forces her head down with her foot.

Jade : "Now speak"

Koneko : "Get off me!"

Jade stomps her foot down on Koneko's head, forcing her to eat dirt.

Jade : "Learn your place!"

Koneko forcefully pushes her head up, growls and her eyes became vertical slits. She quickly and strongly pushed herself up, knocking Jade to the ground. She looks up to see the young girl now with a long white tail and ears on her head. She turns to look at Jade with anger in her eyes and punches the Edenian in the face, knocking her a few feet away.

Kitana : "Jade!"

Koneko : "I'm tired of this, I won't let others tell me what to do!"

Kitana went over to her friend's side and checked her condition. After examining Jade, the two look at each other and approach the Neko.

Kitana : "Let's see you take on the both of us!"

Kitana launches one of her bladed fans, but a green orb came flying right at it and struck the fan out of the air. Everyone turns around to see you were the source of the attack.

(Y/N) : "Seems kind of shameful to double team someone, how about a little two on two?"

Kitana :" Very well, we'll bring your head back to Shang Tsung!"

(Y/N) : "Bring it on Princess!"

You fly forwards and land a flying kick to her chest, sending her through a wall. While you took care of Kitana, Koneko and Jade continued their fight.

Jade : "You're eyes, they've changed"

Koneko : "Now I'm gonna kick your ass!"

The Neko rushes Jade and throws a punch towards her chest, but Jade blocks it with her staff and gets pushed back. Now growling, she bares her sharp teeth and increases her strength greatly as she goes in for another punch. It lands and Jade wheezes loudly before being met with an uppercut to the chin, sending her up into the air. Koneko follows her and summons her demon wings to land two powerful kick to her spine and kept the Edenian airborne.

From her fist formed a blue ball of energy that came crashing into Jade's back sending her further into the air. As Jade came down towards the ground, Koneko drives her foot down on her spine straight down. Once the two made contact with the ground, a loud explosion erupted and created a dust storm. You heard the explosion and after drop kicking Kitana away, you ran over to see Koneko standing above a bloodied and unconscious Jade.

(Y/N) : "Ho damn! She got knocked the fuck out!"

When you turned your attention to Koneko, she was breathing heavily and still growling before collapsing from exhaustion. You managed to catch her before she hit the ground and she looks up weakly at you.

Koneko : "I told you, this power is-"

(Y/N) : "Baby steps, you'll get through it with time, but you finally managed to kick someone's ass here by going all out, so maybe I don't have to protect you anymore"

You lean her up against a wall and look at Jade, who was still on the ground.

(Y/N) : "I'll get rid of her"

You grab her by the legs and spin around several times before letting go and sent her body flying away.

(Y/N) : "Man I love Super Mario 64"

Koneko : "What do we do now?"

(Y/N) : "We wait until Liu Kang finishes his match with Goro, I just hope we can return home without difficulty, but for now we rest"

You sit down and Kralkatorrik arrives with Shinnok's amulet in his hands.

~End Flashback~

Koneko : "He showed me how underestimating someone could get you killed, and for that I'm thankful so I'm passing on the lesson onto you"

Xenovia : "Thank you for the advice but we don't anyone's support on this mission, whether it be Satan himself we will retrieve the holy swords"

As she begins to walk away, she stops and turns to everyone.

Xenovia : "And by the way, why are the church walls stained with so much blood?"

Rias : "A few weeks ago, a group of stray priests and Fallen Angel took refuge inside the church and decided to target (Y/N) for his affiliation with a nun, but he massacred them and left behind what you saw on the walls"

Irina : "What was the nun's name?"

Sona : "Asia Argento"

Surprised by this, Xenovia and Irina look at each other before nodding.

Xenovia : "That'll be all, we're going now"

She puts on her hood as Irina did the same and they both head back towards the abandoned church. While they left, Kiba was currently looking down at the ground with the memory of the holy sword project flashing through his mind, but Rias snapped him back to reality.

Rias : "We're heading out Kiba, lets go back to the ORC"

Kiba : "Oh.... okay"

He nods and follows Rias and the rest through a magic circle. Sona did the same and the scene changes to you in your apartment lying down in your bed with the wound still bleeding.

Robin : "Can you heal him Asia?"

Asia : "I'll try my best!"

He hands glowed green as she hovered above your wound, you could slowly feel the wound beginning to close, but the pain was still there.

(Y/N) : "Hrg! Even with my max power, I couldn't defeat him"

Mark : "But you managed to beat Grima by yourself, what makes him any different?"

(Y/N) : "First his size, I had the advantage over Grima because I was smaller than him and his size made him much slower, but with Kokabiel being around human size his speed and strength make him a much more deadlier opponent"

Morgan : "What do we do now?"

(Y/N) : "I'll just lay here until I fully heal, then I'll think of a plan, I don't think he'll expose himself until he fully heals, I didn't let him get off easy that's for sure"

Robin : "Okay then, we'll be just outside until you feel better, please take care of him Asia"

Asia : "Will do"

Robin, Morgan and Mark leave the room as Asia continued healing your wound slowly.

(Y/N) : "Thanks for doing this Asia"

Asia : "Its no problem, its good practice healing someone as strong as you"

(Y/N) : 'Seeing as I have a lot of health, this might take some time'

A few minutes in, Asia finally patched up your wound, but there was still a minor stinging sensation in your stomach when touched. You thank the blonde nun and she leaves to give you some time to rest. Once she was gone, you held up your sacred gear.

(Y/N) : "Now explain"

Kralkatorrik : "Well, since we need something to counteract a holy being, we're gonna need a cursed weapon"

(Y/N) : "Any idea where we can get one?"

Kralkatorrik : "No unfortunately, last I heard a majority of them were destroyed by the church after the war"

(Y/N) : "What about the Daedric Artifacts?"

Kralkatorrik : "From what I sensed, those don't count since they don't have the curse effect, you're just going to have to create one"

(Y/N) : "Create one?"

Kralkatorrik : "Yes, before I sealed myself within this tome, I was an amazing craftsman, I did create all of the Longinus sacred gears equipment after all"

(Y/N) : "Than that means..."

Kralkatorrik : "Yes, I was the one who constructed the Book of Ipos, as well as the Boosted Gear gauntlet, Divine Dividing Wings and True Longinus Spear"

Kralkatorrik : "I only constructed the item which is considered the Sacred Gear, the Spear of Longinus was just a wooden spear before I improved it in my Mystic Forge"

(Y/N) : "So we need to look for your Mystic Forge to craft a cursed weapon?"

Kralkatorrik : "If you want one that can injure a high ranking holy being, than yes"

(Y/N) : "Alright I'm up for it, what do we need?"

Kralkatorrik : "Several things 2 powerful Dark Souls, an item you wish to imbue and some of my magic to light the sacred fire used to forge the weapon"

[Quest Alert!]

Description : Forge A Cursed Weapon!

Reward : ? Rank Cursed Weapon

Failure : Waste of Material and Time

Kralkatorrik : "You'll also have to draw a specific magic circle that only I know"

(Y/N) : "I'll get the chalk"

~A Few Minutes Later~

Kralkatorrik : "Now connect the Iglaris Napara with the Gugn Ulla"

(Y/N) : "Okay..."

Kralkatorrik : "Next you inscribe Huhatea and Polas, than construct the Agura Faux and..... Done!"

(Y/N) : "God damn, that took a while to construct"

Kralkatorrik : "I had to make it as difficult as possible, plus the gate would only work if I infused my magic into it so even if someone were to replicate this magic circle they won't be able to travel through it"

You place you palm at the center of the circle as it lit up a deep violet color. You instantly disappear and arrive outside Kralkatorrik workshop, which was deep underground in a crack in the earth.

(Y/N) : "Any idea why we spawned outside?"

Kralkatorrik : "I wanted to show you the view"

You approach the large glowing crack and enter to find several glowing jewels littering the walls and ceiling.

(Y/N) : "Holy crap! This place is loaded with jewels!"

Kralkatorrik : "Yeah, I hoarded anything shiny I found, must've left them on the walls after I left"

Going down a deep and dark crevice, you find a massive underground cavern with a light at the end of it. You approach the light and find Kralkatorrik's workshop littered with several shattered weapons, broken glass, and massive crystals sticking out everywhere.

Kralkatorrik : "Wow, the place has really gone shabby, you need to clean it up"

(Y/N) : "It's your workshop! I'm only here to create a weapon"

Kralkatorrik : "Oh blah blah blah, your needs"

After searching the workshop for the forge, you found it in the corner of the room in near perfect condition. It wasn't that large but you could feel a strong magical signature coming from the center of forge. Kralkatorrik tells you about the fuel which was Spiritwood. He also told you to gather some Elonian Leather, Deldrimor Steel, Xunlai Electrum and a Vial of Powerful Blood. After an hour of searching, you found all the material which was scattered around the workshop in several locations.

(Y/N) : "Okay, what do I do now?"

Kralkatorrik : "We still need the Dark Souls, you already have 1 but you still need another"

(Y/N) : "I already have 1?"

Kralkatorrik : "It's Grima's soul, Dark Souls are only obtained from pure evil beings, we need their essence to enhance the curse"

(Y/N) : "Any ideas where we can search for one?"

Kralkatorrik : "If this were a couple hundred years ago, we could've picked one off the streets without a problem, but with humanity becoming less involved in the supernatural world it looks like we're going to have to search the dungeons for some"

(Y/N) : "If I had to guess a Dark Soul holder, it would either be the new natural dungeon boss or a Dark Souls boss"

You sigh and open up the dungeon window for the Natural Dungeon.

[Would you like to enter the Level 3 Instant Dungeon?]


Requirement to enter dungeon :

Level 70

You click yes and the entire world became pitch black. Thankfully, because you were a demon you could see in the dark without difficulty. While standing completely still and silent with your eyes closed, you sensed a massive dark energy coming right for you.

You open your eyes and look up to see Slenderman standing right before you.

Slenderman [Boss]

Gender - ???

Level - 95

Age : ???

Race : ???

Class : ???

Sacred Gear : N/A

HP/Health Points - 63,490/63,490

MP/Magic Points - 41,230/41,230

STR/Strength - 156

END/Endurance - 130

AGI/Agility - 175

INT/Intelligence - 151

WIS/Wisdom - 146

LCK/Luck - 152

Weakness : Unknown

Strong Against : Unknown

The white tentacles start to sprout from his back as he prepared to fight, but your eyes suddenly glowed green as you teleported behind him and landed a punch to his spine. The being flew from the impact, but planted its tentacles into the ground to stop itself midair. It than stands up on its feet before disappearing underground and leaving behind a puddle of black water.

His signature disappears meaning you were in the dark about his locations, but a pair of white vines erupted from the ground and grabbed you by the arms. You thrash and struggle to try and get free, but the being pulls you underwater and into an endless abyss. Something than wraps around your neck as you try to swim up, you look down to see the tentacles coming from the darkness and you conjure up a lightning spear and toss it Slenderman's direction.

Luckily you managed to strike the slender being and it let you go, once your broke free you grab one of his tentacles and swam to the only visible exit. You pop out of the water and climb to the surface before pulling the tentacle with all your might. It wasn't enough so you activated your balance breaker and forcefully pulled the boss from the water and coming straight towards you.


As Slenderman came flying, you reeled your fist back and punch him right in the stomach sending him flying away. He crashes into the rocky wall around you and quickly recovered from your attack. As he looked at you, you fire off a green orb towards his chest, but he catches it with his tentacles before shattering it to pieces.

(Y/N) : "Glad to see you're not gonna be a pushover, show me what you got!"

Slenderman charges you at great speed, but because you had your balance breaker on, you were much faster and stronger than him. You activate hidden might and land a devastating blow to his chest. He didn't go flying away as you grabbed him and charged a sunlight spear in your hand before driving it straight into his stomach. You could hear screeching coming from the boss as you continued thrusting it forwards.

As you held your fist in place, you could see smoke emitting from his wounds as he tried piercing you with his tentacles, but your armor prevented him from getting to you. You then slam the boss against the ground and summon a silver flame in your hand. When you tried to land a hit, Slenderman disappeared into another black puddle and vanished.

You close your eyes and sense the magical energy around you to locate the boss's position. Since he was hiding in his black water world, you couldn't detect him, but once he popped up behind you, you grabbed his throat and crushed it with all your might and tossed him away with a powerful throw. It did some major damage, but the boss only had a small sliver of health remaining

(Y/N) : "Time to finish this!"

Using Ermac's powers, you lift Slenderman off the ground and twist his body around numerous times before pulling out his black organs, compressing them into a ball and drops them to the floor with a sickening sound. You then dropped his body to the ground and watched as it slowly disappeared into white dust.

Kralkatorrik : "Fatality!"

[Boss Rewards!]

+ 125,000 EXP

+ Slenderman's Dark Soul


[Level Up!]

Name - (Y/N) (L/N)

Title : Dragonborn

Race : Dragon/Demon Hybrid

Class : Master of Souls

Subclass : ???

Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos

Level - 86 (100,983/108,000)

HP/Health Points - 110,710/110,710 (+5000) (+34,600)

MP/Magic Points - 52,665/52,665 (+10,000)

STR/Strength - 210 (+ 170)

END/Endurance - 175 (+ 173)

AGI/Agility - 160 (+ 172)

INT/Intelligence - 179 (+281)

WIS/Wisdom - 166 (+268)

LCK/Luck - 181 (+160)

[SP - 25] [PP - 32]

Money : $14,712

Gold : 44,796

Dragon Souls : 7


Pulling out Slenderman's soul from your inventory, you inspect the dark and chaotic life essence in your hands with a smirk.

(Y/N) : "Looks like we have everything we need, let's head back home"

Kralkatorrik : "Isn't it weird that there were no enemies to fight in that dungeon?"

(Y/N) : "Now that I think about it, you're right, but since it doesn't matter right now I don't care, let's make us a cursed sword"

You return to the real world and stand before the Mystic Forge with the two Dark Souls in your hands.

(Y/N) : "Alright, walk me through everything"

Kralkatorrik : "Place the Spiritwood into the forge first and pour the entire Vial of Powerful Blood onto it"

You do what you're told and put the items inside, once you opened the vial a powerful stench hit your nose and you cringe while turning away from the bottle.

(Y/N) : "What the hell is this!?"

Kralkatorrik : "Blood from the original Lucifer, Spiritwood was made by using the tears of God to grow a tree and the other materials were crafted by hand using things I managed to collect during my time among the world"

You pour the blood onto the Spiritwood and hear some sizzling coming from the forge.

(Y/N) : "Is that suppose to happen?"

Kralkatorrik : "Yes, now use my sacred flames to ignite the fire, you also might want to step back once you light it"

From your palm appeared a blue flame, this was Kralkatorrik fire using his magic. You toss the small flame inside the forge and it it erupted like a volcano lighting up the entire workshop with a light blue light. As the flames settled, Kralkatorrik told you to put in the metals and wait until everything was completely melted. Once the metal turned to liquid, you were told to drop the dark souls within the forge and wait for the mystical metal to be completed. While waiting, your phone started to ring, confusing you.

(Y/N) : 'Their's reception down here?'

You answer the phone and see the caller I.D. is your apartment number.

(Y/N) : "Hello?"

Morgan : "Dad where are you? Mom said you suddenly disappeared and said you're in the middle of the desert"

(Y/N) : 'That's right, Robin's wearing the ring right now so she knows where I am'

(Y/N) : "I'll be home in a couple of hours, I'm working on something to deal with Kokabiel so tell your mother not to worry"

Morgan : "Okay"

You hang up and continue to wait for the forge to meld the material and souls together. Once the hour was done, you open up a small hole in the side of the forge and watched as a black gooey liquid poured into a large cylinder.

Kralkatorrik : "Now place the weapon you would like to curse inside the rune"

From your inventory you pull out your Legendary Dragonbone Greatsword and drop it inside the rune as a dark violet light coated the sword and consumed it within the liquid.

Kralkatorrik : "Now we wait..."

Inside the rune, the sword was being bathed and branded with dark energy from the souls used to contract with it. The greatsword started to change its form as the curse magic was slowly being embraced by the blade. While that happened, a window popped up...

Note : You're attempting to craft a magic item, so the higher your INT and LCK are, the better the chances of gaining a legendary item.

Crafting :


(Y/N) : "Looks like it'll take an hour to craft this"

Kralkatorrik : "What do you want to do until then?"

(Y/N) : "Hmm...."

~(Y/N) Apartment~

You enter your home to find Robin alone watching some T.V. When she noticed you enter, she immediately stood up and gave you a hug.

Robin : "Are you okay now? Where did you go? I know where you were, but I didn't know where you were"

(Y/N) : "Just preparing for Kokabiel, and the reason for knowing my location is because of the ring, so long as you wear it you'll know my very location, from what I know its been in my family for several generations and only people I love can wear it"

Robin blushes at this and buries her head into your chest.

Robin : "I-I see"

As you gave her a hug, you noticed there was nobody else around.

(Y/N) : "Where are the others?"

Robin : "Morgan, Mark, Lucina and Asia went out shopping while Kirin and Nargacuga left to eat, so we're all alone, just us...... a married couple alone in the house"

You blush as you just understood what she meant by that. You lift her head up and give her a kiss on the lips making her eyes widen before falling into it. After a few moments, you both separate and stare into each other's eyes. Clearly flustered by your actions, Robin looks at you nervously.

(Y/N) : "I'm sorry Robin, I can't hold myself back anymore"

Robin : "Huh?"

A/N : I might or might not write a separate chapter for the lemon. Just thinking about it makes me all flustered.


[New Skills Obtained!]

Cunnilingus (Level - 10)

Fingering (Level - 7)

Vaginal (Level 15)

Kissing (Level 11)

As Robin lied down in bed right next to you, you slip out and put on your clothes to head out, but not before giving her kiss on the forehead. You teleport back to Kralkatorrik workshop and head over to the forge. When you went over to check the rune, the timer had finally run out and your new weapon was ready.

Kralkatorrik : "I closed my eyes while you banged her, but I knew everything you did just from the sounds alone"

(Y/N) : "Sh-shut up! Let's just get this done"

The rune started to break apart as a black mist escaped from the cracks. Slowly the stone began to decay and it revealed the sword within the stone as another window popped up. You equip your balance breaker to grab the sword and inspect it.

[Dumb Luck has activated!]

Twilight, S Rank Weapon

DAM : 1155 + STR + INT

50% More Damage to Holy/Light Beings.

Gains 100 damage when used at night.


Name - (Y/N) (L/N)

Title : Dragonborn

Race : Dragon/Demon Hybrid

Class : Master of Souls

Subclass : ???

Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos

Level - 86 (100,983/108,000)

HP/Health Points - 110,710/110,710 (+5000) (+34,600)

MP/Magic Points - 52,665/52,665 (+10,000)

STR/Strength - 210 (+ 170)

END/Endurance - 175 (+ 173)

AGI/Agility - 160 (+ 172)

INT/Intelligence - 179 (+281)

WIS/Wisdom - 166 (+268)

LCK/Luck - 181 (+160)

[SP - 25] [PP - 32]

Money : $14,712

Gold : 44,796

Dragon Souls : 7

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