Rise of the Cyberman

Rita walked into the console room the Doctor and Rose sitting on the floor talking about what sounded like an adventure Rita had not been on with the pair. She hopping in the jump seat and rested her head in her hands listening intently to the story. "And that weird munchkin lady with the big eyes? Do you remember? the way she looked at you! And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out!" The Doctor mimicked fire coming out of his mouth with his hands Rita chuckled at his gesture feeling much happier that the Doctor looked better after what had happened the day before.

"I thought I was going to get frazzled!" Rose said her voice going a higher pitch laughing with the Doctor.

"Yeah. One minute she's standing there, and the next minute roar!" He said quickly looking very passionate about the conversation thinking about the adventure.

"Yeah. where was that, then? What happened?" Mickey asked the Doctor looked over forgetting he was even there blinking a few times.

"Oh, it was on this er," he scrached the back of his head looking between Mickey and the button he was holding down. "This er planet thing. Asteroid. It's a long story, you had to be there. Er, what're you doing that for?" He asked looking back at the button.

"Because you told me to." Mickey replied as if the Doctor was acting like an idiot.

"When was that?"

"About half an hour ago"

"Er, you can let go now." the Doctor mumbled.

"Well, how long's it been since I could've stopped?" Mickey let go frowning at the Doctor clearly annoyed knowing that the Doctor defiantly forgot about him.

"Ten minutes?" He said also like a question. "Twenty?" He added. "Twenty nine?"

"You just forgot me!" Mickey accused feeling rather hurt. "You remember Rose and Rita but forget about me!"

"No, no, no." He protested. "I was just, I was," he tried to think of a good enough excuse looking over at Rose and Rita who both shook their heads at him signaling her was on his own for this one. "I was calibrating. I was just. No, I know exactly what I'm doing." He told Mickey Rita whined as she was violently shaken to the floor she heard a loud bang, she placed her her hands on the back of her head protecting it if anything suddenly fell on top of her. She knelt up and placed her hands on the jump seat the Doctor and Rose peering over the console the Doctor frantically pressing buttons and switches.

"What's happened?" Rose asked fear in her voice.

"The time vortex is gone. That's impossible. It's just gone." There was then another shake. "Brace yourself! We're going to crash!" They all dive to the floor again Rita in the same position as before with her hands over her head. The TARDIS suddenly stoped moving, Rita saw nothing but darkness.

"Everyone all right?" The Doctor rose his head asking in concern. "Rita? Rose? Mickey?"

"I'm fine. I'm okay. Sorry. Yeah." Mickey muttered standing up in shook.

"I'll live- oh" Rita mumbled. "Sorry" Rita slowly walked over to the Doctor and Rose placing a hand on his shoulder in comfort knowing how much he loved the TARDIS.

"She's dead. The Tardis is dead." The Doctor looked at what once was what Rita liked to call 'the heart of the TARDIS' not that anyone knew that. The bluey green light which once brought Rita hope had died out to nothing but dark and emptiness.

"You can fix it?" Rose asked sounding very concerned about their current situation.

"There's nothing to fix. She's perished. The last TARDIS in the universe. Extinct."

"I'm sorry" Rita looked up at him sadly taking his hand in hers.

"We can get help, yeah?" Rose questioned her voice shaking a little. The Doctor walked around to what Rita thought was a computer screen. She also knew that it did not have the latest version of windows but was able to watch the football. The screen was dead, everything in the TARDIS was dead.

"Where from?" he countered her question.

"Well, we've landed. We've got to be somewhere." Rose was now hoping for anything, anyone to help them, Rita, however, knew that no one could help them, the Doctor was the best there was no one who knew the TARDIS like he did, the last of the Time Lords there was no one else they would just have to wait twenty-four hours from when the Doctor found the small shining hope of light in the TARDIS later.

The Doctor slowly shook his head at the blonde and carefully told her the harsh truth hoping not to cause her to break down in tears. "We fell out of the vortex, through the void, into nothingness. We're in some sort of no place. The silent realm. The lost dimension."

"Otherwise known as London." Mickey laughed popping his head back into the TARDIS after looking outside. The Doctor frowned walking towards the TARDIS doors taking Rita with him, Rose behind them.

They walked out of the TARDIS. "London, England, Earth. Hold on." He jumped down and picked up a newspaper off the floor.

"First of February this year not exactly far-flung, is it?"

"Oo six days until my birthday" Rita grinned. "Being 19 is fun, though" she then pouted. "I will have to be all like a mature adult than" she scrunched up her nose.

The Doctor snorted a laugh. "You do surprise me Rita Stone, sometimes you surprisingly act older than I am and then other times you act like a small child" Rita rolled her eyes shoving him a little. "Anyways So this is London."

"Yep," Mickey replied.

"Your city." He asked Rita could see where he was going with this looking up at the sky to what he was seeing.

"That's the one."

"Just as we left it."

"Bang on." Oh, poor Mickey Rita shook her head.

"And that includes the Zeppelins?" The Doctor finally pointed out seeing Rita rolling her eyes at how blind Mickey had been not seeing what the Doctor was doing.

"What the hell?" He looked up.

"That's beautiful," Rose said in awe following the Doctor and Rita's gaze.

"Okay, so it's London with a big international Zeppelin festival." Mickey knew that obviously wasn't right.

"This is not your world, Rita?" He raised a brow.

"Not mine" she shrugged.

"But if the date's the same." He frowned. "It's parallel, right? Am I right? Like a parallel Earth? Like where Rita is from but this one has Zeppelins. Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?" Mickey was slightly annoying Rita but his repetitiveness, however, the girl kept her mouth shut not wanting to cause an argument even though there was one soon already.

"Must be." The Doctor shrugged still looking up at the sky.

"So, a parallel world where-" Rose started to talk slowly making her way over to a board with her dad's picture on it.

"Oh, come on. You've seen it on films. Like an alternative to our world where everything's the same but a little bit different, like-" Rita then interrupted.

"Mickey did I never fully explain it to you?" she chuckled "parallel world and that expert over here" she pointed to herself grinning.

"I think I'm the expert" the Doctor raised his brows.

"Anyway like I was saying before I got rudely interrupted" he shot a glaring gaze over to Rita. "This is a world what is like ours but different somethings are slightly different like Tony Blair never got elected."

"And he's still alive," Rose mumbled and then all turned round to her. "A parallel world and my dad's still alive." She mumbled again.

"Rose" Rita spoke sadly. "Don't look at the advert"

"But it's him" she argued.

"Don't look at it," the Doctor told her walking forward to stand almost in front of it Rita following due to their hands still being connected. "Rose." He said firmly. "Don't even think about it. This is not your world."

"But he's my dad" she stared at the board not looking away from it. She slowly raised her hand as if it would disappear if she moved too fast. The blonde then gently touched the board then jumped back when it began to move.

"Trust me on this." Pete Tyler from the advert spoke.

"Well, that's weird. But he's real." She continued to stare at it not even looking at the Doctor, Mickey or Rita.

"Trust me on this." The advert played again.

"He's a success." She began to mumble. "He was always planning these daft little schemes. Health food, drinks and stuff. Everyone said they were useless. But he did it." The Doctor let go of Rita's hand standing in front of Rose giving her a seriously concerned look.

"Rose, if you've ever trusted me, then listen to me now." He noticed the blonde shifting her head a little to look round him and at advert Pete Tyler "Stop looking at it. Your father's dead. He died when you were six months old." He told her the harsh truth. "That is not your Pete. That is a Pete. For all we know, he's got his own Jackie, his own Rose. His own daughter who is someone else, but not you. You can't see him. Not ever."

"Doctor" Rita whispered to him. He looked down at her giving his full attention. She pulled him away to talk to him without Rose hearing.

"Hmm?" He looked down at her giving his full attention.

"Let Rose calm down." He looked at her about to argue and tell them all to go to the TARDIS. "She needs time, I know how she's feeling" Rita looked over at the blonde staring at the board. "Kinda, I was shocked when I saw you are Rose sure you wasn't dead" she said a little more quietly. "You two weren't even real in my world and here you are, so give her time" she finished her speech then headed Back towards the TARDIS not saying a word and hoping that the Doctor would accept and follow her advise.

"Stay with her" the Doctor spoke to Mickey then ran inside the TARDIS after Rita.

"What did you mean?" He asked her walking in to find her sitting on the jump seat. "About calming down" he explained. "It didn't take you long to believe me" he pointed out slumping down on the seat next to her.

"Doctor" she gave him an 'are you stupid look' "Until we reached the TARDIS I thought I was dreaming even if I thought I told you I believed you earlier. I lie just like you do, she needs to clear her head she can't just snap out of it instantly, she just saw her dead dad on a sign looking very alive"

He nodded in understanding agreeing with her. "I guess you're right"

"When am I not?" She smirked.

"Cheeky" he shoved her a little. "Sorry about the TARDIS" he shrugged. "Guess it wouldn't have mattered if we took the long path with Madame de pompadour now" he chuckled. "Still stuck somewhere now"

"Ah but Doctor there is always Rose and Mickey." She raised a finger.

"I hate domestics" he scrunched his nose up at the thought.

"Of course you would, anyone would if they had a ship that travelled though time and space with almost infinite rooms and endless possibilities." He smiled at her finding it unbelievable how she was explaining the TARDIS like this. "We'll get out of here though" she grinned sheepishly. "Whoops that was a secret"

The Doctor and Rose turned their heads to the TARDIS doors they had heard shut. The Doctor noticed it was only Mickey and grumbled "I told you to keep an eye on her." He basically shouted at the man.

"She's all right." Mickey protested.

The Doctor huffed arguing with the man. "She goes wandering off! Parallel world, it's like a gingerbread house. All those temptations calling out."

"Oh, so it's just Rose, then? Nothing out there to tempt me or Rita?"

"Well, I don't know, I can't worry about everything plus Rita knows all about parallel worlds." He stood up and walked over to the console. "If I could just get this thing to..." he then gave it a strong kick and gritted his teeth a little.

"Did that help?" Mickey asked.


"Did that hurt?" Mickey looked at him smugly.

"Yes. Ow." He groaned shaking his leg a little. Rita giggled making her remember 'the episode' where the Doctor was hopping around on one foot to try and get rid of the radiation he absorbed.

The Doctor sat back down next to Rita still grumbling with a slight pain in his foot.
"We're not meant to be here. The TARDIS draws its power from the universe, but it's the wrong universe. It's like diesel in a petrol engine."

"Poor girl" Rita mumbled standing up then patting the console. The Doctor smiled a little at how much she cared.

"But I've seen it in comics." Mickey started. "People go hopping from one alternative world to another. It's easy didn't Rita do that?"

"No she didn't, I don't know what happened there but she didn't do that. You can't do that anymore. Not in the real world. It used to be easy. When the Time Lords kept their eye on everything, you could hop between realities, home in time for tea." Rita slowly made her way over to him sitting back down in the jump seat knowing where he was going with this. "Then they died, and took it all with them. The walls of reality closed, the worlds were sealed. Everything became that bit less kind."

"Then how did we get here?" Mickey asked.

"I don't know. Accident? Should've been impossible. Now we're trapped. What's that?" He suddenly looked down and noticed a little green light.

"What?" Mickey frowned. Rita beamed leaning closer to the light.

"That, there." He pointed to it. Mickey leant in. "Is that a reflection? It's a light!" The Doctor shouted happily. "Is it? Is that a light? I think that's a light." The Doctor removed the grate "That's all we need. We've got power! Rita, Mickey, we've got power! Ha!" He grinned staring at the light.

"Well come on then!" Rita took the grate from the Doctor. "We need to get that light don't we?" Rita asked.

"Yes we do" he grinned happily as if it was Christmas. He then began to pull things out of underneath the TARDIS. He continued to pull things out of the TARDIS then jumped down into the hole he had created getting closer and closer to the small green light. "It's alive!" He beamed managing to reach the light, picking it up smiling at it like an idiot carefully holding it in both hands. Jumping out of the hole.

"What is it?" Mickey asked watching the Doctor who had a look of awe on his face.

"It's nothing. It's tiny. One of those insignificant little power cells that no one ever bothers about, and it's clinging onto life, with one little ounce of reality, tucked away inside."

"It's beautiful." Rita said in awe staring at the light with the same expression as the Doctor her head resting on his shoulder on her tiptoes.

"Enough to get us home?" Mickey asked.

"Not yet. I need to charge it up."

"We could go outside and lash it up to the National Grid," Mickey suggested.

Rita shook her head slightly moving the Doctors shoulder in the process. "Wrong sort of energy. It's got to come from our universe, well yours."

"But we don't have anything." Mickey frowned.

"There's me." The Doctor turned his head slightly watching Rita stare at the light. Her eyes shining in the green glow and her skin tinted slightly green. He turned back to the light leaning down to it a little and gently blowing on it the light glowing brighter a little.

"I just gave away ten years of my life." He gleamed at it speaking softly as if it was a small child sleeping. "Worth every second."

"Honestly it's amazing that it's clinging on to life." Rita thought aloud. The light then diminished a little and Mickey slightly frowned.

"It's going out. Is that okay?" He asked looking at the Doctor concerned.

"It's on a recharging cycle. It'll loop round, power back up and be ready to take us home in, oo, twenty-four hours?" He looked at Rita for confirmation.

"About that yeah" she nodded her chin still on his shoulder.

"So that gives us twenty-four hours on a parallel world?" Mickey asked his eyes brightening in excitement a little.

"Shore leave." The Doctor said a little bluntly. "As long as we keep our heads down. Easy. No problem. Let's go and tell her." He said meaning Rose. Rita moved her head off his shoulder and stood normally again with her feet firmly on the floor and not on her tiptoes like she was when her head was on his shoulder.


"There you are." The Doctor said brightly. "You all right?" He asked getting no answer. "No applause. I fixed it. Twenty-four hours, then we're flying back to reality." Rita rolled her eyes at how much he wasn't paying attention at the clearly upset blonde sitting before him. "What is it?" He asked the joy in his voice disappearing in an instant.

"My phone connected." She held her phone up a little. "There's this Cybus Network. It finds your phone. It gave me Internet access."

"Rose, whatever it says, this is the wrong world." He knelt down a little.

"I don't exist." She mumbled. Rita bit her lip a little. She never told Rose that she was just a made up character from a TV show on her world. That or she just forgot what the brunette said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"There's no Rose Tyler. I was never born." He told him, her face looking heart broken. "There's Pete, my dad, and Jackie. He still married mum but they never had kids."

"Give me that phone." He went to grab the phone like Rose was a small child she pulled it away before he could take it.

"They're rich. They've got a house and cars, and everything they want." She explained getting up from the bench she was sitting on. "But they haven't got me." She paused standing away from them the Doctor sitting on the bench and Rita beside him, his face full of anger now. "I've got to see him." She told the Doctor softly.

"You can't." He gritted his teeth.

"I just want to see him." Rose looked more hurt than ever now, a world where her dad was alive and her best mate didn't want to let her see him. "You just said twenty-four hours!" Rose stood up in protest.

"You can't become their daughter, that's not the way it works. Mickey, tell her." He looked over to Mickey for help.

"Twenty-four hours, yeah?"

"Mickey no, you can't," Rita warned.

"Where're you going?" The Doctor shouted seeing him begin to walk away.

"Well, I can do what I want." He blunting told the Doctor.

"I've got the address and everything."

"Rose you know you can't," Rita told her softly unlike the Doctor who was now full of anger shouting at the pair slowly walking away on either side of him.

"Stay where you are!" He ordered them. "Both of you!" The Doctor snapped his head in the direction of Rose and then Mickey. "Rose, come back here! Mickey, come back here right now!" He shouted to them. Rita sighed deeply knowing that there was nothing she could do.

"I just want to see him." She told him in protest. "I'm sure Rita wants to see if her family are alive." Rita's eyes shot open wide.

"No," the brunette said bluntly. "I don't know my parents and I never will even if I did I wouldn't because I know I simply can't."

"But you can at least try Rita, you must have a name of someone?"

"Rose you can't go and find them" she ignored her question tightening her hands into fists in slight anger hoping that it would stop her from running up and slapping Rose around the face, as much as she loved the blonde it was not in her place to make that sort of comment about her family, even if hurting her was extreme not knowing them hurt. "They won't know who you are and it will hurt you, I know it will" Rita snapped gritting her teeth.

"I've got things to see and all," Mickey spoke up beginning to turn away.

"Like what?" The Doctor frowned in anger.

"Well, you don't know anything about me, do you?" Mickey spat at him. "It's always about Rita and maybe it's Rose on the odd occasion I'm just a spare part aren't I Doctor? It's always going to be about her isn't it?"

"I'm sorry. I've got to go." Rose turned walking off and ending the conversation. The Doctor frantically looked between Rose and then Mickey not looking at the brunette who was very much in distress next to him, her hands in fists with her nails digging into her skin she could swear that she felt a trickle of blood not that she cared very much about it.

"Go on, then." Mickey noticed the Doctor was now looking over at Rose. "There's no choice, is there?" He asked hurt in his voice. "You can only chase after one of us. It's never going to be me, is it?"

"Back here, twenty-four hours!" The Doctor shouted pointing at Mickey then running off completely forgetting about the brunette as he ran after Rose.

She looked over seeing Mickey walking off, after sighing and wiping her eyes that had been holding off tears she ran in the direction of the Doctor and Rose trying to catch up with them both.

She managed to catch up almost tripping over her own feet in the process of running then mumbled after stopping beside the Doctor on the other side Rose stood. "Thanks for waiting for me" She muttered a little colder than she meant. He turned to the brunette and frowned not understanding what she meant as if she had been next to him the whole time, his face then fell seeing the girls upset emotion plastered on her face.

"Are you okay?" He asked her obviously knowing the answer but wanting to make sure.

"I'll be fine" she looked down sighing then looked over to the other side of the Doctor glaring at Rose a little. The Doctor leant close to the brunette and whispered in her ear: "She didn't mean it"

"I know" Rita mumbled back. "It just got me thinking, though, what if they were alive." She looked up at the Doctor his face blank and unreadable yet she could tell he disproved of this topic. "I mean I wouldn't even think about seeing them or anything" she added his face turned to a sad smile. "They may look and possibly act like my parents most likely did, but they obviously wouldn't I don't even know what they are like so why would it matter?" She looked at him once again however he didn't answer and just stared at her like he was in some kind of trance but very much listening to every word she said. "They're gone and I'm here, it's not like I'm missing anything though right? I am travelling through time and space going anywhere and everywhere with a 900-year-old alien in a blue box what I thought was only a TV show" She grinned trying to erase the depressing mood and thoughts in her mind. He chuckled a little and reached for her hand as if it was now a natural thing they did she took the gesture smiling away a little sadly but also happily for knowing that this was something special being able to go everywhere and anywhere, something may people like her had only dreamt of and she was able to live it.

The blonde looked down and in the corner of her eye she noticed both of their hand together and sighed quietly, this gesture was nothing new to her eyes from seeing it countless times before but the blonde didn't register it like she did now since almost all of the time it had happened before they were running for their lives or was busy occupied by other things, She stayed as silent as possible knowing that she defiantly hurt and most likely broke one of her best friends trust and didn't want to ruin it anymore by arguing with the girl. She couldn't help but feel jealous about it though. She did know him first and could clearly see that the brunette and the TimeLord were almost as close as he and the blonde were.

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