Chapter Five
When I was younger, Illius and I used to play hide-and-seek. Since I was physically smaller than him, I always found the best places to hide, seeking out tight spots that he could not fit into and would not think to look in. Sometimes it would take hours before he was able to seek me out, even when we set boundaries for what places in the castle were able to be used for that round. There was a specific time that I hid inside of a cedar wardrobe in one of the unused rooms in the south corridor, and I was left unfound until darkness fell. Sage was usually the one who gave up our position, since it was always difficult trying to find places for both of us to hide, and her tail usually remained visible. This wardrobe, however, was big enough for the both of us to remain concealed, so it took much longer than usual to be noticed. When it was time for me to retire and Illius still hadn't been able to find us, he panicked and recruited both of my parents and my uncle to find me, afraid that I had been kidnapped or otherwise lost to them for good.
I had fallen asleep inside of the darkened space, but Sage pushed the door ajar and led the search party back to me. Upon seeing me, Illius threw his arms around me and sobbed into my hair, scolding me all the while and telling me how afraid he was that he would never see me again. He made me promise that we never play that game again.
When we were small, Illius used to cry over me very often. Since he turned fifteen, however, and joined my Guard, I haven't seen him shed a single tear for any reason. I suppose that being the youngest person to gain the title of Captain of the Guard, he had quite the reputation to uphold. He was in charge of men twice his age, after all, managing to earn and keep the respect of all of them. He proved time and time again that he was worthy of his position, and that he was the most competent of all of them to protect me.
Today, my Captain looks as if he would like to break his seven-year streak of holding back his emotions. Since referring to Abigor as an outsider, he has refused to speak a word to him, seeming to forget about every hunting trip we took together and casting aside every bonding experience we ever shared as a trio.
Time inside of the quiet of the library seems to creep by as slowly as it did the day that I hid inside of that wardrobe, waiting in the dark until my Guardsmen turn up the traitorous Duke and his wife. I find it unlikely that the Addanc's caught wind of our discovery so soon, so Felix should have returned with them in tow by now. I cast a glance over the table at Abigor, unable to focus on the tome in my grasp.
Illius would not allow him to sit at the same table as me, so he is perched on a chair that he pulled away, towards the center of the room. His back is facing me, and he has his knees pulled to his chin. He would not have sent a warning to his parents before uncovering their secret, would he? I find it unlikely, though it is by no means implausible. He may be acting distraught to remain unsuspected by me, though the gloomy aura that he emanates seems real enough to me. I suppose that we will find out soon enough if Felix comes back empty-handed.
Illius does not so much as flinch when my Uncle barges into the library, sending the doors banging against their hinges. Abigor, however, startles so violently that he falls out of his seat, knocking it to the stone floor with a clatter.
"What is the meaning of this?" Lance bellows, voice like an echoing roar inside of the large room. Apparently, he has forgotten that libraries are a place to be quiet, as he allows his boots to make as much noise as if a horse is walking across the stone.
Abigor and Illius both stand straight as a pin, though Abby's face is brittle, his thoughts easy enough to decipher. He no doubt assumes that Lance will treat him the same way as Illius, and seems to prepare himself for more emotional turmoil. My Uncle ignores him, however, striding past his student and zeroing in on me.
Illius does not bother to detach himself from my side, even in the presence of the man that he respects so greatly. His face is stone as his arm brushes against the back of my neck, steel glare resting on Abigor. Even as my uncle stops to stand mere feet in front of me, Illius stays where he is, daring the other man to take another step forward. Lance may have been the one who trained him, but my Captain will not hesitate to amputate his hands if he so much as touches me at the moment. Every one of his protective instincts is as on high alert, and I believe that he would slice a fly in half if it had the audacity to land beside me.
Lance glances at Illius, seeming to feel the serious vibe that he casts around the both of us. "Alexander," His voice is loud and scolding, so I look over my book to give him some of my attention. "You should have told me about this immediately. What measures are being taken to combat this news?"
I lean my shoulder into Illius' elbow as I set my literature down, having felt his grip on the back of my chair tighten enough to make the wood creak. "I suggest that you lower your voice, Uncle. My guardians are quite vigilant at the moment."
Lance takes another look at Illius before deciding to obey and takes a deep breath to calm himself down. "I apologize, Nephew. Will you enlighten me, please? I am worried about your safety."
"Of course. Take a seat, let me explain," I say, calmly gesturing to another chair at the table. "And calm yourself. I am no invalid." This is why I was hesitant to inform him right away, until I was calm enough, myself, to deal with his own anxieties.
Truthfully, my hands had only just stopped trembling a moment ago, and I still flinch at each sound and shadow. The familiar pressure of my Captains arm around my shoulders comforts me, however, effectively quelling the majority of my unease. The weight of Sage's head resting on my feet dispels the rest.
"Are you aware of both the Addanc's and of Mabon?" I inquire, trying to get a grasp on just how much of the day's events have been relayed to him.
"Mabon? From Lyra's Council?" My uncle leans forward on his elbows, face tense. "He is a traitor, as well?"
I sigh, reaching to rub the back of my neck, unhappy to have to relive the experience. "Yes. I caught him stealing from me."
Lance furrows his brow, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling. "Good heavens. What did he take?"
"My grandmother's emerald necklace, among other things. I have a man searching his living quarters for any other stolen property."
My uncle's head snaps back to look at me, expression perplexed. A hand finds the beard on his chin, working the coarse hair like a comb. "Why would he do that? Is he unsatisfied with his pay?"
I lean back in my chair so that my shoulder blades press flush against Illius' arm. He makes no attempt to move it, even when Lance shoots another glance in his direction. "It had nothing to do with money. He wanted to prove that he could steal from under me, without me noticing. He wanted to feel superior to me," I observe his reaction to my next words carefully. "I suppose that he was one among many who deem me unfit to rule as Steward in my parent's place."
"Well, that did not work the way he intended it to," My uncle looks close to chuckling, but refrains from it. "Any who believe that you are not competent to rule are fools," The ghost of a smile on his face disappears, replaced with a serious expression. "What have you done to punish him?"
I know that he does not ask this to question my competence, so I smooth out the slight flair of irritation that it evokes before I speak, careful not to let it creep into my voice. I do not want to further upset Sage or Illius by revealing it. "I presume that you know about my plans by now, yes?" The words are as smooth as glass.
"For the crops to be planted outside?" He waits for me to nod before continuing, a small, proud smile creeping across his face, hiding behind his beard but making an appearance in his cognac eyes. "Indeed. It is a very wise decision. Your mother would be proud."
I am flooded with a warm feeling at his words, but I suppress the emotion from showing on my expression. "Thank you. We will need as many hands as possible to make the idea function smoothly. If I exile Mabon, he will run to tell our enemies about our plans, leading to our crops being ruined, or pillaged by neighboring adversaries. I do not find his crime worthy of execution, and it would be wiser to keep him to use for work. In his mind, being subjected to hard labor is far worse than death, anyhow."
I do not miss the flash of uncertainty in Lance's eyes, apparently not entirely convinced that my decision is the best course of action. He does not say anything to oppose it, however, seeming to know that it is still a wise one. "I see. It is an appropriate punishment, particularly for a man like him."
Knowing his mindset, he would rather have Mabon set to be publicly executed to let the thought of any possible betrayal of the crown die with him. I have little doubt that, if he were allowed to have things done to his liking, the Duke Addanc and his wife would be handled in a similar manner. I believe that my Father would agree with him, though my Mother would more than likely disagree. More often than not, my fair Mother's heart has more hand in her decision making than her logic, and where it may not be an untenable way to rule by way of moral standards, it is also not the most astute way to handle adjudication.
It is by no means because she hasn't the discipline needed to take a life, only that she does not rely on it without appropriate cause. Even now, she makes a fierce display of her strength by fighting alongside her husband in this war, struggling to keep the freedom that our kingdom has from the Tyrant that has been attempting to take it.
Ever since my Father's Father, the long-reigning King of Wales, was betrayed by his son, he made the reckless decision to attempt to take Nordic by force. His original tactic was to slither his way in by marriage to my Mother, whom he would soon have killed so that rule of my kingdom would belong to him. My Father, however, did not agree with his idea. Prince Samson of Whales, then married my mother, Princess Lyra of Nordic, and cut ties with his father. Since my unstable Grandfather made to poor decision to wage war against us, my Father intends to overthrow him and reclaim his throne in Whales, giving Nordic reign over two countries. The idea in itself if ingenious, but Whales has proven themselves to be a worthy foe, despite the manic, unhinged man who rules them. Luckily for my Grandfather's kingdom, a weak King does not necessarily define the outcome of his reign, if his people are strong.
Since our soldiers are not used to the mountainous region in which they are fighting, our adversaries hold the upper hand in the war, able to maneuver through familiar territory to catch us off guard. Luckily, my Father spent much of his youth hunting in the area, so he is well acquainted with the enclave and is able to avoid any surprise attacks on our troops. Getting food to the large majority of them has been proving difficult, however, with Whalation spies intercepting the deliveries at certain checkpoints along the way. It would be wise for my parents to reach out to our allies is Arinal; I heard stories of how my Mother went on a grand adventure with the current ruler there, and we have been on good terms with them since he took the throne.
Unfortunately for Nordic, we are not on friendly terms with the next largest Kingdom, as the King Kaisa is as rotten as my Grandfather. Though Whales and Ingens have yet to become allies with one another, it would be devastating for Nordic, making it nearly impossible to win the war. There is one other kingdom that is located right between Nordic and Ingens, the smallest of all the others, though somehow remains free from the tyrannical rule of the impossibly larger kingdom ruled by Kaisa. Esvanic and Nordic are on good terms with each other, but their military is much too weak in numbers to ask them to take part in the war. It would be wise, however, if my parents thought to seek food rations from them if they have the chance to do so.
I look up to one of the many windows in the library, seeing how dark it has become outside. "Will you seek out Felix and Casimir? They are in charge of bringing the Addanc's to me to serve their punishment. It has been several hours since I set them out. Would you mind checking their status, Uncle?"
"Me?" Lance sounds surprised, raising an eyebrow as he glances between Illius and I. Under usual circumstances, I would not hesitate to send my very competent Captain to handle these matters instead. This time, however, neither Illius or I seem inclined to leave each other's company. Our anxieties are less worrisome when we are beside each other, but magnitudes worse when we are apart. When we are able to keep an eye on one another, it is easier to process information more rationally with one half of our main concern standing beside the other. Being in my Captain's presence is like a salve against the burn of my apprehension of the current situation, which allows me to perceive even my uncle as a possible threat.
Deep in my heart, I know that Lance would never do a thing to harm me, but the logical part of my mind, the majority of my brain, tells me to keep an eye on him until this ordeal is over with. Until then, anyone but Illius is a possible serpent, no matter the friendly masks that they wear, or how long I have known them for. It is not even that I favor my Captain over anyone else, but it is the very fact that he is always with me that he cannot possibly go behind my back to plot anything against me. He also has no motivation to do me wrong; I am the one who saved his life, after all. He has spent the rest of it to this day doing the same for me, trying to repay his debt, even though I see nothing to reciprocate. Therefore, I find Illius' loyalty to me quite irrefutable, as proven by logical evidence leading to my conclusion. Out of everyone else in my kingdom, he is the least likely to betray me.
"My words did not stumble," I state, leaning back in my chair. Both the action and my words cause my Uncle's gaze to draw away from Illius, focusing back on me. "You are welcome to do what you wish, though I presumed that you would want to play a role in the capture of the serpents."
Lance holds his hands out in front of him in bewilderment, shaking his head. "Of course! I did not mean to question you, Nephew, I was simply surprised that you would send me."
Illius' arm leaves my chair when Lance makes to stand, leaning forward across the table towards me. I do not have to look to know the warning glare in my Captain's eyes as his hand tightens on the golden hilt of his sword. He does not utter a word, but the threatening nature of his position is enough to stay the arm that my Uncle was extending to me in a parting embrace.
Lance's face suggests confusion that this man who was once his subordinate is suddenly willing to attack him without a second thought. His cognac eyes flash to mine with uncertainty, apparently beginning to question my faith in him, as well. "Calm yourself, Wolf. I wish only to bid my Nephew goodnight."
I stand and grasp my Uncle's hand instead, offering a tired, tight-lipped smile. "This will do for tonight, Uncle. Pay him no mind. Do take care when you depart, and alert me to your return immediately."
"Of course. Rest assured, Alexander. I will see to their capture, and to your Guardsmen's safe return."
"I believe you," I tighten my grip on his hand, expression turning serious alongside my tone of voice. "Be careful."
"I always am, Nephew. Get some rest, I will return with them in tow shortly." Lance give Illius another curious look before turning to stride from the room. He gives Abby an acknowledging pat on the shoulder on his way out, showing that he does not fault his student for the news of his parents, and uses the brief interaction as a display of the pride that he feels in the courage that it took to tell me about the plot.
When we are alone once more, I turn to face my old friend. Abby still does not look me in the eyes, instead, training his gaze on my boots as I walk towards him. He seems to hold his breath as I lean over him to slide the book that I was reading back onto the shelf behind him, remaining as silent as the grave.
I take a step back and take a moment to inspect the young Duke carefully. After a moment, I reach my hand forward, offering it to him. "Do not cower so, Abby. You have done an admirable thing, and I harbor no ill will against you. It is quite the opposite, in fact."
Abigor raises his eyes to look at my hand, squinting at it as if he expects it to disappear if he blinks. Eventually, he takes it, hesitating as he looks beside me to Illius. He winces at our friend's expression, but gently takes my hand and allows me to help him from his chair. "You do not, perhaps," He comments, casting a glance down at Sage, as well. "Your companions, however, seem to oppose your feelings towards me."
"They do not," My voice has an edge to it, firmly disproving his suspicions. "They are simply distrustful. You must understand their point of view, as I discern yours."
Abby raises his eyes, though they do not quite find mine yet, landing instead on my chin. "I will try, I apologize."
"No need, Abby. Let us go to your room now, it is very late and the day has been long."
The Duke nods, and follows complacently behind me, seemingly wary of getting too close, despite my words that were meant to soothe his mind. He trails as quietly and docile as a lamb until I stop in front of a closed door.
A man with strawberry blond curls stands guard outside, bowing upon our arrival.
Abigor peeks around me curiously, looking the Guardsmen up and down. "This is not my room." He states, clearly confused.
"It is now. I had your things transferred from your previous room while we were in the library. It is safer for you to stay here," I hold a hand towards the man in front of the door to introduce him. "This is one of my personal Guards. His name is Joshiah, and he has been ordered to look after you until he is instructed otherwise."
Abby's lips part in surprise, eyes wide as he stares at the other man. Realizing that he is being rude, he dips his head in a nod, shifting his gaze back to me. He rubs his hands together nervously. "Alex, I am grateful, but is that really alright? Should you not have every man that you can watching you now?"
I smile, feeling Illius' presence beside me, warm and familiar against the draft that wafts down the corridor. "Of course. I will not be in harm's way, have no concern about that. Sleep well, Abby, you are in safe hands. I will be right down the hall."
Abigor's eyes drift from me to Illius, before yielding to my decision, understanding that he has no place to argue with me. "Thank you, Al. You are the greatest friend."
I place a hand on his shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "As are you. I will see that you are rewarded for your loyalty. Get some rest now." I wait for him to bow and disappear into his new bedchamber, looking over his shoulder at the three of us.
Once the door clicks shut, I turn to fix Joshiah with a more serious expression. It works out that he is the only Guardsmen that I have to spare, as he is one of the most resolute personalities on my Guard. Though he is the youngest, he is also the least likely to be swayed by an outsider. I make certain to keep my voice just above a whisper, in case Abby is still within earshot inside of the room. "Do not let him out of your sight, Joshiah."
The young man nods. The torch on the wall beside him casting its glow onto the freckles that dust his nose, making him appear older than he is. His expression is as stiff as his voice, remaining as steadfast as always. "As you wish, Your Highness."
With an entrusting look, I leave Joshiah to his duty and head to my own bedchamber, hopefully, to find a bit of rest before sunrise.
Author's Note
How are you? I hope you're sleeping and eating well! Don't forget to drink enough water and keep up with your personal hygiene; your body is the only one that you'll get, so you should look after yourselves and treat yourselves kindly. Please, stay warm as the temperature changes so that you stay healthy, and remember that self-care is not selfish. You can't give to others when your own cup is empty!
I hope that you all have somewhere nice to go this Thanksgiving and that you have many things to be grateful for. Enjoy time with your loved ones, and eat a lot of good food! I hope you make many good memories to share around your tables next year and look back fondly on the ones that you already have. Always look for a silver lining; there is always something to be thankful for!
God bless you guys, you have my affection. As always, thank you so much for reading! I look forward to any comments you might leave. :)
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