Quinn began to relax considerably since takeoff. Our altitude neared cruising when they deactivated the seat belt sign I ignored. Her legs were propped over the wide chair arm as she watched me over her third drink. The lights inside the cabin dimmed nicely to mimic the low light outside us.
I crossed my arms and met her gaze unflinchingly.
"More questions?" I guessed.
"Only a few thousand." She remarked, moving the ice around.
I gestured a hand wide for her to continue. She pinched her brow in thought before bouncing a foot.
"Well, the first is how long this flight will be?" She quipped, taking a sip.
"We'll stop for fuel in Dubai for a few hours before continuing." I answered with a smirk when her eyes shot wider.
"Dubai is only a stop?" She squeaked.
"Yes unless you want to stop in the Pacific." I told her with a grin.
"I'll be so restless." She complained, sinking into the seat with a groan.
"There's a bedroom behind you." I said nonchalant, flicking my hand in the direction.
Her head whipped behind me and she was up from her seat in seconds. I grinned ahead as I heard her steps approach the wooden door and pull it open with a gasp. As aircraft accommodation went–it would do.
"Unbelievable. Who knew detectives made the real dollar these days." She uttered sarcastically.
"Yes. Because lawyers don't these days..." I drawled ironically.
She plunked herself back into the seat alongside my own with a much more content expression. I shook my head and glanced out the window as Europe crept past slowly below us.
"What use do you have for a bed anyway?" She asked, a lot more forward than she realised.
I grinned, holding back a laugh when her cheeks suddenly tinted a shade darker and she palmed her face. "I meant–you know what I meant–"
"Yes, Quinn I know you meant sleep." I drawled before adding. "–but I sleep for a few hours at a time too–we're not complete insomniacs."
Her heartbeat was still amusingly high and the pink hadn't completely left her face. It caught my attention more than I'd like and I had to measure my breathing better. Quinn faced the window cutting off my view of her thoughts.
"For some reason I was not expecting to cross continents." She said finally.
"There's no point in going anywhere unless you really go." I drawled. "Besides you send your foster parents off to all sorts of locations." I shrugged.
"Yes but they don't exactly have a private plane and their own crew to jet off to undisclosed locations." She pressed with a frown.
"You hate not knowing don't you?" I asked with a brow raised and a slow smile.
She pulled her feet off the arm and leant forward to hold my eyes more intently.
"I'm pretty good at getting information when I want it. You'll be no different." She spoke in a low voice making my blood run that much cooler.
It was those quick changes in mood and body language that kept throwing me. Mortals were supposed to be linear and consistent. Quinn was like a fire you couldn't contain and it kept changing shape and direction... get too close and the burn was significant–
"You've got that thoughtful expression again." She noted.
"You're just very hard to predict." I told her honestly.
"You're one to talk, Fletcher." She scoffed.
I shook my head and leant my head against the seat watching her. "I'm quite simple really. Immortals are like sharks. Cold blood, sharp teeth and go mad for the smell of blood."
She thought this over and started smiling. "You honestly compared yourself to a shark... of all things."
I shrugged. "What would you choose?"
"I mean, come on Fletcher, don't shoot your looks down too harshly–"
"Don't worry, I looked this good as a mortal too." I interrupted with an arrogant smirk.
"If I had more ice you'd be on the receiving end." Quinn muttered. "Besides sharks don't sleep."
"A common misconception." I informed her calmly. "They have periods of active rest to keep the water running through–"
"Jesus I didn't realise I'd left Planet Earth on." She interrupted pinching the bridge of her nose. I grinned at her exasperation.
"Let's pick a topic you know so well then." I challenged.
She threw me a competitive smirk. "What do I get when I win?"
I made to consider this. "You school me in an area of your expertise and I tell you where we're going." I said simply. "I beat you at your own game and I get to sell you for five camels when we land–"
"You're hilarious." She deadpanned. "But I've got a better deal–and five camels? Really?"
I laughed loudly and sank into the seat shaking my head. "You're right five is a bit steep."
"I swear to god Fletcher, I'll find a way to test that immortality if you don't shut up." She warned with a good amount of humour entering her voice.
I nodded and sealed my lips.
"I win." She said slowly. "And I get answers to some very personal questions. You win and–"
"Do I even get to know what the questions are?" I demanded.
"No." She said flatly continuing, "–you win and you can... drink my blood."
I looked at her sharply and she grinned like a scorned child. "Quinn. Not remotely funny." I glared darkly.
"Honestly, that's how confident I am that I can beat you on the topic of law and litigation." She said emphasising.
"Imagine if I knew a thing or two about it." I said slowly meeting her eyes and making her pulse beat faster. "What then."
"I guess a deal is a deal." She said with a brow raised.
I sighed long and hard. "You say I'm unbelievable."
"I'll think of a different reward." She conceded, before tilting herself forward on the arm of the chair and distracting me. "How can we check our answers?"
"The plane has onboard wifi, check your phone." I said simply.
She smiled at me slowly. "Not that I'll need to."
"I'm ready when you are, Adams."
She didn't hesitate to kick off our verbal war. "Alternative Dispute Resolution. Define it."
"A resolution process which doesn't involve parties going to a final court hearing to resolve the issue." I said easily with a false yawn.
She raised her eyebrows to the sky in shock. I gave her a lazy smile. "Did you want to check that?" I said eying the phone in her hand. She crossed her arms and shook her head slowly.
"Okay, Fletcher. Shoot."
"Part 36 Offer." I said cooly.
She crossed her leg over and flicked up a hand. "An offer without prejudice which means the offer cannot be referred to by either party in court before the Court has made its final judgment. Part 36 refers to the Civil Procedure Rule." She finished, tilting her head in my direction. "At least make me sweat."
I gave her a dark look that heated her blood. "I think I've done that already." I murmured, enjoying the way her pupils darkened. She cleared her throat and shifted in the chair until I took my eyes off her and waited on her words.
We went back and forth like this for many more minutes before I started to notice the slowness in her words and her eyes get tired. It was almost three in the morning in our time zone. So I stopped her before she could stubbornly ask another term.
She paused glancing my way.
"Go to sleep. We're still three hours away from our stop and you'll need it." I told her.
She nodded with a small smile. "I've got to give it to you. You know your stuff for a detective..."
I chuckled. "I've actually passed the bar." I admitted.
She looked at me like she even expected it. Like not much I could say would surprise her when she found out another thing about me.
"Then you'll be good competition when I beat you tomorrow." She answered easily. Then glanced back at the wooden door. "You don't want to sleep tonight?"
I swallowed at the idea of sleeping next to the very desirable mortal. That warm rushing pulse just inches away from me for hours.
"Not a good idea." I murmured, meeting her eyes and sensing the moment grow heavier.
"Too tempting?" She smirked, leaning against the chair and making me glance the curve of her hips in the move.
I sighed through my nose. "I think you know why."
Flashes of our kiss. Our sudden moment of unrestrained fire and desire hit me sharply and recklessly. It was her fault. She had been the instigator and I was powerless to stop her. If we were to travel together closely from now... I had to be more careful of her very mortal acts–
"If you change your mind... I don't snore." She smirked before moving off her chair. I chuckled, watching her shrug out of her dark hoodie. Leaving that delicious scent behind.
"Goodnight, Quinn." I said quietly as she passed me.
"Goodnight, Tara." She returned, before disappearing past the door.
I took a deep and long breath before sinking into my seat and looking for the stars outside.
* * * * *
The cabin lights were now off completely and only low blue floor lights lit the cabin. I was staring off at the many lights moving slowly below us. We must be crossing towards Turkey now. I loved watching it. Just as I had every time I had the pleasure of seeing the cities expand into increasing stars spread over the land. It never used to be anything close to this. The infrastructure. The sheer scale of it all only used to be confined to select cities and countries.
Now it glittered below in golden vines of life.
I heard the door to the bedroom open quietly behind and frowned. She probably didn't realise there was also a bathroom inside the room. Or maybe she sleep walked. That would be extremely hard to explain–
Her footsteps approached in a steady steady walk until they paused at my chair. I turned to her as she set her knees over both sides of my legs and I froze completely into the chair.
"Quinn." I demanded in a low voice. "What are–"
"I can't sleep." She murmured. Dipping her head down to mine slowly as I leant back as far as I could. Trying to escape the intoxicating smell that was wrapping itself around me–not to mention the way her legs were pressed against me in closeness.
"I can see that." I grit out, watching her smile increase as my instincts went mad. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." I growled, resisting the urge to pull her face closer.
"More than you know, Fletcher." She murmured, tilting her head and glancing at my lips before returning to my eyes. "I just keep thinking..."
"What?" I asked in a controlled voice.
In the low blue light she became a different type of beautiful. Like in that god damn gym when her bright eyes turned a shade of blue. It wasn't even fair it was insanity. The feel of her body on me like this and my instincts begging me to grab her.
"How close I can get to you before... it's an issue." She told me in a low voice. As if we were discussing the weather next week and not an imminent death if she crossed the line.
"I thought you were done playing this game." I murmured, swallowing hard.
She lowered her head more and pressed her hands on each side of my chair. Her lips came close to my ear and my mind was clouding again. The scent and proximity was burning me alive with need to act. Maybe the last time was a fluke. When I thought for a second I had an inch of control–
"Not even close." She whispered, bringing her lips back dangerously close to my own.
The darkness seemed to heighten every sense I had to her. It made every movement more intimate and more dangerous. I slowly placed my hands on her hips using everything I had not to draw her closer but hold her at bay.
It didn't stop the damn pulse in her from quickening and her breathing to stutter.
"I'm trying. Very hard here. Quinn." I got out, meeting those dark eyes.
Her eyes flickered between mine and she trailed a finger slowly against my jaw. I shut my eyes and tried to measure a small breath. She drew down my neck and I felt the heat wherever she went. It was around me. It was everywhere. My mind was a mess of need and control. Total war.
"I trust you." She whispered.
I gripped her tighter just to control my own senses but she took it as a signal of a completely different nature. One that I wanted anyway. She dropped her lips lower hovering lightly over mine. A breath away and no more. It was a silent question and one I was trying to find the answer to.
But she knew. And so did I.
I pulled one of my hands off her slowly and captured the back of her neck before pulling her towards me and closing the final distance between us. Our lips were soft and sure. Even while I burned on the chair feeling her pressed on top of me this way. I still hadn't lost myself completely to her. But I knew if she kept going I would.
Her heartbeat picked up quickly and she pressed closer to me, pulling both of her hands up to grip my shirt collar. The heat was growing like a living thing. Every time those perfect lips shaped against my own I lost a bit more of my saner side and gained darkness. My hand on her hip dropped below her t-shirt and glided against her skin. She dragged in another breath and actually pushed my shoulders against the seat making something more demanding rise in me.
"Quinn." I said in low warning.
"I know–I know–" She smiled into the next kiss, keeping her hands steadily against my shoulders.
I broke away another inch and her breathing was heavy. "I don't think you do."
She pressed her mouth against mine again making every reason and logical thought a blur. My hands moved with a will of their own and both ran up her back under her shirt. She shuddered against me and bit down on my lower lip. I made a low sound and she moved herself on top of me in a painfully desirable way before pushing her hands through my hair.
I had to break the kiss again and find a small part of myself that wouldn't end up taking this too far. Too far to redeem.
"Is this too much?" She whispered.
"Everything is too much with you involved." I muttered back, trying to measure my control.
She chuckled in the dark before pulling her hand from the strands of my hair and setting it under my chin. I watched her with what I knew was stark desire in the darkness.
"When I kiss you. I find myself acting before thinking." She murmured near my mouth. It made everything worse and made me want the feel of her heat all over me.
"I know the feeling." I retorted, holding her gaze.
She half smiled and kept her fingers under my jaw before tilting my head up so she could secure my lips again slowly. I didn't stop her this time. Her hands went back into my hair and I pulled her more securely onto my lap as I returned every smooth moment of her lips with just as much lust. Her breathing increased and I felt more of me slip into the cloud of relentless need.
I barely recognised my own body act when I stood, pulling her up with me and wrapping her legs around my waist. I didn't care if the crew were in their quarters or aware of us in the dark cabin. But we didn't break our kiss as I walked us to the door at the end of the hall and pushed us inside kicking it shut.
Quinn's tongue traced my lip before moving against my own in need. I needed a grip on something. Less was staying in reality around us. Around her. We dropped onto the bed and I held my weight above her while she assaulted my skin with roaming hands. Nothing else seemed to matter but the feel of her heat on me and the way her hands were moving under my shirt to the flat muscles of my stomach. I growled and pinned her arms down when she tried to unbutton my shirt.
She threw me an innocent look while I glared.
"I promise I have good intentions." She uttered in a dark voice.
It made me smirk in return and shake my head slowly. "Off limits, Adams. I can't."
She pouted and drew up below me to lean back on her elbows. Us being alone in here was already crossing lines.
"So this–" She pulled my jaw down to secure my lips briefly. "–is okay. But this–" She moved her hands up under my shirt in burning fire making desire rip through me–
"Definitely not okay." I said through my teeth, that were now sharper in my mouth.
Quinn didn't miss the change and looked at my mouth intently.
"Got it." She murmured, with a little more sanity in her voice. I slowly took a flame filled breath and drew my control and sharp teeth in. When I opened my eyes she stared curiously below me. I watched her back and tried to put some space between us only to be stopped by her hand again.
"Don't go."
I remained looking at her with conflict in my eyes. But I think the darkest part of me was held off for now. I think the fire raging in my throat was manageable. For now. I nodded slowly and moved until we were lying side by side.
"Why couldn't you sleep?" I asked her.
She gave me an uneasy look. "Still not over the whole flying death trap."
I smiled back in understanding. "Has this... helped?"
She laughed quietly. "Oh yeah your lips just took the fear right out of me." She drawled.
I rolled my eyes. Watching her silently and wondering what she was really thinking. What else made her fearful and how many times she had really been on a plane before...
"Ask me." She said, reading me and using my own words on me.
"No. Sleep." I ordered.
She grinned back and yawned on cue. I chuckled and pulled a pillow down and set it beneath her head.
"What if I want you as the pillow?" She quipped.
I sighed and stared at the ceiling in exasperation. "You're pushing your luck, Adams." I muttered. She sniggered beside me before scooting closer despite it. I side eyed her cautiously as she moved and set her head against my shoulder.
I sighed again before deciding on fixing this.
"Come on." I murmured as I pulled her easily with me until we lay against the pillows near the back board and I set her head against my chest. She smiled and let her arm rest over my stomach while her body seemed to shape against my side.
"In forma pauperis." She suddenly whispered against me. "Define it."
"Don't make me put you to sleep, Quinn." I murmured right back.
She giggled. "I knew you didn't know."
I sighed for what felt like the tenth time in minutes. "Go. To. Sleep. Mortal."
"I. Will. Try. Immortal." She whispered back each word making me smile in the dark.
True to her word I felt her breathing slowly steady and become more measured. Her body totally relaxed against my own. I carefully pulled the other side of the covers below us over her body without disturbing her. Then left my arm over the top so she wouldn't feel my cold more than necessary. But she didn't shiver. She seemed to sleep as soundly as any mortal should.
I even felt the threat of my own eyes close. Usually a few hours every few days was enough but I felt the pull of the oblivion Quinn felt below me more than usual. Like everything just needed to be processed. After all, it wasn't every day that you left it all behind with the one woman that held your interest in the world...
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