What If...The Other Half Got Dusted?
"Time. Space. Reality. It's
more than a linear path. It's a
prism of endless possibility, where
a single choice can branch out into
infinite realities, creating alternate
worlds from the ones you know. I
am the Watcher. I am your guide
through these vast new realities.
Follow me and ponder the
"In your universe, the avengers were separated into two different battles, fighting the same enemy. Unfortunately for them, it was not a battle they could so easily win. Half of the universe got snapped away, leaving many of the original avengers to team up to save the day and being everyone back. But, in this universe, things played out more...differently."
Thor lands in front of Thanos, who is down on one knee; hatefully saying. "I told you. You'd die for that!"
He says reffering to the deaths of Loki and Heimdall. He takes hold of the back of Thanos' head and forces Stormbreaker deeper into his chest, staring angrily into his eyes while Thanos cries out in pain. Y/n makes a whip as it goes for Thanos.
Thanos weakly says, "You should have... you... [suddenly stronger] You should have gone for the head!"
He raises his gauntlet and snaps his fingers. "NO!"
The scene whites out. It cuts sharply to a view of Thanos his hand on his chest, no wounds visible. Thanos now seems to be inside the Soul Stone, where he sees a child and the pavilion from the home world of the Zen-Whoberi. "Daughter?"
The child turns around, revealing herself to be Young Gamora. "Did you do it?"
Thanos nodded, "Yes."
He looks down. "What did it cost?"
Thanos solemnly says, "Everything."
Now out of the Soul World, Thanos is snapped back to reality, and notices the damage inflicted on the gauntlet -- the metal scorched and distorted from heat, the stones no longer glowing. "What'd you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
Thanos nearly seems to not notice Thor as Y/n's whip wraps around his neck. Before Y/n can snap it, Thanos uses the Space Stone and teleports away, leaving Stormbreaker behind on Wakandan ground. Steve stumbles into the clearing, holding his left side. "Where'd he go? Thor... Y/n...where'd he go?"
Y/n immediately used his stone but he couldn't go back in time. "Shit, shit, shit! Come on! Work!"
"Y/n, can you track him?" Steve asked as Y/n shook his head.
"Normally I need hair for that but as you know Thanos doesn't have any." Y/n said as he felt his gem acting up. "I might be able to track the radiation the infinity stones in the gauntlet using my own."
"Okay...okay." Steve started to shake as he fell to the ground.
"Rogers? What are you?" Thor says as he noticed Steve disappearing.
"STEVE!!" Bucky rushed over to hold Steve as Steve looks at him, "hey, hang on. Hang on."
"Bucky...you find Thanos with Y/n...no matter what happens." Steve says as he gives him the Wakandan shield. "You're the new Captain America now..."
"Steve!!" Sam flies in but it's too late. By the time Sam lands, Steve has disappeared. "Where'd he go!? Where'd he go?!"
"Tiny Warrior..." Thor said as Y/n turned around to see Thor stumbling.
"Hey, steady, you're okay. You're okay." Y/n said as he led Thor up.
"I've been lied to many times, young one. You cannot fool me..." Thor gave Y/n Stormbreaker. "Find Thanos, do not make the same mistake I did. Now...you go make this right.."
Thor disappeared and turns to ashes right in front of him, Y/n's heart dropped. T'Challa is seen going around helping, "are you alright?"
"My baby!? Where's my baby?!"
"Brother! Brother where are you!?"
T'Challa sees the HulkBuster not moving, he quickly runs to it, "Banner! Banner, are you okay? Banner!"
He shouts, as he rolls the head off, finding no one inside. He takes a step back, removing his mask as if to take in some fresh air. He looked around in a panic to see Natasha's Wakanda equipment on the ground.
Rocket slowly corrodes into ashes as well by Groot. "Ah shit...Groot..it's gonna be okay...it's gonna b-"
Groot shouts in anger, slamming his fist into the ground. Y/n runs with Stormbreaker to see Rhodes armor. Y/n quickly bent down, "Rhodey come on! Please, please..."
Y/n ripped it open to find nobody. Y/n can't take much more and holds his head. "RAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"
Wanda is mourning over Vision. She then finds wonders a bit to find Y/n, "what is happening?"
"Thanos..." Y/n says as T'Challa shows up. "Thanos won."
"Come on, we have no time to waste." T'Challa said as he looked at the two. "Y/n can you contact your magic friend?"
"I can...but it's going to take time." Y/n formed a plan in his head. He wiped his tears before getting a serious face. "Yes, let's go!"
Y/n flew ahead and opened a sling ring back in, he looked at Sam and Bucky. "Let's go! We need to find Thanos."
Bucky looked at the ashes before looking at shield, "alright, kid. If you can find him, I'll follow you till the ends of the universe till we do."
"Make that two of us." Sam said as they both were pissed. They both rushed into the portal with Wanda as it closed. "So what's the plan?"
"I'm going to send out a distress signal out of Wakanda, hopefully we get some help." T'Challa says as Shuri rushes in.
"Brother!" The two share a hug before Y/n summons his Tao Mandalas around him.
"I'll form a connection through Strange, but it will take a while, I'm scouting through the whole universe." Y/n said as everyone nodded.
On Titan, the remaining members of the Guardians and Avengers collect themselves -- Mantis props up Star-Lord, Spider-Man helps Tony to his feet, Drax and Nebula manage to limp over on their own. "Something's happening."
"What's going on?" Quill asked Strange as Strmage noticed Tony starting to disappear.
"No, no, no, Mr. Stark! Don't leave, you can't leave!" Peter said as he held Tony as Tony started to fall. "Y/n and I need you! Okay? Pepper, Happy! We all need you to come back home!"
"Peter...look out for the others with Y/n." Tony said as he felt himself fading away. He smiled at Peter, "it's gonna be okay."
Quill runs to Strange, grabbing him as if he was in a panic and scared. "Hey, hey, hey! You bring Tony back right now! Use your magic and bring him back with the stone thing!"
"I don't have the time stone, and even if I did, it can't eliminate the effects of all the infinity stones. It's too late...Thanos won." Strange tells him as Quill starts to tear up and shake him.
"Don't you fucking give me that bullshit! Thanos can't win! He's the bad guy! They never win!! This is a joke right? Stop the pranks, Strange! This isn't funny!!"
"AAAAAAHHH!!!" Nebula screams out as she fades away.
"N-Nebula..." Quill said as she was gone.
Drax looked at Strange as Peter was still heartbroken. "We need a way off this planet."
"I can make a spell that connects to Y/n but it has to work on his side as well, and well, he might be dusted." Strange formed Tao Mandalas around him.
Nick Fury looks at Maria, "Still no word from Stark?"
Maria Hill shakes her head. "No, not yet. Nothing from Y/n either. We're watching every satellite in both hemispheres, there's still nothing."
She receives three beeps from her device. The screen now shows Nick Fury and Maria Hill on Earth, driving in a car. "What is it?"
Maria looked at it, "Multiple bogeys over Wakanda."
Nick looked at her, "Same energy signatures as New York?"
Maria shakes her head, "Ten times bigger."
Nick steps on it, "Tell Klein. We'll meet him at- -!"
Maria looks ahead and warns him. "Nick, Nick!"
A car spirals out of control in front of them. They get out and Hill checks on the passengers. "They okay?"
Behind their vehicle, a motorcycle lies in the middle of the street with a concerned citizen approaching it. "There's no one here."
They hear helicopter rotor sounds from the direction they'd come, but it sounds wrong -- a Leonardo executive helicopter, tail rotor smoking from damage already, appears and crashes nose-first into a building. Screaming intensifies. The two are now witnessing civilians around them suddenly disintegrating. Fury looks at the chaos, "Call Control. Code Red."
Fury then races back to their car and gets a what appears to be an old pager with extra gear attached out of his bag on the back seat. He sends out an emergency alert, the pager in his hand. It shines red lights blinking on the additions; the camera zooms in and we see the device display "SENDING..." then display a red-blue-and-gold star insignia -- the symbol of Captain Marvel. But Captain Marvel's helmet is seen floating in space.
Maira looks at her phone to get a call from Kamala, "Kamala, hello? What's wrong?"
"My family! Sob, sob-! My family turned into ash!" Kamala is seen in the corner of her room as she holds the phone up to her ear.
Hank Pym is seen with Janet as they looked at their machine, "pulling him out in Three, two, one..."
Scott comes out of the quantum realm and takes off his mask. He smiled, "it works...like it actually works!"
"How was it?" Janet asked as Scott was analog to explain before it was interrupted from screaming. "That...sounded like it came from the rooftop."
Hank and the others quickly rush back in the building as Hank looked around, "hello? Anyone?"
Hank looks around for the source of the noise, but the people are gone. He opened the doors, but sees no one in there. He panic and Scott looks at him. "What, what is it?"
"Pack your things." Hank said as the two were confused.
"What?" Janet asked as Hank ran to the equipment room.
"Pack our things! Quickly! We don't have much time to waste!" Hank says as Scott does so as he shakes his head.
"I am so confused on what's going on right now." Scott says as they started loading stuff up into the van. He looks around, "where is all this ash coming from?"
"It was in the building too." Janet added as they were about to all get in the van when suddenly they were stopped.
"Hank! It's Fury!" Fury said as Hank glares at him. "We're coming in!"
"No the hell you aren't! You're not coming in here!" Hank shouts as them as Fury looks at him.
"May I remind you, there are people disappearing and turning into dust. The world might be ending soon, I am not going to debate about whether or not I'm getting in a fucking van with you!"
Suddenly, everyone's phones lit up. Everyone looked to see T'Challa in Shuri's lab. A worldwide message. "Hello, people of the world. My name is T'Challa, King of Wakanda. There is a crisis going on as I'm sure you are all aware. Please, for yours and others safety, stay inside. To any heroes out there, we need all the help we can get."
Before the message cut off, Y/n is seen with the spells. "I'm getting a connection! Alright let me try-!"
The message then repeated, Maira held her mouth in shock. "Oh my god...Y/n."
"That's your son?" Hank asked as Maria nodded. Janet held his hand as he looked at her, Hank then looked back at Maira and sighed. "Hurry, get in!"
"Thank you." Maira said as Hank stepped on the gas.
"Don't make me reconsider." Hank told her as Fury dialed up Clint, but there was no answer.
"Damn it!" Fury said as Shuri looked at Y/n.
"So what happened exactly, Y/n?" She asked him, Y/n concentrated.
"Thanos did what he said he was gonna do, he wiped out half of life as we know it from existence." Y/n explained to the group.
"The problem is, we for some reason we're spared." Strange says as Peter looks at him.
"What do you mean 'problem?'" Peter asked.
"This wasn't supposed to happen." Strange stated.
"I looked into the future, Tony was the one who was supposed to save us all." Y/n stated as T'Challa looked at him.
"So what's the game plan now?" T'Challa asked.
"Well, now...we gotta go with plan B." Strange says as he feels the link. "Everyone back up, it's done."
A gaint portal opens up as Y/n walks through with the other heroes. Peter rushed to Y/n, "Y/N!"
"Hey, I'm okay, I'm okay." Y/n says as he tears up. The two hug tight as Peter cries as well. "I know what helped to Tony...it's okay."
"I know...he's gonna pay." Peter said as Strange looked at everyone.
"We need to act quickly, the others should be on the Avengers' compound." Strange opened another portal as everyone looked each other.
"Alright, we're here, Fury!" Hank said as he looked at him. "Now what's the plan?"
"It's a work in progress." Nick said as Hank glared at him.
"You mean to tell me..." Hank started to say as Janet and Maira pulled the equipment into the compound.
"Hank." Scott said as Hank walked up to Fury.
"You mean to tell me you made us come all the way out here without a plan!" Hank said as Nick pointed at him.
"This place was secured by Stark, this should at least give us some idea into what we're facing." Nick said as Maira looked to the left.
"Nick?" She asked as they all saw a portal open up. Maria and Fury aim their guns at it.
"Now who the hell can that possibly be?" Fury asked as Y/n walked out first.
"Oh my god...Y/N!" Maria out away the gun and held him.
"Mom!" He shouted as he hugged back. Maria brushed her hand on his hair and cried. Soon the rest filled in, "mom, these are the heroes I were fighting with."
"Ah, right." Maira said as Fury put away his gun as well.
"Where's Stark?" Fury looked around as Peter tried to say something before...
"There's not much time left before Thanos makes his next move." Strange cut him off.
Fury looked at looked at him, "and just who are you? Where have you been?!"
"I'm the Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen Strange. I fought along side Tony, but now he's gone." Strange said before Fury took a step back and held his forehead.
T'Challa walks outside with Wanda and Groot, when he sees Quill in awe. "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah." Quill didn't look down from the sky yet. "I know it's been too long since I've been to Earth but..."
Quill finally stopped admiring Earth then he saw Groot, "Groot! Are you okay? Where's...Rocket?"
Groot looks up to say something, but holds back before he puts his head back down. Quill knew... he teared up before he clenched his fist and looked away.
"Come on, quickly!" Fury says as Peter rounded everyone up and started to enter.
Shuri and the rest of the survivors that made it out of Wakanda fill in.
"Shuri, do you think you could use my infinity stone to make a device to find the other energy signature?" Y/n asked as Shuri nodded.
"Sound be easy, although I could use help." Shuri looked at Hank, as he raised up from working on a box.
"Already working on it."'Hank said as he gave off a small smile, "can you keep up?"
"Oh, the old man wants to joke around." Shuri says as Y/n laughs. "Come, follow me."
The two walk behind a curtain, as Shuri held up some wires and such. "Uh...Shuri... although I don't mind being alone with you, do you mind me asking why we're behind a curtain?"
"Your stone makes a similar signature as the rest of the stones. If Hank and I do this correctly, your stone will acts as a radar and pulse through you to locate the stones." Shuri says as Hank wheels a desk and the box behind the curtain. "Skin on skin contact is gonna allow for better 'usage'."
"Oh..." Y/n said confused before he looked at the gown Shuri was passed to by Hank. "OOOOOOOOOOH. Alright."
Y/n striped down to the bare chest as Shuri blushed heavily. "Uh...you couldn't have waited till I left?"
"Huh? Oh sorry, I just need this to go fast." Y/n started to blush as he looked at the gown. "Sorry! I-oh.."
Shuri giggled and bit her lip. "Oh no, don't apologize. I'm not complaining~"
Y/n was confused as he tried not to think about it too hard. "We need a gauntlet in order to hold the stones, can I leave that to you?"
"Of course, your new suit will also be made of vibraimum. It can absorb other's vibraimum in case anything goes wrong."She said before Shuri placed the wires and tubes on Y/n, "now, you might feel a slight pain."
"How slight?" Y/n asked as Shuri walked out. "Shuri? Shuri..? Shuri how much pain?"
"Should we tell him?" Hank asked as Shuri shook her head.
"No, he can handle it." Shuri flipped a switch as Y/n's eyes shrank.
"YWAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Y/n shouted as the scream rang out through the compound.
"Someone watching Tom and Jerry?" Sam asked as T'Challa smirked.
"Shuri is having her fun."
"Okay, now that it's done, let's get back to business." Y/n said with his new suit as Peter taps him.
"Hey, Y/n. Look I gotta go." Peter says as Y/n for concerned.
"Peter, you can't leave." Y/n says as Peter shook his head.
"Listen I'm really sorry, but I gotta check in on my Aunt May." Peter says as Y/n starts to walk up to her.
"Peter... you can't." Y/n tells him.
"She's probably freaking out all over the place and is calling all my friends." Peter said as Y/n grabbed him, and pulled him into a hug.
"Peter, even if you go to look for her...you won't find anything." Y/n says as Peter realizes again and cries.
"We better find Thanos soon." Peter said as Fury walked up to Strange.
"I tried calling a friend from a few years back. She's not getting back, though." Nick said as Strange sighed.
"She must have been caught in the snap." Strange looked around and the crowd. "This is all we've got. Dear god..."
"I can make those work." Y/n said as the cloak of Mercury nodded. Y/n looked at Shuri, who gave a thumbs up. "Hey! Everyone gather around, here's what's gonna happen."
Everyone soon gathered around as Strange looked at them. "Listen up, we don't have much time so I'm only gonna go over this once. If you don't hear it all or incorrectly, ask a friend. Y/n and I will be making the plan for this one, we can't afford to mess this up."
Y/n nodded, "that's right. We have to do this right. Shuri and Hank have located the planet with the energy signature using the time stone that's inside my body."
Wanda started to get a creepy smile and red eyes. Shuri looked at them, "that's right we found the same energy levels we did in Wakanda."
Hank nodded, "the trail leads right to him."
"Now here's the run down." Stephen said as everyone huddled up. "Thanos has not yet snapped to destroy the stones yet, as only a couple have passed. Wait for me to have one final talk with Thanos before the plan is ago."
Y/n looked at the others. "Shuri's made a nanogauntlet made out of vibraimum. Once T'Challa gets close enough, he can take the stones and use them to bring everyone back. You're gonna needs all the strength and tech to absorb the stones into his armor, and still...it might kill you."
"That's a risk I have to take."T'Challa stayed as Peter looked at him.
"What about the rest of us?" He asked as Strange and Y/n shared a look.
"Make him suffer." They said as Wanda gains and evil smile. "This is how we can do it."
Y/n started telling them the plan as they understood their roles. Y/n opens the portal as everyone starts to fill in as Y/n looked at Shuri.
"Shuri, um when this is all over..." Y/n started to say.
"Y/n, I've seen you naked, this should be a cakewalk." Shuri teases as Y/n blushed.
"I apologized about that!" Y/n said before he shook it off. "Would you go on a date with me?"
"You do remember I am a princess?" Shuri asked as Y/n got worried. "But that doesn't matter, I'd be happy to."
"Come on, y/n." T'Challa picked Y/n up and walked towards the portal. "What's this about my sister seeing you naked?"
"I swear I can explain. It's not as bad as it sound-!" Y/n started to say as Thanos is in his garden, using the stones to create his perfect world on the planet. But he snaps out of his daze as a voice comes to him from thin air.
"You should've spared Stark like you promised." The voice tells him as Thanos was confused. "Now...Karama is coming."
"Stop this trick! Come out so we can finish this!" Thanos demands Strange come out.
"You destroyed my perfect world."
Another voice said as Thanos was confused. The voices get louder and louder until Thanos uses the stones to try and find where they are coming from. He felt heat coming from behind him as he turned around to see his house destroyed and the garden was on fire. Multiple portals started to open up as Thanos knew he was surrounded. Black Panther and Spider-Man came from the left with Peter webbing to restrain him as T'Challa grabbed onto him.
A portal from below shows Drax and Groot attack holding his legs and lower body down, on the right Falcon and Bucky restraining the mad titians. "GAH!"
Before Thanos could use the stones, Y/n came out of nowhere and used orange runes to wrap around Thanos, restraining him from closing his hand and using the stones. Peter also webbed the hand as well. "Go, Scott!"
"Insects are moving out!" Scott says as he and Mantis come in from above in subtomic mode and Mantis quickly touches Thanos's forehead, using her powers without Thanos noticing. "Is it working?"
"It is! Keep at it!" Sam says as he feels a change.
"Scott move to phase 2." Y/n instructed. Strange comes out of a portal a looks at Quill.
"This is our last chance!" Strange shouted as Scott's runs to Thanos's arm and becomes big to rip the guanlet off of Thanos' arm. T'Challa leaps into the air and absorbs the stones. Thanos tried to grab someone with his little Conscience. Quill quickly flew in and dropped kicked him.
Quill kicks him over and over again, "fix this you bastard! Fix this!!"
Y/n felt like he needed to let this out. Shuri talked over the intercom. "Brother, you need to snap I order to bring everyone back. The gauntlet is starting to become unstable."
Y/n saw T'Challa struggling with its power, "Hold on! Let me try to-!"
Suddenly a huge red blast knocked everyone back, including the gauntlet. "You took everything from me."
Wanda surrounds Thanos with her magic as she slowly started to crush him. Thanks screamed in pain, "AAAAAAAHHHHH-!!!!"
A crack was heard before Thanos' corpse dropped to the ground. Y/n slowly got up and looked at Wanda as she looked at the gauntlet. "Wanda...don't..."
Wanda went for the Gauntlet as Strange quickly sent her through a portal. "Quickly, the gauntlet."
She came back before it closed and started to lift everyone in the air, Sam looked at her. "Wanda! Don't do this!"
"Good thing, there's a back up." Y/n quickly out out his hand, Stormbreaker came and hit her in the back of the head. Releasing the grip on everyone. Bucky and everyone quickly rushed to hold her down. "T'Challa? How are we looking?!"
"The gauntlet fried my vibraimum, it's no good." T'Challa said as Quill glared at her.
"Why!? What did you have to gain from that!?" Quill asked as she started to make the ground rise and throw them at people. Everyone backed up and started to destroy the debris. "What do we do now?!"
"It's growing unstable!" Shuri said as Y/n remembers.
"My suit absorbs vibraimum. T'Challa, give them to me!" Y/n said as he shook his head.
"I will not let you die for this." T'Challa said as Y/n shrugged.
"Well I was being polite. But I wasn't asking." Y/n said before he absorbed the gauntlet, the stones went to his hand. "GAH-! GRAAAAHH!!"
"Y/n! Don't do it!" Peter shouts as Shuri was conflicted.
"Y/n...it's now of never...it's...it's been an honor." She said as Y/n smiled.
"Don't...give me that... you still gotta figure out the date stuff." Y/n said he tried to hold in the pain as it flowed through his body. His body shined orange as the pain stopped. He cried. "Thank you...for giving me...a family. I always wanted a big one... can someone tell my mom...I'm sorry? Thanks...this is Paradox, signing off."
Y/n snaps his fingers as a bright light shined out. Peter and everyone stopped fighting as Peter swung to you, "Y/N!!"
Peter pushed people out of the way and almost dived for him. "Hey, hey, Y/n stay with me, stay with me."
Y/n was unresponsive as Strange looks away, clenching his fist before making portals. Through them, heroes started to come back in. Maira walked through, "hey what is..,Y/n?"
The power of the gauntlet raw energy has left his entire left side fatally injured. Peter is holding him up before Tony flies in, "kid! Hey, you're okay, you're okay, alright?"
"Y/n! What happened?" Kamala rushed to him as well as he wasn't rssponding. Tears start to form in their eyes. "Hey...Y/n. Can you hear me? It's Kamala. I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. Get up... please."
"We won, Y/n... we won." Peter said as Peter and Kamala gently led aside to grieve.
"Strange! Fix this, please." Tony said as Strange put his head down.
"I'm sorry, the power of all the stones is too great to reverse. A sacrifice had to be made." Strange said as Tony started to cry and look back to the boy.
Maria held him, "I want my baby boy back...are you still in there?"
Y/n is barely able to move his body, but manages to pat them all on the head.
Wanda is in distraught as Y/n points behind her. "Wanda...?"
Wanda turns around to see Vision with the Mind stone as everyone looks back to see that it's out of Y/n's gauntlet. Wanda cried as the two hug. "Vision...I'm sorry...! I'm so sorry!"
Wanda asked for everyone's forgiveness, as expected no body gave it to her except for Y/n, who responded with a smile nod. Wanda cries even more as Strange looks at Y/n with tears. Y/n words out the words... "Did...I do...good...this...time?"
Strange nodded as he cries, "you did better than good, Y/n. You saved the multiverses.."
"Life functions critical." Jocasta says sadly as Y/n smiles with tears in his eyes.
"Y/'. Look at us." Strange looks at his friend, making sure Y/n gets a long look at everyone. "We're gonna be okay...You can rest now....it's over.."
With that acknowledgement, Y/n loses the light in his eyes as the stone comes out of him, dull orange. The ones closest to the boy, break down into tears. Y/n Hill son of Maria Hill, Paradox, apprentice of Tony Stark and Doctor Strange, has died. All the heroes gather, and kneel in honor of Y/n.
"While the battle may have been quick, the effects and loss of their own would forever be instilled into the minds of many universes. Whenever you go, Y/n's face and pictures were scattered everywhere. The Avengers were back, stronger than ever before. Y/n Hill would become a symbol of courage, and I'm sure he couldn't be more happier."
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