Chapter 5
Tate and Juliet lay on her bed, watching a movie on her laptop. Tate glanced down at the girl in his arms, silently running his fingers through her hair. Juliet slowly closed her eyes, liking the feeling before they shot open, hearing a scream.
"Violet" She gasped and stood up. Tate was right behind her as they ran down the stairs. Violet sat there, at the bottom of the stairs, sobbing quietly. "Vi?" Juliet asked softly. Violet looked up, alarmed. "What happened?" Violet flew towards her, hugged her sister tightly. Juliet send Tate a confused look and let her sister cry. "Violet, please." Violet slowly pulled away and looked at her sister. They descended down the stairs and sat down.
"Why am I running around like a crazy person? Did you drug me?" Violet cried, her eyes on Tate. Juliet reached over and wiped Violet's tears away.
"Violet, you need to tell me what happened" Violet's eyes found Juliet.
"I-... I think I died" Juliet stared at her before she pulled her in her arms. Violet sobbed and even Juliet cried. Not Violet, she didn't deserve this. After a while Violet pulled away. "Why are you not freaked out?"
"I'm dead to" Violet's eyes widen. "And so is he" Juliet continued, mentioning towards Tate.
"How?" Juliet stood up and helped Violet up as well.
"Not here" Violet nodded and the three of them walked up the stairs.
"So... all this time, I thought I was alone in this house. But there are tons of ghosts here?" Juliet nodded, sitting on her bed while Tate sat behind her, getting the cards ready for another game.
"Pretty much."
"So why'd you keep it a secret?"
"You would think I was crazy" Violet thought for a moment before she nodded.
"And you guys are dating?" Juliet nodded. "Did you know that he was dead, at the beginning"
"No" Tate smirked.
"Hi, I'm Tate. I'm dead. Wanna hook up? I don't think so."
"And here I am" Juliet smiled. Tate turned to her and smiled as well. They leaned in and kissed till Violet coughed, finding it uncomfortable, seeing them kissing.
"I still don't remember dying. Do you?" Both Juliet and Tate turned to her and shook their heads.
"No, not really" Violet sighed and sat down next to her sister.
"What happens now?" Juliet smiled and held up the cards Tate had given her.
"You draw a card-"
"and then discard." Tate added with a grin.
"No, I mean... like, how's it going to be?" Juliet shrugged.
"I guess it will be just like this. Only without mom and dad nagging us." Violet was silent for the rest of the evening.
Violet left the room to go and get some sleep in her own. Juliet placed down a card and thought for a minute.
"Is something bothering you?" Tate asked, looking concerned. Juliet shook her head.
"No, it's just. Where did you leave my body" Tate stared at her and placed down his cards. "Please" He sighed.
"I buried it, with mine"
"You're buried here?"
"Constance did it, after I was shot" Juliet nodded, letting it sink in. She than reached forwards and kissed Tate on his cheek.
"Thank you" Tate's eyes focused themselves back on her and smiled.
"Go fish!"
Juliet walked back inside her room, her hair still damp from the shower. She hummed to herself and reached over for her hairbrush when she looked up, a person standing in her doorway.
"What do you think, chameleon green or salmon pink?" Juliet turned away from him, grabbing herself some clean clothes.
"Chameleon green" Chad smiled and nodded.
"That's what I thought" he lowered the colour strips. "I must say, grey does live up this room" He smiled, stepping inside the room. "You know, this used to be our old bedroom" Juliet closed the closet, a black and green band shirt and a pair of skinny's inside her hands.
"Really?" Chad nodded, eying the room.
"Yes, but you can keep it. It hold to many memories." Juliet stepped behind her clothing screen and pulled on her clothing. When she stepped out from it Chad gasped. "Oh my, your hair" Juliet grinned and ran a hand trough it. Now that she could actually see colors she decided to dye the tips of her hair, a vibrant green. "I love it" Chad stepped towards her and ran a hand trough it.
"I found some jars in the basement. I though why not."
"I think I saw some more when I was cleaning. If you ever need help with it, you'll know where to find me" He smiled and left the room. Juliet watched him before she shrugged and went back to her mirror to brush out her hair.
Tate loved Juliet's hair. He had to still stop touching it. They sat next to each other in front of the open fire, Juliet's laptop on Tate's lap. He scrolled trough some things before Juliet shook her head.
"It's not UTube with a U. It's YouTube. Y-O-U." Tate smiled sheepishly.
"Oh." Tate tried typing something when Violet appeared.
"If they find out I killed myself, they'll go insane. Literally, for real this time. They can't know." Juliet turned to her.
"They are going to find out, Vi. I mean, it is what it is." Violet sighed and narrowed her eyes at the computer.
"One of these days, that computer will be obsolete. People will have microchips implanted in their brains or something. We won't be able to watch YouTube or anything." She slumped down on the bed. "We'll be like all the others here; prisoners in a windowless cell."
"Don't be such a drama queen." Juliet rolled her eyes. "I'll just go out on Halloween and get a new one."
"Nobody here is happy." Violet snapped and stormed out. Juliet sighed and leaned against Tate. Tate wrapped his arms around her.
"Why is she acting like this?"
"She's lonely."
"We have each other." Tate rubbed her arms and she nodded. They certainly did.
"Why are you decorating the nursery?" After a tip from Violet, Tate, Juliet and Violet had gotten down to one of the old rooms.
"Let me break it down for you, sweetheart." Patrick muttered darkly. "This is our house and we're having twins."
"Who's your surrogate, one of those nurses in my basement?" Violet asked them, crossing her arms.
"No... no. A very, very human surrogate, Elvira. Your lovely mother."
"You think you're gonna steal those twins?"
"You pathetic homos couldn't steal the shit out of your own ass!" Tate barked. Juliet grabbed his arm, shaking her head. Violet stepped up.
"You know what? It doesn't matter. As soon as my parents get back, we're leaving here."
"They're leaving." Juliet corrected. Patrick huffed, stepping closer.
"Honey, your parents aren't going anywhere as long as you're stuck here. And don't you get all snotty, little sister. You'll be begging to babysit. Were you a C-section? Is there an existing zipper we might use?" Tate took a step closer, standing between Juliet and Patrick.
"Watch it, you goddamn queen." Patrick merely smirked.
"Oh, I am quaking in my loafers. What are you gonna do... murder me?" Violet stared at them and walked away. Patrick grinned and stepped back onto the ladder.
"Chad? You were in on this?" Chad blinked, tuning back into the conversation.
"No... I mean yes" He shook his head. Patrick smiled.
"Hun, are you going to help me or not?" Chad turned to him and nodded.
"Yeah" Juliet stared at the two before she shot a glare at Patrick. He ignored her and she and Tate walked out.
Juliet and Violet had decided to ask Constance for help with the 'gays'. Juliet hated to think about it but maybe Chad had gone mad. Or maybe it was just Patrick. Tate opted to watch the men, seeing he didn't want to be in one room with his mother.
"My brown Betty turns to black Betty in 20 minutes. So tell me what this is all about." Constance muttered walking inside the room. The sisters sat around the table, watching her.
"I- we need help." Violet started. Juliet nodded.
"Do you know those two guys that lived here before us?" Constance huffed.
"Frick and Frack? How could I forget?" Violet shot up.
"Well, they're upstairs and they're planning to kidnap my mother's babies and raise them themselves." Constance stopped walking and turned to them.
"Well, let me assure you that is never going to happen." Juliet stood up as well.
"My mom's on her way back from the hospital today. And I don't trust Patrick."
"I called 'cause I want to talk to that woman, the Craig's List psychic." Constance frowned.
"Billie Dean? About what?"
"Getting rid of ghosts. There must be a way." Constance thought for a moment before she nodded.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of it."
Constance had kept her promise because Billie Dean had arrived at their house and was now reading the house. They sat in the living room, Violet and Juliet sat on the couch while Constance sat on the other chair.
"So much pain here. So much longing and regret. Fear." Billie Dean moved across the table, stopping slightly when she reached the sisters. "Darkness, guilt." She blinked and continued. "And perversion." Constance wrung her hands.
"Now, can you ferret out the fairies for us? I mean, that's our main concern at the moment."
"Targeting a particular spirit is going to be difficult. This is a very crowded house." Billie explained before her eyes found Violet's. They stayed there for a couple of seconds before they went back to Constance.
"So what can we do?"
"Somehow, we have to try and dislodge them from the paramagnetic grip of this place." Violet frowned.
"The what?"
"The evil." Juliet breathed, realizing something. Billie nodded.
"It's a force just like any other. Pure physics. Real and powerful. Created by events. Events that unleash psychic energy into the environment, where it's absorbed. Like the way a battery stores energy. You'll see it all the time in places like prisons or asylums. Negative energy feeds on trauma and pain. It draws those things to it. The force here in this house is larger than the many individual traumas. And it has a need. It wants to break through. It wants to move in our world. It's using those trapped between this world and the next as conduits." Constance stood up.
"That's very interesting. But what do we do about the gays? I mean, how do we get rid of them?" Billie turned back to her.
"Oh, there might be a way. I can't promise..." She trailed off, her eyes drifting to the side. "He can't be here." The woman looked past Billie to see Tate in the doorway.
"Tate." Constance breathed. "Billie Dean, that's my boy. That's Tate."
"I want to help." Tate offered.
"You've helped enough." Billie snapped.
"Not now, Tate." Constance tried. Juliet sensing Billie's fright stood up. They all watched her as she walked past Billie towards Tate and grabbed his hand. Immediately Billie took a large breath.
"Come on" Tate's gaze moved to her and nodded. Together they moved out the room.
"Can't you just banish them like you did with those teens?" Tate asked as they walked up the stairs. Juliet shrugged.
"I don't think I can . It was Halloween and I was still alive back then." Tate stopped and looked down. "Tate, don't be sad. I'm happy now" Juliet tried, using her free hand to move Tate's head back up. He stared into her eyes and kissed her. Tate smiled, showing off his dimples. The two of them resumed their way towards Juliet's room. They had just sat down when Violet ran inside. Tate stood up.
"What did she say?"
"We have to get something of his. Something important. Like an heirloom or a ring."
"Like a talisman" Juliet realized. Violet nodded.
"If we have the talisman and we do this special ritual, he'll be gone." Tate walked past Violet.
"That sounds like bullshit."
"Billie Dean's for real. She studies this stuff." Tate turned back around, his eyes meeting Juliet's. No, she was the real deal. Juliet shook herself out of the stare.
"Patrick, he wears a ring. It's like a wedding ring." Tate stepped towards her.
"I don't trust her!" he nearly whined before he rounded back towards Violet. "Now, why'd she say all that stuff about me?" Violet stared at the two. She shook her head.
"Let's just get the ring"
At first Juliet had wanted to get the ring, saying she still had a grudge to settle but Tate had managed to convince her to let him get it. So Juliet had gone to find Chad. She found him in her mom's music room, looking at the walls.
"How someone can like this is beyond me" He spoke to himself looking at one of the angels. Juliet shrugged.
"Charles was quite a character." Chad turned around and smiled when he noticed it was her.
"Juliet, do what do I own this visit?"
"Well, I found that green doesn't really suit me" Chad's grin widen.
"I must say. This color really suits you" Chad beamed, adding another stroke to Juliet's hair. Red this time.
"Thank you. And thank you for helping me"
"Don't mention it. I always had this strange fetish for doing other people's hair."
"Patrick doesn't disserve you" Juliet spoke after a long silence. Chad froze.
"Why would you say that?"
"You are nice and he's an asshole" This did bring a chuckle out of Chad.
"No argument about that" He sighed and continued working on Juliet's hair. "He wasn't always like this you know. He used to be the ultimate gentleman."
"I can't imagine." There was a silence again before Juliet spoke. "What if Patrick was gone?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, what if there was a way to remove a spirit from the house. Would you be sad if Patrick was cast out?" Juliet turned around, looking at Chad, showing him she wasn't kidding.
"I would... I don't know. I..." Chad stopped and took a step back. "I guess I don't care what will happen. Ever since, your mother got pregnant, Patrick has been very dominant and... different." He sighed. "He is, not what he used to be" he repeated, finally meeting Juliet's eye. "I'm going to talk to him" Chad shook his head and walked out of the room. Juliet watched him go before she exhaled and walked towards the bathroom to wash her hair.
When Juliet came out of the bathroom, Tate sat on her bed, playing with Patrick's ring. When he noticed Juliet he grinned and held it out.
"Marry me?" Juliet rolled her eyes and took the ring.
"Your such a dork." Tate fell back onto the bed.
"What if I was serious, would you say yes?" Juliet fell silent, her eyes on Tate.
"I..."Violet walked into the room, cutting Juliet off.
"What'd you get?" Juliet blinked and held up the ring. Violet nodded before she frowned. "What about the watch?"
"Chad won't be a problem"
"Violet! Juliet!" Violet and Juliet shared a look before they walked out.
Ben stood outside and grabbed them as soon as he noticed them.
"Violet! You disappeared on me! What the hell happened?!" His eyes shot to Juliet. "And Juliet, where have you been?!" Juliet rolled her eyes. Was he really that stupid? "You know what, I don't care. Your mom's waiting in the car. We have a plane to catch." Violet nodded, stepping out of Ben's hold. Juliet quickly did the same.
"Good. Go far away. Just don't bring mom in the house." Ben frowned.
"What are you talking about? You're coming with us." He tried to grab them again but they stepped back.
"No! We can take care of ourselves. And if you want to, you can come back for me later. But for right now, you just have to trust me and get the hell out of here. Tell mom I love her and good luck with the babies." Violet tried but Ben grabbed her.
"What's the matter with you? Huh? Are you high or something?" He shook her, looking quite scared.
"I wish." Violet muttered.
"Violet, I stopped at a red light and you were gone. Where did you go?"
"Nowhere. I was right here. I wanted to come. I swear. I couldn't leave the house."
"Stop it! You're lying. You're on drugs, I can tell. Tell me what kind, right now. Tell me!" Ben snapped.
"I'm dead! Don't you get it?" Violet finally screamed. Juliet sighed, rubbing her face.
"When you die in this house, you don't get to leave. That's why you need to go" She explained. "And take mom somewhere safe." Ben's gaze moved from Juliet to Violet and back to Juliet.
"That's exactly what I'm gonna do. You're coming with me." He grabbed them and dragged them out. Violet tried to get out while Juliet let him, they couldn't leave anyway. He froze suddenly.
"Ben!!" He released them and ran down.
"Vivian" Violet didn't wait and ran down after him. Juliet sighed and turned her head.
"Tate?" He appeared next to her. "The baby is coming and she will need help" Tate nodded and disappeared. Juliet turned back and walked back inside her room, getting her rose beads. When she had finally found them she walked back down.
"She can't give birth here. It's not safe." Juliet heard Violet say as she reached the living room.
"Well, then make it safe. You know what to do."
"I do" Juliet spoke. Violet turned around, looking confused.
"What?" Instead Juliet looked at Constance and nodded. She walked away, in the direction of the basement when Violet grabbed her arm.
"Juliet answer me, please!" Juliet turned to her.
"Stay with mom, Vi. I will take care of this. I have done it before." She shrugged out of Violet's hand and walked into the basement.
With the fire blazing peacefully, Juliet threw the golden ring inside the fire.
"What exactly do you think you're doing, young lady?" Patrick asked, appearing inside the basement. "Is that my wedding band that you're putting into the furnace?" Juliet ignored him and wrapped the beads around her hand.
"Croatoan" She spoke calmly. Patrick took a step back before he smirked.
"Where'd you get that one? That press-on nail psychic who was here earlier? I mean, really? The Roanoke spell? Please, tell me you'll be slitting the throat of a chicken next, because I've always found that very dramatic." Juliet closed her eyes and blocked out his voice.
"Ergo draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica adjuramus te"
Patrick frowned as his hands started to smoke.
"What are you doing? It can't work. It's bullshit. It's all bullshit. People make up these spells and chants in order to feel like they're in control. Well, guess what? They're not" He laughed. Juliet send him a glare before she continued.
"cessa decipere humanas creaturas,
eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare. Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei"
With one strong push, Patrick's spirit turned into smoke. Juliet opened her eyes and exhaled. She stumbled but was caught by two hands.
"I guess it wasn't such bullshit as he thought" Chad gently placed Juliet down and sighed. "There's not gonna be any nursery. I'm never going to be a parent. Your mother's babies are safe." Juliet nodded. Chad led out a breathy laugh, staring at the place Patrick had been. "I'm doomed to spend eternity alone." He paused and glanced at Juliet. "Of course, it could be worse. Your man does love you... but he'll always be a monster." Juliet chuckled, shocking Chad.
"You're not wrong, but even monsters are human." Juliet glanced at Chad. "And I guess I'm not that humane either." She groaned and stood up. Chad reached over and helped her stand. "I think mom wouldn't mind if you babysitter from time to time. Patrick is the father, at least from one of them, and your his husband so that would make you-"
"The step dad?" Chad blinked. Juliet nodded and stepped onto the stairs.
"Just, think about it" She send him a smile and walked up. She hadn't even reached the door when Tate grabbed her and hugged her. He laughed. "What made you so happy?"
"I just helped someone. Is it supposed to feel so good?" Juliet laughed and squealed as Tate twirled her around. Vivian's scream sounded trough the house and Juliet remembered the situation they were in. She placed her feet back on the ground and took Tate's hand.
"Come on" She grinned and pulled him up the stairs.
"My mom is dead." Violet spoke grimly as she stepped inside Juliet's bedroom. After the birth she had gone upstairs only to see the two of them watching a movie. Juliet closed her laptop and sighed. Tate hugged her.
"I'm so sorry. I know you were close." He spoke to Violet, holding Juliet. Not that she cried but she did feel a tingle of sadness.
"Yeah, we were. My dad's down there all alone now."
"That makes me sad. I like your dad. He was nice to me."
"He's nice to all his patients. Even the ones who lie to him." Violet spat. Juliet looked up.
Violet ignored her. "Why did you start seeing him in the first place? Constance thought you needed help."
"I did." Tate shook his head. "I do."
"You knew you were dead." Tate slowly released Juliet and frowned.
"Yeah. I knew. Do you know why? The cops shot me. In your room."
"Why? Why did they shoot you?"
"Violet" Juliet warned.
"I don't know." Tate stood up.
"You murdered people, Tate. Kids. Like us. The kids that came to us on Halloween."
"Why would I do that?" Tate froze. Juliet stood up as well and reached out to him, knowing he was having one of his episode's again but he stepped away. "Why would I do that? Why would I do that? No... Why would I do that?" Violet shook her head.
"I don't know. Why'd you kill those guys who lived here before us? Why would you rape my mother?"
"Violet!" Juliet finally snapped. Violet took a step back. Tate shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was different then." He turned his head, looking at Juliet. She stepped towards him but Violet continued.
"I used to think you were good for my sister." Violet laughed dryly. "I thought you were attracted to the darkness, like her, but, Tate, you are the darkness." Tate shook his head, his eyes on Juliet.
"No. Before you, that's all there was. You're the only light I've ever known. You've changed me, Juliet."
"I believe that and I love you, Tate." Juliet tried.
"But I can't forgive you. You have to pay for what you did." Violet glared at Tate. "All the pain you caused. All the sorrow. You murdered my mother."
"You did! That baby-- whatever it was - it killed her."
"Violet, don't. I won't say it again" Juliet hissed. Violet's gaze flickered to her before she returned to glaring at Tate.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying go away."
"No, no, don't do this." Tate jolted over to Juliet and grasped onto her.
"Go away, Tate."
"He's all I have!" Juliet screamed.
"Go away!" Silence filled the room as Tate disappeared. Violet glanced at around the room before she smiled. "I did it. Juliet i-" She stopped as she noticed the look Juliet was giving her. "Juliet?"
"I warned you. I warned you more than once." She muttered darkly. "You shouldn't have messed with us, Violet."
"No" Juliet shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks but her expression scarily calm. "You don't know what you just did" She growled and disappeared. Violet watched her sister disappear before a sob escaped her lips.
"That was very brave. I'm proud of you." Vivian whispered to her daughter.
"Mom... I'm sorry, Mom. I'm sorry you had to die."
"I'm sorry you lost your baby."
"But I didn't lose my baby." She smiled and hugged her daughter, letting her cry on her shoulder.
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