Chapter 3
Juliet took a sip of her coffee, sitting on a stone wall somewhere in the huge garden. Violet had joined her and Tate, smoking a cigarette at the other side of the wall. Tate smiled at Juliet before he took a step back. Juliet frowned at this before she looked up, seeing her father approach. Violet looked up as well, alarmed "Relax. I'm not here to bust you." Secretly he was glad to see Juliet not making any new marks on herself.
"Why not?"
"Because what you guys went through last week can haunt you a long time." Violet raised her brow.
"Seriously, Dad? I'm fine. It'll make a great college essay one day." Ben chuckled.
"Okay. But if you ever want to talk to somebody..." Juliet sighed.
"Dad... I mean, not me. You know, I'm way too expensive. But we can find you someone." Violet nodded, done with this conversation.
"Okay, thanks. I'll think about it." Ben smiled sadly at his girls before he left. Tate stepped out of his hiding place and sat next to Juliet.
"He's a great dad. He really cares. You're lucky like that." Violet snorted and took another breather off her cigarette, exhaling smoke.
"What do you think, grey or black?" Juliet asked, standing in her room, wearing her old clothes. Tate stood next to her eying the paint buckets at his feet.
"I don't think we should paint these walls" Juliet frowned and turned back to the wall.
"I don't even think this is the original color." She took a step forwards and used her nail to scrape some of. "See it used to be grey. Don't you think I can paint it grey again" Tate was silent for a moment before he nodded.
"I think that's best." Juliet smiled and took a paint brush. Tate joined them and in no time they had painted the wall back to its original grey. "It does look better" Tate smiled softly, eying the walls. Juliet wiped her hands at her trousers and nodded.
"Everything's better than baby pink" She took the buckets and placed them next to her door. When she turned back to Tate, he was already busy moving the furniture back to its original place.
"Tell me something you have never told anyone" Tate suggested. Juliet pursed her lips, pushing her dresser back.
"Umm, well you know about the thing I have burned" Tate nodded. "Oh I know, I'm colorblind" Tate stopped moving and turned to her.
"Colorblind? So you have never seen any color?" Juliet shook her head. The dresser back against the wall.
"No, I was born with it so I don't really know the difference"
"What do you imagine I look like?" Juliet smiled.
"I think you are purple, with a green shirt and blue hair" Tate chuckled. "No but seriously. I think you have light skin with blonde hair and bright green eyes." Tate stepped towards her and smiled.
"You're not wrong but how do you know what colors are?"
"I think that blue is the color of peace, green the color of change, yellow the color of life and red the color of anger." Juliet took one of her posters off her bed and turned to the wall to hang it up. "That was until I met you. Now red is the color of affection, of being near each other" Tate placed his hand on her shoulder making her look at him.
"Do you mean that?" Juliet blushed but smiled.
"Yes, I think so." Tate smiled widely showing off his dimples before he quickly closed the gap between them and kissed her. Not rough or anything, just sweetness and love.
"I've agreed to this meeting because we need to clarify a few things. Firstly, the psychiatrist that I recommended to you, Dr. Goldman, said you never showed up for the first appointment and you never called to cancel." Tate looked down at his hands.
"I don't want to see anyone but you." Ben sighed.
"We've discussed why that won't work. Which brings me to my next question. We're very grateful to you, Tate, for how you helped my family. But you need to explain here and now what you were doing in this house at the time of the break-in." Of course he knew, Juliet had let him in but he wanted to hear it from Tate as well
"The truth is I was just, like, hanging with Juliet outside, and we were just walking. And then she asked if I wanted to see a movie, and of course I said yes, so we went inside. It's not cool, I know."
"I understand. But this is why I can't treat you. It's inappropriate for everyone concerned." Tate finally looked up.
"I really need your help. I don't want to be like this. I want to be a good person. A person worthy of your daughter. And I know that you can help me. You're the one, okay? You're the only one that I can trust." Tate croaked, tears building up in his eyes. Ben sighed and rubbed his head.
"I cannot see you in this house. Look, I have an opening. I'll meet you someplace for coffee, but you have to promise me..."
"I promise you. Promise. No more weird shit, okay?"
Juliet stood in front of her mirror, finishing up her makeup. She was supposed to meet up with Tate tonight in the basement. She had pulled on Tate's hoodie that he had left in her room. 'Normal People Scare Me'. She absolutely loved it. She ruffled her hair one more time before she heard shuffling underneath her bed. Her head snapped towards it. She frowned before she smiled.
"Who's there? " She asked in a scared tone. There was a giggle before Addy jumped out from underneath it.
"Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." Addy ran towards Juliet and hugged her around her middle. You see, they had met before. Juliet had been working on her room when Addy had bolted into her room and said something about hiding her from her mom. Juliet had let her stay in her closet and had even brought her a brownie afterwards. "I want to be a pretty girl for Halloween. Please make me a pretty girl like you." Juliet nodded and smiled. Abby laughed and sat down on Juliet's desk chair.
Juliet took out her eye shadow pallet and before Addy knew it her eyes were painted a nice color of purple to match her dress and red lips.
"I'm have actually never done this before."
"I don't care." Addy opened her eyes and stared into the mirror. "I'll like it." Juliet stepped playfully in front of her, blocking her view.
"Close your eyes." Addy did as told and Juliet applied some glitter to her eyes. "How old are you, Addy?"
"A lady never reveals her age." Juliet laughed making Addy laugh as well. "Is Tate your boyfriend?" Juliet shrugged.
"I think so" Addy shrieked and moved to hug Juliet again. Juliet cast the girl a confused look but hugged her back nevertheless.
"You know Tate?" Addy nodded.
"Duh, he's my brother."
"I didn't know Tate had such a pretty sister" Addy giggled.
"He likes you, I can tell. He thinks you're a pretty girl." Juliet smiled and moved to reapply Addy's eyeshadow. "Are you a virgin?" She suddenly asked. Juliet shook her head.
"No, You?"
"Hell no." This did make Juliet smile.
"And your done!" Addy gasped seeing herself In the mirror.
"Wow! Juliet, I'm beautiful!"
"And if you come back tomorrow, I will just redo it for Halloween." Addy shrieked in happiness.
Addy left soon after so Juliet left for the basement.
"Tate?" She called. "Tate? You said she wanted to meet at midnight. Come out, come out wherever you are." She called until she reached the end of the stairs. She turned back around, only to come face to face with a man dressed in all leather. He placed his hand around her mouth and pushed her against the wall. Juliet grabbed his arm but didn't try to pull away. Juliet tugged at the arm until her mouth was free. She reached over to kiss the man on the place where his mouth should be. The man closed his eyes and Juliet smirked in victory. Juliet pulled away.
"I win" The man groaned and removed the mask, revealing the face of Tate.
"Why aren't you scared?"
"Scared of you, never" She laughed as Tate released her. "Where did you even find this thing? I thought my dad threw it away." Tate smirked.
"I have a spare" He reached over and kissed her. They pulled away for air and Tate smirked. "I bet I can scare you" He kissed her again before he walked to the other side of the basement. He returned not so much later with some candles and a Ouija board. He placed them down and turned around to pull the suit back off. Juliet lid the candles before she noticed Tate's distress. To be fair, the zipped was in an annoying spot.
"Need some help with that?" Tate's head turned to look at her.
"Yeah" Juliet laughed and walked over to him. She reached down and grabbed the zipper before pulling it down.
Soon the two sat across from each other with the Ouija board in the middle.
"You have to put your fingers on the other side."Juliet nodded and placed her hands on the tile. "Charles is gonna answer all your questions. He used to live here."
"What questions can he answer?"
"Everything" Juliet's eyes lit up with curiosity.
"What's in this basement?" Tate smirked, removing his fingers from the piece.
"What I'm about to tell you might scare you..." His smirk disappeared. "to death." Juliet smirked
"I can take it."Tate nodded and started his story.
"Dr. Charles Montgomery built this house. And here in this basement is where he worked. Charles was a doctor to the stars, but he was also drug addict, and his wife Nora wasn't gonna let that get in the way of her lifestyle. So she set up a little secret side business; he would take care of girls who didn't want to be in trouble anymore. This went on and on until one day, one girl couldn't keep the secret to herself, and she told her boyfriend what happened. The boyfriend wanted revenge, so he kidnapped Charles' and Nora's baby. Terrified, the Doctor and his wife waited for the ransom demands. Driven insane by grief, the doctor used all his experience and surgical skills to try and cheat death. But what he created was ungodly, and monstrous. And even after their tragic end, that "thing" remained, down here, to this day." Tate stopped, staring at Juliet, waiting for her reaction. Juliet stared at him before she smiled down at her arms.
"You gave me chills." Tate looked down at her arms as well before he grinned.
"What about, a real date. Tomorrow night? Just us" Juliet blew out the candles and stood up.
"Sounds good" Tate reached over and kissed her quickly again. When they pulled away they heard footsteps upstairs. Tate sighed.
"Your father agreed to see me again, but I'm not supposed to be here." Juliet shrugged and took his hand.
"Come on, I'll be your lookout."
Juliet smiled as she stepped back into the house. Tate had gone back to his own home but not before promising that tomorrow would be the best day ever. Juliet rounded the corner, walking into the kitchen when she met the eyes of an unknown person. He smiled at her.
"Hello, who might you be?" Juliet raised her eyebrow.
"I'm Juliet" The man shifted his wineglass to his other hand and held out his now free hand.
"Chad Warwick" Juliet nodded and shook his hand.
"Hey Hun, I see you've met our fluffer" Vivian smiled as she entered the kitchen as well.
"She is your daughter, oh my. You have really made a creature destined for haven." Chad complimented, beaming at Juliet.
"Yeah... I wanted to ask if I could maybe help? You know, like we always did" Vivian smiled softly at her daughter.
"I am sorry, but I think were already done"
"You know, I think I still need some things" Chad smirked and walked over to the counter grabbing s sticky note. He handed it to her. "Make sure it's all here tomorrow evening"
"Let's see, 30 Granny Smiths, one can of fake blood and one dead wood scented candle." Juliet listed, checking her bag. Seeing everything in her bag she zipped it back up and started her walk home. She just hoped that Tate's appointment with her dad went smoothly. When Juliet finally reached home she went up to her room and pulled on her costume. Her costume contained nothing special. A white blouse with braces and she had painted her arms to look like bones, concealing her burns. The blackness went up her neck and stopped just underneath her face. Her hair was down as usual and she wore her black skinny jeans with her black doc martins. She really liked it. She ruffled her hair one more time before she took her bag and walked downstairs.
"-have to decorate the bobbing station. What the hell is this?" Juliet heard Chad say as she walked down the stairs. "Gala apples. We specifically talked about Granny Smiths."
"They didn't have any Granny Smiths at Gelson's."
"Then you go to the farmer's market or an off ramp in-" Juliet walked into the room and held up her bag, cutting off Chad mid rand.
"30 Granny Smiths, one scented candle and some fake blood. All here" Chad stalked over to her and opened the bag. He took out one of the apples and stared at it.
"Finally, someone in this house who can get things done." He smiled and exhaled deeply. He then noticed her costume. "And that costume, magnifique. Homemade?" Juliet nodded. "Brilliant. You know, you could be our daughter." He grinned, his eyes sparkling with idea's. He stood and faced Vivian and Ben. "Yes, I think you should leave." Ben snorted.
"You think we should just leave our house?"
"It's not your house. We know it, you know it and the house knows it. Frankly, you don't deserve it."
Vivian snapped. "Get out" She took Juliet's hand and pulled her towards them.
"We are not leaving this house."
"Get out! Get out! Get out!" Vivian stalked over to the decorations and slammed them off. "I don't care about any of this. Just go!" Chad's boyfriend took Chad's arm.
"You shouldn't have to watch this." Juliet bit her lip and placed her backpack on the floor.
"You two fight this out, I'm going to my room" She muttered and turned around. She smiled at Chad.
"It was nice meeting you" Chad send her a smile. Juliet cast her dad a look before she walked up the stairs. She stopped at Violet's room.
"Hey Vi." Violet looked up from her comic. "Mom and dad are fighting again, I'll open the door." Violet sighed and nodded.
"Thanks" Juliet smiled.
"No problem sis."
Juliet hadn't even entered her room when the doorbell rang. She ran down the stairs and opened the door.
"Trick or Treat!" A girl with a girl mask shouted. Juliet frowned.
"Addy?" The girl nodded. Juliet reached over and gently took off the mask.
"I'm a pretty girl"
"Addy, your pretty without the mask"
"Of course."
Juliet ruffled her hair and placed the mask in Abby's bag. She then reached over and placed a handful of chocolate in the bag as well.
"Thank you Juliet"
"Every time Kiddo" She waved at Abby before she closed the door. She had just reached the stairs before the doorbell rang. And again, and again. Then the person started knocking!
"My tenant Ben, I want my money! I'm not leaving here till I have my thousand dollars! Hello! Ben Harmon! Ben Harmon! I am not leaving here till I have thousand dollars." Juliet snorted and walked away from the door. Finally she reached her room. She sighed and plumbed down on her bed. She closed her eyes.
"Tick.... Tick.... Tick...."Juliet opened her eyes and walked over to her window. She drew away her curtains and smiled. Tate smiled back and pointed down. Juliet nodded, getting the hint and ran to the basement. She stopped at Violet's room.
"Vi" She looked up.
"There's a man at the door, he's nuts. So don't open the door." Violet nodded and turned back to her comic.
"Say hi to Tate from me" Juliet squinted her eyes before she smiled at her and left. She ran down the stairs, ignored the knocking and walked down to the basement. There stood Tate, grinning like an idiot. Juliet stepped off the stairs and hugged him.
"Hey" Tate frowned.
"Are you alright?" Juliet nodded and exhaled.
"Just some kids." Tate nodded and hugged her a little more tightly before he released her.
He reached behind him and held out his hand, containing a rose.
"I painted it black." Juliet gently took it, glad Tate told her it was black because she wouldn't have known. "I know how you don't like normal things."
"You're the first boy to ever give me a flower." Tate chuckled "Thank you. I love it."
"You ready to go on our date?"
Tate took her hand and led her off.
"You look beautiful by the way."
Juliet sat at the edge of the beach. She stared off into the distance when her phone went off. She groaned.
"Should have left it at home" She took it out and answered the call. "Hello?"
"Where are you?" Juliet looked back to see Tate messing around on the lifeguards cabin.
"I'm just hanging with friends."
"We told you not to leave."
"I'm sorry. I told Violet to stay in but then I remembered I had already made plans and I needed some air" Vivian sighed, remembering she had been there during the fight with the fluffers.
"Are you safe?"
"Of course"
"Are you having fun?"
"I want you home in an hour." Tate ran back to her and hugged her from behind.
"Okay. All right, bye." She took the phone away from her ear and turned It off.
"Who was that?" Tate asked, kissing her neck.
"My mom."
"Your such a dork" Juliet laughed and stood up, pulling Tate up with her. "Let's build a fire" She spoke, childlike excitement in her voice.
Juliet and Tate lay at the sand next to the beach, a campfire blazing next to them. They were making out until Juliet stopped.
"We should stop" Tate exhaled but nodded. They slowly got up. "Tate I swear... I want to be with you so badly. And that's never happened to me." Tate smiled.
"Me too" Tate snorted. "Maybe it's those meds your dad gave me." They fell silent before Tate spoke. "I thought you were a virgin" Juliet looked at the fire.
"I was raped by my algebra teacher when I was 14" Tate stared at her before he moved over and wrapped his arms around her. She shuffled closer to him, nearly climbing into him. Tate smiled softly, his nose pressed in her hair.
"I used to come here... when the world closed in and got so small I couldn't breathe. I'd look out at the ocean, and I'd think..." Tate smiled. "'Yo, douche bag, high school counts for jack shit' Kurt Cobain, Quentin Tarantino, Brando, De Niro, Pacino ... all high school dropouts. I... hated high school. So I'd come here and I'd look out at this vast, limitless expanse. Then it's like, that's your life, man. You can do anything, be anything. Screw high school. That's... It's just a blip in your timeline. Don't get stuck there." Juliet started to doze off with the steady beating of Tate's heart. Suddenly a twig snapped and they looked up. Completely alert. "There's someone here." Five teen walked onto the beach, two girls and three boys. All dressed up pretty normally but with gross make up.
"Nice costumes." Juliet sighed and looked back at the campfire. "What are you, the Dead Breakfast Club?"
"You know, there's a whole lot of beach, guys." One of the teens smirked.
"Good job, Tate. You finally came out of hiding."
"We've been waiting for years for you to show your face. But you like Mommy's little safe house, don't you?" One of the girls taunted.
"I don't know you." Tate frowned.
"You know, I'm actually surprised you have the balls to show your face around here."
"Yeah. Maybe you should have worn a mask." Tate shook his head.
"I'm not really into Halloween."
"But this year's different, right?" The woman with the brains taunted. "You have a date. How cute is that? Oh and she liked skeletons."Tate turned to fiercely glare at her.
"Leave her alone."
"We don't want her. We want you. How about we drown him?"
"No, we should shoot him right between the eyes." Juliet stood up, her eyes hiding her true rage.
"Ha, ha, Halloween pranks. Now beat it" The man smirked.
"Somebody please waste this bitch."
"Yeah, why does he get a girlfriend?"
"I don't have a girlfriend. Do you have a girlfriend? Kyle, you?"
"No. I haven't had sex in a long time." Tate stood up as well and grabbed Juliet's hands.
"Come on, let's go. This beach sucks. Someone should pick up the trash."
They walked past the teens back to the house. When they finally reached it, Chad stood on the front lawn, smashing the pumpkins.
"Juliet, my my, what a surprise." Juliet frowned.
"What are you doing here?"
"Taking back what's mine" Juliet nodded and gently tugged Tate with her.
"Good luck, happy Halloween" Chad nodded before he went back to destroying the pumpkins.
Juliet closed the door behind her when they finally reached her room.
"What was that? They knew you." Tate turned to her, tears in his eyes.
"But I don't know them. They-They're just high school assholes. I mean, the world's full of them. It's popular kids who get off on being mean and cruel. I thought you understood that." Juliet stared at him before she sighed and hugged him.
"I know Tate, it's a freak show." Tate nodded, clutching her tightly. A dog barked outside. Juliet pulled away from Tate, a dangerous look in her eyes. "It's them. This is bullshit."She muttered before she stormed out of the room.
"Oh, great, he sends his little girlfriend out." Juliet glared at them, a old pair of scissors clutched in her hand. "With a pair of scissors. You gonna make us some paper dolls?"
"This is private property. Leave, or I'll make you." They laughed.
"Screw it. She deserves whatever happens to her."
"Yeah, she's like those lonely, fat chicks that marry guys on Death Row. You're deeply, deeply disturbed."
"Go home." The cheerleader girl stepped forward.
"Home? Where is that? I'm an only child. After what happened, my parents split up, sold the house, moved away. No forwarding address. So I don't have a home." She pushed past Juliet and sat down on the steps.
"I can't fix it for you." The jog snorted.
"Can you fix this?" He pointed to the wound on his forehead. "Can you give me back my scholarship to Georgia Tech? I'm supposed to be starting quarterback freshman year."
"She doesn't care. She's in love, and she'll do anything for him, including giving him her virginity. Tonight was the night, wasn't it?"
"I'm no virgin" The other guy smirked.
"Stupid slut." Before they could blink Juliet was in front of him and stabbed the scissors through his jacked, trapping him.
"She's worse than he is. She thinks it's okay what he did to us."
"It doesn't justify what you are doing right now" Juliet hissed, pulling out her scissors.
"Let's put her down, out of her misery." They advanced on her when Tate appeared in the doorway with Violet.
"Leave her alone!"
"Finally, the Prodigal Son returns. Come on down, man. We've got some questions." Juliet stepped back towards him.
"Go inside. I can handle this." Juliet shook her head. The scissors still clutched in her fist.
"I seriously doubt that."
"Go inside!"
"No. They want to hurt you." Tate stared at her, deeply touched by what she wanted to do for him.
"Karma's a bitch, Tate." Tate stepped past Juliet.
"You want to talk to me? Let's see how fast you can run." Tate smirked before he sped off. The teens cursed before they started the chase. Violet took out her phone. While Juliet watched as Tate's siluette grew smaller and smaller.
"Hello. Hey, my Sisters boyfriend's in trouble. There's a bunch of kids chasing him. I think they're gonna kill him." Juliet stepped behind Juliet, seeing Constance advance on them. She grabbed them both.
"Come with me to my house now. Addy is dead because of you!" Juliet froze, causing her to drop the scissors.
Constance had placed the sisters around her table.
"She wanted to be a pretty girl. Of course, she didn't look so pretty... lying on that table under those harsh, energy-efficient lights." Juliet licked her dry lips, her hands trembling underneath the table.
"Constance, I'm so sorry."
"Well, you did encourage her, that's true. But you were just trying to be kind, weren't you? I was the one who sent her out into the world tonight. And it did what it will do." Juliet looked down at the table cloth before she stood up.
"I am sorry but I need to go. Tate's in trouble" Constance eyed her before she smiled.
"That's why he's taken so with you. He craves your strength, Juliet. Maybe he misses his sister. But we must protect him."
"I will help Addy, I promise you" She cast Violet a look before she ran out of the house.
Tate stopped running when he reached the beach. He smiled before he noticed the teens right behind him.
"I used to run track."
"We know."
"Is somebody going to explain this to me?"
"Do you believe in God?"
"Is that what this is about? You guys are with Campus Crusade." The woman took a step forwards and pushed him, causing Tate to trip and fall into the sand.
"You asked me if I believed in God, and you put a gun to my head. I said yes. It wasn't even true, and I said yes. And then... you pulled the trigger."
"What is this? Is this part of a Halloween act? Because, I mean, the makeup, it's chilling, but the performance..." The jog stormed over and slammed his knee in Tate's stomach. He fell to the ground again, clutching his stomach.
"No more bullshit, Tate! You owe us an explanation! You owe us tha-" He stopped suddenly, making a choking sound. The others turned to him, concerned. Tate watched until he heard a voice, one very familiar.
"Kyle, Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus," Juliet walked onto the beach, her finger out and pointed at the jog, a bead necklace hanging around her hand. "omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica." The jog stopped choking and fell to the ground.
"Kyle!!!" The blonde girl gasped and fell down to her knees next to him. The other backed away from Juliet. She had a blank look on her face and moved her finger to the next one.
"Stephanie, Ergo, draco maledicte." She took a step closer, all the teens backing away more. The blonde girl with her brains hanging out gasped as her breath was taken away and she too fell down, dead. "Kevin, Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos." The next teen fell to the ground. Tate watched with fear in his eyes. The last girl fell her knees, sobbing.
Juliet eyed them both, silent for a moment before she resumed her task.
"Chloe, Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus... hanc animam redintegro... lustra! lustra!" Tate noticed that Juliet said something else and with the result that Chloe lid up before she disappeared. Juliet moved to the last of the murdered teens. He tried to say something but only blood came out.
"Amir, Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus... hanc animam redintegro... lustra! lustra!" Just as before Amir disappeared in a white light. Juliet stood still for a moment before she turned to Tate.
"Tate,.." Tate closed his eyes, hoping for the second ritual but no sound came. "Are you alright?" Tate opened his eyes to see Juliet crouched in front of him.
"What did you do?" Juliet exhaled and took his hand.
"I'll explain later" Tate nodded and let her lead him away. Away from the memories and the pain. Like an angel, an angel in disguise.
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