Chapter 2
"So, what do shrinks think about when a wildly brilliant patient doesn't talk to punish said psychiatrist? I bet you think about sex."
"Do you think about sex a lot?"
"I think about one girl in particular. Your daughter. The new one. I jerk off thinking about her. A lot."
"I'm not comfortable with you talking about my daughter, Tate."
"Don't you want to know what I do to her? How I lay her on the bed and I caress her soft skin, make her crawl into me like a lion. I think she's a virgin. They get wet so easily."
"Do you turn to these thoughts to comfort yourself in times of stress?"
"Actually, yes. I jerk off a lot to make the visions to go away. Blood and the carnage. I want the thoughts to go away, and you're not helping me, but your daughter is."
"Well, we've only been working together a few weeks now."
"Well, you're sexual, right? Juliet told me about the affair with the girl in Boston. Not much older than her, she said."
"Our time is up."
"Bullshit. I don't accept that."
"Our time is up for today, Tate."
Juliet sighed as she was dropped off at her new school. Seeing she had missed the first day, because of her shitty ride, she had to be there extra early to pick up her things. To be honest she already saw why Tate had warned her about the school. She put on her best poker face and walked into the school building.
"Hey, watch were your going!" Juliet rolled her eyes and kept walking. "Slut"
She turned around and stalked over to the girl who had insulted her. She grabbed her by her throat and slammed her against the lockers. The girl gasped, her with makeup smeared eyes widened. "What did you call me?" Juliet hissed, staring deep into the girl's eyes.
"N-nothing" The girl gasped. Juliet pushed her harder into the lockers before she released her.
"Good" She cast the nearly unconscious girl one last look before she strode off, to find her stuff.
School went by fast and before she knew it Juliet walked back into the new house. Its old musk scent welcomed her and she smiled. Her first smile of the day.
"I'm home!" She called as she tugged off her boots.
"Welcome back." A voice said. Juliet looked up and met the old eyes of Moira. She send the girl a soft smile and help up the tray she had been holding. "Your mother requested me to give you these." Juliet stood back up and took the tray. It contained a plate with two a fudgy looking brownies, a mug of coffee, a cup of water and colorful ticktack's. Of course it were no ticktack's but her medicine.
"Thank you" Moira nodded and left the room. Juliet watched her before she took one of the brownies, bit down on it and walked to her room. Using her butt to open the door she munched down on her brownie before she froze by the sound of someone laughing. She turned around but relaxed when she noticed Tate sitting on her bed. She smiled and held up the tray. "Want one?" Tate raised his eyebrow but nodded.
"Sure" Juliet closed her door, placed the tray on her desk and handed Tate the other brownie. "You know, no one has ever offered me something" Tate watched as Juliet took her medicine from the tray and threw them out of the window. She then took her mug of coffee and walked over to him.
"Well, that's not very nice." Tate took a bite of his brownie while Juliet sipped her coffee. "Is my dad even helping you?" Tate shrugged.
"Not really, but I like coming here, to you." Juliet blushed fierily and quickly took another sip off her burning coffee.
"Won't your parents be worried?" Tate's eyes turned dark.
"No" Juliet eyed him, her mind searching for a way to cheer him up. She looked down at her cup before she held it out for him. His eyes focused themselves onto the cup before he met her eyes.
"Drink up." Tate took the cup and carefully took a sip. His eyes closed and he let out a moan.
"What's this?" Juliet laughed and sat down next to him, their arms touching.
"Coffee. Next time I'll make you a cup" Tate's eyes opened, realizing the cup was empty.
"Why are you so nice to me?" Juliet shrugged and smiled.
"I don't know. Maybe it's be-" Juliet was cut off by a knock on the door. She and Tate looked at it.
"Juliet? Are you here?" Juliet stood up, tugging Tate off her bed. He seemed to get the hint and walked into the bathroom.
"Yeah" Vivian opened the door and smiled at her daughter.
"Hey." She stepped further into the room, her eyes falling onto the plate. "I see Moira gave you your medicine." Juliet smiled fakely and nodded.
"She did. She even added two brownies"
"How nice. Want to watch a movie? I figured since your dad's gone tonight, we could have a little girl's night."
"Sorry mom, I have tons of homework. Maybe tomorrow." Vivian nodded, her smile disappearing.
"Oke, goodnight then" She walked back to the door but was stopped by Juliet.
"I'm happy for you mom" Vivian froze and turned around.
"What?" Juliet's eyes remained on her like two piercing icicles. "How did you know?"
Juliet smirked. "It was just a wild guess, you just confirmed it." Vivian sighed and sat down on the bed, making Julie sit down next to her.
"I was gonna tell you tonight. You want to talk about it?"
"No, thanks." Vivian nodded and stood up again. She walked to the door and turned back to Juliet.
"Thank you for understanding" She smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Juliet sighed, feeling her true emotions surface. Betrayal, sadness but most off all anger. Before she could do anything however, like put her hand in the burning fire, two strong arms wrapped around her, keeping her steady. The red hue in front of her eyes disappeared and her breathing steadied.
Tate felt her chest rise and far in a steady pace before she leaned more into him. Not like she meant to, she had just fallen asleep. He didn't blame her. While in the bathroom he had found her medicine cabinet. The medicine she hadn't taken were medicine he had never seen before. Probably on recipe. It would help her control her emotions and clear her mind but could cause insomnia which could lead to extreme sheepishness.
Tate smiled, liking the feeling of her in his arms. She was it. She was the one he had been missing all this time. And now he had found her, and he would never let her go. He laid down on the bed, being careful not to wake her as he pulled Juliet down with him. Luckily she didn't wake up, so Tate closed his eyes and let himself be taken into his ever dreamless sleep.
Juliet woke up with a gasp, hearing something downstairs. "Tate?" She asked, turning around to look for him but he was gone. She unwrapped herself from the covers and stepped out of bed. Her feet hit the cold floor and she shivered. The fireplace must have gone out. Another bang sounded from downstairs making Juliet freeze. She walked to her dresser and took out one of the rusty chains she had found while cleaning her room. She quickly wrapped it around her knuckles and silently walked over to her door. She opened the door and peeked outside. Silence.
Seeing no treats she slipped out of her room and into the hall. She slipped down the stairs, "Mom?" She whispered, knowing Ben had left for his business trip. Getting no reply she stopped at the bottom of the stairs, clutching the chain in her hand. She stepped off the stairs but was grabbed by her arm and pulled into the nearby closet. She kept silent and quickly swung her hand towards her attacker. She missed him completely though, creating a huge dent in the wall.
"Juliet, stop" Someone hissed. Tate. Juliet stopped her next swing and turned to face him. He looked the same as yesterday, except his new hoodie that said, 'normal people scare me'. "Are you alright? Did they touch you?" Juliet shook her head.
"No I just got here. What happened?"
"Three idiots forced themselves into your house."
"Where are Violet and my mom?"
"They are safe but you need to get them to the basement."
"Oke, I will" Tate nodded and Juliet moved back to the door. "Tate?"
"Kill those bastards." Tate smirked and watched as Juliet left the tight closet. Once outside Juliet unwrapped the chain from her hand and placed it in her pocked. Her hand was heavily bruised but she didn't care. She rolled back her shoulders and stumbled into the living room. Vivian stared at her daughter in pure fear.
"Juliet, run!!" Juliet's eyes widen and she tried to make a run for it but the man that was in the room caught her. Juliet wiggled and screamed but his grip was like iron.
"Fiona! I've found another one!!" There was thudding before a new woman joined the man. She smiled wickedly at Juliet.
"Oh, she is so beautiful. She'll make a great Maria" The man nodded, enthusiastic. The woman bound Juliet's wrists with some rope while Vivian tried to talk them out of it. Juliet cried trying to escape. "Take her to the bedroom, I will get the other one" The man nodded and started to drag Juliet away. Vivian wailed and screamed. Once out the room, Juliet lifted her head, revealing her uncrying dark eyes.
The man still unknown what was happening kept dragging her. A chill ran down Juliet's spine and she looked up. There stood Tate, waiting in the doorway. He raised his finger to his lips. Juliet nodded and started wiggling again. "You know, the lore never told what Travis did to prepare Maria. So we'll just have to improvise" He reached out and unlocked the bedroom. Juliet's eyes widen and started to wiggle more violent, her panic real this time. The man laughed. There was a sickening thud and a gurgling noise before the man fell to the ground. Juliet looked up to see Tate standing there with a bloody knife. He crouched down next to her and cut the binds. Once Juliet was free she turned around and hugged him, not caring if he was covered in blood. Tate closed his eyes, breathing in her smell before he pulled away, staring into her eyes.
"Get your mom and sister out here" Juliet nodded and ran up the stairs, leaving the bloody body behind her. Once up she rounded the corner, knowing off the old tub on in the attic. She sprinted up the crappy stairs, while rewrapping the chain around her hand. When she finally reached the top she saw another woman hunched on the floor, holding her stomach while Violet sat on the floor, tied up and gagged. She made a sound of distress, upon seeing her sister.
Juliet's eyes flared and stalked over to the woman. She looked up, her face pale.
"What are you-" With a thud Juliet's fist made contact with her face. She recoiled and fell back onto the floor. Juliet exhaled heavily before she ran over to Violet. She untied the knots, releasing Violet.
"Are you alright?" She whispered. Violet nodded. She and her sister stood up and Juliet placed her hands on Violet's shoulders. "Get mom out of here" Violet nodded. "Are you coming?" Juliet nodded, her eyes flickering to the woman on the floor.
"I need to finish something first" Violet nodded, hugged her sister again before she ran out of the attic. Juliet watched her leave before she turned to the unconscious woman on the floor. "No one hurt my sister, bitch" She spat before she punched her again, harder the time. There was a sickly crunch making Juliet smirk. Served her well. She took off the chain and wrapped it around the woman's legs. Then began the long process off dragging her to the basement.
Luckily, in the time she made it downstairs, her mom and Violet were already gone. She carried the body down the last set of stairs and dropped it halfway. The body made contact with the floor and the woman let out a groan. "Still alive huh?" Juliet muttered. She dragged her to the old furnace at the back, one that was previously used as a garbage dispenser. She fired it up with single match from her pocket and threw the body in. The woman screamed before it became awfully quiet. Juliet sat in front of the fire, watching the flames consume the body.
Tate stood at the other side of the basement. He had lured the last woman to the basement and the two nurses had taken it from there. Slid her throat. They had even brought the man's body down. Moira had also joined him, and they both looked down at the body's.
"Jesus H. Christ." Constance complained, walking into the basement. "Was this your handiwork?" She asked Tate, staring down at the body's
"It was them."
"We have to get rid of the bodies... if you want him to keep treating me." Constance sighed.
"I'll get the shovel, you get the bleach." Constance turned her head, sniffing before she covered her nose.
"What's that retched smell?" Tate and Moira turned as well.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus."They could faintly heard someone chant. With Tate in front, they walked towards the sound and smell. The other room was filled with a dim orange light. They reached the furnace and Tate froze, seeing Juliet sit in front of the open fire. Her hands clasped in front of her and her eyes closed. "Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursion infernalis adversarii, omnis leg"
"What is she doing?" Constance whispered but no one answered. Tate was too transfixed on Juliet and the way the flames illuminated her skin. Moira's eyes widen, noticing the remains of the body in the furnace but no new spirit.
"Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica" Juliet finished, opening her eyes.
"What are you doing?" Constance nearly barked. She stepped past Tate to stand nearly in front of the girl. Juliet looked up to her, her eyes a void of emotion.
"I banished her spirit to hell, where she belongs. No one hurts my family." She finished, looking at the ashes in the furnace.
"You can do that?" Moira asked hopefully. Juliet's head snapped to her and she nodded.
"Only to the just departed" The hope in Moira's eyes disappeared but she smiled. At least those intruders wouldn't dwell in the house as well. Constance turned to Moira.
"Who is she?" She hissed. Moira's eyes stayed on the girl.
"Vivian and Ben's other child. Juliet." Constance turned back to the girl who was slowly getting up from the floor. Tate gently took her arm and helped her up. She send him a smile, glad to see him.
"Are you alright?" Juliet nodded before she noticed her clothes.
"Ugh, I liked my shirt" Her shirt which previously displayed the bat symbol was now covered in blood and was even cut in a few places.
"I will begin disposing the body's" Moira told them before she retreated out of the room.
"Your hand" Tate whispered. Juliet looked down at her hand to see it bloody and bruised. The edges of her knuckles were even turning purple.
"That hand needs to be patched up before it infects. I can do it" Tate's head snapped to her.
"I will do it" Constance send him a look but when he didn't move she sighed.
"Very well, have a good night" She send Juliet a tight smile before she too left.
"Come on" Juliet nodded and together they left the basement.
Once back in Juliet's room, Tate released Juliet and walked into her bathroom. He returned after a moment with the first aid kit. He sat down in front of Juliet and took her hand.
"How are you not running away?" Juliet shrugged, tugging a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"This isn't the first time I burned a body." Tate stopped binding her hand and eyed her. When she didn't continue he nodded and returned to wrapping her hand. They sat there in silence. The only noise in the room was the sound of Tate tending to her wounds. Tate gently tugged the gauze in place but didn't release her hand. He gently rubbed his thumb over it before he looked up and met Juliet's gaze. She send him a smile.
"Thank you for helping me" She whispered. Tate's eyes moved back to her hand. Juliet reached over and planted a kiss onto his cheek. Tate's head snapped up. Juliet moved back, her cheeks fiery red. "I should get back to my family." She apologized quickly, jumping up. She was out of the room before Tate could even blink. He smiled though. She had kissed him. So she had to like him back right?
"Your mom said that you told her that Tate helped you escape?"
Violet and Juliet nodded. Juliet had found them at the police station after she left Tate. They were very happy to see her. Her mom was mad at her for staying but she cried so that made up for it.
"Yeah. Thanks for not dragging him into all that."
"What was he doing in the house?"
"How should I know?"
"I let him in" Juliet confessed. "I didn't know he wasn't supposed to be let in, but you know I'm glad he was."
"You weren't." Violet added, sending her father a cold look. The sisters walked away but Violet stopped at the door. "You were really brave, Mom."
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