The Gift of Nayru

Mipha's POV

Sidon and I walked out of the field of trees that were protecting Lulu Lake. It was dark by now and the still waters of Lulu lake glistened in the moonlight. Around us were fireflies and the chirping of cicadas. It was a peaceful place, where I could get lost in my thoughts and reflect. 

"Sister." called Sidon. I turned around. He smiled at me with that impish grin. 

"I can't climb waterfalls, remember?" he said, tilting his head to the side. 

"That's right." I say nodding to myself, "Alright, get on my back, we're going to climb down from Mikau Lake." Sidon climbs on my back and tightens his grip around my neck. I trot towards the little water at Mikau lake. I jump gracefully, climbing down the waterfall without knocking my brother off in the process. 

"WEEE!" shrieks Sidon with glee. He must have enjoyed our little trip down the waterfall. I smiled at myself as I swam in the waters of Mikau Lake. I let my baby brother off my back and we looked forward in front of us at the cliff. We could see Zora's Domain. It shined as bright as the moon, probably because of all those luminous stones. I began to look for a way down then I smiled. 

"Are you afraid of heights?" I ask. Sidon gives me a blank stare. 

"Not that I am aware of." he mutters. I grab him by the hand and leap off the cliff. I must have startled Sidon because he held onto me like a leech. We made a splash. It could probably be heard from the throne room too, but no reactions from the terrace came. My brother rose to the surface of the water and began treading. I did the same. 

"Sister!" he said annoyed, "Next time warn me before you do something like that." 

"Alright, I will," I say. Sidon then splashes me with water. I splash him back. This goes on for a little while until we heard shouts from the terrace. In order to get a better look, I needed to climb the east waterfalls. I motion Sidon to get on my back and then I lunge myself onto the little waterfall. I swim up the waterfall with water hitting me in the face, but I don't care. 

I jump out of the waterfall with Sidon on my back. I land carefully on the pavement and carefully take Sidon off my back. I walked towards the stairs to get a better view. There was a crowd of Zoras mumbling and whimpering. The guards at the entrance were looking worried and I knew that was a sign for something's going on. I rush down the stairs and into the plaza. 

The plaza was pretty boring there was nothing in the center of it. I should definitely tell my dad about adding some decoration. When I reached the entrance of the domain, I started pushing through the crowd to get a better look. It was Seggin. His entire body was covered in gashes. How did he get that way?

"Everyone move away!" announced one of the guards. "He needs medical attention! Stao! get him to a bed so he can get medical attention! Stao is one of the guards at the entrance, he's got navy blue scales and green eyes. He held a zora spear in his left hand. 

Stao did as he was told and carried Seggin on his back, towards the motel chamber. He placed him on a makeshift bed near a pot where you could cook meals. At once Kapson appeared at the scene. Seggin was awake so Kapson began to ask him some questions. I was curious what happened to Seggin as well and decided to eavesdrop on the conversation. I hide on the left of side of the entrance where they were in. 

"What happened?" asked Kapson. Seggin tried to sit up but only caused more blood to ooze out of his side. 

"I went to Ploymus Mountain." uttered Seggin with a cough of blood, "I was getting some wood when a creature with a lion's mane attacked me." 

Kapson nodded, "Go on." 

Seggin continued, "I defended myself the best I could but that beast had a shield. Its sword got past my defenses and its hoofs kept kicking me around. Once I knew I couldn't win, I ran. Then the beast took out its bow and shot me with three shock arrows. That bow can shot three arrows at a time!"

Kapson's eyes widened. He took out a piece of paper and wrote the abilities of the beast and the description of what it looked like. 

"So besides hoofs, a mane, a sword and shield, any other descriptions?" asked Kapson. 

"Not really, unless glowing red eyes counts." uttered Seggin. He winced and held his side. Kapson wrote red eyes on the piece of paper. 

"Now I am going to check your wounds." spoke Kapson. He started scanning Seggin's injuries. A worried glance became etched onto the zora priest's face. 

"Oh Nayru, this is worst than I thought!" gasped Kapson. "Stao! come here a watch him I need to find a specific herb!" Kapson began running out, onto the plaza and asked everyone for a certain herb. I at once came into the little place where Seggin was resting. Seggin was now coughing up blood and looked pale. Stao looked at Seggin with concern. 

I walked closer to Seggin and Stao noticed. 

"Ah, Princess Mipha," Stao said, "It is nice to see you." Panic rose in the plaza and Stao had to walk out to calm everyone. I stood in front of Seggin who at this moment looked like a lost cause. I want do something. I want to be helpful! Oh Nayru let me help him! 

I closed my eyes and placed my hands on Seggin's arm that was dripping with blood. Seggin looked at me with curiosity. Perhaps he thought I was going to stay there by his side til he past away. All I could do was pray for him. A flicker of blue energy came from my hands. I opened my eyes. I was healing Seggin's wounds but how? I don't remember having this power or maybe this was locked away until I needed it the most. 

I stayed calm and healed Seggin's wounds. Seggin was shocked by what was happening. He was no longer losing blood so that meant that I had covered the more severe injuries. 

"I-I-I've never seen this before." rasped Seggin. Kapson entered the room to see what was happening. Stao was at the entrance too. They stood there in awe. Stao tried to speak but couldn't. Kapson looked at the wandering eyes of the crowd. He had not seen something like this before. 

Kapson smiled and shouted with glee, "A gift from Nayru!" The crowd whispered happily among themselves while others stared at Mipha as she finished healing the last of Seggin's wounds. Once she completed the task. Seggin smiled at her. 

"Thank you Princess," he said gratefully, "I am forever in your debt." He bowed his head to show respect. Everyone seemed pleased with what had just occurred. I could see Sidon among the crowd smiling. I knew he was happy and so proud. 

Stao was muttering something under his breath, "Wait, til the King hears about this." 

I looked at my hands. The power that was hidden inside. I could finally do good. I would finally be able to do something good for my tribe. 

I knew that my story was only beginning...

Hi, been awhile for the update on this chapter and I apologize for that. I am only updating this book on Thursdays. So tomorrow I will be updating Heart and Soul Decision for the first time since I stopped working on it which was May 21. Now I'm working on it on July 6...wait July 6 is when Ant-man and The Wasp comes out^^ (yep I'm a little geek)

Have a nice day and let me know how you like this chapter down below. Also I would like feedback on how to improve.

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