Chapter Ten

"Victims of a sudden impact are some of the hardest to treat. It's not just the collision that injures them, it's everything after, the centrifugal force keeps them moving; tossing them from vehicles, throwing them through windshields, slamming their internal organs into the skeleton, their bodies are injured over and over again. So there's no way to know how much damage has actually been done until they stop. You can't prepare for a sudden impact. You can't brace yourself. It just hits you. Out of nowhere. And suddenly the life you knew before is over. Forever"

"one thousand words are not enough to say what i feel inside"

Beck paced the hallways with a blank expression on her face.

Alex bent down to check on one of the injured people. "Sir, can you move?" he asked. "We need you off this road". "Honey", the man called out, lifting his head up. A young girl clambered out of the wreckage of the car. "Mom?" she called out, approaching the unconscious woman on the ground. "Mom. Mom, wake up. Mom, wake up! Help them. Please, you have to help! My mom, my dad, the van...and I just stepped in blood". "Hey, what's your name?" Aurora asked her.


"Ok, Lily, I need you to calm down and take the baby. Hold the baby"

"I don't even babysit. I can't hold a baby"

"Lily, do you want me to help your family or not? Hold the baby"

She reluctantly took the baby in her arms.

"Ok, I need you to squeeze. One, two, squeeze"

"What if I mess up?"

"You're not gonna mess up. One, two, squeeze. Count out loud so I can hear you"

"Ok, one, two, squeeze... One, two, squeeze"

"No matter what you do, don't stop squeezing. One, two, squeeze"

"One, two, squeeze"

Aurora suddenly felt a sharp pain between her legs and groaned in pain. Alex looked back at her. "Are you okay?" he asked. She didn't respond. She felt between her legs and her fingers were instantly coated in blood. She stared at her hand. "Aurora...", Alex began.

"Alex, I'm fine"

"Aurora, you're bleeding. You need to sit this one out"

"Alex, we don't have time for this. We have patients. I'm fine"

He didn't look sure but stayed quiet as she approached Lily's mom. "Ma'am, ma'am, I'm a doctor. Can you hear me?" she said, crouching down to inspect her injuries.

Alex brought the kit from the ambulance. "You got any tape in there? I have to do an adhesive dressing", Aurora said. "Probably. I just grabbed whatever", Alex replied. "Is my mom ok? Mom?" Lily said. "Lily, keep counting", Aurora said.

"Why isn't...why isn't she talking?"


"One, two, squeeze"

"How's she doing?" Alex asked Aurora. "Not good. I may have to intubate", she said. "Don't you have to do a pressure dressing?"

"Ugh. I see grey matter. Brains are on the ground"

"Wait. That's Nana", Lily said. "That's my Na...".

"There's nothing we can do. Oh, crap. This kid's got a shard of glass in her eye. She's unconscious. Her pulse is low"

"That's my sister. That's Abby"

"Lily... Just see the blinker on the van? Just watch that blinker and keep counting. One, two, squeeze. One, two, squeeze. Lily"

"The kids", Lily's dad said. "Your girls are ok, alright?" Alex reassured him. "I just helped one and the other one's right over there".

"And Michael? What about Michael?"

"There's another kid?" Aurora said. "Oh, crap", Alex muttered. "There's no pulse". "Dad! Dad!" Lily yelled. Aurora ran over to the van to look for Michael. "Lily, keep counting!" Aurora exclaimed. "Michael?" "Help", Michael replied as she discovered him trapped under a van door.

"Ok. I'm gonna check your pulse. It's a little weak. Alright. I'm gonna try to free your legs, ok?"

She lifted up the door. "Aurora, there's a car coming!" Alex yelled. "Oh, crap", she whispered. "Can you feel your legs?"

"You gotta get outta there!"

"Michael!" Lily yelled. "He's trapped. I have to get his legs free!" Aurora said. "There's not time!" Alex said. "Oh, my God!" Lily cried.

"Kid, just keep counting. Aurora!"

"Oh, my God"

"You gotta get off the road!"

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Aurora groaned, trying to get Michael out. "Oh, my God", he said, seeing the car approaching. "Aurora!" Alex said. She got up. "No, don't leave me", Michael said as she ran out to the middle of the road. "What the hell are you– They're not even gonna see you!" Alex exclaimed. "Aurora, what are you doing?" She started waving her hands as the car got closer. "Stop! Please!" she yelled. It stopped right in front of her and they realised it was an ambulance. She sighed in relief.

They arrived in the ambulance bay and got out of the ambulances. They entered the ER. "You need to get checked out", Alex said to Aurora.

"I know. I will. I just wanna make sure that they're all okay"

"I'll make sure. You need to take care of yourself"

Aurora noticed Owen and went over to him. "You're back", he stated.

"I'm really sorry"

"What? Why are you..."

Before he could finish his sentence she collapsed to the floor. "Aurora!" he exclaimed. "Somebody get me a gurney and page OB. Now!"

Lucy, Richard and Callie were in a trauma room with the father. "His pelvis is dust, must be massive internal bleeding", Callie said. "Can't keep his systolic above 68". "Ok, there's definitely free fluid in his abdomen", Richard said. "It's just hard to define where the bleeding's coming from". "So, where should we start?" Lucy asked them.


"Pelvis' ', Callie replied at the same time. They looked at each other. The man groaned so Lucy took off his oxygen mask to let him speak. "Abby couldn't wait to sleep in a tent", he said. "BP's still dropping", Richard said. "I'm Dr Shepherd. We're gonna be taking you up to surgery", Lucy said to the man. "Lily didn't even want to come '', the man continued. "Ok, if we don't stabilise this pelvis, there won't be any surgery", Callie said. "There's no time for fixators' ', Richard argued. "She wanted to spend her birthday with friends, not-not camping with us' ', the man said. "I said no. I made her come. Oh, my God, I...I did this to them. I did this' '. "You didn't harm your family", Lucy reassured him. "You didn't mean for this to happen. You didn't do this''. "Ok, sir, I am really sorry, but even with the painkillers, this is gonna hurt", Callie said. She stabilised his pelvis and he screamed in pain.

"That should hold for now"

"Ok, let's get him to surgery", Richard said.

Arizona was operating on Aurora while Owen watched from the gallery. "Damn it", Arizona muttered, hoping Owen wouldn't hear her but he did. He pressed the talk button. "What's going on?" he asked her.

"I have to deliver this baby"

"Are you sure?"

"I don't see any other way to save them both"

"Arizona, if it comes down to Aurora, please"

"Ok, I'll try my best. I'll let you know when we're done, I can't let you watch this"

He left the room to go check on Teddy who still didn't know about Henry and was operating on a heart.

Owen was following Beck and Cristina through the hallway. "Can you two just stop for one minute and listen to what I have to–", Owen began. "No, we said no", Cristina replied as they entered the stairwell.

"I know you're exhausted. This is a mitral valve–"

"We are not operating now!"

"She requested you, both of you. Now if you don't go in there–"

"Teddy requested us?" Beck questioned. "Oh, my God. You haven't told her. You haven't told her yet? What are you– No, no. No, I am not– We're not– No, we're not going in–".

"If that patient dies on the table, this will all have been for nothing. This has... This has to be worth something. Saving a life is worth something"

"I can't", Cristina said, her voice breaking. "I can't. I can't. I can't do it".

"You have no choice. She's waiting. So go"

Cristina and Beck made it to the door of Teddy's OR, looking at her operating, not knowing her husband was dead because of them. Beck put her hand on Cristina's shoulder and Cristina nodded, taking a breath before opening the door. "What do we got?" Beck asked Teddy. "Oh, good," Teddy said. "I got a flail mitral valve when I took her off bypass. Just put her back on and cooled her down again. I need your hands".


"Oh, and, um...thank you...for Henry. I am so sorry that we had to lie to you, but you were the only people I trusted to do it. You get it, right?"


"You're not mad at me?"



"No, of course not", Cristina replied.

"Good. Ok. Go get scrubbed"

Owen entered the OR where Callie, Richard and Lucy were operating. "Gown me", he ordered. "Should you be operating?" Lucy asked him. "I mean, we heard about Aurora".

"I have nothing to do but wait so...I'm operating. If that's okay with you?"

"It's fine"

"How's Altman? How's her patient?" Callie said. "The patient will be fine now that I've got Cristina and Beck in there", he replied.

"You– You what? You put Yang and Jacobs in the same OR with Teddy with my patient on the table? What the hell made you think that was a good idea?"

"I believe it was your mistake that put everyone in this position in the first place, so you're really not one to point fingers right now. Catch me up"

"I can't get visualisation of the mitral valve", Teddy said. "The– The left atrium's too small". "What about superior pulmonary vein exposure?" Cristina suggested.

"Yes, good. Let's do that. Scissors"

Teddy looked up at the gallery where April was watching. "What is she doing up there?" she wondered aloud. "Sorry?" Beck said.

"Kepner. She's been sitting up there like a gargoyle. I thought there was a big trauma"

"Oh, yeah. Um, I don't know"

"Did you get a chance to check on Henry post-op before I pulled you both in here?"


"I bet no one wanted her", Cristina interjected. "What?" Teddy said.

"Kepner. Probably because her voice can peel paint off walls. "Charge to 200. Clear!" I mean, a trauma is stressful enough. Who needs that?"

"You're horrible"

"Push 100 of lidocaine". Am I wrong? I'm right"

"Would you stop? Kind of some thing to do with me, I can tell–"

"Would you stop?"

"--by your eyes. Ok, stop"

Jackson and Kelly entered the gallery and sat on either side of April. "How are they doing?" Kelly asked her. "Uh, still trying to repair the valve", April explained. "Well, and making fun of me".


"Cristina and Beck don't want to talk about Henry's surgery, so instead Cristina started making fun of me"

"I'll turn off the intercom", Jackson suggested.

"No, it's... I have to know everything that's going on. It's ok. I can handle it"

"Still bad visualisation", Cristina said. "There is a lot of unexpected fibrosis," Teddy said. "We're just increasing our chances of rupturing her heart. We can't get in there. There's too much tension on the walls. Alright. We need to do this right. We're gonna do an ex vivo".

"You want to take the heart out? Can we try... Can we try to..."

"Oh, come on, Yang. A cardiac autotransplantation for an ex vivo valve reconstruction? If that's on your bucket list, it should be. Are you up for this?"

"You bet"

"Great. Ok. We're gonna start with the atrium to explant the heart. And let's get some music in here. What do you want to listen to? You pick"

Beck looked up at the gallery and locked eyes with Jackson. He nodded in reassurance and she looked away.

The monitor was beeping in Richard, Callie, Owen and Lucy's OR. "Oh, pelvic stabilisation's not holding", Callie said. "Get me more lap pads". "More", Owen said.

"Do it. Yeah. I got that"

Meredith entered their OR. "You need something?" Owen asked her. "You haven't used any sux or inhalation anaesthetic, have you?" she replied. "'Cause our kid had a reaction". "Oh, damn it. This hematoma's expanding", the anaesthesiologist informed them. "I'll occlude the internal iliac", Owen said. "Try and get some temporary control". "Alright. I need some more lap sponges here", Callie said. "Just watch his temp", Meredith reminded them. "We got it, Grey. Thank you. Hemoclip", Owen said. "Yeah, hold it right over there", Richard said. "Yep, ok. One more. Come on", Callie said.

"Let's pack it"


Beck had placed the heart in an ice dish. "Beautiful", Teddy said, complimenting her technique. "Nice work. Alright. Let's prepare for reimplantation. You know, you–you're gonna think that I'm crazy, but there is this thing that we used to do in med school to try and stay awake. And after this many hours of surgery, you need to stay awake". "I'm, uh, I'm pretty awake, actually", Beck replied.

"Whoo! Give me a "Whoo!"


"Oh, come on. Give me a "Whoo!"


"That', that's not good. Come on. You gotta wake up. Whoo!"



"Whoo!" Cristina said, trying her best to sound enthusiastic.

"Ok, that's a little better"

Owen entered the gallery. "They still going?" he asked. "What the hell are they doing?" "I think they're having fun", April replied. Cristina looked up at the gallery with a pained expression. "How's Aurora? Is she out of surgery yet?" Kelly asked him. "Uh, I'm not sure. I'm going to check right now", he said. "I'll let you know".

"Ok, thank you"

"Ok, time to close", Teddy said. "Would one of you like to do the honours?" "Kepner can close", Cristina said.


"Kepner, can you close?"

"Uh, I c-can, but...", April replied from the gallery. "Yang", Teddy said, confused. "Kepner, close" Cristina snapped.


"Can we speak to you privately, please?"

They went into the scrub room. "What's up? Is everything ok?" Teddy asked. "When we brought your husband into the OR, we originally thought we could go in with a bronchoscope and a laser, however, there was a lot of bleeding, so we had to open him up", Beck explained.

"Wait. You...wait. No. Owen said that–"

"When we opened him up, we saw that his tumour had eroded his pulmonary artery. We used extraordinary measures..."


"But we... We used extraordinary measures, but his heart could not tolerate the excessive bleeding"


"He did not survive the surgery, I'm sorry"

"You're saying... You're saying, he's dead"


"Say it"


"When you inform the family, you have to say it so that they know that it's really happening. It's the first thing that you're taught. I never really thought about it... But now I get it, and, um...I need you... I need you to say it"

"Henry is dead"

"Thank you"

She left the room. "Oh, my God", Beck whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

Beck sat silently in the resident's dressing room when Owen appeared in the doorway. "Where's Teddy?" he asked her.

"I don't know"

"Wait. You-you told her?"

"Of course I did"

"You should've let me. I should've been the one..."

"Oh, my God. This is not about you. Who cares who told her? Ok, I told her, because you made us stand there and talk and joke and-and lie to her for hours, for hours"

"I am sorry. I had to..."

"No, I know. I don't wanna... I don't wanna hear it. And neither will she"

Arizona found Owen in the hallway. "Thank God. I've been looking for you everywhere", she said, stopping him.

"What happened? Is everything–?"

"Just come with me"

Owen held a sleeping Aurora's hand as she lay in a hospital bed. She slowly opened her eyes. "Hey", he greeted softly.

"Hi. Is everything okay? You've got a weird look on your face"


"I'm not pregnant anymore?"


"Where's the baby?"


"No. No. He was just... He can't be... I didn't even get to see him"

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry"

She sobbed hysterically as he continued to hold her hand and hold back his tears. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is suddenly by billy ocean

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