Chapter Six

"As babies, we were easy. One cry meant you were hungry, another you were tired. It's only as adults that we become difficult. We start to hide our feelings, put up walls. It gets to the point where we never really know how anyone thinks or feels. Without meaning to, we become masters of disguise. It's not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it's better to just keep things to yourself, though, play dumb, even when your whole body's aching to come clean. So you shut your mouth, keep your secret, and find other ways to keep yourself happy" 

"control yourself"

"Fifth year is the hardest year of your residency", Owen stated to the residents in the resident's lounge. "Every surgery you do will go on your record, the wins and the losses". As he was speaking, Meredith rushed in in pink scrubs and sat in between Cristina and Lucy. "In just a few months, you will...", he continued. "What did I miss?" Meredith asked. "You're OB now?" Jackson said. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen, huh?" "She misses Zola. Her uterus hurts", Alex said, causing a smack from Lucy. "Oh, leave her alone, dirtbag", Cristina threatened. "You are embarrassing me". "I'm getting to deliver babies", Meredith replied. "I'm making life, you know?"

"Yeah, you know what? You're making me gag. Okay, slumming it in OB for a few weeks is okay. Whatever. But wearing the vagina squad scrubs in public? We have standards, Meredith"

"It is extremely important that you rack up as many good outcomes as possible for your boards", Owen said. "I am implementing a system. I will receive an email if any of you exceed more than 10 bad outcomes in your OR. Ten. Any more is unacceptable". April rushed in. "Welcome, Dr Kepner", he greeted her. "Sorry. I got stuck in the lab with Bailey", she explained.

"I don't care where you were. I care that you already have, let's see, two bad outcomes in your OR"

"Loser", Alex laughed.

"Of course that's nothing compared to Karev's impressive five bad outcomes"

"Oh!", April said, laughing. "I keep getting dud patients", Alex defended. "Tell it to your board examiners", Owen said. "The point, people, is to keep your bad outcomes to a minimum, or you will be hard-pressed to find a fellowship next year".

Callie, Cristina and Lucy stepped out of the elevator. Cristina was texting on her phone and not listening. "I should be grateful that they're getting along, right?" Callie said. "But I'm not, though. I'm bitter. All they do is cook together and talk about food and watch shows where other people talk about food and...". Callie took Cristina's phone and read it. "Don't read that", Cristina warned. "I'll bend you over the conference room table and...", she started to read but stopped, shocked. "Okay, why did you let me read that". "Cristina, who is that from?" Lucy asked. "Are you dating someone?" "Maybe", Cristina smirked. "He can't get enough of me. Jealous?"

"Hey, I get plenty, thank you"

"I was talking to Callie"


"But good to know Alex is giving you the good stuff"

"I am jealous, actually. Of both of you", Callie said. "Arizona and I haven't had much "alone time" lately, and so instead, we eat".

"Oh, that's depressing"

"Yeah, let's just talk about the case"

"Okay. What is it?"


"Hip replacement, shoulder dislocation?"

Lucy and Callie shared an amused look. "This is your first time copiloting with me", Callie said. "You think I'm gonna bore you with routine crap?"

They entered their patient's room. "Mr and Mrs Moser? Hi", Callie greeted them. "Sorry. My lazy sack husband thinks that this is his bed", Mrs Moser said. "It's not?" Cristina asked. "No, this is our patient's parents", Callie said. "This is Dr Shepherd and Dr Yang, my co-surgeons on this case". "Oh, so nice to meet you both", Mrs Moser said, shaking both of their hands, before smacking her husband's shoulder. "Get up! Come on. Pretend you have manners for a second". "What, the kind of manners that allow you to insult your husband in front of strangers?" he said.

"Stop it"

"Stop fighting", a voice said from behind them. "You're scaring the doctors". They turned around to see a boy with his bent down walking out of the bathroom. "Hi. Tyler", he said, putting out his hand for Cristina. "I'm... I'm not staring at your boobs. I mean, I am, but I can't help it". "Tyler suffers from a degenerative bone disease called cervical spondylosis", Lucy explained. "He was in a car accident two years ago, which further injured his neck, and so we are gonna build him a new one in a three-day, three-part surgery". "Thank you, Dr Shepherd", Callie smiled.

Cristina and Lucy caught up with Alex. "Hey, Karev, trade with me", Cristina said. "Ortho for cardio. I mean, you need a good outcome, and I'm just doing a stupid neck surgery with Callie". "There's no such thing as a stupid neck surgery", Lucy argued. "She's just afraid of tanking her winning streak, so now she wants back on the easy train". "Not happening", Alex said. Teddy and Beck caught up with them. "What easy train?" Teddy asked. "That's what Dr Karev calls your service", Cristina stated. "'Cause your patients never die", Alex pointed out. "It's a compliment". "Oh, it has nothing to do with the fact that you're piling up bad outcomes?" Beck said, as Lucy and Cristina left.

"They were dud patients"

"I'm sure"

"Shall we?" Teddy asked and they entered their patient's room. "Who do I have to pay to get the tennis match on in here?" their patient, Chuck asked. "We'll have a nurse look into it", Alex replied.

"Yeah, well, make sure she's cute"

"Delightful", Beck muttered. "Chuck Cain, 71. Came into the ER last night after a syncopal episode. The scan showed a narrowed aortic valve that we will replace during open-heart procedure".


"It's a safe surgery. Don't worry", Alex reassured.

"I don't care about safe. I care about the scar. How big?"

"Ten inches at most"

"Ten? Nope. Not doing it"

"Trust me. A scar is a small price to pay for how much better you're going to feel"

"How old do you think I am?"

"You're 71"

"Because you read the chart. But, if you didn't, you'd say 60, right? Look, I'm in incredible shape, and the ladies agree. But look, the minute you open up my chest, I'm done. There's no more meeting women at the pool with a scar like that. I mean, all they'll see is a future of doctor's appointments, hospital visits, and bad sex. So, no. No open-heart surgery"

"Look, Mr Cain"

"We'll investigate alternatives", Teddy said. "And get me a decent pillow while you're at it", he said. "My ass has got more cushion than this thing".

"We removed all the old hardware, and we're all set to implant the cage tomorrow", Callie explained to the Mosers. "So try to get some rest, okay? "Oh, well, I'm gonna stay the night and make sure he's got some company", Mrs Moser said. "I'll stay. I don't need the rest", Mr Moser said.

"And I do?"

"I don't know. You're always talking about how big the bags under your eyes are, so..."


"Aren't visiting hours over?" Tyler asked. "Yes. They are", Lucy said. "Sorry". "Alright. Well, call if you need anything", Mr Moser said. "Alright?" "Okay", Tyler replied. Mr and Mrs Moser left the room. "Well, surgery brings out the worst in people", Callie said. "Marriage brings out the worst in them", Tyler corrected. "I'm grateful they dropped everything to help take care of me, but seriously, the second I'm better, I'm moving out. I need some peace and quiet". "Well, we can help you get some now, okay?" Lucy said. He smiled and she and Callie left the room.

Cristina and Lucy were in April's office as Cristina fed a donut to the mouse on the desk. April and Meredith entered the room. "What are you doing?" April exclaimed, taking the donut. "Researching a new surgery for our neck guy", Cristina replied.

"What are you feeding my mouse? Q is diabetic. A donut could kill him"

"Then why is he in your office?"

"So Meredith can run tests on him"

"Are you really gonna do her grunt work?"

"Bailey blames me for Richard losing his trial. The last thing she wants is for me to work on it"

"Which is why you're doing it in secret", April pointed out. "Okay, that is the worst idea I've ever heard", Lucy said. "Seriously", Meredith said. "I am your chief resident, Dr Grey", April snapped, making the three laugh. "Which means if you cross me, I will make your life a living hell. I will put you on call every night, I will assign you dumb interns, and I will make sure that you get every exploding bowel and rotting limb that comes into this hospital".

"Okay. Relax. I'll do it"

"Okay. It's 'cause I made my voice different, right? That's why you..."

"Go away before you embarrass yourself more", Cristina said.

"This procedure is minimally invasive", Alex said, showing Chuck a new procedure. "And the great news is, the scar will look like this. It's much smaller". "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I want this instead", Chuck interrupted, showing a picture of a groin. "What the hell is that?" Beck asked.

"That's my friend Tony's groin. I had him email a picture last night. He had the same problem with his valve last year, and his doctor replaced it with a catheter through the groin. See? Barely any scar. It's called a T-A-V-I"

"Yeah, a TAVI is an experimental procedure", Alex said. "There are tons of risks, bleeding, stroke...".

"Look, I'm the one having this and paying for it, right? So if I say I want a TAVI, give me a TAVI"

"Look, there is a much safer solution to your problem. It's called a rash guard. You wear it at the pool. No one will see your scar"

"Clearly you've never been to Palm Beach. Only fatties wear rash guards"

Alex turned to Teddy. "I can't get through to this guy", he said. "He wants a TAVI", Teddy replied. "Look into it and decide if he's a good candidate". He turned back to Chuck. "I'll look into a TAVI", he said. "See? Now that's the answer I was looking for", Chuck said. "I knew you had it in you, kid".

Callie, Lucy and Cristina were in the OR. "Oh, damn it", Callie muttered. "You need a hand?" Mark asked from where he was sitting in the corner.

"No, just, the cage won't fit. His bone's so destroyed, the screws won't hold"

"We should do the fusion instead", Cristina suggested.


"Well, we researched it", Lucy added.

"You too, Shepherd? Really?"

"Sorry, she made a good case. We can re-fuse him if we take down enough of his scar tissue..."

"I said no"

Arizona came in. "Hey", she whispered to Mark. "My surgery got pushed. And I can't pick up the short ribs". "The butcher closes at 6:00, right?" Mark replied. "Why are you so gung ho to do this?" Cristina asked Callie. "Why are you so not?" Callie replied. "We could roast a chicken", Arizona exclaimed. "Yes", Mark agreed. "Could we please shut up about dinner?" Callie snapped. "Please". "Sorry", Arizona said.

"Forget it. We're closing him up"

"What? No", Lucy said.

"Yes. We need more time to figure out a new game plan that's not a fusion. So I'm gonna secure the cage temporarily and close"

"Which means I'm free to go to the butcher", Mark said. "Problem solved".

Alex and Beck entered April's office where Meredith was. "You're ditching OB to be a vet now?" Beck asked her. "April dumped Bailey's trial on me", Meredith replied. "I would be annoyed, but it turns out I'm good with mice. And I found her secret snack drawer". "Sweet", Alex said and he and Beck were about to pick a snack when April came in. "Hey. Hey, that is not your food. Not your food", she said, closing the drawer. "What have you done to my office?" "Get over it. I'm helping you. And go get me a healthy mouse", Meredith said.

"Bailey hasn't left the lab in 48 hours. I can't steal another mouse"

"I can't steal another mouse", Alex mocked.

"Fine. Fine. Just keep going, and good job"

Meredith laughed as April left the room. Cristina and Lucy entered the room. Lucy flopped down on the couch beside Alex. "Tell me what it feels like to get a bad outcome", Cristina said. "Neck guy's paralysed?" Alex asked.

"Not yet. What would happen if I took my name off the case?"

"Do it. You can take my old guy. Altman's trying to make me do a TAVI on him"

"No way. You're just asking for a bad outcome. Peanut?"


Cristina sat on the couch with her snack from the drawer. "Derek ran an MRA", Lexie said to Meredith, entering the room. "And found out he can reach under the pericallosal vessels and reach the tumour on both sides". "So he's operating?" Meredith said.

"No. Mary's afraid of the risks. Well, Clay, really, but she listened to him"

"Okay, but did you tell them how good he is?"

"Yeah. Kind of"

"Do I have to do everything myself?"

Meredith left the room followed by Lexie. Alex, Lucy and Beck were looking into Cristina's phone as she sent dirty texts. "Hot", Alex commented. "Right?" Cristina agreed. Alex and Lucy exchanged a look. He grabbed her hand and they left the room.

Callie, Cristina and Lucy were in the OR. "Are you kidding me? How the hell is this not working?" Callie said. "Dr Torres", Cristina began.

"Just give me a second, okay?"

"As one of the co-surgeons on this case, I say we abandon the reconstruction, and do a standard fusion"

"We're not quitting. How many times do I have to say that?"

"I'm simply recommending an alternative solution"

"Yeah? Well, your solution sucks"

The monitor started beeping. "He's lost motor evoked responses", Lucy said. "Okay, that's it. You know, I'm out. I'm taking my name off the case", Cristina said. "Wait. There's an electrode out", a nurse said. "Unbelievable", Callie muttered, fixing it. "Alright. How's that? Great. He's fine. Done. Your name's off the case. 5.5-millimeter cobalt chrome rod and alternating cross connectors. I'm gonna link the three rods together". "What? You can use the cobalt rods for this?" Cristina asked. "What do you care? You're off the case", Lucy pointed out. "Go!" Callie snapped. Cristina left the OR.

Lexie, Beck, Jackson, Alex and Lucy were at Joe's. "He just went in blind and hit the ventricle", Lexie said, explaining her surgery with Derek. "It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen". "All Sloan taught me today was how to brine a chicken", Jackson said. "Altman called me a chicken", Alex said. "My day was great", Lucy said. April came over and took Alex's beer. "What you said to me the other day was horrible, mean, and...", she said. "Alright. You're doing it again. You're like a friggin' mosquito", Alex replied, making the others laugh.

"Yeah, well, that's all changing. Lexie, Beck, you're leading pre-rounds tomorrow. Jackson, Lucy, you're touring med students and, Alex, you've got nights in the ER for the next week. Any of you argue with me, and I'll take you off the OR board indefinitely. I, on the other hand, just got fired from Bailey's trial. So I'm gonna spend the night drinking and flirting with boys"

She chugged Alex's beer and left them. "Am I the only one starting to really like her?" Beck asked. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is kids/poker face by weezer

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