Chapter 3

*The next day*

Sasha's POV

I walked inside the performing center and felt the nice cool AC hit my face. I looked around and didn't see many people, just the way I like it. The earlier you come the more you can practice freely. I quickly went into the locker room and changed into my workout clothes and stored my stuff away and walked out and bumped into April.

Sasha: Hey! Thank God you're here, wanna start fresh and early?

April: You know it. Let me put my stuff away and I'll meet you in the ring

Sasha: Okay! Hurry up before everyone comes

She then walked to the locker room and I slowly walked to the ring and looked at it. The only thing that came to mind was Roman and his words. I promised him 10 days and that's all I'm giving him and honestly, I hope he fails me. I don't want to stand around and attend his petty parade of  horny jealous females. I know some of these females don't even care for wrestling like many others do and I don't want to be apart of the wrong squad, I want to be on the right side. I shake off my thoughts and jump into the ring and start warming up doing simple cardio workouts. 3 minutes later April came out and met me in the ring and I finished warming up with her then we got started. We started doing simple maneuvers inside the ring and out and got a little carried away. It started to feel like a real match and we ended up fighting like it was Wrestlemania. She started throwing me around the ring and I did the same in all good spirit and it felt amazing. I'm honestly doing and learning more with April than I did with Roman which doesn't shock me one bit.

Sasha: Okay time out...I need a break

April: Oh you need a break?

Sasha: Yes!

Then out of nowhere she jumped on me and put me into a Black Widow and had me locked into it till I tapped out

April: Want your break? Break out of this!


April: TAAAAP!

I wiggled and jerked trying to get out of her hold but she had me good. I got exhausted and just tapped out and gave up.


I was going to say something but I was too tired to, so I just gave her a look while waiting for her to let me go.

Roman: Shame you gave up so easily

Just as April was letting me go I looked towards that "human" who had the audacity to speak about me giving up early. April let me go and I sat up on my legs as Roman made his way in the ring.

Sasha: you...want?

Roman: April, put her in that hold again

Sasha: Oh no please I need a break

Roman: This will take a second I promise

Sasha: Sound great but I really need a bre-

Roman: Do you want to learn or not?

He said that sternly and looked at me with such serious eyes which made me feeling like I don't have a choice to say no.

Sasha: Fine

Roman: Good, April if you would please

April: Sure..

April and I looked at each other awkwardly and she put me in the Black Widow. My legs and back were already weak from holding her so long and now I could feel my legs shaking slightly ready to fall out.

Roman: Good now you see how she pulling most of your weight to the right?

Sasha: I can't see but I can feel it!

Roman: Then listen to me closely, fold your loose back onto her thigh and push it off then quickly grab her and throw her down onto her back

I looked at him crazy and extremely confused. How the hell am I suppose to grab her if she has my hand and weight completely on the other side.

Roman: Trust me, it will look awesome

Sasha: Thanks Miz...

I sighed and gave it a try with what energy and strength I had left. I placed the loose arm on her thigh and pushed as hard as I could and believe it or not I was actually able to get her leg off my neck but she landed on her feet. I quickly flip and kicked her to the ground and flip into my hold I called the bank statement.

Roman: Nice job Sasha! Alright you girls can stop now and have a break

Sasha: Thank God!

I let go of April and helped her up and high five her. Roman then stepped into the ring and clapped for us.

Roman: Even though that was extremely short that was some nice action you guys had going on.

Believe it or not I was actually happy to hear that come out his mouth rather than something sexual and unnecessary .

Roman: You two might be really on to something and I think it's something great for both of your futures

April: Well thank you Mr. Randomly being nice guy

Roman laughed at her remark but I thought the same. Why is he being extremely nice to both of us today? Must be because of our deal he thinks he has to be nice to me and my friends.

Sasha: Well I'm going to take a break I well deserve now while you two keep it up

April: Uh I'm coming with you too loser

Sasha: Loser? I am no loser

April: Sure you're not tapper

Sasha: I only tapped to take a break!

April: No you defiantly tap to my superior strength

Sasha: Wasn't so superior just a few minutes ago

April: Yeah thanks to help you needed

Sasha: Shut up

We both laughed and stepped out the ring and more people appeared.

April: Hey I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick and be right back

Sasha: Okay I'll be over there by the seats

April: Okay

She ran off to the bathroom in a funny style and I couldn't help to laugh. With my back to the ring I walked to the chairs that were facing the ring and right as I turned around to take a seat Roman was there in a flash scaring the crap out me and making me fall on my butt

Roman: Oh shoot, sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Here let me help you up

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up and placed me in the chair then kneel down to me.

Sasha: Okay, I'm going to be completely honest with you

Roman: Please do

Sasha: You are SERIOUSLY freaking me out

Roman: How so?

Sasha: First your completely rude to me and now suddenly your all nice and caring? What's going on what do you want from me?

Roman: For you to stay

Sasha: Stay?

Roman: In my group

Sasha: Oh my gosh I knew it

Roman: What?

Sasha: You're trying to bribe me with your kindness

Roman: Ignorants isn't going to make you stay

Sasha: Neither is being fake going to make me stay! Honesty is everything and I don't want you putting on a fake mask and pretend like you suddenly care for me and well being just so I can stay

Roman: But I-

Sasha: If you really want me to stay then be real with me, got it?

With that said I stood up and walked away in complete disgust. I headed towards the bathroom and soon as I walked in I saw April washing her hands and she looked at me just before a raged out.


April: What happened?

Sasha: He's so fake! Pretending to actually care for me and our future. I know EXACTLY how he is and it's nothing like what's he's doing now

April: Yeah I noticed that to, why is he doing that?

Sasha: Because he knows I want to leave this group more than anything and he probably figured out you want to leave to so he's trying to do whatever it takes to be all nice to us just so we can stay but I see right threw him and it's BULLSHIT!

April: It is odd but...

Sasha: But?

April: What if he really does care?

Sasha: Please a guy like him? He got everything going for him. I'm pretty sure he's just here to pick up so pussy and then leave the second he has a chance.

April laughed at my rant and I just threw my hands up being completely honest. He never even told us why he's here in the first place. He's on the main roster and on many poster then you're suddenly down here training people?

April: Still, we shouldn't completely beat him to the curve. He may really want to help us and work with us. Besides, we're the best in the group so it make sense why we might the favorite

Sasha: That is true but I'm not giving him a pass just yet

April: We may never have to give him the pass

Sasha: Why do you say that?

April: Yesterday when I left the building a girl came up to me and asked me if she wanted to trade spots and get this, it's a girl from Mickie James side

Sasha: Are you serious?!

April: Yes! And she has a friend who willing to trade spots too

Sasha: OH MY GOSH THIS IS GREAT! Wait why do they want to trade spots. Do they not like Mickie James or something?

April: No they like her but they like Roman more just as I predicated and they think Mickie is too mean and strict

*Knock Knock*


April: Well there's our cue

Sasha: Right

We fixed our hair back up into a ponytail and walked out the bathroom together. I was jumping with joy on the inside knowing I could trade places with someone and get the heck away from this group. Kinda wonder who the girls are that want to trade places with us.

*6:00 pm*

Roman: Okay good work today. You guys did so much better today than yesterday and I hope we can keep this flow up. Remember to do your research and come back with something new and learn proper form. Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow

Ladies: Bye Roman

Roman: Bye ladies

Everyone started leaving the ring except Gabi and GiGi of course. As I left the ring I couldn't help but look at Roman and see him smiling and making Gabi and GiGi blush which made me roll my eyes and mind my business. Today's session was pretty normal to be honest and I don't know what "better" Roman was talking about but to me it was a normal session doing the basics again. I don't ever like to sound too cocky but I know this stuff and I know I'm better at it than these other girls who are struggling majorly. It's because of there struggle we're sticking to the same moves and it's frustrating cause I came to this to improve my skills not repeat the basics over and over. This is just another reason to put on my list of reasons to leave Roman's group and this list is just getting bigger and bigger. April and I went straight to the locker room and gathered our belongings.

April: Okay this is going to sound weird but can you please shower with me?

Sasha: Um no

April: I don't mean in the same showers I just want to wash off this sweat now. I waited till I got home to shower and stunk up my car because I waited and I don't want the repeat that.

As much as I wanted to get this sweat off too I just didn't want to go shower again knowing Roman could possibly creep up again.

Sasha: April stop being such a baby and just go shower

April: Please Sasha? Pleeeeeeeease

Sasha: Ugh fine

April: Yay!

I sat my bag down and grabbed my bath utensils and went to the showers with April. Nearly the whole female locker room was in the bathroom using the showers and gossiping. April and I just minded our businesses and took our shower and listen to the gossip going around from our group. Not like we had a choice to not listen with how loud they were speaking to each other. All the gossip was about themselves and their in-ring skills and who Roman gave attention to and some random shocked how they think they're the best in the group and April and I just laughed quietly and some gave us looked but nothing else. We finished and quickly left the bathroom and back into the locker where Gabi and GiGi were giggling among themselves. I put my things back into my bag and waited for April and for something I saw Gabi and GiGi giving me a look, a non-pretty look. For what reason I have no clue but I always felt like they had something against April and I by the way they look at us when we enter the room or ring. I just ignored them for now and walked out with April and without looking up straight I bumped right into someone hard chest. I looked up and saw Roman looking down at me. Never really realized how tall he was till now.

Roman: Sasha just the person I'm looking, do you have a minute?

I looked at April and she just looked and I sighed.

Sasha: Guess I'll see you tomorrow

April: Yeah okay, see ya

She hugged me then walked away and left me with Roman.

Sasha: Yes?

Roman: Changed your mind yet?

Sasha: Not quite, is that all?

Roman: Not quite

He smiled and I just sighed and waited for another annoying remark.

Sasha: What do you want then Roman I'm extremely sore and tired

Roman: I want to tell you sorry for being soft and nice to you. You completely didn't deserve my generosity and I swear I will never be nice to you again

Sasha: Haha very funny Roman I never said I didn't want your generosity I said I didn't want you to be fake towards me

Roman: I wasn't being fake towards you earlier I was actually be me

Sasha: I don't believe you nor do I trust you

Roman: Now what valid reason do you have for that?


I actually had to think about it for a second. I had reason but none of them were really valid. Pretty much all opinion except for one

Sasha: How about the time you threaten me?

Roman: I thought you said you weren't scared

Sasha: Well I am now. Scared that I might have to be stuck with you

Roman: Please that's a barely a valid reason and not something to be scared about

I rolled my eyes getting extremely annoyed at this conversations. It's like he pulled me over just to annoy me

Roman: And there you go again with that nasty attitude

I looked at him frustrated and he smirked just as I looked at him which gave me an idea

Sasha: Alright then tell me, what valid reason do you have to talk to me right now?

Roman: To apologize which I already did

Sasha: What valid reason do you have to be nice to me?

Roman: Like I said before, I see potential in you and I want you to stay in my group and not trade spots with someone

Sasha: What's a valid reason for me stay in your group?

Roman: Unlike Mickie, I'm currently still in the business and I could get you in much easier

Sasha: Fair, but Natalya is also in the business. I could join her. Plus she probably have better ties than you

He then froze and I smirked cause he knew I was right. Natalya could help me better than he could plus, no distractions

Sasha: I'm waiting?

Roman: Alright you got me and you're right

He nodded and smirk and I smiled and shrugged my shoulders

Sasha: I know I am, and always will be

I started walking away till he grabbed my wrist tightly making me looked back at him

Sasha: Ouch Roman let go!

Roman: Just stay, for me..please?

I looked in his eyes again and once again I saw it, sorrow. Why is he like this? A dick for a minute then a soft ass the next.

Sasha: It's just day one, you still got 9 more days to impress me

Roman: Promise I won't let you down princess

I slightly blushed at his remark and he noticed then pulled me into him and hugged me which I didn't fight off. I actually stood there for a little while letting him hold me and enjoyed it slightly until he kissed my neck again making me tense up. I pushed away from him and looked at him and realized what I was doing and what was going on.

Sasha: Okay bye see you tomorrow

With that I quickly walked out nearly running to my car and threw my bag in and got the driver seat and took a deep breathe

Sasha: Fuck. Again....

Hey! Hope you liked this chapter! If it looks different from my last I'm really sorry Im typing this from my laptop so if it looks different on the phone or computer I'm really sorry! but I still hope you liked this chapter and tell me your thoughts in the comments! Also thank you SOOOO MUUUCH for the support on this book! I didn't realize how many people liked this and seriously you guys blew me away with the support recently when I was planning to delete this book but I promise I am not deleting this book and more future chapters to come! Thanks for reading!

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