Chapter 1

Monday, 7:30 am

Orlando, Florida

Sasha's POV

Ron: Welcome future superstars! My name is Ron and I will be your instructor threw out your training time here. This training is no joke. We are going to make superstars out of you and take you to your best potential and all we ask for is your attention, dedication, and passion but most of all, hard work.

I stood there smiling like a little kid with a bag of candy. I can't believe I'm here. I mean I know I should be here, I belong here. But I can't believe I'm ACTUALLY HERE. Ron talked more about training and I was just ready to get straight to it. I want to wrestle. I don't care for talk I just want to prove to them why I was drafted and why I belong here.

Ron: Now we have a couple WWE superstars here with us today to help out. They will be here threw out the whole training helping you guys out. We are going to divide you in groups so each WWE superstar can have a better chance working with you. So introducing the Superstar that you will be working with that I'm also hoping you guys already know is Chris Jericho.

He waved and people clapped for him.

Ron: Mickie James

She waved and I clapped hard for her. Praying I get paired with her.

Ron: Natalya

She waved and smiled and we clapped and heard some guys cheering for her.

Ron: And finally Roman Reigns

He just stood there nodding his head and you could females cheering for him and clapping her for him. I didn't pay too much attention to him because I was too focus on Mickie James. She's a legend! I know she could help me in the ring a lot and possibly out the ring. I just badly hope I'm put with her.

Ron: Alright now that that's out the way lets get to your groups. There are lists against the wall by the water fountain. You will see the super stars name first then your name. Go have a look and figure out where you are going. Once you know your group go the the assign locker room you are assigned too and be back out on this floor by 8 am SHARP. Alright any questions?

We all looked around and not one person rose their hand.

Ron: Perfect! Now break

Everyone walked over to the list to see where we're going. I ran over to get ahead of everyone and looked for Mickie James. I found her list and looked down hoping to see my name.

Mickie James

- Alice Adams

- Alex Jones

- Jessica Luck

- Monica Paz

- Mya Reed

- Nia boarders

- Tammie Bellmans

- Tyler Wright

- Xaivor Jordan

- Zayn Adams

Locker room 2

Dammit! Why couldn't I be with her?! I looked around not seeing my name on Natalya's list either or Jericho meaning only one thing. I'm with him. I looked down where Roman's list was and saw a whole bunch of females surrounding it. Some were super happy and some where sad from not seeing there name. I walked closer to Roman's list as other people started to leave and saw what locker room and I was assigned too and who was in my group.

Roman Reigns

- Amanda Saccomanno (Mandy From Tough Enough)

- April Mendez (A.J. Lee)

- Gabriela Castrovinci (Gabi from Tough Enough)

- Giorgia Piscina (Gigi from Tough Enough)

- Ariane Andrew (Cameron)

- Danielle Moinet (Summer Rae)

- Eva Marie

- Barbara Jean Blank (Kelly Kelly)

- Celeste Braun (Kaitlyn)

- Emma

- Sasha Banks

Locker Room 4

I rolled my eyes already knowing there's going to be drama. Why does he have only girls? Especially the bitchy ones. The only non bitch I see is A.J. and thank god I get along with her but sadly that's the only person I get along with. I've had issues with pretty much everyone on this list, especially Kaitlyn. We use to be close but long story short a boy got in between us and we never talked since that blow out so all I really got is A.J. I walked to the locker room I was assigned too and put my things away in the locker that had my name on it. All the other girls were putting their things away having small talk about Roman and fan girling over him.

Gigi: Oh my God! I'm so happy we're with fine ass reigns!

Gabi: I know me too! I still can't believe his fine ass is single! what should I wear for him?

Gigi: Wear those tight grey shorts that go with the tight grey top (outfit in picture)

Amanda: Oh my gosh I'm wearing the same thing!

Gigi: Yes bitch Roman is going to drool over us!

They started giggling and laughing and I just rolled my eyes. I don't see what women really like in Roman other than his looks. He's such a rude arrogant controlling guy who is so cocky. Personally, no matter how good you look, if you have a nasty attitude your ugly. I'm also not here for my prince charming, I'm here to work and I know how much of a freak Roman is. I never been involved with him or ever really met him in person but I have friends, close friends, that he use for sex and destroyed their lives because he wanted to feel powerful over women he can get in bed easily. One of my friends he use to mess with told me he's always wanting sex but not from anyone. He likes to go for the vulnerable girls because they're the "easiest". I sat on the floor and started stretching a little bit as the girl continued chatting about Roman. I honestly think they forgot what we are suppose to be doing which is wrestling and making it to TV but it's ok if they slack. That just means more room for me and possibly a Womens title shot. I sat in a straddle and started stretching till it was time to go out.

*8:00 am*

We all walked out and stood in the same spot as before in front of our instructor.

Ron: Alright superstars your trainer is at a ring waiting for you. They will tell you what you will be learning today and your schedule for the day. Alright lets hustle.

We all walked away from the instructor and headed to our trainer. Roman was in the far right corner pretty much away from everyone. Our group gathered around the ring Roman was standing in with his arms crossed showing off his thick muscles. He looked at some girls and smirked causing some girls to giggle and laugh. I just rolled my eyes.

Roman: Good morning ladies

Ladies: Good morning Roman

Roman: Today we will be doing a series of maneuvers in the ring. First we're going to stretch. Then starts a couple maneuvers just so you guys get a good feel of what to expect. Then you'll have a lunch break and get straight back into maneuvers and finish. Sounds Good?

Ladies: Yeeess

Roman: Great. lets start stretching

We all got into a straddle and started stretching. Roman walked around and touched some of us helping us out to get a better stretch. Luckily he didn't touch me. He just walked around me checking me out and told me good job.

We finished stretching and all gathered inside the ring in front of Roman. He stood back into his stupid stand with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face making some girls lightly squeal. I just rolled my eyes and looked across the room to Mickie James group who were actually hustling. They were doing moves and cross-overs and Mickie James was encouraging them. I could be in her group actually learning stuff and hustling, but no put me with the horny freak who checks out all of our asses. I looked back at him and he was looking at me hard for a moment then looked back forward. Weird but whatever.

Roman: Alright lets get into it. First I'm going to teach you the basic but I need a partner.

All the girls rose their hands including A.J which I was shocked about. I just stood there thinking he was going to pick someone who had their hand up but then..

Roman: Uhhhh Sasha!

I looked at him crazy knowing damn well I didn't have my hand up. I looked at the other girls and they gave some nasty looks which I just ignored. I sighed and walked up to Roman face and waited for instructions.

Roman: Turn around He said seductively starring me in the eyes

I turned around and waited for more instructions. He stood behind me for a little while and I could feel his eyes roaming my body making me slightly annoyed. He finally walked around and started explaining a set up then came back to me and put his hands and arms up. We locked up then I took him down just like he said and he started talking

Roman: See her great form. This is how you all should be and how your opponent should look under you. Very good Sasha

Sasha: Thanks

I let go and stood up and reached out my hand to help him up. He pulled hard making fall onto him but he caught me as he stood up. He wrapped wrapped his arm around and softly groaned so only I could hear it causing me to freak out. I pushed him away and he just chuckled at me. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my spot

Roman: Thank you Sasha lets give her a round of applause

Everyone started clapping and looked at me in disgust. I looked at Roman as he continued to smirk at me like I was a joke. Why does he keep looking at me? Why is he paying so much attention to me? I ignored my thoughts and looked away from Roman. He had us pair up and work in partners and take turned locking up and takeover. I paired up with A.J of course and we did a great job and of course Roman kept his eyes on me. Even when I wasn't in the ring I saw him in the corner of my eye roaming my body again. I ignored it and waited for our lunch break. Once everyone had their turn we gathered back in the ring and Roman started talking again.

Roman: Alright time for lunch break I'll guide you to our personal catering room and then we'll get right back to it Sounds Good?

We nodded and he lead us to the catering room the had food all spread out on 3 tables. We got into a line and picked out our food then sat down at different tables. Roman sat at a table in the middle of the room and girls surrounded him quickly and started chatting with him. I avoided them majorly by sitting at a table in the corner by myself. I just got a ham sandwich and a mini fruit bowl. I started eating my food and looked around and spotted AJ walking towards my table.

AJ: Please let me sit with you. I don't want to be alone and I sure as hell don't want to be with those bitches

Sasha: Go right ahead, completely understand

She sat down on my right side and we started talking and eating the same time. Me and A.J are actually sorta similar. We both are low key nerds and love Sailor Moon and many more Anime. We started talking about more anime and then she randomly stopped.

AJ: you have something going on with Roman?

Sasha: HAHA not at all..why do you ask?

AJ: Cause he keeps looking at you, see?

I looked to my left and saw him checking me out. He winked at me and I just rolled my eyes ignoring him

Sasha: I don't like nor care for him at all. He's a boy always looking for sex

AJ: Maybe you're his next victim hah

I looked at her not cracking a smile. She started laughing harder which made me smile and roll my eyes taking a bite of my sandwich.

Roman: You sure do roll your eyes a lot

I looked up and saw the freak machine himself standing in front of me smirking. What does he want now?

AJ: Um I'm going to go to the bathroom

I quickly looked at her widening my eyes wishing she wouldn't leave me with him but she ignored me and headed straight to the bathroom, leaving me alone with this guy.

Roman: May I sit?

I sighed and just pointed my hand out to a chair allowing him to sit. Man I really don't want to talk to this fool. He's the last thing on my radar.

Roman: You were doing really well out there. I really noticed you

He said that last part in a seductive tone and I just looked at him with no enthusiasm. I grabbed a grape and sighed taking my time to reply

Sasha: Thanks..

Roman: Welcome..

We looked at each other with no words for a moment till he spoke.

Roman: You know, you got a real nasty attitude for a pretty face like yours

Sasha: Why thank you. There's a reason why the call me a boss

Roman: Yeah..I might have to fix that..

I looked at him in complete disgust. Did he really just try to threaten me? Weak.

Sasha: Did you just threaten me?

Roman: Are you scared?

Sasha: HAH course not

Roman: Then it wasn't a threat, but it is an order

Sasha: Order?

He then leaned in close to my ear and placed his hand on my thigh and his thumb close to my pussy.

Roman: Wheather you like it or not by the end of this, I'm going to have you calling me by my proper name, papi

And with that he placed a light kiss behind my ear then stood up and walked away from me leaving me in disgust. Out of all the girls, the vulnerable girls, you want me? Why me?

Hey guys!💕
Sorry I took long to update I got busy!
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Thanks for reading😘

S/O to sweetheartlola !!✨

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